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Key Figures

Measuring our commitments to Diversity & Inclusion

C1 - Internal use
Women in our workforce Women in the top management Women career development

* Leadership Position:
37% > 2013 data
54% > Strategic, Group and local k ey positions
(5 300 positions representing the top 10% of the Group global work force, excluding factories and retail)

C1 - Internal use
Gender pay gap analysis in France
Since 2007, L'Oréal calls upon the Economix Institute that groups together renowned public research entities
(INED, CNRS and Université Paris X), to conduct an annual gender pay gap analysis in France. The analysis
has focused on median and mean salary differences between men and women.
Evolution of the median gender salary gap
(of all categories)

2,4% in all categories (in 2020)

Average (mean) salary analysis using comparable data
0,3% Operatives, industrial workers and administrative staff
Salary gap net of structural effects of age, seniority, location, part
time and status that reveals a pay gap in favor of men. 3,1% Managers

C1 - Internal use
Parental Leave

14 weeks 6 weeks*
minimum of paid leave minimum of paid leave for other
for mothers new parent (fathers and co-

*Started in 2019 and presently rolled out

country by country

C1 - Internal use
For several years L'Oréal has put in place an ambitious policy on gender equity. In order to measure and evaluate the
various actions implemented, the Group set up since 2011 - in half of the countries where it operates (representing 60% of
the total workforce) certification processes with the following organizations:

C1 - Internal use
L'Oréal employees Worldwide with disabilities

Total L’Oréal employees with disabilities*
(*Direct employment)

Focus on France

C1 - Internal use
Nationality & Multicultural Origins

nationalities across 68 countries*
(*Consolidated companies)

Global figures regarding the Multicultural Origins of our employees are not available. Aligned with UN
recommendations, each country investigating ethnic characteristics of its population must carefully define
terms such as “race”, “origin” or “tribe” which may have differing connotations. By nature of the topic,
categories and their definitions will vary widely from country to country; therefore no internationally
accepted criteria are possible.

C1 - Internal use
Solidarity sourcing with suppliers
A worldwide solidarity purchasing program to advance social inclusion. Find out more here:

Projects linked to Women's economic empowerment

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Employment of people with disabilities

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People Engagement
(L’Oréal employees )

C1 - Internal use

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