Autocad Commands

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3DALIGN (Command) 3DMOVE (Command) 3DWALK (Command)

Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D. In a 3D view, displays the 3D Move gizmo to aid Changes the 3D view in a drawing interactively
3DARRAY (Command) in moving 3D objects a specified distance in a to create the appearance of walking through the
specified direction. model.
Creates nonassociative, 3D rectangular or polar 3DORBIT (Command) 3DZOOM (Command)
3DCLIP (Command) Provides interactive viewing in 3D with the Zooms in and out in a perspective view.
mouse. Right-click to display viewing options. ABOUT (Command)
Opens the Adjust Clipping Planes window, 3DORBITCTR (Command)
where you can specify what portions of a 3D Displays information about your product.
model to display. Sets a specific center of rotation in 3D Orbit ACADINFO (Express Tool)
3DCORBIT (Command) view.
3DOSNAP (Command) Creates a file that stores information about your
Rotates the view in 3D space with continuous AutoCAD installation and current setup.
motion. Sets the object snap modes for 3D objects. ACISIN (Command)
3DDISTANCE (Command) 3DPAN (Command)
Imports an ACIS (SAT) file and creates 3D solid,
Starts the interactive 3D view and makes objects Shifts the view without changing the viewing body, or region objects.
appear closer or farther away. direction or magnification. ACISOUT (Command)
3DDWF (Command) 3DPOLY (Command)
Exports 3D solid, region, or body objects to an
Creates a 3D DWF or 3D DWFx file of your 3D Creates a 3D polyline. ACIS file.
model and displays it in the DWF Viewer. 3DPRINT (Command) ACTBASEPOINT (Command)
3DEDITBAR (Command)
Specifies 3D Plot settings, and prepares your Inserts a base point or base point prompt in an
Reshapes splines and NURBS surfaces, drawing for 3D printing. action macro.
including their tangency properties. 3DPRINTSERVICE (Command) ACTMANAGER (Command)
3DFACE (Command)
Creates an STL file that can be sent to a 3D Manages action macro files.
Creates a three-sided or four-sided surface in printing service. ACTRECORD (Command)
3D space. 3DROTATE (Command)
3DFLY (Command) Starts the recording an action macro.
In a 3D view, displays the 3D Rotate gizmo to ACTSTOP (Command)
Changes the 3D view in a drawing interactively aid in revolving 3D objects around a base point.
to create the appearance of flying through the 3DSCALE (Command) Stops the Action Recorder and provides the
model. option of saving the recorded actions to an
3DFORBIT (Command) In a 3D view, displays the 3D Scale gizmo to aid action macro file.
in resizing 3D objects. ACTUSERINPUT (Command)
Rotates the view in 3D space without 3DSIN (Command)
constraining roll. Pauses for user input in an action macro.
3DMESH (Command) Imports a 3ds Max (3DS) file. ACTUSERMESSAGE (Command)
3DSWIVEL (Command)
Creates a free-form polygon mesh. Inserts a user message into an action macro.
Changes the target of the view in the direction ADCCLOSE (Command)
that you drag.
Closes DesignCenter.

Manages and inserts content such as blocks, Projects stripes onto a 3D model to analyze Creates arrays using the legacy dialog box.
xrefs, and hatch patterns. surface continuity. ARRAYCLOSE (Command)
Saves or discards changes made to an array’s
Loads a specified drawing file, folder, or network Saves an animation of a camera moving or source objects and exits the array editing state.
path in the DesignCenter Folders tab. panning in a 3D model. ARRAYEDIT (Command)
Edits associative array objects and their source
Creates a new object of the same type and Resets the locations of all alternate scale objects.
general properties as a selected object, but with representations of the selected annotative ARRAYPATH (Command)
different geometric values. objects.
ADJUST (Command) ANNOUPDATE (Command) Evenly distributes object copies along a path or
a portion of a path.
Adjusts the fade, contrast and monochrome Updates existing annotative objects to match the ARRAYPOLAR (Command)
settings of the selected underlay (DWF, DWFx, current properties of their styles.
PDF, or DGN), or image. APERTURE (Command) Evenly distributes object copies in a circular
ALIASEDIT (Express Tool) pattern around a center point or axis of rotation.
Controls the size of the object snap target box. ARRAYRECT (Command)
Creates, modifies, and deletes AutoCAD APPAUTOLOADER (Command)
command aliases. Distributes object copies into any combination of
ALIGN (Command) Lists or reloads all plug-ins in the application rows, columns, and levels.
plug-in folder. ARX (Command)
Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D. APPLOAD (Command)
ALIGNSPACE (Express Tool) Loads, unloads, and provides information about
Loads and unloads applications and defines ObjectARX applications.
Adjusts the pan and zoom factor of a view in a which applications to load at startup. ATTACH (Command)
layout viewport based on the alignment points APPSTORE (Command)
specified in model space and paper space. Inserts references to external files such as other
AMECONVERT (Command) Opens the Autodesk App Store website. drawings, raster images, point clouds,
ARC (Command) coordination models, and underlays.
Converts AME solid models to AutoCAD solid ATTACHURL (Command)
objects. Creates an arc.
ANALYSISCURVATURE (Command) ARCHIVE (Command) Attaches hyperlinks to objects or areas in a
Displays a color gradient onto a surface to Packages the current sheet set files for storage. ATTDEF (Command)
evaluate different aspects of its curvature. ARCTEXT (Express Tool)
ANALYSISDRAFT (Command) Creates an attribute definition for storing data in
Places text along an arc. a block.
Displays a color gradient onto a 3D model to AREA (Command) ATTDISP (Command)
evaluate whether there is adequate space Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or
between a part and its mold. Controls the visibility overrides for all block
of defined areas. attributes in a drawing.
Sets the display options for zebra, curvature, Creates copies of objects arranged in a pattern.
and draft analysis. Changes attribute information in a block.

Extracts attribute data, informational text Specifies the selection set of objects associated Changes the cycling order of grips for a dynamic
associated with a block, into a file. with an action in a dynamic block definition. block reference.
ATTIN (Express Tool) BACTIONTOOL (Command) BEDIT (Command)

Imports block attribute values from an external, Adds an action to a dynamic block definition. Opens the block definition in the Block Editor.
tab-delimited ASCII file. BASE (Command) BESETTINGS (Command)
Sets the insertion base point for the current Displays the Block Editor Settings dialog box.
Changes the textual content of an attribute drawing. BEXTEND (Express Tool)
within a block. BASSOCIATE (Command)
ATTOUT (Express Tool) Extends objects to blocks.
Associates an action with a parameter in a BGRIPSET (Command)
Exports block attribute values to an external file dynamic block definition.
in tab-delimited ASCII format. BATTMAN (Command) Creates, deletes, or resets grips associated with
ATTREDEF (Command) a parameter.
Manages the attributes for a selected block BLEND (Command)
Redefines a block and updates associated definition.
attributes. BATTORDER (Command) Creates a spline in the gap between two
ATTSYNC (Command) selected lines or curves.
Specifies the order of attributes for a block. BLOCK (Command)
Applies attribute changes in a block definition to BAUTHORPALETTE (Command)
all block references. Creates a block definition from selected objects.
AUDIT (Command) Opens the Block Authoring Palettes window in BLOCK? (Express Tool)
the Block Editor.
Evaluates the integrity of a drawing and corrects BAUTHORPALETTECLOSE (Command) Lists the objects in a block definition.
some errors. BLOCKICON (Command)
AUTOCONSTRAIN (Command) Closes the Block Authoring Palettes window in
the Block Editor. Generates preview images for blocks displayed
Applies geometric constraints to a selection set BCLOSE (Command) in DesignCenter.
of objects based on orientation of the objects BLOCKREPLACE (Express Tool)
relative to one another. Closes the Block Editor.
BCONSTRUCTION (Command) Replaces all instances of a specified block with
AUTOPUBLISH (Command) a different block.
Publishes drawings to DWF, DWFx, or PDF files Converts block geometry into construction BLOCKSPALETTE (Command)
automatically to a specified location. geometry, which may be hidden or displayed.
BCOUNT (Express Tool) Displays the Blocks palette, which you can use
BACTION (Command) to insert blocks and drawings into the current
Adds an action to a dynamic block definition. Creates a report of the number of instances of drawing.
BACTIONBAR (Command) each block in a selection set or in the entire BLOCKSPALETTECLOSE (Command)
Displays or hides action bars for a selection set BCPARAMETER (Command) Closes the Blocks palette.
of parameter objects. BLOCKTOXREF (Express Tool)
Applies constraint parameters to selected
objects, or converts dimensional constraints to Replaces all instances of a specified block with
parameter constraints. an xref.

