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AN UNDER THE DICE FIELD MANUAL FLAMES OF ORION Kt ALPHA TEST RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR MECHANIZED COMBAT IN THE DARK FUTURE Quick Referense SETUP 1. Pick a scenario. Set up the board. Designate Destructible Terrain. PFep Roll for Deployment. 5. Deploy models. Alternating between players. 3” from edge. 6. First Round begins. CH ROUND 1. Roll for Initiative. 2. Players alternate activation of single models performing actions. 3. After all models have finished activating, make HEAT Checks 4. End Round. ACTIVATING MODELS Pick a model. It may perform up to 2 Actions: + Move + — Shoot with Ranged Weapons + Attack with Melee Weapons + Purge HEAT + Disengage from Melee One Action may be Bolstered per Activation. (pg.14) HEAT & ACTIONS Gain HEAT each time you: + Perform a second Action + Perform a Bolstered Action * — Roll a 3+ HEAT Check HEAT Cheek roll ]I-2 3-5 [6 [HEAT Generated |0 {1 2 EXPLODE CHECK Make an Explode Check when: + You reach your HEAT Threshold, after performing the Action. + AMech is reduced to OHP. Explode Check Roll ad6. 1-2: Nothing | 3-6: Explode + Explode distance = HEAT level, in inches. + Terrain blocks Explode Damage, unless the Terrain is also destroyed. Explode Damage (HEAT [1-3 [4-7 [8-9 10 Damage [I |id3__ [3 203 COMB + — Models within 1” of each other are in Engaged. + Engaged models cannot use Ranged Attacks. + Ranged attacks have unlimited range, unless otherwise stated in their profile. + Long Range - Models firing further than 10” -1 to their CS rolls. ATTACK 1. Cheek distance. (Outside 10” -1 to CS rolls.) 2. Check if the model is in cover. (+1 to targets ARMR) 3. Roll attacks. 4. Successful attacks apply weapon damage. 5. Target model makes ARMR saves per point of damage. 6. Ifa model is reduced to OHP, make an Explode Check. Then remove it from the board. + All Mechs within 1” of Destructible Terrain when destroyed, take 1 damage, + Aroll of a6 is always a Critical Hit. +1 Damage BOLSTERED ACTIONS Move Move your Model up to its Speed. Then choose one: - Make a free Melee Action withi - Move your model an additional Rang Choose One: ~ Shoot all Ranged weapons equipped to the model that have not previously fired this turn. - Make an attack with a Ranged weapon. Improve your CS roll by +1 for the attack. Melee Choose One: - Attack with all Melee Weapons not previously used this turn. - Make an attack with a Melee weapon. Improve your CS roll by +1 for the attack. - If you have no Melee Weapons equipped; Perform a RAM: deal 1d3 Damage to yourself, and 1d3 Damage to a target within 1” Disengage You may Move out of combat at '4 Speed. The enemy Mech may not make a free Melee attack with a Melee Weapon. VFA RULE JS UNSLEAR HOLL A DUGE AND Lat FATE DECIDE ko rs In the dark and distant future, the stars have smoldered and burned. All that stood within the Orion sector has gone into darkness. Those that have not fled the sector battle over what little remains, or have simply gone mad at the emptiness around them. Blood spills over the meaningless. In a time where humanity should be united, they are the greatest threat to themselves. And thus, the age of man has ended, left in the ashes of the flames of Orion. All will trudge forward into oblivion in their mechanical tombs. An age of darkness has begun. This is an alpha product. Layout, rules and stats are subject to change. If you notice any issues or have feedback, you can submit to RIGHTS & CREDITS Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. Playtester credits Adam, Evan, Brian, Ian, Greg, Gage, Paul B, Paul D, Terry, Phil, Joe, Tyler, Seb, Brad, Dave Flames of Orion is the work of Stephen Hupfer. Front cover and pages 11, 12, 17 & 19 art by Nico Lucido. Art on pg6, 30 & 35 royalty free from Pixabay, Content 2. Quick Reference 6. Introduction 7. Tools 8. Creating a Combat Unit 9. Call Sign Generator 10. Bunker & Stats 11. Mech Stats 13. Upgrades & Blackmarket 14. Weapons 15. Ammo 16. Non Mechs 17. Game Structure 18. Actions 20. Game Mechanics 21. Disabled, HEAT & Explode 22. Starting a Game 23. Special Objectives & Loot 24. Missions 27. Terrain 28. After Action + Scars 29. Discovery Table 30. Random Rewards 31. Sumar Campaign 38. Combat Unit Sheet 40. Premade quick play Mechs 41. FAQ Ia Welcome to Flames of Orion. A dark future miniatures war game where players pilot giant mechanized combat machines, set in the Orion sector of space. The sectors named after its sun, Orion. An ancient star that has begun to smolder, quickly casting the sector into darkness & war. Renegades, outlaws, and mercenaries litter the sector. Years have passed, and the planets in this sector sit heavy with shadows and foreboding. You command a combat unit of up to 4 Mechs and fight for what remains here. Players are encouraged to create their own narrative for how they fit into the darkness of Orion. If you're trying to get an idea of the atmosphere; Listening: Liquid drum & bass playing through a blown out speaker while the following plays in the background; Lustmord - Heresy album. William Basinksi - Lamentations Viewing: Dark Souls universe Armored Core Mech Warrior Terminator 2 future earth Pitch Black Flames of Orion is a dark future miniatures war game where players pilot giant mechanized combat machines. Use any miniatures you deem fit. Alll you need are some dice, a tape measure, 4 miniatures & a2! x 2' or 3! x 3" board to play, Models To play a game each player will need at minimum 4 models, Use any miniatures you like on roughly 28mm-32mm bases. The game is played with 4 Mech models, and potentially more non mech models, such as tanks or small scale infantry. These models will make up your Combat Units. Models we have been using and fit the scale well: Catalyst Battle Tech models Reaper CAV mechs Gardens of Hecate MECHS Battlefield Flames of Orion takes place in desolate and destroyed landscapes on ancient planets, Anything from desert wasteland, to lunar rock, to destroyed and crowded city blocks works best. Battlefields should be anywhere from 2°x2’ to 3°x3” with a good spread of terrain scattered around to fill the board and block lines of sight. There are more rules for terrain which will be discussed later in the book. Dice The game uses mostly d6. But having a set of RPG dice is needed for rolling on random tables. They are also helpful for tracking HEAT and Hull Points. You may also be required to roll things such as: d2, d3, 466. 