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What is play therapy?

To put it simply, play is the language of children. Through play, children express themselves in a way they
may otherwise not be able to share with caregivers or other adults in their life. The goal of play therapy is
not to “fix” a child or behavior we may see as undesirable, but to give children an opportunity to process
their big feelings and emotions in a safe space. So much of children’s lives are dictated for them: where
to go, what to eat, when to sleep, etc. Play therapy allows children autonomy. During their sessions, the
child has opportunities to take the driver’s seat and decide what to play and how to play. Other times, the
therapist has specific activities in mind targeted towards the child and family’s treatment goals. These
sessions provide children with a sense of freedom and control often lacking in their day-to-day life. This
unique environment and consistent special time builds trust and gives children the mental “space” to
process through their feelings which will hopefully lead to increased self-regulation and the ability to utilize
positive strategies to communicate their needs.

Why play therapy?

Can’t I just play with my child at home? Why does my child need their own therapist? Yes, you absolutely
can and should play with your child at home. We often tell clients that our goal is to work ourselves out of
the job. Like what was said in the previous paragraph, a large part of what makes play therapy effective is
having a consistent time, place, and person the child can rely on. As your child and the therapist develop
mutual trust and understanding, they can mentally allow themselves to play freely and openly. To an
adult, this time in the playroom might not look like “work” but believe us they are. When children feel
heard and understood they can begin to “dig in” and process their thoughts and feelings.

Play therapy also has a proven track record of over 75 years. Mental health practitioners have witnessed
first-hand the effectiveness of play therapy. Children are better able to express themselves and their
feelings through toys than they can verbally. From a developmental standpoint, both cognitively and
social-emotionally, it has been proven time and time again that children learn best through play and by
acting out their feelings and experiences. By utilizing the play therapy model with our clients, we can
assure families that we are doing what’s best for their children.

What kinds of activities will my child be doing while in the playroom?

Honestly, it can and will change week to week. Often your child’s mood and what’s been going on in the
home and school environment can influence how and what your child engages with during their session.
The playroom offers a multitude of activities to choose from including art, dramatic play (puppets,
costumes, etc.), board games, sand tray, bubbles, etc. You name it, we probably have it in the playroom.
We want to create a fun, positive, and peaceful environment for your child and will often have soft music
playing, or a noise machine, and calming ambient lighting. Most of the time your child will self-select what
they want to do or play with but there are times where we might have a special activity planned to do
together during a session.

What makes the 316 Parenting Center different from other play therapy centers?

At the 316 Parenting Center, we believe that the family is a unit. When one person in that unit is
struggling the whole family is affected. We want to come alongside you and help you as the parent and/or
caregiver be your best. We believe this so strongly that our motto is “Giving Kids Great Parents”. During
an initial parent consultation, we will discuss any concerns or behaviors you’re noticing regarding your
child. We will also talk about goals you may have for your child and your family as a whole. If you decide
to move forward with play therapy the therapist will also have this same discussion with your child. After
each play therapy session, I will meet with you for approximately 15-20 minutes to discuss how the
previous week went and to allow you an opportunity to share what you’re noticing at home. Together, we
will discuss strategies you may want to try implementing or questions you may want to think through. Our
goal is to help equip and empower your family with the resources you need to experience true

The 316 Parenting Center is also committed to our Christian faith and strengthening families through
godly principles and effective counseling strategies so that they may thrive and be fruitful for generations
to come for God’s glory. We believe values are one of the pillars of effective parenting and should be an
active and developing part of your family life. Whether you are a Christian or not, every family has values
and I want to help your family determine what those values are and work towards growing in them.

How do I know that play therapy is “working”?

This question does not have a one-size-fits-all answer but as your child regularly attends play therapy you
will start to notice changes in behavior. It won’t be an overnight magic fix, but you may start to see your
child being less defiant or the number of “meltdowns” per week is lessening. They may begin
communicating with you more or being more open to sharing how they are feeling. You may notice a
greater sense of calm in your household or a decrease in fighting. It takes time and hard work but when
your family is dedicated to growing and changing you will see a shift in the dynamics.

There is no set time for how long your child will need to attend play therapy, but your therapist will always
keep you informed about what they are noticing in your child and when they feel it is appropriate to talk
about ending sessions. Obviously, therapy is not a “one-and-done” experience. As your child grows and
enters into new developmental stages it is not uncommon for clients to come back and see us again. Our
hope is that you will see the 316 Parenting Center as a resource for your family that you can always
reach out to.

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