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WoodGreen Language Services

Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.

Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Listening Skills Lesson Plan

Level (LINC & CLB) LINC 5 / CLB 5
Theme & Topic Commercial Services and Business: Consumer
(Content) Protection
Content Objectives LINC = Protection against identity theft, fraud and

SOURCE = Students will be able to learn about the

warnings for possible scams they might encounter (fake
online scams)
Language Skills Individually, Ss will be able to identify if a service is a
Objectives scam by listening to a dialogue.
CLB = Getting Things Done - Understand moderately
complex communication intended to influence or
persuade (such as suggestions, advice, encouragements
and requests) in everyday, personally relevant
- Identifying some implied meanings
- Recognizes and interprets advice, opinions and
- Expressions to give advice

Materials Computer, Speakers, Audio source: Identity Theft

Audio, Markers, Whiteboard, Teacher Talk, Handouts,
Answer Key, Netflix Picture


T writes the date and today’s agenda:
2-5 minutes Teacher introduction
5 minutes Listening Activity
Speaking Activity

Welcome – interpersonal conversation, T introduces herself to class

WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

“A friend of mine recently told me about a scam that happened to

her . . .”

7 minutes T explains a story about scams and highlights about different types of
scams: Romance scams, health/medical scams, identity theft and
phishing scams.

Now, I want to talk about different services we use, sometimes we will

have to be careful
3 minutes
Stimulus task preparation:
Set a context = services
Ask Ss:
5 minutes - Which services do you use?
Netflix - Where do you like to watch movies?
Does anyone here use Netflix?

Let me show you an email I saw from Netflix!

Stimulus task:
Show picture of a phishing scam:

5 minutes
handout Ask:
 What do you see?
 Have you ever seen something like this before?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

 Did you get one? Tell us about it

 Does this gift card seem real or fake? How do you know?

Have Ss volunteer some answers, T writes the target vocabulary that

has been activated and adds additional words if it’s not mentioned
(scam, fake, real, stealing information, identity theft, money, can’t

This gift card is a scam. It’s trying to steal our information by having
us click onto the button. The email address is fake and isn’t from
Netflix. Normally in an email, you should have a text that greets you
first, but this doesn’t have that. “You Can Get $50 NETFLIX Gift
Card” also is written wrong.

10 minutes I want to show you some more words! Let’s look at some vocabulary.

T distributes the vocabulary worksheet, defining words in her own

words first quickly.

Let’s try to fill this worksheet out now! I will give you 5 minutes; you
can work with a partner.

Verify Instructions

T gives 1 minute time warning.

What answers did you get? T goes around the room, Ss answer.
Answer Key:
1. A
2. L
3. I
4. Q
5. C
6. N
7. K
8. P
9. M
10. J
11. F
12. D
13. O
14. B
15. G
16. H
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

17. E
18. R

Bridge to Main Activity: Let’s do a listening activity now!

Main Activity & Task(s)

T introduces main activity.
“We are going to listen to an audio recording of two people talking
about a service that might be a scam. We are going to listen to it a few
times and then complete some activities.”

Assign 1st Listening Task (gist - main ideas: facts & implied meaning)
5 minutes (Multiple Choice *taken from the website)
recording Play listening task a few times first
worksheet Describe task: “For the first task, I will give you a worksheet with five
multiple choice questions about important information. After we listen
to the audio, you can circle which answer is correct for the five
questions. Let’s read through the statements together first.”

*Handout worksheet. T reads the statements and verify comprehension

(Are there any words you don’t understand? Any questions?)

1. The man is looking at a Web site that helps people improve
their _______ skills.
2. According to the man, how much does the Web service cost?
3. The Web site asks for the man's name, birthday, and _____
4. The woman feels that the Web site can't be trusted because
5. The woman _____ to protect her brother from the Web site.

While you’re listening, circle the correct answers a, b, or c.

Work on this by yourself first. Once you’re done, check with another
person sitting next to you. You have 10 minutes to complete this task.

Verify comprehension of task:

So, what will you do?
How much time do you have?
Are you working alone or with a partner?
What do you done once you’re done?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

10 minutes
Any questions?

*Instructor monitors students while they work = “Remember when

5 minutes you’re done to check with another pair.”