Displays or creates a lookup table for a dynamic Scales a block reference relative to its insertion Removes associativity of center marks or
block definition. point. centerlines from objects they define.
BMPOUT (Command) BTABLE (Command) CENTERLINE (Command)

Saves selected objects to a file in Stores variations of a block in the Block Creates centerline geometry associated with
device-independent bitmap format. Properties Table. selected lines and linear polyline segments.

Creates regions or a polylines from enclosed Displays a window within the Block Editor to test Creates an associative, cross-shaped mark at
areas. a dynamic block. the center of a selected circle or arc.
BOX (Command) BTRIM (Express Tool) CENTERREASSOCIATE (Command)

Creates a 3D solid box. Trim objects to blocks. Associates or reassociates a center mark or
BPARAMETER (Command) BURST (Express Tool) centerline object to selected objects.
Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block Explodes selected blocks, preserving the block
definition. layer and converting attribute values to text Resets the centerlines to the current value
BREAK (Command) objects. specified in the CENTEREXE system variable.
BVHIDE (Command) CHAMFER (Command)
Breaks the selected object between two points.
BREAKATPOINT (Command) Makes objects invisible in the current visibility Bevels or chamfers the edges of two 2D objects
state or all visibility states in a dynamic block or the adjacent faces of a 3D solid.
Breaks the selected object into two objects at a definition. CHAMFEREDGE (Command)
specified point. BVSHOW (Command)
BREAKLINE (Express Tool) Bevels the edges of 3D solids and surfaces.
Makes objects visible in the current visibility CHANGE (Command)
Creates a breakline, a polyline that includes the state or all visibility states in a dynamic block
breakline symbol. definition. Changes the properties of existing objects.
BREP (Command) BVSTATE (Command) CHECKSTANDARDS (Command)

Removes the history from 3D solids and Creates, sets, or deletes a visibility state in a Checks the current drawing for standards
composite solids, and associativity from dynamic block. violations.
surfaces. CAL (Command) CHPROP (Command)
BROWSER (Command)
Evaluates mathematical and geometric Changes the properties of an object.
Launches the default web browser defined in expressions at the Command prompt or within a CHSPACE (Command)
your system's registry. command.
BSAVE (Command) On a layout, transfers selected objects between
CAMERA (Command) model space and paper space.
Saves the current block definition. Sets a camera and target location to create and CHURLS (Express Tool)
BSAVEAS (Command) save a 3D perspective view of objects. Provides a method to edit a previously attached
Saves a copy of the current block definition CDORDER (Express Tool) URL for selected objects.
under a new name. Arranges the drawing order of selected objects CIRCLE (Command)
by their color number. Creates a circle.

Opens the legacy Object Grouping dialog box. Displays the Command window. Converts a color-dependent plot style table
CLASSICIMAGE (Command) COMMANDLINEHIDE (Command) (CTB) to a named plot style table (STB).
Manages referenced image files in the current Hides the Command window.
drawing. COMPARE (Command) Converts lights created in previous drawing file
CLASSICINSERT (Command) formats to the current format.
Compares a specified drawing file with the CONVERTOLDMATERIALS (Command)
Inserts a block or drawing into the current current drawing file, highlighting the differences
drawing using the classic version of the INSERT with color within revision clouds. Converts older materials to use the current
command. COMPARECLOSE (Command) materials format.
Closes the DWG Compare toolbar and ends the
Opens the legacy Layer Properties Manager. comparison. Converts the current drawing to either named or
CLASSICXREF (Command) COMPAREEXPORT (Command) color-dependent plot styles.
Manages referenced drawing files in the current Exports the results of the comparison into a new
drawing. drawing file, called a snapshot drawing. Converts 3D objects such as polygon meshes,
CLEANSCREENOFF (Command) COMPAREIMPORT (Command) surfaces, and solids to mesh objects.
Restores the state of the display before Imports objects from the compared drawing into
CLEANSCREENON was used. the current drawing. Converts 3D solids and surfaces into NURBS
CLEANSCREENON (Command) COMPAREINFO (Command) surfaces.
Clears the screen of toolbars and dockable Provides a way to insert or copy the property
windows, excluding the command window. information about the two compared drawing Converts eligible 3D objects to 3D solids.
CLIP (Command) files. CONVTOSURFACE (Command)
COMPILE (Command)
Crops selected objects such as blocks, external Converts objects to 3D surfaces.
references, images, viewports, and underlays to Compiles shape files and PostScript font files COORDINATIONMODELATTACH (Command)
a specified boundary. into SHX files.
CLIPIT (Express Tool) CONE (Command) Inserts references to coordination models such
as NWD and NWC Navisworks files.
Clips xrefs or images with lines and curves. Creates a 3D solid cone. COPY (Command)
Copies objects a specified distance in a
Closes the current drawing. Displays or hides the geometric constraints on specified direction.
CLOSEALL (Command) an object. COPYBASE (Command)
Closes all currently open drawings. Copies selected objects to the Clipboard along
CLOSEALLOTHER (Command) Controls the display of geometric constraints on with a specified base point.
constraint bars. COPYCLIP (Command)
Closes all other open drawings, except the CONVERT (Command)
current drawing. Copies selected objects to the Clipboard.
COLOR (Command) Converts legacy polylines and hatches for use
with later product releases.
Sets the color for new objects.

Copies the text in the command line history to Exports customized settings from the main CUIx Extracts drawing data and merges data from an
the Clipboard. file to an enterprise or partial CUIx file. external source to a data extraction table or
COPYLINK (Command) CUIIMPORT (Command) external file.
DATALINK (Command)
Copies the current view to the Clipboard for Imports customized settings from an enterprise
linking to other OLE applications. or partial CUIx file to the main CUIx file. Displays the Data Link dialog box.
COPYM (Express Tool) CUILOAD (Command) DATALINKUPDATE (Command)

Copies multiple objects with Repeat, Array, Loads a customization file (CUIx). Updates data to or from an established external
Divide and Measure options. CUIUNLOAD (Command) data link.
Unloads a CUIx file.
Copies one or more objects to another layer. CUSTOMIZE (Command) Opens the Configure a Data Source dialog box
COUNT (Command) (dbConnect Manager)
Customizes tool palettes and tool palette DBCONNECT (Command)
Counts and highlights the instances of the groups.
selected object in the drawing. CUTCLIP (Command) Provides an interface to external database
COUNTCLOSE (Command) tables.
Copies selected objects to the Clipboard and DBLIST (Command)
Closes the Count toolbar and exits the count. removes them from the drawing.
COUNTFIELD (Command) CVADD (Command) Lists database information for each object in the
Creates a field that's set to the value of the Adds control vertices to NURBS surfaces and DCALIGNED (Command)
current count. splines.
COUNTLIST (Command) CVHIDE (Command) Constrains the distance between two points on
different objects.
Opens the Count palette to display and manage Turns off the display of control vertices for all DCANGULAR (Command)
the counted blocks. NURBS surfaces and curves.
COUNTLISTCLOSE (Command) CVREBUILD (Command) Constrains the angle between line or polyline
segments, the angle swept out by an arc or a
Closes the Count palette. Rebuilds the shape of NURBS surfaces and polyline arc segment, or the angle between
COUNTNAVNEXT (Command) curves. three points on objects.
CVREMOVE (Command) DCCONVERT (Command)
Zooms to the next object in the count result.
COUNTNAVPREV (Command) Removes control vertices from NURBS surfaces Converts associative dimensions to dimensional
and curves. constraints.
Zooms to the previous object in the count result. CVSHOW (Command)
Displays the control vertices for specified Constrains the diameter of a circle or an arc.
Inserts a table containing the block names and NURBS surfaces or curves.
the corresponding count of each block in the DCDISPLAY (Command)
CYLINDER (Command)
drawing. Displays or hides the dynamic constraints
CUI (Command) Creates a 3D solid cylinder. associated with a selection set of objects.
Manages the customized user interface
elements in the product.

