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Tensors for Data Processing 1st Edition

Yipeng Liu
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Tensors for Data Processing

Theory, Methods, and Applications


Yipeng Liu
School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


List of contributors


Chapter 1: Tensor decompositions: computations, applications, and



1.1. Introduction

1.2. Tensor operations

1.3. Tensor decompositions

1.4. Tensor processing techniques

1.5. Challenges

Chapter 2: Transform-based tensor singular value decomposition in

multidimensional image recovery


2.1. Introduction

2.2. Recent advances of the tensor singular value


2.3. Transform-based t-SVD

2.4. Numerical experiments

2.5. Conclusions and new guidelines


Chapter 3: Partensor



3.1. Introduction

3.2. Tensor decomposition

3.3. Tensor decomposition with missing elements

3.4. Distributed memory implementations

3.5. Numerical experiments

3.6. Conclusion

Chapter 4: A Riemannian approach to low-rank tensor learning


4.1. Introduction

4.2. A brief introduction to Riemannian optimization

4.3. Riemannian Tucker manifold geometry

4.4. Algorithms for tensor learning problems

4.5. Experiments

4.6. Conclusion


Chapter 5: Generalized thresholding for low-rank tensor recovery:

approaches based on model and learning


5.1. Introduction

5.2. Tensor singular value thresholding

5.3. Thresholding based low-rank tensor recovery

5.4. Generalized thresholding algorithms with learning

5.5. Numerical examples

5.6. Conclusion

Chapter 6: Tensor principal component analysis


6.1. Introduction

6.2. Notations and preliminaries

6.3. Tensor PCA for Gaussian-noisy data

6.4. Tensor PCA for sparsely corrupted data

6.5. Tensor PCA for outlier-corrupted data

6.6. Other tensor PCA methods

6.7. Future work

6.8. Summary


Chapter 7: Tensors for deep learning theory


7.1. Introduction

7.2. Bounding a function's expressivity via tensorization

7.3. A case study: self-attention networks

7.4. Convolutional and recurrent networks

7.5. Conclusion

Chapter 8: Tensor network algorithms for image classification


8.1. Introduction

8.2. Background

8.3. Tensorial extensions of support vector machine

8.4. Tensorial extension of logistic regression

8.5. Conclusion


Chapter 9: High-performance tensor decompositions for

compressing and accelerating deep neural networks


9.1. Introduction and motivation

9.2. Deep neural networks

9.3. Tensor networks and their decompositions

9.4. Compressing deep neural networks

9.5. Experiments and future directions


Chapter 10: Coupled tensor decompositions for data fusion



10.1. Introduction

10.2. What is data fusion?

10.3. Decompositions in data fusion

10.4. Applications of tensor-based data fusion

10.5. Fusion of EEG and fMRI: a case study

10.6. Data fusion demos

10.7. Conclusion and prospects


Chapter 11: Tensor methods for low-level vision



11.1. Low-level vision and signal reconstruction

11.2. Methods using raw tensor structure

11.3. Methods using tensorization

11.4. Examples of low-level vision applications

11.5. Remarks

Chapter 12: Tensors for neuroimaging


12.1. Introduction

12.2. Neuroimaging modalities

12.3. Multidimensionality of the brain

12.4. Tensor decomposition structures

12.5. Applications of tensors in neuroimaging

12.6. Future challenges

12.7. Conclusion


Chapter 13: Tensor representation for remote sensing images


13.1. Introduction

13.2. Optical remote sensing: HSI and MSI fusion

13.3. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar: feature extraction


Chapter 14: Structured tensor train decomposition for speeding up

kernel-based learning

14.1. Introduction

14.2. Notations and algebraic background

14.3. Standard tensor decompositions

14.4. Dimensionality reduction based on a train of low-order


14.5. Tensor train algorithm

14.6. Kernel-based classification of high-order tensors

14.7. Experiments

14.8. Conclusion


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List of contributors
Kim Batselier Delft Center for Systems and Control, Delft
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Yingyue Bi School of Information and Communication
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
Jérémie Boulanger CRIStAL, Université de Lille, Villeneuve
d'Ascq, France
Rémy Boyer CRIStAL, Université de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq,
Cesar F. Caiafa
Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía – CCT La Plata, CONICET /
CIC-PBA / UNLP, Villa Elisa, Argentina
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, Japan
Jocelyn Chanussot LJK, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Inria, Université
Grenoble, Alpes, Grenoble, France
Christos Chatzichristos KU Leuven, Department of Electrical
Engineering (ESAT), STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal
Processing and Data Analytics, Leuven, Belgium
Cong Chen Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Nadav Cohen School of Computer Science, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Xudong Cui School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin,
