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Development Sustainable Strategy of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) Aquaculture in Fahiluka, Malaka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara

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Wilhelmus Alfaryanto Leven Franchy Ch. Liufeto Wesly Pasaribu
Study program of Acuaculture, Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara
Jl.Adisucipto Penfui, 881580, Indonesia

Email: alfanleven9@gmail.com
Coastal land used for milkfish aquaculture in ponds is an important factor in the economic and social aspects of the coastal communities in East Nusa Tenggara, however,
aquaculture production from the coast was not optimal. Therefore, we conducted a study aiming to identify the strategies for the development of milkfish ( Chanos chanos)
aquaculture in Fahiluka, Malaka Regency, and then set strategic priorities based on Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) analysis. The data includes primary
data from 50 milkfish farmers in Fahiluka and secondary data from documents from the Fahiluka village office. The first data collection analyzed the Summary Internal
Factor Analysis (IFAS) and Summary External Factor Analysis (EFAS) from the milkfish pond site in Fahiluka. Then analyzed SWOT, based on the SWOT analysis of
strength (S), the pond received a score of 0,60, it is a privately owned pond while the weakness is that the pond area is in a disaster prone area of (0,54) and threat is
fishing theft with a score of (0,45). The chance of high market demand (0,58). The results of this study obtained twelve alternative strategies for the development of
milkfish aquaculture in Fahiluka. Based on the QSPM analysis, the highest total attractiveness score is 7.66 which, indicates an increase in pond management activities
through the implementation of biosecurity.
Keywords: Aquaculture development, Milkfish pond, SWOT, QSPM

Coastal and marine areas have potential natural resources that will contribute to Indonesia's future development (Darmawan & Lingga, 2021). Coastal
aquaculture is a growing global source of protein for human consumption (Hou et al., 2022). The exploitation of the potential of the coastal resources is carried out in
cooperation with different parties in such a way that it remains sustainable (Bax et al., 2022). Pond monitoring and management is essential for sustainable management of
the coastal ecosystem (Ren et al., 2019). The potential area for aquaculture in Indonesia is about 17.92 million ha, with a potential for brackish water aquaculture of 2.96
million ha, but the potential use for brackish water aquaculture reaches only 22.50% (Ministry of Marine and Affairs and Fisheries, 2017).
Brackishwater fish farming is a profitable business providing livelihood for the community (Anyanwu et al., 2007). However, there are problems with pond
production due to environmental conditions (Naylor et al., 2000; Diana, 2009; Bohnes & Laurent, 2021). In order to increase optimal pond production, environmental
aspects (Bhatnagar & Devi, 2013), and human resources must be considered (Adelodun, 2015). Farmers' lack of knowledge about good aquaculture practices (GAP)
causes problems in aquaculture (Osmundsen et al., 2017; Suryani et al., 2021).Therefore, knowledge of GAP is required, application of GAP in fish farming activities can
increase aquaculture productivity (Samah, 2020).
An ecosystem approach to aquaculture is an integrated approach to promoting sustainable aquaculture development (FAO, 2010; Brugère et al., 2018; Couture
et al., 2021). Efforts are being made to plan fish farming spatially, improve facilities and infrastructure, and increase knowledge of aquaculture (Lasima et al., 2021).
Utilizing the potential of milkfish aquaculture ponds in the area of Fahiluka Village has not yielded optimal results. Therefore, there is a need to assess the suitability and
carrying capacity of the existing coastal environment to support pond development (Liufeto, 2019).
Aquaculture strategies can be reviewed by looking at internal or external aspects, namely strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis
serves as a tool to analyze internal and external factors (Görener et al., 2012; Rimmer et al., 2013). The SWOT analysis is used for strategic planning (Namugenyi et al.,
2019). After that, the strategy is analyzed by applying the Quantitative Strategy Matrix to determine strategic preferences and to assess the relative attractiveness of the
considered alternative strategies (Moogouei, 2014). Therefore, the purpose of this panel is to identify strategies that can be implemented for milkfish aquaculture
development in Fahiluka, Malaka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
Materials and Methods

Fahiluka is a village in the coastal region of Malaka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Fahiluka communities use the coastal area as a location for
milkfish pond (Figure 1). The research site and data collection in this study was conducted at a fish farm in Fahiluka village.