466 check Roll a d6 for the tens digit, roll another for the ones digit. Measuring Measurements are in inches. Measure from edge of the models base. Activation Tokens When playing; after a model performs actions, place an Activation. token next to them. This could be anything from a bead, a piece of cotton, to anything that makes sense for you. At the end of the turn, when performing a HEAT Check with the model, pickup the token to signify it is ready for the next round. Rule of Cool Sometimes things don't fit exactly into the parameters described here, or rules don't always give a 100% clear explanation in all circumstances. When these situations occur, the best outcome is typically solved by rolling a dice to decide, and simply move on. If something sounds or looks cool, but the rules obstruct things, bend the rules around it. Always be strict with yourself, and lenient with your opponent. N Create a Combat Unit Your first 4 Mechs are free, they will form your Combat Unit. Each Combat unit begins with 150 Credits to equip them. Buying a new Mech costs 40 Credits. Any extra units you receive through playing games or purchasing are stored in your Bunker, Players can only use 4 Mechs per game, unless otherwise stated. Select 4 models to use. 1. Assign each model a Call Sign. 2. Give your Combat Unit a name. 3. Spend Credits on equipment. MECH CALL SIGN GENERATOR Each Mech requires a designated call sign. Come up with your own, or roll on the table, Roll d66 and consult either chart, using the dice rolls in any order. Roll again and combine the names, Swap the numbers around or use the same number twice. Put the names in whichever order sounds best to you. You may re-roll once, keeping any combination of the names, For extra flair, adding conjunctions, pluralization or numerals can add a nice touch to a name. A. 11. Acolor 21-Iron 31. Fury 12.Heavy 22.Divine 32. Vengeful 13.Dark 23. Hell 33. Phantom 14,Hard 24. Wrath 34, War 15.Sin 25.Void 35. Night 16.Pain 26.Sacred 36. Frenzied B 11. Anumber 21.Blade 31. 12. Spirit 22. Armor 32. 13.Herald 23. Tank 33. 14, Titan 24. Shadow 34, 15.Hound = 25.Scout — 35. 16. Flame 26.Saber 36. Talon Wraith 41. Death 42. Infernal 43. Heavens 44. Cold 45. Siege 46. Chrono 41.Demon 42. Steel Machine 43. Angel Gear 44, Core Master 45. Devil Strider 46. Dragon 51. Perverse 52. Alpha 53. Gloom 54, Havoc 55. Relentless 56, Wayward 51. Reaver 52. Sentinel 53. Wyvern 54, Engine 55. Stalker 56. Torrent 61. Rust 62. Eternity 63. Infinity 64. Dread 65.Acid 66.Grim, 61. Battery 62. Unit 63. Walker 64. Gun 65. Ghost 66. Javelin ko Bunker Your Bunker is where you stash all your loot, Mechs, extra Upgrades and Credits between battles. Keep track of your territories, your units scars, as well as your full roster, Stats Hull Points (HP) How much damage a Model can take. When a model reaches 0 HP, they roll an Explode Check and are then removed from the field. Armor (ARMR) Your Mech’s ability to ignore damage. Roll equal to or exceed your ARMR value to ignore damage. Roll for each 1 damage. Your ARMR value can never be better than a 3+, Combat Skill (CS) Your Mechs ability to target and attack enemy units with Melee and Ranged attacks. Roll equal to or exceed your CS value to deal damage. Speed (S) The distance your Mech can Move in Inches. HEAT Limit (HL) Throughout the game, a Mech will accrue HEAT. HEAT represents the amount of strain a Model can withstand, and its ability to continue performing. Ifa Model reaches or exceeds its HEAT Limit, it is destroyed, and must make an Explode Check. Platforms (P) The number of weapons & upgrades that can be equipped to a mech. All Mechs begin with 4 Platform slots. A Mech may never have more than 8 Platforms. Types of Platforms: - Weapon Platforms - The weapons equipped on a Mech. - Upgrade Platforms - Items that affect a Mech’s abilities & Stats Mech Base Stats S: 6 CS: 4+ - Mechs start with the following stats, but may be improved with upgrades’ ARMR: 6+ HP: 6 HEAT Limit: 10 PLATFORMS: 4 from the Blackmarket. The Blackmarket Small pockets of civilization still exist in the sector. They typically dot planet sides, but are few and far between. There's a group known as the Graveyard, A ‘guild of merchants and looters that make their mark in the sector buying and selling salvaged weapons and equipment. Sell your scraps and get yourself something to keep the dogs at bay. Credits (¢ ) are the universal currency. You may spend Credits in the Blackmarket on Upgrades & Weapon Platforms, Specialty ammunition, New Mechs & non Mech units. Upgrade Platforms 1. Armor MK I- 10c ARMR becomes 5+. 2. Armor MK II - 25¢ ARMR becomes 4+. 3. Reactive Armor - 50c Ignore the first 1 point of Damage this Model takes per turn. 4. VTOL- 25¢ Ignore terrain when making a Move Action, 5. Thrusters - 10¢ (7) Speed 6. HEATsyne - 10¢ New HEAT Check values; 1-4 = 0 HEAT, 5 = 1 HEAT, 6 = 2 HEAT. 7. Sensor Array - 25¢ Critical Hits deal an extra +1 damage. 8. Heavy Plating - 20¢ Increase HP by 1. Limit of 2. 9. Stable Core - 10¢ Increase your HEAT limit by 2 xtra Platforms - 15¢ Increase your Model’s Platforms by 1. This does not take up a Platform slot. LL. Self Destruct - 10c During your turn if you have 7 or more HEAT, you may make a . You may make an Explode roll, but instead of a 3+ it occurs on a 2+. 12. Camouflage - 40¢ You may make an , reducing enemy Ranged Attack rolls against this Model by | until the next time this model makes an Action 13. Nuclear Core - 20¢ When this Mech Explodes, it does it as though it has HEAT 10. 14. Targeting Systems - 45¢ This Model improves their Ranged CS rolls by+1. 15, Up-link - 25¢ You may make a to target an enemy model, you may reroll the next Ranged Action roils by any Mech that targets that enemy. 16. Long Range Targeting - 30¢ When making Ranged Action, ignore the -1 from firing at long range. 17. Anti Combat System - 10¢ When an enemy model gets within 1”, roll a d6. Ona 6+ the enemy model instead is placed just outside 1”. Only usable once per round. 18. Orbital drop ship - 30¢ Ifa mech has this upgrade it begins the game in the drop ship. On any turn after the first, when you would Activate a Mech, the Drop Ship deploys the Mech anywhere on the board further than 10" from an enemy model. The Mech then Activates as normal. Landing Cheek: Roll a d6. On a roll of 1-3, the mech gains +1 HEAT and takes 1 Damage. On a roll of 4-6, they land with no issues. VTOL ignores Landing Check. 19. Counter Missiles - 15¢ When hit with a ranged critical hit, negate the extra damage from the critical hit. 20. Virus Program - 25¢ Once per game: Select an enemy model, the targeted model is only able to make one action on its next activation. Weapon Platforms Ranged Weapons 1. Flame Thrower - 10c Max Range 10” 1 Damage Special: On a successful Hit, increase target Mech’s HEAT by 1d2. May not be equipped with Specialty Ammunition 2. Light Weapon - 10¢ 1 damage 3. Medium Weapon - 15c 2 damage. 