André L.F. de Almeida Department of Teleinformatics
Engineering, Federal University of Fortaleza, Fortaleza, Brazil
Aybüke Erol Circuits and Systems, Department of
Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The
Yiming Fang Department of Computer Science, Columbia
University, New York, NY, United States
Gérard Favier Laboratoire I3S, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS,
Sophia Antipolis, France
Borbála Hunyadi Circuits and Systems, Department of
Microelectronics, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The
Pratik Jawanpuria Microsoft, Hyderabad, India
Tai-Xiang Jiang School of Economic Information Engineering,
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu,
Sichuan, China
Paris A. Karakasis School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Ouafae Karmouda CRIStAL, Université de Lille, Villeneuve
d'Ascq, France
Hiroyuki Kasai Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Eleftherios Kofidis Dept. of Statistics and Insurance Science,
University of Piraeus, Piraeus, Greece
Christos Kolomvakis School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Yoav Levine School of Computer Science, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Zechu Li Department of Computer Science, Columbia University,
New York, NY, United States
Athanasios P. Liavas School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Zhouchen Lin Key Lab. of Machine Perception, School of EECS,
Peking University, Beijing, China
Xiao-Yang Liu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University, Shanghai, China
Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New
York, NY, United States
Yipeng Liu School of Information and Communication
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
Zhen Long School of Information and Communication
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
George Lourakis Neurocom, S.A, Athens, Greece
Canyi Lu Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, United
Liangfu Lu School of Mathematics, Tianjin University, Tianjin,
Yingcong Lu School of Information and Communication
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
George Lykoudis Neurocom, S.A, Athens, Greece
Bamdev Mishra Microsoft, Hyderabad, India
Michael K. Ng Department of Mathematics, The University of
Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Ioannis Marios Papagiannakos School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Bo Ren Key Laboratory of Intelligent Perception and Image
Understanding of Ministry of Education of China, Xidian University,
Xi'an, China
Or Sharir School of Computer Science, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Amnon Shashua School of Computer Science, Hebrew University
of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Ioanna Siaminou School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece
Christos Tsalidis Neurocom, S.A, Athens, Greece
Simon Van Eyndhoven
KU Leuven, Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), STADIUS
Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing and Data
Analytics, Leuven, Belgium
icometrix, Leuven, Belgium
Sabine Van Huffel KU Leuven, Department of Electrical
Engineering (ESAT), STADIUS Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal
Processing and Data Analytics, Leuven, Belgium
Anwar Walid Nokia Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ, United States
Fei Wen Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao
Tong University, Shanghai, China
Noam Wies School of Computer Science, Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Ngai Wong Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Zebin Wu School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing
University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
Yang Xu School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing
University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
Liuqing Yang Department of Computer Science, Columbia
University, New York, NY, United States
Fei Ye School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing
University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China
Tatsuya Yokota
Nagoya Institute of Technology, Aichi, Japan
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, Japan
Zhonghao Zhang School of Information and Communication
Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (UESTC), Chengdu, China
Qibin Zhao
RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Tokyo, Japan
Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Xi-Le Zhao School of Mathematical Sciences/Research Center for
Image and Vision Computing, University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Pan Zhou SEA AI Lab, Singapore, Singapore
Ce Zhu School of Information and Communication Engineering,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC),
Chengdu, China
Yassine Zniyed Université de Toulon, Aix-Marseille Université,
CNRS, LIS, Toulon, France
Yipeng Liu Chengdu, China