Data collection

The data were collected according to the method of (Wijayanto, 2016). The data collected are primary and secondary data. First, primary data were collected
through field observations and interviews with aquaculture farmers, then secondary data were obtained from literature and documents from village administration
documents. The respondents were surveyed using the sampling method according to (Andrianto & Siringoringo), with all members of the population being interviewed in
the study. The population of aquaculture farmers in Fahiluka village is again 50 farmers, all population groups are used as samples in the study.

SWOT Analysis

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The initial phase of data collection in SWOT analysis by examining strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats aims to organize the business view (Celik et
al., 2012). For the preparation of IFAS and EFAS according to the method of David & David, 2017, identifying internal and external factors, then weighting these factors
from 0.0 to 1.0, then assigning values from the range 1-4 if 1 is below average, 2 is average, 3 is above average and 4 is very good, followed by determining the average
score for each variable by multiplying the weights and scores, adding all scores to get a total score, the mean value is 2.5. A reading below 2.5 indicates weak internal and
external position, while a reading above 2.5 indicates strong internal and external position. This is followed by a data reconciliation which is the result of the reconciliation of
the IFAS and EFAS matrices and then entered into the SWOT matrix.

QSPM Analysis

Decision making using QSPM according to the method of David & David, 2017. The first step is to place internal and external factors in the left column, then
assign weights to these factors, then identify alternative strategies and then proceed with determining the AS value to continue . which shows the attractiveness of the
strategy. The range of values (AS) is 1 = not attractive, 2 = fairly attractive, 3 = logically attractive, 4 = very attractive. The next step is to calculate TAS from multiplying the
weights and AS in each row. Add up all TAS in each QSPM column. After sorting the TAS scores, the TAS score of the alternate strategy with a high value indicates that
the alternate strategy is the primary choice

Result and Discussion

SWOT analysis

Internal factor analyisis summary (IFAS) matrix

The IFAS matrix analysis was the result of internal factor analysis in the form of the influential of strengths and weaknesses on aquaculture. The IFAS matrix for
the development of aquaculture in Fahiluka showed in Table 1. The results of the IFAS matrix show that the main strength is milkfish ponds in Fahiluka, which are typically
private (aquaculture farmers) ponds. This factor has a value of 0.60. The main weakness of the pond fish farm in Fahiluka is that the pond area is located in an area prone
to natural disasters with a value of 0.54. The total weighted value of the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) is 3.48

External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) Matrix

The EFAS matrix analysis is the result of analyzing internal factor aspects of the impact of opportunities and threats on aquaculture. The EFAS matrix analysis is
the result of analyzing internal factor aspects of the impact of opportunities and threats on aquaculture. The EFAS matrix for aquaculture development in Fahiluka Village is
presented in Table 2. The results of the EFAS matrix show that the main opportunity is the high market demand for milkfish. This factor has a total weight value of 0.58. The
biggest threat to the pond economy in Fahiluka is rampant fish theft from ponds, which has a value of 0.45. The weighted total value of external factors (opportunities and
threats) is 3.32.
SWOT matrix
SWOT analysis is the process of examining a company's internal and external environment and then formulating a strategy based on its strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (Ghazinoory et al., 2011) . In addition, internal factors can be examined using SWOT analysis, namely strengths and weaknesses, external factors
are opportunities and threats (Nikolaou & Evangelinos, 2010). The results of the SWOT analysis explain that strengths outweigh weaknesses and opportunities outweigh
threats (Chandra & Kumar, 2021). The SWOT analysis has proven itself as a decision-making aid because it offers a qualitative approach (Nagara et al., 2015).
The milkfish pond area in Fahiluka has potential for sustainable development. Therefore, alternative strategies are developed from the results of the SWOT
analysis with the aim to support sustainable aquaculture activities. The resulting strategy based on the SWOT analysis is the Strengths-Opportunities strategy, including
optimizing the independence of the aquaculture business by applying good aquaculture practices to meet the market demand and guaranteeing the selling price of milkfish,
intensifying the pond area by using existing areas, Enlargement of the pond management activities through the implementation of biosecurity.
Good aquaculture practice is one of the factors that increase farmers' income (Kamaruddin & Baharuddin, 2015). With the implementation of GAP, production
efficiency can be increased (Valderrama et al., 2014). Further intensification aims to increase productivity so that raw materials are continuously available (Pretty &
Bharucha, 2014; Rockström et al., 2017). Biosecurity in aquaculture is related to pest and disease eradication efforts, cleanliness of the aquaculture environment, genetics
and the integrated environment (Pruder, 2004).
The Weaknesses-Opportunity strategy includes: increasing government competence and professionalism for farmers through training and advisory activities,
cost-efficiency by using local ingredients as fish feed, changing cropping patterns based on climatic conditions to avoid losses from flooding.

