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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to :

a. Discuss the circumstances that led to Rizal's execution and death

b. Describe how Dr. Jose Rizal died; and

c. Dramatized Rizal's execution and death.


a. Topic: Execution and Death

b. Reference:

c. Material: Visual aid

d. Value Focus: Cooperation


a. Preparatory Activities

1. Prayer

2. Greetings

3. Checking of Attendance

4. KBI

b. Motivation

The teacher will divide the class into three groups. The teacher will ask questions
then the students will going to guess the answer.

c. Discussion

Our topic for this morning is all about execution and death. Let's discuss why Rizal
was being execute. So here's the reason:

1. Sedition- it is the conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a
state or monarch.

2. Rebellion- an act of violent or open resilience to an established government or ruler.

3. Formation of illegal association

 December 28,1896- Governor-General Camilo de Polavieja signed Rizals death

warrant ordering him to be shot at seven (7) o'clock in the morning at Bagumbayan.
 Josephine Bracken was a sweet eighteen-year-old Irish girl who was slim, had blond
hair and blue eyes. Rizal gave her a small book which is entitled IMITACION DE

Rizal was visited by his friends among his visitors are;

 Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata- rector of Ateneo Municipal.

 Fr. Luiz Visa- who brought the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Other visitors of Rizal was;

 Fr. Antonio Rosell

 Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade -also arrived and Rizal thanked him for his gallant service.
He is the defense counsel of Rizal and he worked tirelessly to persuade the members
of the military court not to sentenced the accused to death.
 Fr. Balaguer - a Jesuit priest who tried to persuade Rizal to retract his masonic
beliefs but Rizal remained firm.
When Fr. Balaguer left, Rizal's mother and his sister arrived. Rizal began giving out
 Trinidad- he gave her an alcohol stove and whispered to her in English "there is
something inside".
 Mi Ultimo Adios is the last poem Rizal created.

On December 30, 1896 at 6:30 am - is the start of Rizal's journey to death.

 Rizal walked calmly to Bagumbayan with his defense counsel Lt. Luis Taviel de
Andrade and with the two Jesuit Priest Fr. March and Fr. Villaclara.
 Rizal wore a black suit, black derby hat, black shoes, white shirt and a black tie. His
arms were tied behind his back from elbow to elbow but the rope was loose enough
to allow his arms to move freely.
 After receiving final blessing he bid farewell to Fr. March, Fr. Villaclara and to Lt. Luis
Taviel de Andrade.
 Jose's request to be shot facing the firing squad was denied because he had been
order to be shot in the back.
 The firing squad was ready and there is an artillery that stood behind in case any
attempt of rescuing the prisoner.
 Artillery- large caliber gun used in warfare on land.
 Firing squad is made up of Filipino soldier and behind them we're Spaniards.
 Dr. Felipe Ruis Castillo a Spanish military doctor was intrigued by Rizal's calm
demeanor. He found out that there is no sign of excitement or fear. His pulse are
normal. So he concluded that Rizal doesn't fear death.
 The order to fire was given. Upon hearing the squad commander shout of Fuego
which means fire Rizal turned to face the firing squad. The shot at the back allowed
him to turn his body sideways and fell on the ground with his face upward.
 Consummatum Est is the last word of Rizal before he died which means "it is
 He was declared dead after falling to the ground three minutes after seven o'clock in
the morning.
 The Spaniards spectator shouted Viva España or long live Spain.
 The military bond played Marcha de Cadiz.
 Rizal died offering his country and its freedom. He died as a hero and a martyr for
Philippines independence in the eyes of those who loved, respected and supported

d. Generalization

What are the reason behind Rizal's execution?

How does Rizal died?

What are the contributions of Rizal in the Philippines?

What do you think are the legacies of Rizal that he left behind?

e. Application

The teacher will divide the class into three groups. Each group will dramatized the
execution and death of Rizal.

Rubrics for Role Play


Participation and Cooperation 10

Content 10

Presentation 10


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. When does Rizal died?

a. December 28, 1986 b. December 30, 1896 c. January 30,1896

2. What are the reason behind Rizal's execution and death?

a. Sedition, rebellion and formation of illegal association

b. Formation of illegal association and rebellion only

c. None of the above

3. What was the request of Rizal that was denied?

a. To be shot facing the firing squad

b. To be shot in the back

c. To be shot in head

4. Who was the Spanish military doctor who was intrigued by Rizal's calm demeanor?

a. Balaguer b. Antonio Rosell c. Luiz Taviel de Andrade

5. Who was the defense counsel of Rizal?

a. Lt. Luis Taviel de Andrade b. Fr. Balaguer c. Camilo de Polavieja


Search where Rizal buried. Write it in 1/4 sheet of paper.

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