Let’s take up the answers: / Ss volunteer to answers

Answer Key
1. A - writing
2. C - free
3. C - bank
4. A – the site uses poor English
5. A – turns the computer off

Good job everyone! Let’s listen to it again for the next activity
5 minutes
Recording Assign 2nd Listening Task (details: comprehension questions)

Play listening task

Describe task: “For the second task, you will listen for specific details.
I will give you 3 questions that you will answer. I want you to answer it
individually first and then check in groups of 2-3. Write your answers
on a sheet of paper. Once you’re done, I want you to find another group
and share your answers.”

*T randomly assigns students into groups

You will have 15 minutes to complete this.

Any questions?

T writes the questions on the board:

1. Why do you think the brother didn’t want to listen to the sister’s
2. What does the sister sound like?
3. The brother said the website had pictures of nice workers there.
Do you think this is true? Why or why not?

Verify comprehension of task:

15 minutes
What is your task?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

How much time do you have?

Where do you write your answers?
Are you working alone or in a group?
5 minutes
Play listening task Identity Theft

Give *5-minute warning

Are we ready to look at the answers? Let’s look!

*T picks on specific students to answer

Answer key:
1. He thinks the free writing class is a real service. Scammers like
to make good deals to convince people to spend their money.
2. The sister sounded like she thought it was funny that her
brother would believe the scam.
3. The pictures are fake and probably are random people. They put
the pictures on to make them look like you can trust them.

BRIDGE TO FEEDBACK: “Let’s discuss about what we listened to

today more closely.”


3 minutes T arrange Ss to be in the same groups and asks them to discuss as a

group to answer the following questions to wrap up:
1. Would you sign up for the free writing course? Why or why
2. What would you say if you were the sister?
10 minutes 3. What would you think if you saw something free online?
4. What would you say if your friend shows you a service that
looks like a scam?

Give Ss 15 minutes to discuss together

Verify task instructions:

 What are these questions for?
 Who will you discuss with?
 Any questions?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

5 minutes
Monitor and facilitate while Ss discuss / 1 minute time warning

Let’s share our answers!

T chooses specific students from different groups to answer and writes

them on the board

Respond to the answers: Were the answers all similar or different?

Have a great break, when we return, we will talk about scams even

Speaking Lesson Plan – EXTENSION

Language Skills Individually, Ss will be able to solve a problem
Objectives together to address a possible scam
CLB= Sharing Information -Agree, disagree and give
opinions in small group discussions or meetings
- Expressing opinions and feelings
- Provides necessary information
Materials Description Handout, Flipchart Paper, Physical Prize,
Paper with Sentence Starters for Advice


RE - Activation
2-5 mins How was your break? - Interpersonal conversation

Let’s do a quick task. I am going to give you some cut out papers of
things to look out for in a scam and some things that are not a scam. I
want you to work with a partner beside you to sort them out

I will give you 5 minutes to complete this task.

5 minutes
Any questions?

Verify task instructions

T monitors
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Are we all done? Let’s share our answers!

T picks on specific students and writes on the board under “Scam” and
“Not a scam”

BRIDE TO MAIN ACTIVITY: Now that we remember how to

identify scams, I want you all to solve a problem!

Main Activity & Task(s)

3-5 minutes I have a problem that I need you to solve for me and I’m asking you for
some advice, how could you help me? Before we can start, I have a
handout for you
5-7 minutes T hands out expressions of advice handout and reads through the
expressions provided.

The first example was done for you. Someone says, “I have a
headache.” The advice given is “You should take a rest.” Try to fill out
the chart and then share your answers with a partner. I will give you 7
minutes to complete!
Verify task instructions
5 minutes Are we all ready to look at the answers? T picks on students to answer
--Answers may vary from Ss

Great job everyone! Now that we are familiar with giving advice, let’s
try to solve this problem.

*Activate text from the ad – limited spots, government I.D,

Driver’s disclaimer, terms and conditions, subject to change
license scam
description T hands out papers with the situation written on it.

I want you all to individually read what’s on there for 3 minutes, and
then we will talk about it together. I want you to read and find what the
problem is, what do you think you will have to do with the problem?
5 minutes
Verify instructions / T monitors and waits for everyone to finish
What did we all read about? What do you think?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

T picks on volunteers Ss to answer

Yes, this is about getting a free driver’s license!
It does look like a potential scam.