This book provides an overview of tensors for data processing,

covering computing theories, processing methods, and engineering
applications. The tensor extensions of a series of classical
multidimensional data processing techniques are discussed in this
book. Many thanks go to all the contributors. Students can read this
book to get an overall understanding, researchers can update their
knowledge on the recent research advances in the field, and
engineers can refer to implementations on various applications.
The first chapter is an introduction to tensor decomposition. In the
following, the book provides variants of tensor decompositions with
their efficient and effective solutions, including some parallel
algorithms, Riemannian algorithms, and generalized thresholding
algorithms. Some tensor-based machine learning methods are
summarized in detail, including tensor completion, tensor principal
component analysis, support tensor machine, tensor-based kernel
learning, tensor-based deep learning, etc. To demonstrate that
tensors can effectively and systematically enhance performance in
practical engineering problems, this book gives implemental details
of many applications, such as signal recovery, recommender
systems, climate forecasting, image clustering, image classification,
network compression, data fusion, image enhancement,
neuroimaging, and remote sensing.
I sincerely hope this book can serve to introduce tensors to more
data scientists and engineers. As a natural representation of
multidimensional data, tensors can be used to substantially avoid
the information loss in matrix representations of multiway data, and
tensor operators can model more connections than their matrix
counterparts. The related advances in applied mathematics allow us
to move from matrices to tensors for data processing. This book is
promising to motivate novel tensor theories and new data
processing methods, and to stimulate the development of a wide
range of practical applications.
Aug. 10, 2021
Chapter 1: Tensor
decompositions: computations,
applications, and challenges
Yingyue Bi; Yingcong Lu; Zhen Long; Ce Zhu; Yipeng Liu School of
Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China

Many classical data processing techniques rely on the
representation and computation of vector and matrix forms,
where the vectorization or matricization is often employed on
multidimensional data. However, during this process, vital
underlying structure information can be lost, leading to
suboptimal performances in processing. As a natural
representation for multidimensional data, the tensor has drawn
a great deal of attention over the past several years. Tensor
decompositions are effective tools for tensor analysis. They have
been intensively investigated in a number of areas, such as
signal processing, machine learning, neuroscience,
communication, psychometrics, chemometrics, biometrics,
quantum physics, and quantum chemistry. In this chapter, we
give a brief introduction into the basic operations of tensors and
illustrate them with a few examples in data processing. To better
manipulate tensor data, a number of tensor operators are
defined, especially different tensor products. In addition, we
elaborate on a series of important tensor decompositions and
their properties, including CANDECOMP/PARAFAC
decomposition, Tucker decomposition, tensor singular value
decomposition, block term decomposition, tensor tree
decomposition, tensor train decomposition, and tensor ring
decomposition. We further present a list of machine learning
techniques based on tensor decompositions, such as tensor
dictionary learning, tensor completion, robust tensor principal
component analysis, tensor regression, statistical tensor
classification, coupled tensor fusion, and deep tensor neural
networks. Finally, we discuss the challenges and opportunities
for data processing under a tensor scheme.

Tensor computation; Tensor norm; Tensor product;
CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition; Tucker decomposition;
Tensor singular value decomposition; Block term decomposition;
Tensor network; Higher-order tensor; Multilinear subspace analysis
Chapter Outline

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 What is a tensor?
1.1.2 Why do we need tensors?
1.2 Tensor operations
1.2.1 Tensor notations
1.2.2 Matrix operators
1.2.3 Tensor transformations
1.2.4 Tensor products
1.2.5 Structural tensors
1.2.6 Summary
1.3 Tensor decompositions
1.3.1 Tucker decomposition
1.3.2 Canonical polyadic decomposition
1.3.3 Block term decomposition
1.3.4 Tensor singular value decomposition
1.3.5 Tensor network
1.4 Tensor processing techniques
1.5 Challenges

1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 What is a tensor?
The tensor can be seen as a higher-order generalization of vector and
matrix, which normally has three or more modes (ways) [1]. For
example, a color image is a third-order tensor. It has two spatial
modes and one channel mode. Similarly, a color video is a fourth-
order tensor; its extra mode denotes time.
As special forms of tensors, vector is a first-order tensor
whose i-th entry (scalar) is and matrix is a second-order
tensor whose -th element is . A general N-th-order tensor can
be mathematically denoted as and its -th
entry is . For example, a third-order tensor is
illustrated in Fig. 1.1.