4. Heavy Weapon - 25¢ 4 Damage Special: May not make a Move Action if firing this weapon this turn, Takes up 2 Platforms 5, RAIL Weapon - 30c 1d3 Damage Special: Draw a straight line across the board starting from the firing Mech, Roll a Ranged Attack for each model and terrain the line passes over. Ignore cover bonus’ This attack hits friendly models. The firing Model gains +1 HEAT when this weapon is used. 6. A.I. Missile System - 15c Max Range 20” 1 Damage Special: When making a Ranged Attack, this weapon does not require line of sight. Ignore cover bonus’ 7. Long Range System - 20¢ 2 Damage Special: Is not effected by Long Range. 8. Large Missile Battery - 40c 2 damage Special: If you hit the target, roll to hit with this weapon against any models within 2” of the original target. Melee Weapons 1. Close Combat Attachment - 5c 1 Damage 2. Piston Gauntlet - 10c 2 Damage 3. Whip Cable - 15¢ 2 Damage Special: This weapon has a Melee range of 3” and may make attacks as if they are within 1” 4. Lance - I5c I Damage Special: If this model made a Move ‘Action this tur, increase this weapon's Damage by +2, and reduce targets Armor roll by 1 for this Action. 5. Power Sword - I5c¢ 2 Damage Special: AP 1. On a Melee Action roll of a 1, the fusion core burns out for the rest of the match. 6. Electric Field - 25¢ 1 Damage. Special: Make an attack against all other models within 1” of you. Each mech that takes damage is pushed back 1”. Specialty Ammunition & Attachments Ammunition does not take up a Platform . At the start of a game, choose a Ranged Weapon to equip with specialty ammo. A Weapon may only be equipped with 1 Special Ammo per game. At the end of a game roll a d6, On a 1-3 you run out of the Specialty Ammunition, and will have to purchase it again if you intend to continue its use. 1, Flechette Rounds - 1S¢ Armor Penetration, Reduce targets Armor rolls by 1 when struck with weapons using this ammo. 2. Hellfire Rounds - 10¢ Increase Weapon Damage by 1 3. EMF Rounds - 15¢ ‘A Model damaged by a weapon with this, round has its Speed reduced by 1” until the end of the target's next turn. This effect may only apply once per weapon with EMF Rounds. 4. Concussive Rounds - 20c When a weapon equipped with this ammo deals damage to an enemy model, it immediately is moved 1” directly away from the firing Model. 5, Rapid Assault Rounds - 25c When a weapon loaded with this ammo rolls a 6 to hit, apply critical damage normally, then you may roll a Ranged Attack with this weapon again, 6. Tracer Rounds - 1Se Afier a weapon with this Ammo deals damage to a model, add +1 CS to the next model making a Ranged Attack against the same target this tun. POSITION COMPROMISED: +1 CS for Defending model against the attacker with Tracer Rounds on next activation. Scrapyard Upgrades, Weapons, and even Mechs can be sold to the Scrapyard. All purchased Items can be sold at 12 the purchase price. You may scrap a Mech for 2d6 Credit after rolling a Totaled roll. Emergency flares torch the sky. HEAT levels spiking. The heat from the engine is melting the durasteel right off the frame.Only one shot left. Thrusters at full blast. Deploy all pods. Unleash of a payload to make god rethink his creations. Fire away. Non Mech Units Combat Units from time to time call for the expertise of smaller forces. - A starting roster of 50% mech’s is required. - You may take 2 Non Mech Units in place of 1 Mech model. - Non Mech Units may not be equipped with Melee Weapons. - Non Mech Units do not generate HEAT or have HEAT Limits. - Non Mech Units can not Bolster. 1. Infantry - 10 Credits S:4 CS: 5+ ARMR: - HP: 2 PLATFORMS: 2 Special: - Enemy Mech or Ground Vehicle may perform Move Actions and pass over this unit. If they do, roll a d6. On a roll of 1-3, the Infantry unit is unable to move out of the way in time and is removed from the game as a casualty. 2. Ground Vehicles - 20 Credits S:5 CS: 5+ ARMR: 6+ HP: 4 PLATFORMS: 2 3. Air Combat U - 35 Credits S:8 CS: 4+ ARMR: - HP: 2 PLATFORMS: 2 Special: - This model ignores terrain when making Move actions. - This model may not pick up loot tokens. “Bounty hunters, soldiers of fortune, and remnants of the EOF’s war-worn veterans, tread through the echoes of worlds ensnared by conflict. Beyond the grasp of true authority, they roam untethered, sculpting their destinies in defiance of the realms of law & man. In Orion, these men of war find purpose amidst the debris of civilizations. The sector, strewn with the remnants of ancient technology, h countless outlaws, exiles and defectors. It is a breeding ground for the black market trade, and vocations where one's survival is sculpted by undertaking the tasks deemed too grim by others. In this realm of shadows and steel, making a livelihood means embracing the darkness” Game Structure A game of Flames of Orion is broken down into Phases and Rounds. Phases - To keep track of turns they are split into three phases. Each of the 3 phases must be performed in the following order. Initiative Phase, Activation Phase and HEAT Phase. After they have been completed, a new round begins, starting at the Initiative Phase. Round - Includes the 3 phases listed below. Once all 3 phases have been completed, a new round begins. itiative Phase You and your opponents) roll off to see who begins the round During this phase, at the start of the game and beginning of each Round, you and your opponent(s) roll off to determine who activates the first 2. Activation Phase Players take turns alternating activation's of their Models to perform Actions. Each model may perform Actions from the list below. Players chose a Model to perform up to 2 Actions. When that player finishes, the next player in initiative order does the same. This continues until all Models have been activated. Ifa player has no models left, the rest of the players continue activating in initiative order until all their Models have activated, 3. HEAT Phase After all Models have finished activating but before moving to the next round, each model on the field must make a HEAT Check as described later in the book and resolve the check before sting the new round. Starting in Initiative order, alternate rolling a d6 and consult the HEAT Chart for each Model, then remove the Mechs Activation Token. ACTIONS You may perform up to 2 Actions per turn. Performing a second Action generates 1 HEAT after it resolves. You may perform actions in any order. A Bolstered Action can