I’m going to put you in groups of 3 students and I want you write down
what you would say if I was going to get this free service, give me
some advice.

*T takes out the paper with some possible expressions of advice they
can use to suggest some advice
paper Write your answers down on Flipchart paper, and then we will share
Markers our answers. One person from each group will present. In your groups,
Advice choose one person as the writer, timekeeper and presenter. You will
Sentence have 20 minutes to complete this. Any questions?
20 minutes Verify instructions:
- Are you working alone or in groups?
- Where will you write?
- What roles will you have?
- How much time do you have?
Any questions?

T monitors and facilitates / Ask timekeepers how much time is left at 5


BRIDE TO FEEDBACK: Are we ready to present?


2 minutes We are going to all vote for which group has the best answers. I want
you to pay attention for how they will solve this problem. Each group
will talk for 2-3 minutes. Then we will vote for the best group! Any

Verify instructions
How many minutes will each group speak for?
What will we do after?
minutes Great!
on how T picks a group to present first, and then goes clockwise.
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

groups) How was it everyone? Was there anything similar we saw or different
from each group? *T picks on student volunteers to answers.
3 minutes
Have we all decided who we want to vote for? *T makes a tally on the

Congratulations! *T hands a prize

Let’s talk about what we learned today

12 minutes
Wrap-up questions:
1. Would you ever try to get a free driver’s license?
2. What did we learn today about scams? (go around the room,
picking each student)
3. Do you feel more confident about identifying scams now?

Any final comments?

WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Name: Date:

Scams: Vocabulary Worksheet

Match the words with their meanings

1. ___ Promises a. a commitment to do something in the future.

2. ___ Scam b. stealing personal information by tricking others

3. ___ Warning c. opinions people share about products/services

4. ___ Verify d. can be trusted or always count on to be true

5. ___ Reviews e. accept something is true

6. ___ Gullible f. looking at something for a second time

7. ___ Too good to be true g. to use something/someone for your own benefit

8. ___ Cheat h. getting something valuable for a good price

9. ___ Lies i. an alert about danger

10. ___ Naive j. someone who lacks experience and believes

11. ___ Double check k. appears to be amazing but is unlikely

12. ___ Reliable l. a dishonest trick for financial gain

13. ___ Well-known m. false statements/misinformation

14. ___ Phishing n. someone who easily believes or trusts others

15. ___ Take advantage of o. widely recognized or popular

16. ___ Good deal p. to act dishonestly and mislead

17. ___ Believe q. to confirm

18. ___ Convince r. to make someone believe/persuade

WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Name: Date:

Identity Theft: Multiple Choice Questions

Circle the correct answer for each question

1. The man is looking at a Web site that helps people improve their _______ skills.
a. Writing
b. Reading
c. Computer

2. According to the man, how much does the Web service cost?
a. a month
b. $10 a month
c. Free

3. The Web site asks for the man's name, birthday, and _____ information.
a. Family
b. Job
c. Bank

4. The woman feels that the Web site can't be trusted because ____.
a. the site uses poor English
b. the site's design is terrible
c. the site charges too much money

5. The woman _____ to protect her brother from the Web site.
a. turns the computer off
b. blocks the Web site
c. calls the police
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Poor grammar Website is secure

Website is not secure The company is well-known/reliable
Promises you something that seems too Has good reviews
good to be true
Phone number looks wrong Your friend has used it before
Address is fake Grammar is correct
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

Expressions of Advice

Here are some expressions of advice you can use:

“I suggest...”
“It would be better if...”
“You need to...”
“You should...”
“Have you ever thought of...”
“I think that...”
“How about you...”
“If I were you, I would...”
“I recommend...”
Give some advice to these statements:

I have a bad headache. You should take a rest.

My neighbours are too
I feel tired.

Should I quit school?

I miss my family.

I don’t know where my

phone is.
I think I failed my test.

Should I give my address to

this service?
WoodGreen Language Services
Address: 1491 Danforth Ave.
Mentor: Grace Samsel
Mentee: Kim Nguyen

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