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Módulo 3: Connectors and Modality






Lección 1 de 3


When reading articles, identifying the logical transitions between ideas helps us understand the general idea;
that is what connectors do. Modal verbs, on the other hand, show the intention -or modality- of a sentence.
Finally, recognizing word formation rules (suffixes and prefixes), can help us understand the meaning of
words. This module deals with strategies to better understand and produce more complex texts.

GoConqr - Modal Verbs

This is a Mind Map of Modal Verbs and their Functions.

Objetivos del módulo

Expresar relaciones lógicas intraoracionales e interoracionales.

Reconocer la modalidad en el mensaje y producir textos para cumplir con alguna función;
identificar reglas de formación de palabras.

Contenidos del módulo

Unit 5- Connectors

1. Connectors
1.1. Some examples of connectors:
2. Prefixes and Suffixes
2.1 Prefixes
2.2. Suffixes

Unit 6- Modality

1. Modal Verbs
1.1. List of Modal Verbs
2. Questions and Negatives with modal verbs
2.1. Questions:
2.2. Negatives
3. Tenses with Modal Verbs
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Lección 2 de 3


"I think; therefore, I am."

Connectors are words or phrases that show the relationship between ideas. They help organize ideas in a
logical manner to communicate messages in an efficient way. When we use them properly, we communicate
better; when we identify them correctly, we better understand oral and written texts.

“I study hard because I want to pass my exams.”

“Because” shows the relation between “I study hard” and “I want to pass my exams”; it says the reason I
study hard, is that I want to pass.

“I studied hard, but I didn’t pass my exams”.

“But” shows the relation between “I studied hard” and “I didn’t pass my exams”; it says that, contrarily to
what I expected, I did not pass.

Recognizing these signal words (for example, Because, and But), helps us understand the logical relations
between ideas in a text:

(one idea is the cause of the other)


(one idea is contrary to the other)

Prefixes and Suffixes give another meaning to words:


EASE (facilidad - sustantivo)
EASY (fácil – adjetivo)
EASILY (fácilmente -adverbio)


READ (leer) – REREAD (releer – “RE” al principio = “otra vez”)
VISION – TELEVISON (“TELE” al principio = “a la distancia”)
PROBABLE – IMPROBABLE (“IM” al principio = “NO”)

Ingles 03_Subs (1)

from EaD Kennedy


Identifying suffixes and prefixes helps us understand the meaning of words.

Words used to connect ideas - anyway, actually, basically (Discourse


Discourse markers are words and phrases we use to connect and organize our ideas. They act like
signposts, telling the listener what information is coming up next. Sian will share eight discourse markers
with you – and she'll let you listen to her telephone conversation to do this!

Vocabulary: How to use linking words to connect ideas in English

BBC Learning English - ¿Quieres aprender a hablar inglés? (2016). Vocabulary: How to use linking words to connect ideas in

English. Recuperado el 18 de Febrero de 2019 de:

In the present unit, you will find:

Reading material (theory) about connectors and word formation; read it carefully and if you
have any question, write us in "Foro de Consulta".

Video explanation of connectors (sentence markers) – watch and listen to it. TIP: you can
activate the subtitles in English.

A list with connectors and their translations into Spanish - A more detailed list of connectors
you can use as a reference to help you understand readings. It is not necessary to learn them
all, just keep them handy. When you finish, you will find:

Grammar Exercise 5 – First, complete the sentences with the appropriate connector; then,
there is a text with empty spaces for connectors; you have to select the correct option. You will
find this activity in the section "Evaluaciones" in the menu.

“Therefore” is a connector: it shows the relation between two

ideas: “I think”, and “I am”; this connection is a consequence or
result: because I think, I exist.

This unit is about these logical connections / relations between

Material de Lectura

Connectors - Suffixes Prefixes.pdf

275.5 KB
Lección 3 de 3


Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that add a modality to main verbs. They give a message of ability,
possibility, prohibition, obligation, permission, among others. They are also very important to differentiate
formal and informal sentences. For example:

“Can you speak slower?”

“¿Podés hablar más lento?” is very informal, and even impolite (descortéz).

On the contrary:

“Would you please speak slower?”

“¿Podría, por favor, hablar más lento?” is more formal and polite (cortez).

Recognizing these modal verbs, helps us understand the intentions of a message.

English Modal Verbs - Introduction to Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs - Introduction to Using Modal Verbs in English

Oxford Online English (2017). Modal Verbs - Introduction to Using Modal Verbs in English. Recuperado el 18 de Febrero de

2019 de:

Modal verbs, like 'can', 'must' or 'should' are very common in English. In this lesson, you can learn about modal
verbs, what they are, why you need them and how they work.

The questions we will discuss in this lesson:

1) What are modal verbs?

2) How are modal verbs different to 'normal' verbs?

3) Why are modal verbs important?

4) What makes modal verbs complicated?

Top 5 Modal Verbs in Harry Potter

Top 5 Verbos Modales en Harry Potter - Aprender Inglés con Pelíc…

Moviestars English (2017). Top 5 Verbos Modales en Harry Potter - Aprender Inglés con Películas. Recuperado el

18 de Febrero de 2019 de:

In the present unit, you will find:

Reading material (theory) about modal verbs read it carefully and if you have any question,
write us in "Foro de Consulta".

Video explanationof modals – watch and listen to it. TIP: you can activate the subtitles in

A video with examples of modals in movies – To see how important they are in English. When
you finish, you will find:

Module 3 Activity– Write a letter of complaint about a problem you have had as a result of a
bad service, then post a short reply to a peer’s letter.

Grammar Exercise 6– First, read the text and select the correct modal verb; then, select the
sentence that has the same meaning. You will find this activity in the section "Evaluaciones" in
the menu.

Can, must, and should are modal verbs; they add an intention, or
modality, to the main verb (verbo principal).

Material de Lectura

Modal Verbs-1.pdf
1.2 MB

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