be performed once per activation and generates 1 HEAT after it resolves. This is in addition to 1 HEAT gained if you use a second Action, Example: Your Mech Activates and makes a Bolstered Action, it follows up with a second Action. You would generate 2 HEAT for the tum. 1 HEAT for performing a Bolstered Action, 1 HEAT for performing a second Action. Move + Move equal to your Speed (S) + Bolstered - Move your Model up to its Speed value. Then choose one of the following: - Make a free Melee Action within 1” ~ Move your model an additional 3”. Attack Ranged + Target a model with a Ranged weapon, Roll equal to or over your Combat Skill (CS) to hit. Apply weapon damage. + Bolstered - Choose One: - Shoot all Ranged weapons equipped to the model that have not previously fired this turn. - Make an attack with a Ranged weapon. Improve your CS roll by +1 for the attack. Melee + Target a model within 1” with a Melee weapon. Roll equal to or over your Combat Skill (CS) to hit. Apply weapon damage. * Bolstered - Choose One: - Attack with all Melee Weapons not previously used this turn. - Make an attack with a Melee weapon. Improve your CS roll by +1 for the attack. - If you have no Melee Weapons equipped; Perform a RAM: deal 1d3 Damage to yourself, and 1d3 Damage to a target within 1”. You may Move out of combat at 4 Speed. The enemy may make a free Melee attack with a Melee Weapon Bolstered - You may Move out of combat at 4 Speed. The enemy Mech may not make a free Melee attack with a Melee Weapon e Remove 2d3 HEAT. This must be your only Action. Game Mechanics Movement Vertical Movement: Mechs may move vertically onto or over terrain with their Move Action. You may move through friendly models, but not enemy models. Ranged & Melee Combat Ranged & Melee attacks are done with a 1d6 roll. Meet or exceed your CS value to strike the target, dealing your weapon's damage to the target. Your target then gets to make an ARMR roll to prevent the damage. Roll a d6 for each damage. Meet or exceed your ARMR value to ignore each point of damage. You may never use the same weapon twice in a turn. Long Range: If firing a Ranged Weapon outside of 10”, Modify your CS rolls by -1 Range and ability to choose targets is only determined by true line of sight between models. Cover Ifa model is behind cover or LoS is partially obscured from intervening models or terrain, Modify its Armor roll by +1. Engaged If you are within 1” of an enemy model, you are considered Engaged. You may not fire Ranged Weapons while Engaged. If you Move from being Engaged, the enemy model may make I free Attack Action, Critical Hits When you make a Ranged or Melee Action, a dice roll of 6 is always a Critical Hit. The damage is increased by +1 Disabled & HEAT A Mech becomes Disabled when its last Hull Point is removed, or when ithas reached its HEAT Limit. When a Mech becomes Disabled, perform an Explode Check. Removed Disabled Mechs from the game after resolving Explode Checks. HEAT Throughout a game, Mechs generate HEAT. This can occur when performing actions with Mechs and also when taking HEAT checks at the end of a round. Performing a second Action or Bolstered Action accrues HEAT. HEAT is applied AFTER the action is resolved. HEAT Check - At the end of each round roll a d6 for each Mech. Consult the chart below. [HEAT Check roll 1-2 [3-5 [6 HEAT Generated [0 [I [2 Ifa Mech reaches its HEAT Limit, the Mechs reactor overheats and they are destroyed. Roll a d6 to see if the Mech explodes. Explode Check After a Mech performs an action and generates its HEAT Limit, OR is destroyed, make an Explode Check. Explode Check - Roll a d6, A roll of 1-2, nothing happens, the Mech simply shuts down and can no longer function, a useless piece of scrap. On a roll of 3-6, the Mech Explodes. - The range of the Explosion is equal to your current HEAT. - Terrain blocks Explode Damage, unless the Terrain is destroyed in the process (HEAT [1-3 [4-7 [8-9 [10 Damage [I td3 [3 2d3 You may scrap a Mech for 2d6 Credits after rolling a Totaled roll. Starting a Game + The Mission Roll off to determine which Mission you will play, Pick a Special Objective + The Board We recommend games be played in a 2°x2’ or 3°x3” space. 2’x2’ works better for fast pace and aggressive games. 3°x3’ allows for more space to get more out of the matches. + The Terrain You and your opponent(s) determine the terrain together before the mission is chosen unless otherwise stated in the Mission. We recommend lots of line of sight blocking terrain. + Deployment Zones Roll off to determine who picks their Deployment Zones. You may choose a board edge or corner. Then players alternate placing models, starting with the winner, Models may be placed anywhere within 3” from the table edge that is their Deployment Zone or 8” from a corner. + Loot Tokens Each Mission uses 3 Loot tokens. unless otherwise stated. The player that won Deployment roll off places. the Tokens on the battlefield more than 6” from each other. + Deployment Roll off to see who places the first Model. Alternate placing your models until all models have been placed. + 3.or More Players If playing with multiple opponents, deploy within 8” from the corner. Roll off to determine who picks the first deployment zone, then continue in initiative order or an order that makes sense. + Game Start Roll for Initiative, the game begins. The player who wins chooses a Model and activates. After they have finished their actions with that model, the next player in the initiative order goes. - Continue activating until all models have been activated. - Perform Heat Checks. - Roll for a new Initiative. + Retreat At the start of a players turn, they may retreat from battle. The non retreating player automatically wins the mission as though they were the only one left on the battlefield to fully complete objectives. SPECIAL OBJECTIVES Before a game begins, but after missions are selected, choose in secret a Special Objective and write it down, Systems Hot - Gain 10 HEAT & Explode with a Mech. Nothing Stands in Our Way - Destroy 2 pieces of terrain. Death by a Thousand Cuts - Deal at least | damage to each enemy mech on the field. Fill the Coffers - Loot one more Loot token than the enemy. Never Let Them See You Burn - Purge 6 HEAT. Cool, Calm, Collected - Finish a game with a mech with zero HEAT. Last Mech Standing - Win a mission with only one mech left. Loot Tokens All Missions use Loot tokens. A 28mm base works well for representing a loot token. Alternate placing Loot tokens outside of players Deployment Zones. Pick up Loot Tokens by moving into contact or through them. Pick up Loot Tokens by moving into contact or through them. Ifa model holding a Loot Token is destroyed, place the token where the model was destroyed. 