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Name: _______________________________ Section:______________________


________1. Three samples of gas each exert 740. mm Hg in separate 2 L containers. What pressure do they
exert if they are all placed in a single 2 L container?
a. 247 mm Hg c. 1.48 103 mm Hg
b. 740 mm Hg d. 2.22 103 mm Hg
________2. A sample of oxygen occupies 560. mL when the pressure is 800.00 mm Hg. At constant
temperature, what volume does the gas occupy when the pressure decreases to 700.0 mm Hg?
a. 80.0 mL c. 600. mL
b. 490. mL d. 640. mL
________3.If the temperature of a fixed quantity of gas decreases and the pressure remains unchanged,
a. its volume increases. c. its volume decreases.
b. its volume is unchanged. d. its density decreases.
________4. The volume of a gas is 5.0 L when the temperature is 5.0°C. If the temperature is increased to
10.0°C without changing the pressure, what is the new volume?
a. 2.5 L c. 5.1 L
b. 4.8 L d. 10.0 L
________5. On a cold winter morning when the temperature is –13°C, the air pressure in an automobile tire
is 1 atm. If the volume does not change, what is the pressure after the tire has warmed to 15°C?
a. –1.5 atm c. 3.0 atm
b. 1.7 atm d. 19.5 atm
________6. The volume of a gas collected when the temperature is 11.0°C and the pressure is 710 mm Hg
measures 14.8 mL. What is the calculated volume of the gas at 20.0°C and 740 mm Hg?
a. 7.8 mL c. 14.6 mL
b. 13.7 mL d. 15 mL
_._______7. Calculate the approximate volume of a 0.600 mol sample of gas at 15.0°C and a pressure of
1.10 atm.
a. 12.9 L c. 24.6 L
b. 22.4 L d. 139 L
________8. What is the pressure exerted by 1 mol of gas with a temperature of 2 °C and a volume of 9.5 L?
a. 0.030 atm c. 3.0 atm
b. 1.0 atm d. 30. atm
________9. When the temperature of a gas is increased within a closed container, pressure increases due to
which of the following?
a. The frequency of collisions between molecules and the container walls decreases.
b. The frequency of collisions between molecules and the container walls increases.
c. The spaces between the molecules of gas decrease.
d. The gas turns into a liquid.
._______10. The graph below shows a plot of volume versus pressure for a particular gas sample at constant
temperature. What is the volume of this gas at 4.0 atm pressure?

a. 0.68 L
b. 1.0 L
c. 0.5 L
d. 4.0 L

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