Specifies whether the dimensional constraint Creates one or more DGN files from the current Applies dimensional constraints to selected
being created is dynamic or annotational. drawing. objects or points on objects, or converts
DCHORIZONTAL (Command) DGNIMPORT (Command) associative dimensions to dimensional
Constrains the X distance between points on an Imports the data from a DGN file into a new DIMCONTINUE (Command)
object, or between two points on different DWG file or the current DWG file, depending on
objects. the DGNIMPORTMODE system variable. Creates a dimension that starts from an
DCLINEAR (Command) DGNLAYERS (Command) extension line of the previous or selected
Creates a horizontal, vertical, or rotated Controls the display of layers in a DGN underlay. DIMDIAMETER (Command)
constraint based on the locations of the DGNMAPPING (Command)
extension line origins and the dimension line. Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an
DCRADIUS (Command) Allows users to create and edit user-defined arc.
DGN mapping setups. DIMDISASSOCIATE (Command)
Constrains the radius of a circle or an arc. DIGITALSIGN (Command)
DCVERTICAL (Command) Removes associativity from selected
Attaches a digital signature to a drawing, which dimensions.
Constrains the Y distance between points on an is removed if an unauthorized change is made. DIMEDIT (Command)
object, or between two points on different DIM (Command)
objects. Edits dimension text and extension lines.
DDVPOINT (Command) Creates multiple dimensions and types of DIMEX (Express Tool)
dimensions with a single command.
Sets the 3D viewing direction. DIMALIGNED (Command) Exports named dimension styles and their
DELAY (Command) settings to an external file.
Creates an aligned linear dimension. DIMIM (Express Tool)
Provides a timed pause within a script. DIMANGULAR (Command)
DELCONSTRAINT (Command) Imports named dimension styles and their
Creates an angular dimension. settings from an external file.
Removes all geometric and dimensional DIMARC (Command) DIMINSPECT (Command)
constraints from a selection set of objects.
DETACHURL (Command) Creates an arc length dimension. Adds or removes inspection information for a
DIMBASELINE (Command) selected dimension.
Removes hyperlinks in a drawing. DIMJOGGED (Command)
DGNADJUST (Command) Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension
from the baseline of the previous or selected Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs.
Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome dimension. DIMJOGLINE (Command)
settings of a DGN underlay. DIMBREAK (Command)
DGNATTACH (Command) Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned
Breaks or restores dimension and extension dimension.
Inserts a DGN file as an underlay into the lines where they cross other objects. DIMLINEAR (Command)
current drawing. DIMCENTER (Command)
DGNCLIP (Command) Creates a linear dimension.
Creates the non-associative center mark or the DIMORDINATE (Command)
Crops the display of a selected DGN underlay to centerlines of circles and arcs.
a specified boundary. Creates ordinate dimensions.

Controls overrides of system variables used in Reports the status of the of the current Converts drawing format version for selected
selected dimensions. download. drawing files.

Creates a radius dimension for a circle or an arc. Controls the way dragged objects are displayed. Opens the Drawing History palette, which
DIMREASSOC (Express Tool) DRAWINGRECOVERY (Command) displays a version history of the current drawing
as maintained by a supported cloud storage
Restores the measured value to overridden or Displays a list of drawing files that can be provider.
modified dimension text. recovered after a program or system failure. DWGHISTORYCLOSE (Command)
Closes the Drawing History palette.
Associates or reassociates selected dimensions Closes the Drawing Recovery Manager. DWGLOG (Express Tool)
to objects or points on objects. DRAWORDER (Command)
DIMREGEN (Command) Creates and maintains an individual log file for
Changes the draw order of images and other each drawing file as it is accessed.
Updates the locations of all associative objects. DWGPROPS (Command)
dimensions. DSETTINGS (Command)
DIMROTATED (Command) Sets and displays the file properties of the
Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap current drawing.
Creates a rotated linear dimension. tracking, object snap modes, Dynamic Input, DXBIN (Command)
DIMSPACE (Command) and Quick Properties.
DVIEW (Command) Imports an AutoCAD DXB (drawing interchange
Adjusts the spacing between linear dimensions binary) file.
or angular dimensions. Defines parallel projection or perspective views EATTEDIT (Command)
DIMSTYLE (Command) by using a camera and target.
DWFADJUST (Command) Edits attributes in a block reference.
Creates and modifies dimension styles. EATTEXT (Command)
DIMTEDIT (Command) Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome
settings of a DWF or DWFx underlay. Exports block attribute information to a table or
Moves and rotates dimension text and relocates DWFATTACH (Command) to an external file.
the dimension line. EDGE (Command)
DIST (Command) Inserts a DWF or DWFx file as an underlay into
the current drawing. Changes the visibility of 3D face edges.
Measures the distance and angle between two DWFCLIP (Command) EDGESURF (Command)
DISTANTLIGHT (Command) Crops the display of a selected DWF or DWFx Creates a mesh between four contiguous edges
underlay to a specified boundary. or curves.
Creates a distant light. DWFFORMAT (Command) EDITSHOT (Command)
DIVIDE (Command)
Sets the default format to DWF or DWFx for Edits a saved named view with or without
Creates evenly spaced point objects or blocks output in specific commands. motion.
along the length or perimeter of an object. DWFLAYERS (Command) EDITTIME (Express Tool)
DONUT (Command)
Controls the display of layers in a DWF or DWFx Tracks the amount of active editing time for a
Creates a filled circle or a wide ring. underlay. drawing.
ELEV (Command) EXPORTSETTINGS (Command) FILETAB (Command)

Sets elevation and extrusion thickness of new Adjusts the page setup and drawing selection Displays the file tabs at the top of the drawing
objects. when exporting to a DWF, DWFx, or PDF file. area.

Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc. Creates a version of a drawing file that can be Hides the file tabs at the top of the drawing area.
ERASE (Command) opened in products such as AutoCAD and FILL (Command)
previous releases of a toolset.
Removes objects from a drawing. EXPRESSMENU (Express Tool) Controls the display of filled objects such as
ETRANSMIT (Command) hatches, 2D solids, and wide polylines.
Loads the AutoCAD Express Tools menu and FILLET (Command)
Packages a set of files for Internet transmission. displays the Express menu on the menu bar.
EXOFFSET (Express Tool) EXPRESSTOOLS (Express Tool) Rounds or fillets the edges of two 2D objects or
the adjacent faces of a 3D solid.
Offsets selected objects. Loads the AutoCAD Express Tools libraries, FILLETEDGE (Command)
EXPLAN (Express Tool) places the Express folder in the search path,
and loads and places the Express menu on the Rounds and fillets the edges of solid objects.
Displays an orthographic view of the XY plane of FILTER (Command)
a specified UCS without changing the view menu bar.
magnification. EXTEND (Command) Creates a list of requirements that an object
EXPLODE (Command) Extends objects to meet the edges of other must meet to be included in a selection set.
objects. FIND (Command)
Breaks a compound object into its component
objects. EXTERNALREFERENCES (Command) Finds the text that you specify, and can
EXPORT (Command) Opens the External References palette. optionally replace it with other text.
Saves the objects in a drawing to a different file
format. Closes the External References palette. Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects
EXPORTDWF (Command) EXTRIM (Express Tool) based on the current view.
FLATTEN (Express Tool)
Creates a DWF file and allows you to set Trims all objects at the cutting edge specified by
individual page setup overrides on a a selected polyline, line, circle, arc, ellipse, text, Converts 3D geometry to a projected 2D
sheet-by-sheet basis. mtext, or attribute definition. representation.
EXPORTDWFX (Command) EXTRUDE (Command) FREESPOT (Command)

Creates a DWFx file where you can set Creates a 3D solid from an object that encloses Creates a free spotlight which is a spotlight
individual page setup overrides on a an area, or a 3D surface from an object with without a specified target.
sheet-by-sheet basis. open ends. FREEWEB (Command)
EXPORTLAYOUT (Command) FIELD (Command) Creates a free web light which is a web light
Creates a visual representation of the current Creates a multiline text object with a field that without a specified target.
layout in the model space of a new drawing. can be updated automatically as the field value FS (Express Tool)
EXPORTPDF (Command) changes. Creates a selection set of all objects that touch
Generates a PDF file from a single layout, all the selected object.
layouts, or a specified area in model space.
GATTE (Express Tool) GCTANGENT (Command) GEOMARKPOSITION (Command)

Globally changes attribute values for all Constrains two curves to maintain a point of Places a position marker at a location you
instances of a specified block. tangency to each other or their extensions. specify.

Constrains two points together or a point to a Causes lines or pairs of points to lie parallel to Applies or persists geometric relationships
curve (or an extension of a curve). the Y axis of the current coordinate system. between objects or points on objects.

