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Leonardo,Josefina Zamboanga Del Sur

Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________ Date: ________________
Test-I Music
Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write the letters only on the space provide
Name: ______________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________ Date: ________________
Test-I Music
Direction: Choose the correct answer. Write the letters only on the space provide

NAME: ____________________________________ Grade & Section_________________

Direction: Read each question very carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices and encircle the letter of your answer.
1. The following are composers of the classical period who is one of the most prominent composers of the classical period?
A. Ludwig Van Beethoven C. Franz Joseph Haydn
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Franz Van Beethoven
2. It refers to the extended musical setting of sacred music.
A. Fugue B. Chorale C. Oratorio D. Concerto Grosso
3. There are five main sections of the mass. Which of the following is the only section of Mass with Greek text?
A. Kyrie Gloria C. Agnus Die D. Masses
4. Which of the following is the period from 1750-1820 called the ‘’Age of Reason’’?
A. classical era B. medieval C. renaissance D. baroque
5. The period when the Christian church highly influenced culture and political affairs was the __________.
A. Medieval Period C. Baroque Period
B. Renaissance Period D. Classical Period
6. It means ‘’an irregular shaped pearl’’?
A. Renaissance B. Baroque C. Sculpture D. All of them
7. ’’ Monalisa’’ is the artwork of ?
A. Leonardo Da Vinci B. Donatello C. Raphael D. Simoni
Direction: Read the story carefully. Answer the following questions below. Encircle the letter of your choice.
My name is Anthony I first picked up drugs at the age of 13, due to wanting to fit in and be part of something. Smoking
cigarettes and drinking alcohol came at a very young age. That then progressed into my later teens and brought fighting and
drink driving. I served my first jail sentence at the age of 18, which introduced me into circles which used heroin and crack
cocaine. I felt very comfortable in these circles because of the experience I had in the past with drugs. I came out of prison for
the first time at 19 and got straight back into the drinking and clubbing scene and because of my addictive personality taking
drugs was very easy for me. I began to use heroin because it made me feel more comfortable and relaxed in the surroundings
that I found myself in.
My drug use progressed to where I was using heroin and crack cocaine at the same time in the pin. The hit I got from this was
very intense so I started to use it more often because I liked feeling. Months I had my first then this turned into an everyday
event and after a few I had my first then this turned into an everyday event and after a few I had a trade and at first. I found it
easy to earn money and work through my addiction. However, after a while I got into a pattern of not going to work so I
eventually lost my job. So, in order to pay for my addiction. I had to steal to get money. I used to steal from family, shops and
houses at night.
Again, I found myself in jail and from the age of 19-29 that was my life, drugs and jail. At 30 I started to realize that I wanted
more out of life and became so sick and tired of my drug used. But I do believe this is because I was ready to stop. I had had
enough of my drug use and all the problems with it. I had to stop before it was too late and the inventible happened to me. I
can’t explain YET why I suddenly wanted to stop, but strongly believe it’s because I’ve found the fellowship. It might not be
right for everyone who is an addict but it is the shoe that fits for me. I am a strong believer in the therapeutic value of one
addict helping another.
I am now in recovery and life has never been better.’’ There is a light at the end of the Tunnel’’. There is a better life waiting for
you but all depends on the effort and work you put into your recovery. At the end of the day, you only get out of recovery what
you put into it.
8. What is the story all about?
A. Anthony’s life and his experience with drugs and recovery
B. Anthony’s story and how drugs help him
C. Anthony’s story and how drugs ruined his life
D. Anthony’s life and his cocaine story
9. At what age did Anthony realized to stop using drugs?
A. 29 B.27 C.30 D.28
10.Frederic Chopin wrote most of his music for the following instrument.
A. violin B. flute C. piano D. orchestra
11.Neoclassicism is the revival of a classical style of art treatment. The term came from the Greek word NEOS and CLASSICUS
which means _____________.
A. young and old C. new and first class
B. discover and restore D. new and traditional
12.Frederic Chopin wrote most of his music for the following instrument.
A. violin B. flute C. piano D. orchestra
13.13.How can festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well- being?
A. It reduces the risk of cardio- respiratory diseases.
B. It facilitates teamwork and sense of community
C. It maximizes our use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory health
D. It is sometimes good form of exercise.
14.What do you call the immediate care given to an injured person before the arrival of the physician?
A. First Aid B. Emergency care C. Intensive care D. CPR
15.What is the first thing to do in assessing an emergency situation?
A. call for help C. do a head-to-toe examination
B. survey if the area is safe D. check the vital sign of the victim
16.When a person commits suicide but does not intend to die, what intentional is it?
A. Act of Terror C. Social bullying
B. Extortion D. Parasuicide
17.Which of the following is intentional injury?
A. A woman who accidentally touched a hot pan.
B. A child who falls down from the stairs.
C. A business tycoon kidnapped.
D. A man bumped by a car.
18.Teasing, name-calling, taunting are examples of what kind of bullying?
A. Cyber bullying C. Social bullying
B. Physical bullying D. Verbal bullying
19.Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about verbal abuse?
A. Verbal abuse is dangerous
B. Verbal abuse is controlling
C. Verbal abuse boosts self- confidence of a person.
D. Verbal abuse is hurtful and usually attacks the nature and abilities of the person.
20.Where does domestic violence happen?
A. Home B. Mall C. Plaza D. School