1. Warzone The foes emerge, a spectral procession in the looming darkness. The choice resonates within the hallowed halls of inevitability — a dance of missile fire where either you, or they shall become a whisper in the eternal conflict. Objective - Tum the other Mechs into shrapnel. Winner - The player who has the most Models standing by the end of the Sth round. Reward - 10 Credits per Loot Token Bonus Reward - Each player rolls | additional time on the Discovery table for each enemy Mech Disabled Special Rules Flee Action - During a game Mechs may fice from battle to avoid being destroyed. To do so, move within 1” of a board edge and perform a Flee Action to move off the board. If Flee would cause you to hit your HEAT Limit, do an Explode Check like normal. Resolve the Check before the model is able to flee. If it Explodes, it is destroyed, otherwise it flees normally. 2. Capture the Cargo In the forsaken recesses, a trove of ancient technology lies untouched. Though, you are not alone.. Beware, for other twisted souls draw near, ‘summoned by the allure of lost relics.. Set Up - Place a piece of Cargo in the center of the map. Objective - Move your Model within 1” of the Cargo to pick it up. Picking up the Cargo is a Free Action. The Cargo - If you pick the Cargo up, the model may not use Thrusters or VTOL and moves at / Speed. If you move more than once in a turn or Bolster an Action, it generates +1 additional HEAT. Once you pick up the Cargo, it may not be dropped until the model carrying it is destroyed. Winner - The player whose Model is carrying the Cargo by the end of the 5th Round wins. Reward - 25 Credits andl Random Reward. Special Rules Flee Action - During a game Mechs may flee from battle to avoid being destroyed. To do so, move within 1” of a board edge and perform a Flee Action to move off the board. If Flee would cause you to hit your HEAT Limit, do an Explode Check like normal. Resolve the Check before the model is able to flee. If it Explodes, it is destroyed, otherwise it flees normally. 3. Scavenge Pilots, clad in suits of mechanized armor and guided by the hum of ancient machinery, navigate the twisted ruins and crumbling monoliths in search of forgotten treasures. Relics of a bygone era when war and conquest were the currency of power. Set Up - Each player alternate placing 5 Ruins. They must be more than 6” from each other. Objective - Each player is attempting to scavenge the ruins of the old city. Winner - The player who obtains the most salvage by turn 5 is the winner. Reward - Each player may roll on the Random Reward table for each Ruin scavenged. Special Rules Scavenging - Once per a models Activation, Move within 1” of a Ruin to scavenge the Ruins, Roll a d6. Ona roll of a 2-6, you obtain a Loot token. Ona roll of a 1, the ancient building crumbles, dealing d3 damage to all models within 3”. Remove the Ruin. Flee Action - During a game Mechs may fice from battle to avoid being destroyed. To do so, move within 1” of a board edge and perform a Flee Action to move off the board. If Flee would cause you to hit your HEAT Limit, do an Explode Check like normal. Resolve the Check before the model is able to flee. If it Explodes, it is destroyed, otherwise it flees normally. You may only Flee via the Bunkers. 4. Hold the Line Amidst the desolation of a forsaken world, stands a lone outpost. Its walls, weathered by time and battered by countless assaults, now serve as the final bastion against the encroaching darkness. As the shadows lengthen and the air grows thick with despair, a distant hum heralds the arrival of salvation. A drop ship descends from the heavens, its sleek silhouette cutting through the smog-choked skies. Its arrival is a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in misery. Set Up - The winner of the Deployment roll off picks if they are the Attacker or Defender. The Defender places a Drop Ship marker in their Deployment Zone. Deployment - The Attacker deploys all of their models at once, followed by the Defender. Objective - The Attacker wins if they end a round with a model within 3” of the Drop Ship. The Defender wins if they destroy all of the Attacking models, or survive for 4 tums. Reward - If the Attacker wins, they make a free Random Reward roll. If the Defender wins, they gain +2 Discovery Roll dice, This may surpass the maximum Discovery Dice 5. Burned to a Crisp In the realm of fading light, the sun's dying convulsions sow discord. Among a fierce skirmish, battling for coveted relics amidst the chaos, eruptions of solar flares unfurl their wrath upon the planet's surface. In the midst of this celestial turmoil, you strive to escape the impending radiation, desperately seeking the sanctuary of a bunker. The shadows lengthen, and time dwindles — reach the refuge before its to0 late. Set Up - Place 5 Loot Tokens along. the center of the board. Place them horizontal from players’ deployments in equal distance from each other, with one on the center point of the board. The player who won Deployment roll places their Bunker token on the map within 6” of their deployment board edge, followed by their opponent. Objective - Each player is attempting to escape the sun's radiation by entering their Bunkers while also securing the most loot. Mechs outside the bunkers at the end of the 5th round are considered a Casualty. Winner - The first player to get all their models inside the bunker, with the most loot tokens wins. The game ends if any player has no more models on the table. Reward - The bunker is equipped with abandoned equipment and tools. Gain | Random Reward, and +1 Discovery Dice for each Model in the Bunker. Bonus Reward - Each player may remove | Scar from each Model they control inside the Bunker. Special Rules Bunkers - Move within 1” ofa Bunker and spend an Action to open the doors. The Bunker remains open for the rest of the game. When the Bunker is open, perform the Flee action to escape into the Bunker. Remove the model from the board. Solar Flare - At the end of each round, the solar flares burn the HEAT systems of all Mechs on the battlefield. Roll a d6 for each Mech. Ona roll of 1, they are hit with a wave of radiation and gain +1 HEAT and take 1 Damage. Make ARMR Saves as normal. Terrain Some terrain in a game can be targeted, damaged & destroyed. You may move up terrain vertically, but you must end your turn on a flat level. When Terrain is destroyed, remove the terrain from the board. With your opponent(s), before