Causes two or more line segments to lie along Assigns geographic location information to a Removes all geographic location information
the same line. drawing file. from the drawing file.

Constrains two arcs, circles, or ellipses to the Displays or hides an indicator, in model space, Changes the north direction and position of the
same center point. at the coordinates corresponding to your current geographic marker in model space, without
GCEQUAL (Command) position. changing its latitude and longitude.
GEOMAP (Command) GETSEL (Express Tool)
Resizes selected arcs and circles to the same
radius, or selected lines to the same length. Displays a map from an online maps service, in Creates a selection set of objects based on layer
GCFIX (Command) the current viewport. and object type filters.
Locks points and curves in position.
GCHORIZONTAL (Command) Captures a portion of the online map to an Switches from the current drawing to the Start
object known as a map image, and embeds it in tab.
Causes lines or pairs of points to lie parallel to the drawing area. GOTOURL (Command)
the X axis of the current coordinate system. GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE (Command)
GCPARALLEL (Command) Opens the file or web page associated with the
Updates map images from the online maps hyperlink attached to an object.
Causes selected lines to lie parallel to each service and optionally resets their resolution for GRADIENT (Command)
other. optimal on-screen viewing.
GCPERPENDICULAR (Command) GEOMARKLATLONG (Command) Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a
gradient fill.
Causes selected lines to lie 90 degrees to one Places a position marker at a location defined by GRAPHICSCONFIG (Command)
another. latitude and longitude.
GCSMOOTH (Command) GEOMARKME (Command) Sets hardware acceleration on or off and
provides access to display performance options.
Constrains a spline to be contiguous and Places a position marker in the drawing area at GRAPHSCR (Command)
maintain G2 continuity with another spline, line, the coordinates corresponding to your current
arc, or polyline. position. Causes the text window to display behind the
GCSYMMETRIC (Command) GEOMARKPOINT (Command) application window.
GRID (Command)
Causes selected objects to become Places a position marker at a specified point in
symmetrically constrained about a selected line. model space. Displays a grid pattern in the current viewport.
GROUP (Command) HIDEPALETTES (Command) IMAGECLIP (Command)

Creates and manages saved sets of objects Hides all displayed palettes, along with the Crops the display of a selected image to a
called groups. ribbon and the drawing tabs. specified boundary.

Adds and removes objects from the selected Controls whether new and changed features in Launches the image editing program specified
group, or renames a selected group. product updates are highlighted in the user by IMAGEAPP for the selected image.
HATCH (Command) interface with an orange dot. IMAGEQUALITY (Command)
Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a Controls the display quality of images.
hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill. Sets the display of such properties as hidden IMPORT (Command)
HATCHEDIT (Command) lines.
HYPERLINK (Command) Imports files of different formats into the current
Modifies an existing hatch or fill. drawing.
HATCHGENERATEBOUNDARY (Command) Attaches a hyperlink to an object or modifies an IMPRINT (Command)
existing hyperlink.
Creates a non-associated polyline around a HYPERLINKOPTIONS (Command) Imprints 2D geometry on a 3D solid or surface,
selected hatch. creating additional edges on planar faces.
HATCHSETBOUNDARY (Command) Controls the display of the hyperlink cursor, INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS (Command)
tooltips, and shortcut menu.
Redefines a selected hatch or fill to conform to a ID (Command) Opens a dialog box that controls settings for
different closed boundary. display of the command line suggestion list for
HATCHSETORIGIN (Command) Displays the UCS coordinate values of a commands, system variables, and named
specified location. objects.
Controls the starting location of hatch pattern IGESEXPORT (Command) INSERT (Command)
generation for a selected hatch.
HATCHTOBACK (Command) Saves selected objects in the current drawing to Displays the Blocks palette, which you can use
a new IGES (*.igs, *.iges) file. to insert blocks and drawings into the current
Sets the draw order for all hatches in the IGESIMPORT (Command) drawing.
drawing to be behind all other objects. INSERTOBJ (Command)
HELIX (Command) Imports data from an IGES (*.igs or *.iges) file
into the current drawing. Inserts a linked or embedded object.
Creates a 2D spiral or 3D spring. IMAGE (Command) INTERFERE (Command)
HELP (Command)
Displays the External References palette. Creates a temporary 3D solid from the
Displays the online or offline Help system. IMAGEADJUST (Command) interferences between two sets of selected 3D
HIDE (Command) solids.
Controls the brightness, contrast, and fade INTERSECT (Command)
Displays a 3D model with hidden lines values of images.
suppressed for the 2D Wireframe visual style. IMAGEAPP (Express Tool) Creates a 3D solid, surface, or 2D region from
HIDEOBJECTS (Command) overlapping solids, surfaces, or regions.
Specifies the image editing program for ISODRAFT (Command)
Temporarily suppresses the display of selected IMAGEEDIT.
objects. IMAGEATTACH (Command) Turns isometric drafting settings on or off, and
specifies the current 2D isometric drafting plane.
Inserts a reference to an image file.

Temporarily suppresses the display of all objects Turns on and off the tracking of changes made Creates a new layout tab and specifies page
except those you select. to layer settings for use by the LAYERP and plot settings.
ISOPLANE (Command) command. LAYTHW (Command)
Specifies the current plane for 2D isometric Thaws all layers in the drawing.
drawing. Saves, restores, and manages sets of layer LAYTRANS (Command)
JOIN (Command) settings that are called layer states.
LAYERSTATESAVE (Command) Translates the layers in the current drawing to
Joins the endpoints of linear and curved objects specified layer standards.
to create a single object. Displays the New Layer State to Save dialog LAYULK (Command)
JPGOUT (Command) box, where you can provide a name and a
description for a new layer state. Unlocks the layer of a selected object.
Saves selected objects to a file in JPEG file LAYFRZ (Command) LAYUNISO (Command)
JULIAN (Express Tool) Freezes the layer of selected objects. Restores all layers that were hidden or locked
LAYISO (Command) with the LAYISO command.
Contains the DATE tool and several AutoCAD LAYVPI (Command)
Julian date and calendar date conversion Hides or locks all layers except those of the
routines. selected objects. Freezes selected layers in all layout viewports
JUSTIFYTEXT (Command) LAYLCK (Command) except the current viewport.
LAYWALK (Command)
Changes the justification point of selected text Locks the layer of a selected object.
objects without changing their locations. LAYMCH (Command) Displays objects on selected layers and hides
LAYCUR (Command) objects on all other layers.
Changes the layer of a selected object to match LEADER (Command)
Changes the layer property of selected objects the destination layer.
to the current layer. LAYMCUR (Command) Creates a line that connects annotation to a
LAYDEL (Command) feature.
Sets the current layer to that of a selected LENGTHEN (Command)
Deletes all objects on a layer and purges the object.
layer. LAYMRG (Command) Changes the length of objects and the included
LAYER (Command) angle of arcs.
Merges selected layers into a target layer, LIGHT (Command)
Manages layers and layer properties. removing them from the drawing.
LAYERCLOSE (Command) LAYOFF (Command) Creates a light.
Closes the Layer Properties Manager. Turns off the layer of a selected object.
LAYERP (Command) LAYON (Command) Displays the Lights in Model palette that lists all
lights in the model.
Undoes the last change or set of changes made Turns on all layers in the drawing. LIGHTLISTCLOSE (Command)
to layer settings. LAYOUT (Command)
LAYERPALETTE (Command) Closes the Lights in Model palette.
Creates and modifies drawing layouts.
Opens the modeless Layer Properties Manager. LAYOUTMERGE (Express Tool)

Combines specified layouts into a single layout.

