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Activity Sheet for Asynchronous Learning 1

SUBJECT: Physical Science


Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the best answer on a separate answer sheet.

____1. In which of the following events can the circular shadow of the Earth be observed most notably?
A. Solar eclipse C. Summer solstice
B. Lunar eclipse D. Winter solstice

____2. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth according to ancient Greeks?
A. cylinder C. flat disc
B. octagon D. sphere

____3. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth according to ancient Greeks?
A. cylinder C. flat disc
B. octagon D. sphere

____4. Which of the following can be observed of a cruising ship if the Earth is a flat disc?
A. It will shrink then only the sail will be visible until it completely disappears.
B. It will become bigger and bigger.
C. It will not change its size.
D. It will become smaller and smaller until it disappears.

____5. Which of the following describes the position of the North Star if you go farther away from the
A. closer to the horizon C. It is fixed wherever you are on the Earth.
B. farther away from the horizon D. It disappears completely

____6. Over a night, as seen from the surface of Earth, the stars appear to move in what way?

A. Appear to rise in the west, set in the east C. Appear to rise in the east, set in the west
B. Don't appear to move at all D. Appear to move from north to south

____7. A solar eclipse can be observed on earth when

A. the moon is exactly between the sun and the earth
B. the earth is exactly between the sun and the moon
C. the sun is on the ecliptic
D. the moon's orbit is parallel to the ecliptic plane

True or False: Based on astronomical phenomena known to astronomers before the advent of telescopes,
write “XiXi” if the statement is correct otherwise write “YiYi” if the statement is incorrect on a separate
answer sheet.

_______________8. Stars are eternal.

_______________9. Tycho Brahe observed “Nova Stella” explosion on November 11, 1572.
_______________10. Comets are found in the Celestial domain.
_______________11. Ancient people have observed that the moon changes its path and its appearance
within a period of 28 days.
_______________12. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon casts its shadow on the Earth when the moon is
between the Sun and the Earth.
_______________13. Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is in between the Sun and the Earth and the moon
partially or completely blocks out the sun.
_______________14. The constellations’ positions in the night sky don’t change throughout the year.
_______________15. The Earth is the center of the universe.

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