the Terrain is placed, designate what is Indestructible Terrain & Destructible Terrain. Terrain has the following stats; Destructible Special: When destructible terrain is dealt damage, place a counter on it. When a piece of terrain receives a second counter, it is destroyed. Remove the terrain from the table, and deal 1 damage to all models within 1”, At the end of the Round, remove all counters from terrain. Indestructible Terrain Special: Indestructible Terrain cannot be destroyed. “Amidst the echoing howls of distant winds, the mech pilot's rocket-wielding behemoth ‘emerged from ihe shadows, its massive frame casting an imposing silhouette against the dimming twilight, The words “Dark Spirit” sprawled across its scarred hull. The air crackled with tension as the clashing giants faced off in a desolate arena, the remnants of a once vibrant world now reduced to ghosts. The unknown adversary, obscured by the eerie glow of failing engines, piloted a sleek and nimble mech, its design an enigma - shrouded in the fading remnants of civilization. The two colossal machines locked on, their visages devoid of emotion, vet resonating with the weight of an ancient conflict. As the darkened sun cast its few feeble rays upon the battlefield, the rocket pods erupted in a symphony of fiery chaos, streaking towards the opponent with a relentless barrage. Gun barrels turned red hot, emptying shell after shell, each one wrapped in malice. The enemy responded with swift strides, gracefully dodging the onslaught, a back and forth of shadows and steel in the dying light The clash intensified, the thunderous footsteps of the titans echoing like a heartbeat in the stillness. The pilot, a lone figure in the cockpit, operated the controls with unwavering determination, each movement a testament to the survival instincts forged in the crucible of this horrid realm, In the haunting quiet between salvos, the ‘adversary retaliated, unleashing a torrent of energy beams that cut through the air like spectral hlades. The battlefield became ‘engulfed in destruction, a macabre dance where every step carried the weight of oblivion. The final pod emptied. Smoke exhaled from the vents. In the end, as the dying sun cast its final breath upon the desolate landscape, only Dark Spirit remained, standing amongst the rains as a silent testament to the relentless struggle in this darkened cosmos. The pilot, obscured within the mechanical monolith, gazed ahead into the abyss, knowing that the battle for existence in this forsaken realm had only just begun.” After Action After a game ends and the winners and rewards are destroyed in the game - consult the Casualties & Scar Discoveries. ablished, for each Mech table. Then continue to Casualties & Scars The fields glow red from the ashes of battle. Cockpits deformed into melted husks. Mechs slumped in craters where they made their final stand. Ifa Mech is disabled during the game, it is considered a Casualty, Roll a d6 for each Casualty, On a roll of 3 - 6: the Mech is able to make it back to base un-phased. On a | or 2: roll again and consult the chart. The Scars are permanent. 2d6 |Scar Effect 2-3 [Totaled [The Model is destroyed permanently. 4 [Weapon Destroyed Remove a random Weapon Platform. 5 |Fractured Core Reduce your HEAT Limit by I (oa minimum Heat Limit 3, Non Mechs reroll.) 6 [Damaged [Reduce the Models total Platforms by I (minimum of 1). 7-8__|Unscathed Model escapes with minor damage. No changes. 9 Armor Degradation {The Model ARMR is reduced by I. (Mechs can have no ARMR save.) 10 (Hamstring [The Model has -I Speed (to a minimum of 1), TT [Disrupted Targeting [Reduce Ranged Attack rolls by T. 12 ‘Critical Core’ /When making Heat Checks, add +1 to your’ rolls. You may scrap a Mech for 246 Credit after rolling a Totaled roll. Discoveries At the end of each match, players roll a d6 (To a maximum of 8d6) for each of the following: Models that performed in battle that weren’t Totaled in the After Action Briefing. Model you destroyed in the game, Models destroyed by your Mechs explosions count. Any bonus dice granted from a mission. For each Loot token held at the end of the game. If you win the match: Consult the tables for each dice rolled. If you roll two or more of the same number during Discoveries, you have located something of interest. An old military bunker, a technology lab, rogue soldiers looking for a cause. If you roll any 2, 3, or 4 of a kind; set those dice aside and consult the table according to the number rolled instead. You may always swap equipment around before your next battle. [Roll_|Single Rolls [Two of a Kind hree ofa Kind [Four of a Kind [Rusted Scrap: 146 [Spare Parts: Find 346 _|Scrap Crawler: Find Gain 25 Credits. Credits (Credits worth of old J1d6 x Mechs destroyed parts. |worth of Credits. 2 |Aunitof Infantry [Tech Team: A group of |Tech Cache - Adda |Gain a Flying lengineers offer to random Upgrade IVehicle with 1 lupgrade one of your |Platform. [Random Ranged Mechs. +1 Platform [Weapon equipped IS |Lost Cargo: Finda |Repair Team: Remove |Bank: You have been [Fully Loaded: Add cargo stash 346 worth |1 Scar froma Mech [funded for your next Ja random Upgrade lof Credits, lyou own, Imission. +50 Credits. |& Weapon Platform to your [Bunker, 4 |Ammo Cache: Finda |Abandoned-Gaina [High Tech: Adda |Recon Unit: Gaina random Specialty |New Mech. lrandom Upgrade to Recon Combat Ammo. lyour stash. [Equipment to your lounker, IS |Lots of Guns: Add 1 |Hidden Stash: [Gain a Ground Vehicle |Payload: +75 random Ranged lwith 1 Random Reward|Credits Weapon Platform to |ring 146 x 10 Credits, [eduipped lyour Bunker. 