The implementation of sustainable aquaculture requires more institutional support for training, advisory support and technical support (Akber et al., 2017). One of
the challenges in aquaculture is the need for feed, the price of which is increasing, hence the need to provide alternative feed (Karimi et al., 2018). The use of local
resources as fish feed aims to maximize the potential for fish production (Gabriel et al., 2007), also the use of local materials aims to reduce the cost of feed (Ahmad &
Ibrahim, 2016). Efforts are being made to overcome climate change such as flooding in aquaculture activities by changing the timing of fish seeds stocking (Oyebola et al.,

The strengths-threats strategy consists of utilizing coastal areas according to environmental resilience, structuring pond layouts by separating outlet and inlet
channels to prevent pollution and organic matter accumulation, regular monitoring of the pond area including water quality monitoring. The environmental resilience of

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aquaculture has become a fundamental concept for sustainable and environmentally-based aquaculture (Weitzman & Filgueira, 2020). Aquaculture engineering in ponds
aims to maintain safety in ponds and stability of water treatment, reduce negative impact on the environment, produce aquaculture products safe for consumption and
sustainable pond aquaculture (Liu et al., 2021). Monitoring and controlling water quality can have an impact on productivity and the quality of aquaculture can be improved
(Su et al., 2020).
Weakness-Opportunities strategy, which consists of installing nets along ponds and waterways, increasing cooperation between groups of aquaculture farmers, the

government and farmers, and improving facilities and infrastructure. Implementing risk management strategies like shortening the fish production cycle, early harvesting

can avoid production losses in aquaculture (Karim et al., 2014). Group involvement can contribute to appropriate marketing relationships and minimize input costs (Kalra et

al., 2013). The government issues policies to increase economic development by improving facilities and infrastructure in ponds (Senff et al., 2018).

Quantitative Stratetgic Planning Matrix (QSPM)
The decision-making phase uses the QSP matrix as an alternative strategy analysis tool (Yazdani et al., 2012; Harisudin et al., 2014). The result of the QSP
matrix is the decision stage, the strategies are ranked on a scale of 1-4 so that a list of strategic priorities can be created. The results of data processing using the QSP
matrix are presented in Table 4.
QSP matrix is also used to determine the right and necessary strategy in a company (Ghorbani et al., 2015; Chandra & Sharma, 2018). The results of the
analysis using the QSP matrix show that the priority strategy is to improve pond management through the application of biosecurity with the highest overall score of 7.63.
Biosecurity measures that can be taken include cleaning various equipment used in aquaculture activities, selecting the size of fish to be cultured, conducting early checks
on fish infected with the disease, and segregating them (Caraguel et al., 2015). An effective biosecurity strategy provides pathogen protection for cultured fish from entry
into the culture environment (Oidtmann et al., 2011).
The results of this study offer a strategy for the development of sustainable milkfish pond aquaculture in Fahiluka using SWOT and QSPM analysis. And also the
identification of internal factors in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on SWOT analysis, there are 12 alternative strategies that can be
applied to optimize aquaculture development in Fahiluka, Malacca Regency. The processing of the QSP matrix was given a priority strategy, namely increasing pond
management activities through the application of biosecurity with the aim of creating sustainable aquaculture activities. In addition, this research can promote the
application of analytical tools in the form of SWOT and QSPM in the development of sustainable aquaculture development strategies.
Thank you to Fahiluka village officials who provided secondary data for this research and further to all Fahiluka aquaculture farmers who provided data for this research.