LIMITS (Command) LWEIGHT (Command) MATERIALMAP (Command)

Sets an invisible rectangular boundary in the Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display Adjusts how a texture is mapped to a face or an
drawing area that can limit the grid display and options, and lineweight units. object.
limit clicking or entering point locations. MAKELISPAPP (Command) MATERIALS (Command)
LINE (Command)
Compiles one or more AutoLISP (LSP) source Opens the Materials Browser.
Create a series of contiguous line segments. files into an application (VLX) file that can be MATERIALSCLOSE (Command)
Each segment is a line object that can be edited distributed to users and protect your code.
separately. MARKUP (Command) Closes the Materials Browser.
LINETYPE (Command) MEASURE (Command)
Opens the Markup Set Manager.
Loads, sets, and modifies linetypes. MARKUPCLOSE (Command) Creates point objects or blocks at measured
LIST (Command) intervals along the length or perimeter of an
Closes the Markup Set Manager. object.
Displays property data for selected objects. MASSPROP (Command) MEASUREGEOM (Command)
Calculates the mass properties of selected 2D Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and
Turns on live sectioning for a selected section regions or 3D solids. volume of selected objects, a sequence of
object. MATBROWSERCLOSE (Command) points, or dynamically.
LOAD (Command) MENU (Command)
Closes the Materials Browser.
Makes the symbols in compiled shape (SHX) MATBROWSEROPEN (Command) Obsolete. Loads a customization file.
files available for use by the SHAPE command. MESH (Command)
LOFT (Command) Opens the Materials Browser.
MATCHCELL (Command) Creates a 3D mesh primitive object such as a
Creates a 3D solid or surface in the space box, cone, cylinder, pyramid, sphere, wedge, or
between several cross sections. Applies the properties of a selected table cell to torus.
LOGFILEOFF (Command) other table cells. MESHCAP (Command)
Closes the command history log file opened by Creates a mesh face that connects open edges.
LOGFILEON. Applies the properties of a selected object to MESHCOLLAPSE (Command)
LOGFILEON (Command) other objects.
MATEDITORCLOSE (Command) Merges the vertices of selected mesh faces or
Writes the contents of the command history to a edges.
file. Closes the Materials Editor. MESHCREASE (Command)
LSP (Express Tool) MATEDITOROPEN (Command)
Sharpens the edges of selected mesh
Displays a list of all available AutoLISP Opens the Materials Editor. subobjects.
commands, functions, and variables. MATERIALASSIGN (Command) MESHEXTRUDE (Command)
LSPSURF (Express Tool) Assigns the material defined in the CMATERIAL Extends a mesh face into 3D space.
Displays the contents of an AutoLISP file by system variable to the objects you select. MESHMERGE (Command)
individual functions. MATERIALATTACH (Command)
LTSCALE (Command) Merges adjacent faces into a single face.
Associates materials with layers.
Sets the global linetype scale factor.
MESHOPTIONS (Command) MIRROR (Command) MODEL (Command)

Displays the Mesh Tessellation Options dialog Creates a mirrored copy of selected objects. Switches from a named layout tab to the Model
box, which controls default settings for MIRROR3D (Command) tab.
converting existing objects to mesh objects. MOVE (Command)
MESHPRIMITIVEOPTIONS (Command) Creates a mirrored copy of selected 3D objects
across a mirroring plane. Moves objects a specified distance in a specified
Displays the Mesh Primitive Options dialog box, MKLTYPE (Express Tool) direction.
which sets the tessellation defaults for primitive MOVEBAK (Express Tool)
mesh objects. Creates a linetype definition based on selected
MESHREFINE (Command) objects and stores them in a specified linetype Changes the destination folder for drawing
definition (LIN) file. backup (BAK) files.
Multiplies the number of faces in selected mesh MKSHAPE (Express Tool) MPEDIT (Express Tool)
objects or faces.
MESHSMOOTH (Command) Creates a shape definition based on selected Edits multiple polylines; also converts multiple
objects. line and arc objects to polyline objects.
Converts 3D objects such as polygon meshes, MLEADER (Command) MREDO (Command)
surfaces, and solids to mesh objects.
MESHSMOOTHLESS (Command) Creates a multileader object. Reverses the effects of several previous UNDO
MLEADERALIGN (Command) or U commands.
Decreases the level of smoothness for mesh MSLIDE (Command)
objects by one level. Aligns and spaces selected multileader objects.
MESHSMOOTHMORE (Command) MLEADERCOLLECT (Command) Creates a slide file of the current model viewport
or the current layout.
Increases the level of smoothness for mesh Organizes selected multileaders that contain MSPACE (Command)
objects by one level. blocks into rows or columns, and displays the
MESHSPIN (Command) result with a single leader. In a layout, switches from paper space to model
MLEADEREDIT (Command) space in a layout viewport.
Spins the adjoining edge of two triangular mesh MSTRETCH (Express Tool)
faces. Adds leader lines to, or removes leader lines
MESHSPLIT (Command) from, a multileader object. Stretches objects with multiple crossing windows
MLEADERSTYLE (Command) and crossing polygons.
Splits a mesh face into two faces. MTEDIT (Command)
MESHUNCREASE (Command) Creates and modifies multileader styles.
MLEDIT (Command) Edits multiline text.
Removes the crease from selected mesh faces, MTEXT (Command)
edges, or vertices. Edits multiline intersections, breaks, and
MIGRATEMATERIALS (Command) vertices. Creates a multiline text object.
MLINE (Command) MULTIPLE (Command)
Finds any legacy materials in Tool Palettes and
converts them to generic type. Creates multiple parallel lines. Repeats the next command until canceled.
MINSERT (Command) MLSTYLE (Command) MVIEW (Command)

Inserts multiple instances of a block in a Creates, modifies, and manages multiline styles. Creates and controls layout viewports.
rectangular array. MOCORO (Express Tool) MVSETUP (Command)

Moves, copies, rotates, and scales selected Sets up the specifications of a drawing.
objects with a single command.

Provides access to viewing tools from a unified Adds or deletes supported scales for annotative Opens a drawing file from your online Autodesk
interface. objects. Account.

Provides an on-screen display for creating and Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and Opens a selected sheet set.
playing back cinematic camera animations for parallel curves. OPTIONS (Command)
design review, presentation, and bookmark-style OFFSETEDGE (Command)
navigation. Customizes the program settings.
NAVSMOTIONCLOSE (Command) Creates a closed polyline or spline object that is ORTHO (Command)
offset at a specified distance from the edges of a
Closes the ShowMotion interface where you can selected planar face on a 3D solid or surface. Constrains cursor movement to the horizontal or
navigate within a drawing by selecting a named OLECONVERT (Command) vertical direction.
view. OSNAP (Command)
NAVSWHEEL (Command) Specifies a different source application for an
embedded OLE object, and controls whether the Sets running object snap modes.
Provides access to enhanced navigation tools OLE object is represented by an icon. OVERKILL (Command)
that are quickly accessible from the cursor. OLELINKS (Command) Removes duplicate or overlapping lines, arcs,
NAVVCUBE (Command) and polylines. Also, combines those that are
Updates, changes, and cancels a selected
Indicates the current viewing direction. Dragging linked OLE object. partially overlapping or contiguous.
or clicking the ViewCube rotates the scene. OLEOPEN (Command) PAGESETUP (Command)
NCOPY (Command) Controls the page layout, plotting device, paper
Opens the selected OLE object in its source
Copies objects that are contained in an xref, application. size, and other settings for each new layout.
block, or DGN underlay. OLERESET (Command) PAN (Command)
NETLOAD (Command) Shifts the view without changing the viewing
Restores the selected OLE object to its original
Loads a .NET application. size and shape. direction or magnification.
NEW (Command) OLESCALE (Command) PARAMETERS (Command)

Creates a new drawing. Controls the size, scale, and other properties of Opens the Parameters Manager palette that
NEWSHEETSET (Command) a selected OLE object. includes all dimensional constraint parameters,
OOPS (Command) reference parameters, and user variables in the
Creates a new sheet set data file that manages current drawing.
drawing layouts, file paths, and project data. Restores erased objects. PARAMETERSCLOSE (Command)
NEWSHOT (Command) OPEN (Command)
Closes the Parameters Manager palette.
Creates a named view with motion that is played Opens an existing drawing file. PARTIALOAD (Command)
back when viewed with ShowMotion. OPENDWFMARKUP (Command)
NEWVIEW (Command) Loads additional geometry into a partially
Opens a DWF or DWFx file that contains opened drawing.
Saves a new, named view from the display in markups. PARTIALOPEN (Command)
the current viewport, or by defining a rectangular
window. Loads geometry and named objects from a
selected view or layer into a drawing.