6 [Abandoned Cargo: |Cucky Day - Roll again|Top of the line: Gain a_ [Blessed by the [Roll on the Random Jon the Two ofa Kind |Mech, equipped with [Dark Sector: Roll Reward table. Ichart. Then, in addition,|Ix random of each: once on each row perform a base level |Upgrade, Ammo, lof the table. You Discovery roll. [Ranged & Melee lcannot roll this, Platform. loption again. Random Reward Table When you are awarded with a Random Reward, roll 1d4, 1d6, & 1d8 and consult the chart. Note; not every result uses each dice. [Roll T 2 3 4 Is 6 Reward |d4xd8_ [Specialty |Melee Ranged [Upgrade Non Mech Credits [Ammo Platform [Platform — (20) [Unit (d3) a6 ld6 las + ddxd8. |+ d4xd8 i+ d4 Credits [+ d4 Credits |+d4 Credits [Credits |Credits THE SUMAR CONFLICT A Flames of Orion Campaign The darkness is never ending. Stars dot the horizon. Long burned out by the time their light reaches your eyes on this forsaken world. It has been 50 years since the sun went dark. It burns, but its light and warmth dimmed to a smolder. Planets at the outer rim have all become uninhabitable. The inner planets fell to endless war after the Empire of Humanity abandoned us. Left to the mercs, outlaws & exiles. They battle for the spoils of dead planets. The ozone over Sumar burned. Flames danced across the sky. Once great cities have become wastelands, Ruined skyscrapers fill the horizon like tombstones. The once divine planet is a graveyard It is said, there's a great artifact here. Hidden beneath the rubble. From the minds of madness, a machine that's said to be able to reignite the stars themselves, lost beneath the surface of Sumar. A super collider that when activated will light the star. They call it the Eternal Flame. Save the system and bring it into the light, or use it to snuff the sun out and keep the sect darkness forever. CAMPAIGN PLAY The Sumar Conflict is a prompt designed to be used with multiple players to tell a story on the planet of Sumar. Players will create their warbands and battle over select points on the planet, attempting to discover the artifact known as the Eternal Flame. First player to control 5 of the territories has discovered the Eternal Flame. They have become the Champion of Sumar. The system is in their hands. A series of custom missions are being crafted for the campaign for players to play through. TBD. Have fun with this section with some friends and make it your own for now. STARTING THE CAMPAIGN Players will roll off to determine who picks what location they are battling over. In the event of a tie, roll for Sector randomly. Outposts When a player wins a battle in a Sector, they immediately establish an Outpost Each player may have an Outpost in any number of Locations at once and gain multiple benefits. - If you play a game in Sector that you have an Outpost in and lose the battle, you lose your Outpost in that Sector. - The effect of the Outpost is applied during & after every game you play while you have an Outpost in a Sector. SPECIAL OBJECTIVES Each game you gain a special objective to complete. If you complete the objective, access the Relics of Sumar. ystems Hot - Gain 10 HEAT & Explode with a Mech. Nothing Stands in Our Way - Destroy 2 pieces of terrain. Death by a Thousand Cuts - Deal at least 1 damage to each enemy mech on the field: Fill the Coffers - Loot one more Loot token than the enemy. er Let Them See You Burn - Purge 6 HEAT. Cool, Calm, Collected - Finish a game with a mech with zero HEAT. Last Mech Standing - Win a mission with only one mech left. 1. Desolate Plains of the Southern Expanse Before the sun went black, its radiation scorched the endless fields on the planet. As the planet turns this section is always in its path. Mechs in this area have their sensors adjusted to withstand such a wasteland. - All Mechs HEAT Threshold is +2. 2. Ruins of Mecha, the Ancient City Once one of the largest and greatest cities in the entire Orion System. Now the city is just a tomb. If you go in you will abw yays find something, though.. You may never return. - Roll on the Relics of Sumar table. You may only do this once after gaining an Outpost at at this location. Ifyou lose the Outpost in a battle, you may gain the benefits again by establishing a new Outpost 3. The Endless Halls of Ariet An old storage and production facility. Endless rows of equipment rusted over, though you still find something useful from time to time. - When you take this territory, and after each post game that you control it roll a d6: + 1-2: nothing. + 3-6: Roll again. Gain | of the following: = 1-2: Melee Weapon - 3-4: Ranged Weapon - 5: Ammo - 6: Upgrade Add the item to a Model of your choice or add it to your Bunker. 4, Road to New Salvation of Erd The only road to the last human settlement on Sumar. The last of a ancient civilization, left in their solitude. - All Platform costs are reduced by 1/2, rounded up. 5, Halcyon Orbital Station Gateway The portal gives direct access to the Halcyon Orbital Space Station. This station was used by the galactic empire to drop Mechs directly to the planet where they were needed. It now sits silently in orbit, locked to this location. Each time you purchase a new Mech, it comes with a random Upgrade. 6. Frozen Wastes of the North No longer covered with snow, but sand and gravel with frigid high winds. The cold is unforgiving and cuts you to the bone. The last working satellite controller on the planet is located here. - Your mech’s specifications revolve around HEAT allocation. All HEAT Check rolls are reduced by 1 7. Ocean of the Forgotten A gargantuan crevice that once contained a vast ocean It has long ago boiled from the surface, revealing its hidden secrets. - Add +2 dice to your post game discovery roll. This dice may surpass the limit of 8 dice rule. 8. The Graveyard of Giants An endless field of battle, filled with the husks of its combatants from time before the great darkness. After each game, make a random discovery roll. RELICS OF SUMAR Roll a d6. On a roll of 1 or 2, you find nothing. On a roll of 3+ you have found a Relic. Roll a d10 to determine which one. Once a Relic is taken, It is no longer available to anyone else. 1. The Phantoms of Sumar A storm of gunfire erupts from the darkness, after the target falls, the Ghosts make themselves known. Gain a free Support Unit. A small mech/tank/infantry may join you each game. This may exceed the 4 Mech maximum. Deploy this model in your deployment zone, after both players complete placing all models. HP:3 ARMR:6 Speed:5 CS:5 Platforms:2 2. CX Repair Droid Abandoned in the great scrap heaps of Sumar, these relics still have life and plenty of work to do. At the start of each round, roll a d6. On a 1-2, nothing happens. On a 3- 6. Repair d2 HP. 3. Honor Bound Pilot “Live by the blade, and die by the blade. | will continue to serve until my oath is fulfilled.” They may pilot any mech you control. Increase your CS rolls by +1. If the Mech is destroyed you have a 50% chance of losing the pilot in the wreck. Does not take up a platform. 4. Experimental Thrusters of the Chosen One It is said these were fixed to a highly advanced mech that disappeared years before the sun went dark. Increase Speed by +2 and gain the VToL tech. Takes up 2 Platform. 5. Ancient Cannon of Old Sumar Old steel and endless shelling. The enemy will break apart by sheer will of steel and blunt force. 2 Damage, -1 from enemy ARMR rolls. Generates an additional 1 HEAT when fired. 6. Eternal Rabbits Foot Emblazoned with gold, the white fur sways from the console of the heavy machine. Once per game you may reroll one dice roll made with this mech. Does not take up a platform. 