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Figure 1.Location of milkfish ponds in Fahiluka

Table 1.Internal factor analysis summary (IFAS) matrix
No Internal factor Weight Rating Score

1 Privately owned pond 0,15 4 0,60
2 Water resources are easy to find Environmental conditions 0,11 3 0,33
3 Fish seeds from the natural environment 0,12 3,28 0,39
4 0,13 3,48 0,45

Total Strength 1,78


000 Running Title (First Author)

1 The pond area is located in an area prone to natural disasters 0,14 3,88 0,54
Inadequate facilities and infrastructure
2 Limited capital availability 0,11 3 0,33
3 The production method is still traditional 0,12 3,28 0,39
4 0,13 3,42 0,44

Total weaknesess 1.70

Total Strengths and Weaknesess 3,48

Source : Data Analysis Result

Table 2. External factor analysis summary (EFAS) matrix

No External Factor Weight Rating Score

1 The pond is easily accessible by car 0,12 3,26 0,39
2 Market demand for milkfish 0,15 3,86 0,58
3 Potential land for pond 0,13 3,34 0,43
4 The selling price of milkfish is stable 0,14 3,54 0,50

Total Opportunities 1,90


1 Climate 0,12 3,22 0,39

2 Theft of milkfish in the pond 0,13 3,48 0,45
3 Milkfish attacked by pests 0,12 3,06 0,37
4 Tide 0,09 2,4 0,22

Total Threats 1,42

Total Opportunities And Threats 3,32

Source : Data Analysis Result

Tabel 3. SWOT matrix for milkfish pond in Fahiluka.
Internal faktor STRENGTHS (S) WEAKNESSES (W)
1. Privately owned pond 1. The pond area is located in an area prone to natural dis-
2. water resources are easy to find asters
3. environmental condition 2. Inadequate facilities and infrastructure
4. Fish seeds from the natural environment 3. Limited capital availability
4. The production method is still traditional
Exsternal factor

OPPRTUNITIES (O) SO Strategy WO Strategy

1. optimization of aquaculture business by implement- 1. increasing the competence and professionalism of the
1. The pond is easily accessible by car ing good aquaculture practice farmers though training and counseling activities
2. Market demand for milkfish 2. intensification of pond land to utilisize existing land 2. efficiency by using local ingredients as fish feed
3. Potential land for pond 3. increasing pond management activities with the ap- 3. changes in fish farm method
4. The selling price of milkfish is stable plication of biosecurity

THREATS (T) ST Strategy WT Strategy

1. Use of coastal areas according to environmental 1. Installation of nets along ponds and waterways, partial
1. Climate sustainability harvesting to avoid losses from disasters and diseases
2. Theft of milkfish in the pond 2. Arrangement of pond layout by separating outlet-in- 2. Increasing collaboration n between government and
3. Milkfish attacked by pests let channels to prevent contamination and accumu- aquaculture farmers
4. Tide lation of organic matter 3. Improvement of facilities and infrastructure such as light-
3. Periodic monitoring of the pond area ing on pond roads with the aim of reducing theft at the

000 Running Title (First Author)


Source : Data Analysis Result

Tabel 4. Data processing result using QSPM
No priority TAS Strategy

1. I 7,66 Increasing pond management activities through the application of biosecurity

2. II 7,13 Optimizing aquaculture operations by implementing good aquaculture practices

3. III 6,45 Efficiency by using local ingredients as fish feed

4. IV 6,22 Intensification of pond areas with simultaneous use of existing areas

5. V 6,08 Increasing the competence and professionalism of fish farmers through training and advisory activities
6. VI 5,95 Arrangement of pond layout by separating outlet-inlet channels to prevent contamination and accumulation of or-
ganic matter
7. VII 5,9 the establishment of a forum for collaboration between fish farmers
8. VIII 5,49 Use of coastal areas according to environmental sustainability
9. IX 5,42 Installation of nets along ponds and waterways, harvest early to avoid losses from natural disasters such as floods
and disease
X 5,34 Improvement of facilities and infrastructure such as lighting on pond roads with the aim of reducing theft at the pond
11. XI 4,93 Periodic monitoring of the pond area
12. XII 3,66 Changes in fish farming (aquaculture) methods

Source : Data Analysis Result

000 Running Title (First Author)

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