Creates a hyperlink to a file, and associates it Inserts a PDF file as an underlay into the current Controls the named plot styles that are attached
with a selected object. drawing. to the current layout and can be assigned to
PASTEBLOCK (Command) PDFCLIP (Command) objects.
Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the Crops the display of a selected PDF underlay to
current drawing as a block. a specified boundary. Displays the Plotter Manager, where you can
PASTECLIP (Command) PDFIMPORT (Command) add or edit a plotter configuration.
PLT2DWG (Express Tool)
Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the Imports the geometry, fills, raster images, and
current drawing. TrueType text objects from a specified PDF file. Imports legacy HPGL files into the current
PASTEORIG (Command) PDFLAYERS (Command) drawing, retaining all colors.
PMTOGGLE (Command)
Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the Controls the display of layers in a PDF underlay.
current drawing using the original coordinates. PDFSHXTEXT (Command) Controls whether the Performance Recorder is
PASTESPEC (Command) turned on or off.
Converts the SHX geometry imported from PDF PNGOUT (Command)
Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the files into individual multiline text objects.
current drawing and controls the format of the PEDIT (Command) Saves selected objects to a file in a Portable
data. Network Graphics format.
PCEXTRACTCENTERLINE (Command) Edits polylines, objects to be joined to polylines, POINT (Command)
and related objects.
Creates a line through the center axis of a PFACE (Command) Creates a point object.
cylindrical segment in a point cloud. POINTCLOUDATTACH (Command)
PCEXTRACTCORNER (Command) Creates a 3D polyface mesh, vertex by vertex.
PLAN (Command) Inserts a point cloud scan (RCS) or project file
Creates a point object at the intersection of three (RCP) into the current drawing.
planar segments in a point cloud. Displays an orthographic view of the XY plane of POINTCLOUDCOLORMAP (Command)
PCEXTRACTEDGE (Command) a specified user coordinate system.
PLANESURF (Command) Displays the Point Cloud Color Map dialog box,
Infers the intersection between two adjacent used to define settings for Intensity, Elevation,
planar segments, and creates a line along the Creates a planar surface. and Classification point cloud stylizations.
edge. PLINE (Command) POINTCLOUDCROP (Command)
PCEXTRACTSECTION (Command) Creates a 2D polyline, a single object that is Crops a selected point cloud to a specified
Generates 2D geometry from a section through composed of line and arc segments. polygonal, rectangular, or circular boundary.
a point cloud. PLOT (Command) POINTCLOUDCROPSTATE (Command)
PCINWIZARD (Command) Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file. Saves, restores, and deletes point cloud crop
Displays a wizard to import PCP and PC2 PLOTSTAMP (Command) states.
configuration file plot settings into the Model or Places a plot stamp with information such as POINTCLOUDMANAGER (Command)
current layout. date, time, and scale on a specified corner of
PDFADJUST (Command) Displays the Point Cloud Manager palette, used
each drawing and logs it to a file. to control display of point cloud projects,
Adjust the fade, contrast, and monochrome regions, and scans.
settings of a PDF underlay.

Closes the Point Cloud Manager. Imports a user-defined page setup into a new Attaches a leader line to an mtext, tolerance, or
POINTCLOUDSTYLIZE (Command) drawing layout. block reference object.
PSPACE (Command) QLATTACHSET (Express Tool)
Controls the coloration of point clouds.
POINTCLOUDUNCROP (Command) In a layout, switches from model space in a Globally attaches leader lines to mtext,
layout viewport to paper space. tolerance, or block reference objects.
Removes all cropped areas from selected point PSTSCALE (Express Tool) QLDETACHSET (Express Tool)
POINTLIGHT (Command) Specifies or updates the scale of text objects Detaches a leader line from an mtext, tolerance,
relative to paper space. or block reference object.
Creates a point light that radiates light in all PTYPE (Command) QLEADER (Command)
directions from its location.
POLYGON (Command) Specifies the display style and size of point Creates a leader and leader annotation.
objects. QNEW (Command)
Creates an equilateral closed polyline. PUBLISH (Command)
POLYSOLID (Command) Starts a new drawing from a specified drawing
Publishes drawings to DWF, DWFx, and PDF template file.
Creates 3D solid in the shape of a wall or series files, or to printers or plotters. QQUIT (Express Tool)
of walls. PURGE (Command)
PRESSPULL (Command) Closes all open drawings and exit.
Removes unused items, such as block QSAVE (Command)
Dynamically modifies objects by extrusion and definitions and layers, from the drawing.
offset. PURGEAECDATA (Command) Saves the current drawing using the specified
PREVIEW (Command) default file format.
Removes the invisible AEC data (AutoCAD QSELECT (Command)
Displays the drawing as it will be plotted. Architecture and AutoCAD Civil 3D custom
PROJECTGEOMETRY (Command) objects) in the drawing at the Command prompt. Creates a selection set based on filtering
PUSHTODOCSCLOSE (Command) criteria.
Projects points, lines, or curves onto a 3D solid QTEXT (Command)
or surface from different directions. Closes the Push to Autodesk Docs palette.
PROPERTIES (Command) PUSHTODOCSOPEN (Command) Controls the display and plotting of text and
attribute objects.
Controls properties of existing objects. Opens the Push to Autodesk Docs palette where QUICKCALC (Command)
PROPERTIESCLOSE (Command) you can select AutoCAD layouts to upload as
PDFs to Autodesk Docs. Opens the QuickCalc calculator.
Closes the Properties palette. QUICKCUI (Command)
PROPULATE (Express Tool) PYRAMID (Command)

Creates a 3D solid pyramid. Displays the Customize User Interface Editor in

Update, list, or clear Drawing Properties data. a collapsed state.
PSBSCALE (Express Tool) QCCLOSE (Command)
Specifies or updates the scale of block objects Closes the QuickCalc calculator.
QDIM (Command) Displays quick property data for selected
relative to paper space. objects.
Creates a series of dimensions quickly from QUIT (Command)
selected objects.
Exits the program.
QVDRAWING (Command) REDRAW (Command) RENAME (Command)

Displays open drawings and layouts in a Refreshes the display in the current viewport. Changes the names assigned to items such as
drawing using preview images. REDRAWALL (Command) layers and dimension styles.
Refreshes the display in all viewports.
Closes preview images of open drawings and REFCLOSE (Command) Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded
their layouts. image of a 3D solid or surface model.
QVLAYOUT (Command) Saves back or discards changes made during RENDERCROP (Command)
in-place editing of a reference, either an xref or a
Displays preview images of model space and block definition. Renders a specified rectangular area, called a
layouts for the current drawing. REFEDIT (Command) crop window, within a viewport.
Edits an xref or a block definition directly within
Closes preview images of model space and the current drawing. Controls the settings related to the rendering
layouts in the current drawing REFSET (Command) environment.
Adds or removes objects from a working set
Creates a linear object that starts at a point and during in-place editing of a reference, either an Closes the Render Environment & Exposure
continues to infinity. xref or a block definition. palette.
RECOVER (Command) REGEN (Command) RENDEREXPOSURE (Command)

Repairs and then opens a damaged drawing file. Regenerates the drawing from within the current Controls the settings related to the rendering
RECOVERALL (Command) viewport. environment.
Repairs a damaged drawing file along with all
attached xrefs. Regenerates the views in a drawing to repair Closes the Render Environment & Exposure
RECTANG (Command) anomalies in the display of 3D solids and palette.
surfaces. RENDERONLINE (Command)
Creates a rectangular polyline. REGENALL (Command)
REDEFINE (Command) Uses the Autodesk online resources to create an
Regenerates the entire drawing and refreshes image of a 3D solid or surface model.
Restores AutoCAD internal commands all viewports. RENDERPRESETS (Command)
overridden by UNDEFINE. REGENAUTO (Command)
REDIR (Express Tool) Specifies render presets, reusable rendering
Obsolete. Controls automatic regeneration of a parameters, for rendering an image.
Redefines hard-coded paths in xrefs, images, drawing. RENDERPRESETSCLOSE (Command)
shapes, styles, and rtext. REGION (Command)
REDIRMODE (Express Tool) Closes the Render Presets Manager palette.
Converts objects that enclose an area into a 2D RENDERWIN (Command)
Sets options for the REDIR Express Tool by region object.
specifying which object types are included. REINIT (Command) Obsolete. Displays the Render window without
REDO (Command) starting a rendering operation.
Reinitializes the digitizer, digitizer input/output RENDERWINDOW (Command)
Reverses the effects of previous UNDO or U port, and program parameters file.
command. Displays the Render window without starting a
rendering operation.