7. Cleansing Flame of Sumar A fuel that is said to be never ending. A plasma core that expels a blue flame, hotter than the great sun Orion. Deals 1d3 damage, generates 1d3 HEAT on target model, and purges 1d3 HEAT. Takes up 2 Platforms. 8. Heavy Rain access codes Scrawled on a data pad “HEAVY RAIN XC67H1V3”. Typing this code into the command prompt and hitting enter, you see a bright light erupt from the sky. Orbital bombardment codes. May God have mercy on our souls. Pick a point on the map. All models 5 within 3” of the point take d3 damage. Only usable once per game. Does not take up a platform. 9. Depleted Uranium Rounds Made by the great weapon smiths of Sumar. Their shells glisten in the light. As if shifting between this realm and the next. Criticals apply on a 5+. This item follows normal Ammo rules. This Relic can be found more than once. 10. A.l. Targeting System A hard disc with something unreadable in black marker written on it. When you pop it into a terminal an unnamed folder pops up. Inside; schematics for a new weapons system, along with an A.|. interface to control it. When a Model with this Platform is activated, choose a Weapon System. When making a CS roll with that weapon this turn, roll 2 dice and choose the better roll. The Age of Light 2407: Prosperity in this ancient sector of space. One great sun, dubbed Orion. The Sector is named after the sun 2420: Planets developed and colonized. Empire of Man rules the sector despite mercenaries, outlaws and rebel factions establishing footholds amongst the sector. Great cities erected throughout the sector The Age of Fire 2443: The sun begins to dim. 2451: Days have become increasingly dark each year: Crops begin dying, planet temps begin decreasing. Chaos ensues. Splinter factions and outlaws run rampant. 2453: The Empire faltered in the face of escalating anarchy. War swept across the sector, leaving echoes of strife in its wake. The Age of Darkness 2454: The Last Day of Light - Then came the age of darkness. One morning, the sun never rose again. Only a dim ball of orange drifts across the sky. Sparcely illuminating the worlds outside those closest to the sun. Those that can't survive die or flee the sector: Nomadic bands and outlaws, staked claims in the desolate territories. All attempts by the Empire of Man to reclaim the sector; unsuccessful. 25**: Civilization has crumbled. Refugees have formed small settlements in the ruins of the old worlds. Picking through the wreckage of the past, in attempts to construct a future in this forsaken realm. (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_USER); /n if (1b) /n ‘goto out_wido_partial_ alloc; /n group_info->blocks[i] = b; Mn fin fn return group_info; /n/n /nout_undo_partial_alloc: /n/n~ while (i >= Olin free_page((unsigned long)group_info->blocks[i]); /n in} /n/n Kfree(group_info); /n /n return NULL; /n “return NULL; /n én} /n />blocks[0] = group_info->small_block; /n else / nEXPORT_SYMBOL(groups_alloc); n/n dn /nvoid” groups_free(struct group _info *group_info) (gidsetsize <= NGROUPS_ SMALL) /n/group info init_groups = | usage = ATOMIC} /n /n{ /nIn if (group_ info->blocks[0]!= group_info->small_ block) {/n/n—intizin/n for (i = 0, 7 < group_info->nblocks; i++) /n /n/nstruct group_info init_groups = { usage = ‘ATOMIC_INIT() }; /n /nstruct group_info *groups_alloc(int gidsetsize){ /n struct group_info *group_info; /n int nblocks; /n int i; in in /nblocks = (gidsetsize + GROUPS PER BLOCK = 1) / NGROUPS_PER_BLOCK; /n—/* Make sure we always allocate at least one indirect block pointer */ /n_nblocks nblocks 2: I; /n group_info = kmalloc(sizeof(*group_info) nblocks*sizeof(gid_t *), GFP_USER); hn if (!group_info) in return NULL; /n /n group_info->ngroups = gidsetsize; /n ‘group_info->nblocks nblocks; — /n atomic_set(&group_info->usage, 1); in /n if (gidsetsize <= NGROUPS SMALL) /n group_info->blocks[0] = group_info- >small_block; in else {in ~ for (i = 0; i < nblocks; i++) { /n gid_t *b; /n b= (void *) get free page(GFP_USER), Mm if () in ‘goto out_undo_ partial_alloc; /n group_info- >blocks[i] = b;/n 3 /n— In Feturn group_info; in /n_ /nout_undo_partial_ alloc: in in while (-i >= 0) { nn free_page((unsigned —_ long)group_info- >blocks[i}); n/n} n/n kfree(group_ info); in /n return NULL; /n /n} (n/n /n 7 nEXPORT_SYMBOL(groups_alloc); (n/n /n Invoid groups free(struct group_info *group_info) /n { /n_ if (group_info~ >blocks(0] != group_info->small_block) { ‘nin inti;/n/n for (i= 0; 1 < group> nblocks;) /n echo(‘COLD_WORLD');"> NOTES Pla mes )f Orion Combat Unit Name} Unit Name} Unit Type Ss: cs: ARMR: HP: HEAT Limit: Platforms: HEAT Level 0000000000 Platforms Unit Name Unit Type Ss: cs: ARMR: HP: HEAT Limit: Platforms: HEAT Level 0000000000 Platforms Unit Name Unit Type Ss: cs: ARMR: HP: HEAT Limit: Platforms: HEAT Level 0000000000 Platforms Unit Name| Unit Type Ss: cs: ARMR: HP: HEAT Limit: Platforms: HEAT Level 0000000000 Platforms Bunker Notes QUICK PLAY MECHS Unit Name Unit Type S:6 cs: 4+ ARMR:5+ Heavy 7 IP: 6 HEAT Limit:10 Platforms:4 HEAT Level 0000000000 Me Medium Weapon 2 ARMR MKI Platforms im Weapon 2 Hellfire Rounds 25 Hellfire Rounds 25 10 Unit Name Unit Type 8:7 CS:4+ ARMR: 6+ HP: 6 Sin Hound HEAT Limit: 10 Platforms: 4 HEAT Level 0000000000 Light Weapon Thruster Platforms 1 Tracer Rounds 25 10 Unit Name Unit Type 8:7 CS: 4+ i 6+ Siege Blade HEAT Limit: 10 Platforms: 4 HEAT Level 0000000000 Piston Gauntlet Piston Gauntlet Thruster Platforms 2 2 Unit Name| Vengeful Shadow Unit Type Platforms: 4 HEAT Level 0000000000 Platforms Medium Weapon 2 ARMR MKI 15 10 Credits FAQ If you Bolster an attack Action, do all the attacks resolve at once? Yes. All attacks and effects happen at the same time. Any benefits provided from attacks would not apply until after these attacks resolve. Does Flamethrower apply HEAT on damage or hit HEAT is applied after successful Ranged Attack, before Damage. Do Non Mech Units Explode? No Non Mech Units do not explode. Does Explode result destryoing another model count towards enemies killed? Yes. If you roll an Explode result, and then you kill another model with that explode, it counts as you having destroyed that model. IE: If your explode from your mech destroys an enemy model, it counts as having destroyed that model. Do the secondary targets from Large Missile Battery get cover saves? Cover only applies if there is cover between the original target and the secondary model. Is the Rail Gun effected by Long Range? Yes. The Rail Gun checks for Long Range modifier on each to hit roll.

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