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Lesson Plan in Science IX

Division of Agusan del Sur

San Luis National High School
Dona Maxima, San Luis Agusan del Sur

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. define what is Incomplete Dominance and co dominance;
b. differentiate the two types of non- Mendelian patterns of Inheritance;
c. make a Punnett square in identifying what type of non-mendelian genetics
the situations fall into.
d. appreciate the importance of studying Non- mendelian Patterns of

II. Subject Matter: Non-Mendelian patterns of Inheritance

Learning Competency: Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian
inheritance (S9LT-Id-29)
Materials: LCD projector, TV, PPT, Videos, Manila paper, fill-tip pen
Timeframe: 1 hr (Nov. 23, 2023), 7:40-8:40
Approach: 4 As

III. Procedure
Teachers’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
Prayer, Checking of Attendance

During the prayer, the teacher must also acknowledge that some students
are not Catholic so we must be considerate in our prayer by merely
stating, “students who are catholic can have the sign of the cross and
some who aren’t can stay focused to the prayer. (Indicator 7 in response
to their religious backgrounds)
1. Review
To make the review more enjoyable and exciting, the teacher prepares
and activity. He has a box with him that contains pieces of paper-
having equal measurements. Each paper contains descriptions of the
students that will answer the question. The teacher will read the
question first then select who will answer it through the use of the box
containing pieces of paper.

1. What are the 4 valves of the heart?

2. How important circulatory system is?
3. What are the things you will do to take good care of your heart?

a. Setting of Standards
What good pupils do when the teacher is discussing/talking here in
In every activity, students must listen first for the direction until the
teacher tells to start the activity.

At this instance, the teacher will have to assure the students to be

not hesitant in asking the directions given by the teacher. In every
instruction, if observed by the teacher that they are having hard
times grasping the direction, the teacher will have to translate the
direction in Filipino, last resort will be in vernacular. (Indicator 4,
displayed proficient use of different language in facilitating
teaching and learning.)

This part also establishes safe and secure learning environment by

setting first the classroom for the teaching and learning process.
(Indicator 5)
b. Motivation
Eyes on the screen. Who can describe what’s in the picture?

The picture shows a group of people and animals showing their

uniqueness- straight and curly hair, deep seated eyes and normal
eyes, tan skin and white skin, a color combined flower, a cow with
black and white cow.

Presentation of New Lesson

What will be our topic this morning?


a. define what is Incomplete Dominance and co dominance;

b. differentiate the two types of non- Mendelian patterns of
c. make a Punnett square in identifying what type of non-
mendelian genetics the situations fall into.
d. appreciate the importance of studying Non- mendelian Patterns
of Inheritance.
Unlocking of difficulties:
Genotypes: It is represented by small and capital letters. It is
merely the alleles involved.

Phenotypes: It is the physical attributes or the observable

appearance of the offspring

Alleles: The genes.

The students are grouped into 4 groups. Each Group is assigned at a certain
topic. Students are also provided with fact sheets and videos where they can
refer on for more information. After 20 minutes brainstorming within their group,
they will be going to select a representative to report their assigned topic.
Group 1
Process Question
1. What is Incomplete dominance?
2. What is Co-dominance?
3. What are the possible offspring of the genes mentioned if it will be crossed?
Give the percentage of having a given trait.
(Indicator 2, students will have to read the fact sheets and do some
basic calculation to identify the percentage of the offspring)

Item number 3 of the process question acknowledged the indigenous groups

One of the items states: Manobos are uniquely beautiful. They have shiny
straight hair and even some have amazing volumized curly hair. Indeed they
are beautiful same as others. Same as the Manobo, a beautiful Banwaon
straight hair women (SS) is married to the handsome curly (CC) Manabo
man. What will be their offspring? (Take note: both hair is incompletely
dominant with each other.) (Indicator 8, teaching strategies to address
the learners from indigenous groups)

Process Question
1. What is Incomplete dominance?
2. What is Co-dominance?
3. What are the possible offspring of the genes mentioned if it will be crossed?
Give the percentage of having a given trait.

Group 3
Process Questions
1. What is Incomplete dominance?
2. What is Co-dominance?
3. What are the possible offspring of the genes mentioned if it will be crossed?
Give the percentage of having a given trait.

Group 4
Process Questions
1. What is Incomplete dominance?
2. What is Co-dominance?
3. What are the possible offspring of the genes mentioned if it will be crossed?
Give the percentage of having a given trait.
During the activity phase, students could brainstorm within their group about the
task using fact sheets. The teacher will only facilitate the learning. Pictures are
also given during the activity phase. And for the Abstraction phase, the teacher
will use another way of making the topic easier buy a discussion through
prepared PPT and videos.
(Indicator 3, variation of teaching strategies is used)

The activity phase is time bounded for 20 minutes. (Indicator 9)

The students will now present their task each Group
Group 1 will be the first group to perform

Before the presentation of their task, the students must be introduced to a rubric
for some guidelines. (Indicator 5, consistent implementation of guidelines in
enhancing learning)

Rubric also promotes fairness. And after the presentation the students are
instructed to do some claps for the reporter. And during the formative
questioning, encouraging words will be given to the students who have
answered. Take note, formative questions are ought to be not recorded. It only
clarifies if the students are ready for the next level of the discussion. (Indicator
6, promotes fairness and care to encourage learner)

The teacher will now check the work of the students. In order to deepen the
answers given by the students the teacher will have to discuss through
powerpoint presentation.

To correct the misconception of the students and deepen the understanding of

the topic, the teacher will discuss further through PPT presentation and videos.
By such, the students can distinguish on their own their misconceptions about
the topics. (Indicator 9, accurate feedback to improve learner performance

Why is it important to study non-mendelian genetics?
Is anyone here looks different with their siblings like they think that they are
Try to look at your own picture. Identify your traits whether you inherit it from your
mother or father.

Way back in our history, we were colonized by American, Japanese, and

American, thus we can really say that we have their genes. That’s why Filipinos
really have different features from each other. Why Juan looks like Spanish?
Why Minda looks like Chinese? Why Lito looks like American even if technically
he is not from American descent. But we can trace Lito’s history that his great
ancestors are American. That’s why he has features of American
(Indicator I Aral Pan Integration)

1. Answer the following using Punnett square. Identify the genotypes and the

 take a rest
 spend time with your family
 pray and praise God

Prepared by:

Checked and Observed by:

Master Teacher I/ SHS Coordinator

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