21.Which of the following artwork showed the ideal view of the real crossing the Alps through the Great St. Bernard Pass in 1800?

A. Oath of the Horatii C. Napoleon Crossing the Alps

B. The Death of Marat D. The Apotheosis of Homer

22. The following are composers of the classical period who is one of the most prominent composers of the classical period?

A. Ludwig Van Beethoven C. Franz Joseph Haydn

B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart D. Franz Van Beethoven

23.A composer of the classical period who is born in Bonn,Germany and from a family of musicians and studied music at an early age.

A. Franz Joseph Haydn C. Fran Liszt

B. Niccolo Paganini D. Ludwig Van Beethoven

24.Which of the following acts is considered ‘’ physical bullying’’?

A. Embarrassing someone in public C. Name-calling

B. Hitting/ kicking/pinching D. Using mobile devices

25. Which of the following is intentional injury?

A woman who accidentally touched a hot pan.

B child who falls down from the stairs

C business tycoon kidnapped

D man bumped by a car.

26. Activities done during free time is called Recreation. What is the primary reason why one engages in recreational activity?

A. Enjoyment B. Fitness C. Fun D. Fundamentals

27.In an outdoor adventure, which of the following is not a natural trail sign?

A. grass B. rocks C. twigs D. yarn

28.Which of the following is a fitness benefit of Zumba?

A. Improve cardiovascular endurance

B. Tones and tightens muscle groups

C. Burns more calories to lose weight

D. All of the above

29. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do?

A. Report him/ her to the school authorities.

B. Get even with him/ her by asking friends for vengeance.

C. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what s/he is doing.

D. Do not do anything. S/he will eventually stop when s/he finds someone else to bully.

30. You noticed that you are always being followed by someone whom you don’t know. What will you do?

A. Nothing. S/he is just a harmless admirer.

B. Run away and hide from the person who is always following you.

C. Tell your parents or other authorities that you can trust about your stalker.

D. Make a scene to catch the attention of the public, then confront the person following you.

31. Which are not intentional injuries?

A. Vehicular accidents B. Fraternity hazing C. Suicide attempts D. Suicide bombings

32. Why does domestic violence happen?

A. The abuser is trying to control the victim

B. Words that can cause a gradual diminishing of self-confidence

C. Words that are used to explain to a child his/her mistake

D. All of the above

33.The following are the famous work of Chopin, EXCEPT one?

A. Ballade B. Nocturne C. ‘’ The Carnival of Venice’’ D. Waltz

34.The best word that describe his works is ‘’ virtuosity’’ he is also known of his generosity in sharing money and time to orphans, victim of disasters and
many students he taught music for free.

A. Franz Liszt B. Robert Schumann C. Camille Saint- Saë ns D. none of them

35.A neoclassical style of building which gives an overall impression of an enormous, classically decorated rectangular block.

A. Temple B. Palladian C. classical block D. trabeated

36. Who is the first international Danish artist who executed the sculptures of mythological and religious themes characters?

A. Antonio Canova B. Jean- Dominique Ingres C. Bertel Thovaldsen D. Jacques- Louis David

37. The following are the famous artwork of Jacques- Louis David, EXCEPT;

I. Napoleon Crossing the Alps III. Portrait of Napoleon

II. Oath of the Horatii IV. The Apotheosis of Homer


38. Which of the following is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture
usually don in honor of a Patron Saint or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest?

A. cultural dance B. festival dance C. folk dance D. social dance

39.How can festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well- being?

A. It reduces the risk of cardio- respiratory diseases.

B. It facilitates teamwork and sense of community

C. It maximizes our use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory health

D. It is sometimes good form of exercise.

40.Which of the following is a series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction.

A. step B. walk C. run D. jump

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