FIGURE 1.1 A third-order tensor .

1.1.2 Why do we need tensors?

Tensors play important roles in a number of applications, such as
signal processing, machine learning, biomedical engineering,
neuroscience, computer vision, communication, psychometrics, and
chemometrics. They can provide a concise mathematical framework
for formulating and solving problems in those fields.
Here are a few cases involving tensor frameworks:

• Many spatial-temporal signals in speech and image

processing are multidimensional. Tensor factorization-based
techniques can effectively extract features for enhancement,
classification, regression, etc. For example, nonnegative
canonical polyadic (CP) decomposition can be used for
speech signal separation where the first two components of
CP decomposition represent frequency and time structure of
the signal and the last component is the coefficient matrix
• The fluorescence excitation–emission data, commonly used
in chemistry, medicine, and food science, has several
chemical components with different concentrations. It can be
denoted as a third-order tensor; its three modes represent
sample, excitation, and emission. Taking advantage of CP
decomposition, the tensor can be factorized into three factor
matrices: relative excitation spectral matrix, relative emission
spectral matrix, and relative concentration matrix. In this
way, tensor decomposition can be applied to analyze the
components and corresponding concentrations in each
sample [3].
• Social data often have multidimensional structures, which
can be exploited by tensor-based techniques for data mining.
For example, the three modes of chat data are user, keyword,
and time. Tensor analysis can reveal the communication
patterns and the hidden structures in social networks, and
this can benefit tasks like recommender systems [4].

1.2 Tensor operations

In this section, we first introduce tensor notations, i.e., fibers and
slices, and then demonstrate how to represent tensors in a graphical
way. Before we discuss tensor operations, several matrix operations
are reviewed.

1.2.1 Tensor notations

Subtensors, such as fibers and slices, can be formed from the original
tensor. A fiber is defined by fixing all the indices but one and a slice
is defined by fixing all but two indices. For a third-order tensor
, its mode-1, mode-2, and mode-3 fibers are denoted by
, , and , where , and
, which are illustrated in Fig. 1.2. Its horizontal slices
, lateral slices , and frontal slices
, are shown in Fig. 1.3. For ease of denotation, we
refer to the frontal slice of as in some formulas.

FIGURE 1.2 The illustration of mode-1 fibers ,

mode-2 fibers , and mode-3 fibers with
i1 = 1,⋯,I1, i2 = 1,⋯,I2 and i3 = 1,⋯,I3.

FIGURE 1.3 The illustration of horizontal slices

i1 = 1,⋯,I1, lateral slices i2 = 1,⋯,I2, and frontal
slices i3 = 1,⋯,I3.

Other than the aforementioned notations, there is another way to

denote tensors and their operations [5]. Taking advantage of
graphical representations, tensors can be denoted by nodes and
edges in a straightforward way. Graphical representations for
scalars, vectors, matrices, and tensors are shown in Fig. 1.4. The
number next to the edge represents the indices of the corresponding
FIGURE 1.4 Graphical representations of scalar, vector,
matrix and tensor.

1.2.2 Matrix operators

Definition 1.2.1
(Matrix trace [6]) The trace of matrix is obtained by
summing all the diagonal entries of A, i.e., .

Definition 1.2.2
( -norm [6]) For matrix , its -norm is defined as

Definition 1.2.3
(Matrix nuclear norm [7]) The nuclear norm of matrix A is
denoted as , where is the i-th largest singular
value of A.

Definition 1.2.4
(Hadamard product [8]) The Hadamard product for matrices
and is defined as with


Definition 1.2.5
(Kronecker product [9]) The Kronecker product of matrices
and is defined as
, which can be written mathematically as
Based on the Kronecker product, a lot of useful properties can be
derived. Given matrices A, B, C, D, we have


where and represent the transpose and Moore–Penrose inverse

of matrix A.

