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Journal #4


Journal #4

Journal #4
literature 9th
Journal #4

Chapter 19: Journal: The relationship between Katniss and Peeta has changed
several times throughout the book. Recount some of the ups and downs they have
been through. What is it that makes relationships so complicated? How does
honesty affect the success or failure of a relationship?

Katniss and Peeta barely know each other when the book begins they have
never talk to each other, and by the chapter 20, they are very close and possibly in
love, because Haymitch told them to love in the game but was it a fake love?

“To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and
the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not
doomed”. (pg. 32)

Katniss’s earliest memory of Peeta is when he intentionally burned some bread

so that he would have to throw it away to the animals but instead he has always
been in love with her so he throw it way to her and she could have it and save her
She feels that she has to pay the favor to Peeta because he saved her from
dying, but she forgets about this incident of the bread until she sees Peeta is chose
as the second tribute for the Hunger Games. Peeta felt happy for a few seconds
because he will be with Katniss but then all that thinking’s disappear because he
remember that in the games only one can win.

Katniss is suspicious and does not learn to trust easily though she does not
trust her mother since her father was kill in a mining explosion when she was
younger, and her mother fell into a deep depression. The depression prevented
Katniss and Prim from being cared. The mother depression was too much that she
totally was in other world. After trying to survive without much food, Katniss decided
to hunt for food in the outsides of district 12, where she met Gale, her hunting
partner and best friend in the firsts chapters of the book he is his only friend the only
who she trust completely . Peeta decides to announce that he is in love with Katniss;
he is very nervous because she cannot decide if this is a clever ploy for sponsor
money or if he is sincere and truly loves her.
Journal #4

She is very angry with Peeta for announcing their relationship because it was
fake. Then she decides to accept and play along because Haymitch thinks it is
brilliant the lover boy from district 12 is going to have many sponsors.

“You are a fool,” Haymitch says in disgust. “Do you think he hurt you? That boy just
gave you something you could never achieve on your own.” (pg. 135)

When the games actually begin, Peeta and Katniss separate, Peeta runs away
but she goes to the cornucopia to get the arrows and the bow but she cannot. She is
in a three hiding when she saw the careers but she is shocked to know that Peeta is
hanging out with the Careers. She assumes he is a traitor and forgets about him and
thinks it would be easier to kill him if she hates him.

The Game makers decide that the Game would be more interesting if it takes
advantage of Katniss and Peeta’s connection in love. They announce a rule change
if they are two careers of the same group they both can win the Hunger Games
Katniss knows that Peeta is hurt and she runs for Peeta immediately. Now that two
tributes from the same district can win, she wants to save him. This is the first time
that this sudden burst seems to show that she really does have feelings for Peeta
and she feels something for him. From them on, she looks after him and even
kisses him because she realizes that Haymitch would want her to that, and I
response Haymitch send them soup. The more affection she shows, the more
sponsors, and the more gifts they can get. She begins to understand that Peeta has
been playing a role too but is this fake or really, she is very confused because Peeta
knows lot things of her and almost been kill by the careers for saving her.
“Hooking up with the careers must have been a move to protect me. Peeta, it turns
out, has never been a danger to me. (pg. 248)

The strategy works and she is able to nurse Peeta back to health, and take care for

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