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EREM Professor Eraldo Campos 6 - My friend and I played soccer yesterday.

___ love soccer!

Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Professor: Getulio Vargas Pimentel
Conteúdo: Personal Pronouns

1 - This is Amanda. ___ is my girlfriend.
7 - John doesn't like ___ but I like ___
(A)I, him
(B)Me, him
(C)Me, he
(D)I, she
2 - Samara is my teacher and I like ___
8 - I have to do my homework. Can you
help ___ with ___ ?
(A)I, it
(B)Him, it
(C)Me, him
3 - You look sad. Are ___ ok?
(D)Me, it
9 – I adore Chris, ___ is a very good friend.
4 - Sara and John are my friends. I like to play
10 – Alex and Paul go to travel with us. ___
(A)Us love to have fun with ____

(B)We (A)Us, them

(C)Them (B)we, them

(D)They (C)you, me

5 - My brother and I are going to the beach. Do you (D)I, we

want to go with ___ ?





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