Closes the Render window. Moves objects about a 3D axis. Enlarges or reduces selected objects, keeping
REPURLS (Express Tool) RPREF (Command) the proportions of the object the same after
Finds and replaces a specified text string in a Displays the Render Presets Manager palette SCALELISTEDIT (Command)
URL used in hyperlinks that are attached to all used to configure rendering settings.
selected objects. RPREFCLOSE (Command) Controls the list of scales available for layout
RESETBLOCK (Command) viewports, page layouts, and plotting.
Closes the Render Settings Manager palette. SCALETEXT (Command)
Resets one or more dynamic block references to RSCRIPT (Command)
the default values of the block definition. Enlarges or reduces selected text objects
RESUME (Command) Repeats a script file. without changing their locations.
RTEDIT (Express Tool) SCRIPT (Command)
Continues an interrupted script.
REVCLOUD (Command) Edits existing remote text (rtext) objects. Executes a sequence of commands from a
RTEXT (Express Tool) script file.
Creates or modifies a revision cloud. SCRIPTCALL (Command)
REVCLOUDPROPERTIES (Command) Creates remote text (rtext) objects.
RTUCS (Express Tool) Executes a sequence of commands and nested
Controls the approximate chord length for the scripts from a script file.
arcs in a selected revision cloud. Rotates the UCS dynamically with your pointing
device. SECTION (Command)
REVERSE (Command)
RULESURF (Command) Uses the intersection of a plane with 3D solids,
Reverses the vertices of selected lines, surfaces, or meshes to create a 2D region
polylines, splines, and helixes, which is useful Creates a mesh that represents the surface
between two lines or curves. object.
for linetypes with included text, or wide polylines SECTIONPLANE (Command)
with differing beginning and ending widths. SAVE (Command)
REVERT (Express Tool) Saves the current drawing under a different file Creates a section object that acts as a cutting
name or location without changing which plane through 3D objects, and point clouds.
Closes and then reopens the current drawing. SECTIONPLANEJOG (Command)
REVOLVE (Command) drawing file is the current one.
SAVEALL (Express Tool) Adds a jogged segment to a section object.
Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping an SECTIONPLANESETTINGS (Command)
object around an axis. Save all open drawings.
REVSURF (Command) SAVEAS (Command) Sets display options for a selected section
Saves a copy of the current drawing under a plane.
Creates a mesh by revolving a profile about an SECTIONPLANETOBLOCK (Command)
axis. new file name or location.
RIBBON (Command) SAVEIMG (Command) Saves selected section planes as 2D or 3D
Saves a rendered image to a file. blocks.
Displays the ribbon. SECTIONSPINNERS (Command)

Saves a copy of the current drawing to your Displays the dialog box to set the increment
Hides the ribbon. value for the Section Object Offset and Slice
ROTATE (Command) Autodesk Account.
Thickness controls in the Section Plane ribbon
Rotates objects around a base point. contextual tab.

Controls the security restrictions for running Closes the Sheet Set Manager. Creates 2D profile images of 3D solids for
executable files in AutoCAD. SHELL (Command) display in a layout viewport.
SELECT (Command) SOLVIEW (Command)
Accesses operating system commands.
Places selected objects in the Previous selection SHOWPALETTES (Command) Creates orthographic views, layers, and layout
set. viewports automatically for 3D solids.
SELECTSIMILAR (Command) Restores the display of hidden palettes, the SPACETRANS (Command)
ribbon, and the drawing tabs.
Finds all objects within the current drawing that SHOWRENDERGALLERY (Command) Calculates equivalent model space and paper
match the properties of selected objects, and space distances in a layout.
then adds them to the selection set. Displays the images that were rendered and SPELL (Command)
SETBYLAYER (Command) stored in your Autodesk account.
SHOWURLS (Express Tool) Checks spelling in a drawing.
Changes the property overrides of selected SPHERE (Command)
objects to ByLayer. Displays all attached URLs contained in a
SETVAR (Command) drawing, and allows them to edited. Creates a 3D solid sphere.
SHP2BLK (Express Tool) SPLINE (Command)
Lists or changes the values of system variables.
SHADEMODE (Command) Converts all instances of a selected shape Creates a smooth curve that passes through or
object with an equivalent block. near a set of fit points, or that is defined by the
Controls the display of 3D objects. SIGVALIDATE (Command) vertices in a control frame.
SHAPE (Command) SPLINEDIT (Command)
Displays information about the digital signature
Inserts a shape from a shape file (SHX file) that attached to a drawing file. Modifies the parameters of a spline or converts
has been loaded using LOAD. SKETCH (Command) a spline-fit polyline to a spline.
SHARE (Command) SPOTLIGHT (Command)
Creates a series of freehand line segments.
Shares a link to a copy of the current drawing to SLICE (Command) Creates a spotlight that emits a directional cone
view or edit in the AutoCAD web app. The of light.
drawing copy includes all external references Creates new 3D solids and surfaces by slicing, SSX (Express Tool)
and images. or dividing, existing objects.
SHAREDVIEWS (Command) SNAP (Command) Creates a selection set based on a selected
Opens the Shared Views palette. Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals. STANDARDS (Command)
Manages the association of standards files with
Closes the Shared Views palette. Generates profiles and sections in layout drawings.
SHAREVIEW (Command) viewports created with SOLVIEW. STATUS (Command)
SOLID (Command)
Publishes a representation of the current space Displays drawing statistics, modes, and extents.
or the entire drawing for online viewing and Creates solid-filled triangles and quadrilaterals. STLOUT (Command)
sharing. SOLIDEDIT (Command)
SHEETSET (Command) Stores 3D solids and watertight meshes in a
Edits faces and edges of 3D solid objects. format that can be used with stereolithography
Opens the Sheet Set Manager. apparatus.
STRETCH (Command) SURFPATCH (Command) TABLESTYLE (Command)

Stretches objects crossed by a selection window Creates a new surface by fitting a cap over a Creates, modifies, or specifies table styles.
or polygon. surface edge that forms a closed loop. TABLET (Command)
STYLE (Command) SURFSCULPT (Command)
Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an
Creates, modifies, or specifies text styles. Trims and combines a set of surfaces or meshes attached digitizing tablet.
STYLESMANAGER (Command) that completely enclose a volume to create a 3D TABSURF (Command)
Displays the Plot Style Manager, where you can SURFTRIM (Command) Creates a mesh from a line or curve that is
revise plot style tables. swept along a straight path.
SUBTRACT (Command) Trims portions of a surface where it meets TARGETPOINT (Command)
another surface or type of geometry.
Creates as a new object by subtracting one SURFUNTRIM (Command) Creates a target point light.
overlapping region or 3D solid from another. TASKBAR (Command)
SUNPROPERTIES (Command) Replaces surface areas removed by the
SURFTRIM command. Controls whether multiple open drawings are
Displays the Sun Properties palette. SWEEP (Command) displayed separately or grouped on the
SUNPROPERTIESCLOSE (Command) Windows taskbar.
Creates a 3D solid or 3D surface by sweeping a TCASE (Express Tool)
Closes the Sun Properties palette 2D object or subobject along an open or closed
SUPERHATCH (Express Tool) path. Changes the case of selected text, mtext,
SYSVARMONITOR (Command) attributes, and dimension text.
Hatches an area using a selected image, block, TCIRCLE (Express Tool)
xref, or wipeout object. Monitors a list of system variables and sends
SURFBLEND (Command) notifications when there are changes to any one Creates a circle, a slot, or a rectangle around
in the list. each selected text or mtext object.
Creates a continuous blend surface between TCOUNT (Express Tool)
two existing surfaces. SYSVDLG (Express Tool)
SURFEXTEND (Command) Allows you to view, edit, save, and restore Adds sequential numbering to text and mtext
system variable settings. objects as a prefix, suffix, or replacement text.
Lengthens a surface by a specified distance. TEXT (Command)

Arranges windows and icons when the Creates a single-line text object.
Creates curves on surfaces and 3D solids. TEXTALIGN (Command)
SURFFILLET (Command) application window is shared with external
applications. Aligns multiple text objects vertically,
Creates a filleted surface between two other TABLE (Command) horizontally, or obliquely.
surfaces. TEXTEDIT (Command)
SURFNETWORK (Command) Creates an empty table object.
TABLEDIT (Command) Edits a selected multiline or single-line text
Creates a surface in the space between several object, or the text in a dimension object.
curves in the U and V directions, including Edits text in a table cell.
TABLEEXPORT (Command) TEXTFIT (Express Tool)
surface and solid edge subobjects.
SURFOFFSET (Command) Exports data from a table object in CSV file Expands or compresses the width of text objects
format. based on new starting and ending points.
Creates a parallel surface a specified distance
from the original surface.
TEXTMASK (Express Tool) TOOLBAR (Command) TREX (Express Tool)

