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Cine replay slowed on IVR MASTER after upgrading to Ver. 5.31

A fault has been reported from customers who used Digitex Evolve DAR-3000
with 4MCCD) or Digitex Pro (DAR-3000 with 1MCCD) and upgraded the version to Ver.
5.31 in accordance with the Technical Information ZCHI-1F0005. A description of the
fault is indicated below.

No replay will start three seconds after the joystick is pushed down for cine on

The said fault has been often in combination with C-Vision (IVS-100), and is
found to be caused by an improper setting in “MAINTE.DAT”.

Wrong setting

The selected R/F table model code is “03: ZS-80i/ZS-100i (Sonial Vision)”. This
selection means no R/F table mounted, and thus it is assumed that the model code
should be invalid as long as it is selected. However, the IVR related software changes
over the operation is in compliance with the model code only, and IVR MASTER is
activated even on the Zs-80i/ZS-100i selected.

Correct setting

As shown above, set “01: ZS-35F (no R/F table)” for any C-ARM type such as
IVS-100/MH-100/MH-200. The IVR MASTER cine function will return to as normal.
The said setting may also resolve a fault which resulted in the LED indicating “IVS
+ optional divisional imaging” will not light up on the division panel.
In the case of combination with Sonial Vision, cine will start on Ver. 5.31 after
the joystick is pressed down for three seconds or longer (Operating the joystick allows
the spec to change for jogging).

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