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Case study 3

Daniel Davidson — OneNews “If your investor Takeaways

has never had

While it may sound like the kind of problem everyone wants to have,
Early-stage challenges: creating a model for real-time
it is actually very difficult for a company to remain focused when
news reporting

an ulcer, move on.

it begins to generate widespread interest. Deciding what your
Year founded: 2009 company is not going to be requires discipline and formal processes

It would be like
Location: Miami, Florida for reviewing opportunities.
Current status: privately held
OneNews has deliberately hired executives from non-media
About the company: OneNews has developed a proprietary technology
platform that allows individuals with smart phones to deliver video,
going to war with backgrounds to bring a fresh perspective to the problems it wants
to solve in news and media. Thinking creatively about analogous
sound, and images to news and other organizations that monetize
breaking news for a global audience. In addition to news and media,
somebody who has skill sets (for example, someone from the floral business understands
the need to deliver a product while it’s fresh, just like news) opens
OneNews has expanded to offer its platform to other vertical
industries including brands, municipalities and other organizations
never fired a gun.” up some surprising sources of new ideas.

requiring access to real time content anywhere in the world.

Some of the most riveting news images captured in recent This presents a problem many entrepreneurs might like of his role as CEO to constantly determine where he needs our growth. We look just as carefully at [our investors] as
years have not come from journalists but from regular citizens to have: OneNews encountered too many opportunities additional management and technical expertise based on we do our management team. Success is maximized when
who were at the right place at the right moment to capture to expand after its initial success. This became apparent the changing environment, and then fill those positions. a great opportunity is answered by great management fueled
what they were witnessing on their smart phones. from the first use of the OneNews platform, which was The tricky part was to hire people who shared Daniel’s by great investors.”
While the most timely information about current events is a test video submitted by a volunteer contributor containing world-changing mentality. He says, “You look at the media
just as likely to come from the public as from professional images from inside a plane. Within five seconds, OneNews industry and there’s one organization, the 800-pound gorilla, While there are plenty of investors who are interested in
outlets, we still rely on traditional media to validate the news. was able to confirm that the contributor was sitting in seat that has been around for 160 years providing news feeds the commercial applications of the OneNews platform, Daniel
As of yet, no one has bridged the divide between user- 26C of a plane on the tarmac at Boston Logan airport. to organizations around the world. They’ve done an impeccable believes he needs to choose investors who understand his
generated and professional media content. OneNews aims Daniel says, “From that first technological step forward, job for all those years, but if we hired management out of vision and timeline for growth. “You want to ally yourself with
to do just that, leading a sea change in how we gather things got very exciting, very quickly. We were asked to that company, it would be unlikely that they would bring somebody who understands that entrepreneurial ventures
and receive information. provide information for a major satellite defense contractor a fresh perspective.” have hurdles that are in direct relationship to the size of
that wanted ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground in hot spots the opportunity,” he says. “You want somebody by your side
The premise behind the company’s technology is simple: in the world. We were then contacted by other organizations Some CEOs balk at hiring people from outside their specific who has an appreciation for the process and is focused on
anyone with a smart phone can register to upload content (government, public, and private) that wanted to use our industry, but Daniel believes that the greatest problem-solving the summit, not rattled by the daily climb.”
to the site. The content is then offered to partnering news technology to help paint a rich picture of certain events.” ability comes from someone who has a fresh perspective.
organizations and revenues from the sale are shared He explains, “We hired someone from the floral industry. “If you are trying to change the way an industry does business,
with the contributor. When it was still in its beta release, The challenge for Daniel has been to prioritize and stay focused. Flowers have a day or two before they go stale, and news you want an investor who is focused on putting the pieces
OneNews received some of the first images seen from Oslo “Everyone — the president, the CTO, the marketing team lasts about a day or two before it goes stale. We hired in place to create a sea change; you don’t want somebody
after the bombing, from London during the riots and from — gets excited about new opportunities. And there’s nothing someone else who did logistics in the aviation sector, an who is so short-sighted that they just want to squeeze out
Washington, DC after the earthquake. wrong with getting excited, but one has to step back and industry that is reliant on speed, accuracy, and performance. a couple quarters of profitability and run. Ideally, you also
determine if that kind of enthusiasm needs to be tempered. Those skill sets work perfectly in the news sector.” want an investor who has been in the trenches himself and
OneNews technology has rapidly generated greater — Is the problem that we’re solving a real problem that can had to make payroll. If your investor has never had an ulcer,
and more diverse — interest than anyone anticipated. be monetized and provide the economic rewards to sustain Now that his team is in place, Daniel’s focus has shifted move on. It would be like going to war with somebody who
Founder and CEO Daniel Davidson says, “News and media the engine?” to capitalizing his company’s projected expansion. has never fired a gun.”
was our original focus, but it’s turned out that there is “My biggest focus is making sure that as we finance our
applicability in a number of other verticals. We’ve had to Like any early stage company, a big hurdle for OneNews was growth we do it with the right investors, investors that
decide where to grow. It takes discipline to stay focused.” to assemble a great management team. Daniel sees it as part understand the enormity of the opportunity and help foster

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