Creates a blank area behind selected text or Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars. Combines the TRIM and EXTEND commands.
mtext objects. TOOLPALETTES (Command) TRIM (Command)
TEXTSCR (Command)
Opens the Tool Palettes window. Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects.
Opens a text window that displays a history of TOOLPALETTESCLOSE (Command) TSCALE (Express Tool)
prompts and command line entries for the
current session. Closes the Tool Palettes window. Scales text, mtext, attributes, and attribute
TEXTTOFRONT (Command) TORIENT (Express Tool) definitions.
TXT2MTXT (Command)
Brings text, leaders, and dimensions in front of Rotates text, mtext, attribute definitions, and
all other objects in the drawing. blocks with attributes for readability. Converts or combines single-line or multiline text
TEXTUNMASK (Express Tool) TORUS (Command) objects into one or more multiline text objects.
TXTEXP (Express Tool)
Removes the mask from selected text or mtext Creates a donut-shaped 3D solid.
that were masked with TEXTMASK. TPNAVIGATE (Command) Explodes text or mtext objects into polyline
TFRAMES (Express Tool) objects.
Displays a specified tool palette or palette group. U (Command)
Toggles the display of frames for all wipeout and TRACE (Command)
image objects. Reverses the most recent operation.
Opens and manages traces from the command UCS (Command)
THICKEN (Command) prompt.
Converts a surface into a 3D solid with a TRACEBACK (Command) Sets the origin and orientation of the current
specified thickness. user coordinate system (UCS).
Displays the host drawing with full saturation, UCSICON (Command)
TIFOUT (Command) while dimming the trace geometry.
Saves selected objects to a file in TIFF file TRACEFRONT (Command) Controls the visibility, placement, appearance,
format. and selectability of the UCS icon.
Displays the active trace with full saturation, UCSMAN (Command)
TIME (Command) while dimming the host drawing geometry.
Displays the date and time statistics of a TRACEPALETTECLOSE (Command) Manages UCS definitions.
drawing. ULAYERS (Command)
Closes the Trace palette where you view and
TINSERT (Command) manage traces in the current drawing. Controls the display of layers in a DWF, DWFx,
Inserts a block in a table cell. TRACEPALETTEOPEN (Command) PDF, or DGN underlay.
TJUST (Express Tool) UNDEFINE (Command)
Opens the Trace palette where you can view
Changes the justification point of a text object and manage traces in the current drawing. Allows an application-defined command to
without moving the text. Works with text, mtext, TRANSPARENCY (Command) override an internal command.
and attribute definition objects. UNDO (Command)
Controls whether background pixels in an image
TOLERANCE (Command) are transparent or opaque. Reverses the effect of commands.
Creates geometric tolerances contained in a TREESTAT (Command) UNGROUP (Command)
feature control frame. Displays information about the drawing's current Disassociates the objects from a group.
spatial index.
UNION (Command) VIEW (Command) VIEWRES (Command)

Combines two or more 3D solids, surfaces, or Saves and restores named model space views, Sets the resolution for objects in the current
2D regions into a single, composite 3D solid, layout views, and preset views. viewport when hardware acceleration is turned
surface, or region. VIEWBACK (Command) off.
Restores sequential views backward after
Displays objects previously hidden with the changing the view. Creates a section view of a 3D model that was
ISOLATEOBJECTS or HIDEOBJECTS VIEWBASE (Command) created in AutoCAD or in Autodesk Inventor.
command. VIEWSECTIONSTYLE (Command)
UNITS (Command) Creates a base view from model space or
Autodesk Inventor models. Creates and modifies section view styles.
Controls the precision and display formats for VIEWCOMPONENT (Command) VIEWSETPROJ (Command)
coordinates, distances, and angles.
UPDATEFIELD (Command) Selects components from a model Specifies the active project file for drawings
documentation drawing view for editing. containing model documentation drawing views
Updates fields in selected objects. VIEWDETAIL (Command) from Inventor models.
Creates a detail view of a portion of a model
Manually updates thumbnail previews for named documentation drawing view. Exits the symbol sketch mode.
views, drawings, and layouts. VIEWDETAILSTYLE (Command) VIEWSTD (Command)
VBAIDE (Command)
Creates and modifies detail view styles. Defines the default settings for model
Displays the Visual Basic Editor. VIEWEDIT (Command) documentation drawing views.
Edits an existing model documentation drawing
Loads a global VBA project into the current work view. Opens an editing environment so you can
session. VIEWFORWARD (Command) constrain section lines or detail boundaries to
VBAMAN (Command) drawing view geometry.
Restores sequential views forward after VIEWUPDATE (Command)
Manages VBA project operations using a dialog displaying a previous view with VIEWBACK or
box. Zoom Previous. Updates drawing views that have become
VBAPREF (Command) VIEWGO (Command) out-of-date because the source model has
Provides access to some of the VBA Restores a named view. VISUALSTYLES (Command)
environment settings. VIEWPLAY (Command)
VBARUN (Command) Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a
Plays the animation associated to a named view. visual style to a viewport.
VBASTMT (Command)
Displays information about completed plot and Closes the Visual Styles Manager.
Executes a VBA statement at the AutoCAD publish jobs. VLISP (Command)
Command prompt. VIEWPROJ (Command)
VBAUNLOAD (Command) Displays the AutoLISP development
Creates one or more projected views from an environment.
Unloads a global VBA project. existing model documentation drawing view.
VPCLIP (Command) WBLOCK (Command) XBIND (Command)

Redefines a layout viewport object while Saves selected objects or converts a block to a Binds one or more definitions of named objects
retaining its properties. specified drawing file. in an xref to the current drawing.
VPLAYER (Command) WEBLIGHT (Command) XCLIP (Command)

Sets layer visibility within viewports. Creates a precise 3D representation of the light Crops the display of a selected external
VPMAX (Command) intensity distribution of a light source. reference or block reference to a specified
WEBLOAD (Command) boundary.
Expands the current layout viewport for editing. XCOMPARE (Command)
VPMIN (Command) Loads a JavaScript file from a URL, and then
executes the JavaScript code contained in the Compares an attached xref with the latest state
Restores the current layout viewport. file. of the referenced drawing file, highlighting the
VPOINT (Command) WEDGE (Command) differences with color within revision clouds.
Sets the viewing direction for a 3D visualization XCOMPARECLOSE (Command)
Creates a 3D solid wedge.
of the drawing. WHOHAS (Command) Closes the Xref Compare toolbar and ends the
VPORTS (Command) comparison.
Displays information about an open drawing file. XCOMPARERCNEXT (Command)
Creates multiple viewports in model space or in WIPEOUT (Command)
a layout (paper space). Zooms to the next change set of the xref
VPSCALE (Express Tool) Creates a wipeout object, and controls whether comparison result.
wipeout frames are displayed in the drawing. XCOMPARERCPREV (Command)
On a layout, displays the scale of the current WMFIN (Command)
viewport or of a selected layout viewport. Zooms to the previous change set of the xref
VPSYNC (Express Tool) Imports a Windows metafile. comparison result.
WMFOPTS (Command) XDATA (Express Tool)
Aligns the views in one or more adjacent layout
viewports with a master layout viewport. Sets options for WMFIN. Attaches extended object data (xdata) to a
VSCURRENT (Command) WMFOUT (Command) selected object.
Sets the visual style in the current viewport. Saves objects to a Windows metafile. XDLIST (Express Tool)
VSLIDE (Command) WORKSPACE (Command) Lists the xdata attached to an object.
Displays an image slide file in the current Creates, modifies, and saves workspaces and XEDGES (Command)
viewport. makes a workspace current. Creates wireframe geometry from the edges of a
VSSAVE (Command) WSSAVE (Command) 3D solid, surface, mesh, region, or subobject.
Saves the current visual style under a new Saves a workspace. XLINE (Command)
name. WSSETTINGS (Command) Creates a construction line of infinite length.
VTOPTIONS (Command) XLIST (Express Tool)
Sets options for workspaces.
Displays a change in view as a smooth XATTACH (Command) Lists the type, block name, layer name, color
transition. and linetype of a nested object in a block or an
WALKFLYSETTINGS (Command) Attaches selected DWG files as external
references (xrefs). xref.
Controls the walk and fly navigation settings.
XOPEN (Command)

Opens a selected drawing reference (xref) in a

new window.
XPLODE (Command)

Breaks a compound object into its component

objects, with specified properties for the
resulting objects.
XREF (Command)


ZOOM (Command)

Increases or decreases the magnification of the

view in the current viewport.

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