Definition 1.2.6
(Khatri–Rao product [10]) The Khatri–Rao product of matrices
and is defined as

Similar to the Kronecker product, the Khatri–Rao product also has
some convenient properties, such as


1.2.3 Tensor transformations

Definition 1.2.7
(Tensor transpose [11]) Given a tensor , whose frontal
slices are , its transpose is acquired by first
transposing each of the frontal slices and then placing them in the
order of , , , ⋯, along the third

Fig. 1.5 demonstrates the tensor transpose of .

FIGURE 1.5 A graphical illustration of the tensor transpose
on .

Definition 1.2.8
(Tensor mode-n matricization [1]) For tensor , its
matricization along the n-th mode is denoted as
, as shown in Fig. 1.6. It rearranges fibers on
the n-th mode to form the columns of . For instance, there
exists a third-order tensor whose frontal slices are


Thus, its mode-1, mode-2, and mode-3 matricizations can be

written as



FIGURE 1.6 A graphical illustration of tensor mode-n

matricization for .
Definition 1.2.9
(Tensor n-th canonical matricization [12]) For a fixed index
, the n-th canonical matricization of tensor
can be defined as


where , are multiindices and .

Take the multiindex as an example, ,
. It can either be defined using the little-endian
convention (reverse lexicographic ordering) [13]

or the big-endian convention (colexicographic ordering)


1.2.4 Tensor products

Definition 1.2.10
(Tensor inner product [1]) The inner product of two tensors
and , shown in Fig. 1.7, is expressed as


FIGURE 1.7 A graphical illustration of the tensor inner


Definition 1.2.11
(Tensor norm [1]) The norm of a tensor is the square
root of the summation over the square of all its elements, which
can be expressed as

Definition 1.2.12
(Tensor mode-n product with a matrix [1]) The tensor mode-n
product of and matrix is denoted as


or element-wisely,


A visual illustration is shown in Fig. 1.8.

FIGURE 1.8 A graphical illustration of the tensor mode-n

Taking advantage of tensor matricization, Eq. (1.16) can also be

expressed in an unfolded form as


For example, given tensor (Eq. (1.7)) and matrix ,

the mode-n product will yield a tensor , whose
frontal slices are

Definition 1.2.13
(Tensor mode-n product with a vector [1]) The tensor mode-n
product of the tensor and vector is denoted as


with entries


For example, given tensor in Eq. (1.7) and vector ,

we have


It can be clearly seen that the operation of multiplying a tensor by

a matrix will not change the number of ways of the tensor. However,
if a tensor is multiplied by a vector, the number of ways will

Definition 1.2.14
(t-product [11]) The t-product of and is
defined as


where ,
represents the block matrix [11] of , and

is the block-circulant matrix [11] of , where and ,

, represent the -th frontal slice of and , respectively.

Definition 1.2.15
(Tensor contraction [5]) Given two tensors and
, suppose they have L equal indices in
and . The contraction of these two tensors
yields an -th-order tensor , whose entries can
be calculated by


A graphical illustration of tensor contraction is shown in Fig. 1.9.

FIGURE 1.9 Graphical representation of contraction of

two tensors, and , where
{K1,K2,⋯,KL} denotes the L equal indices in {I1,I2,⋯,IM}
and {J1,J2,⋯,JN}.

For example, given tensors and , based on

the aforementioned definition, we can conclude that ,
, , and . As shown in Fig. 1.10,
the result of tensor contraction is of the size of ,
and its entries are

FIGURE 1.10 The contraction of two tensors,

and , where K1 = I2 = J5 = 4, K2 = I3 = J1 = 2,
K3 = I5 = J3 = 7, I1 = 3, I4 = 6, J2 = 5, and J4 = 8.

Consider a special case when and , as

demonstrated in Fig. 1.11. The contraction of tensors
and results in an ( )-th-order tensor ,
whose entries can be calculated by

FIGURE 1.11 A graphical representation of contraction over
two tensors, and , where
K 1 = I m = Jn .

1.2.5 Structural tensors

Definition 1.2.16
(Identity tensor [11]) An identity tensor is a tensor whose first
frontal slice is an identity matrix and the rest are zero matrices.

Definition 1.2.17
(Orthogonal tensor [14]) Using the t-product, an orthogonal tensor
is defined as


Definition 1.2.18
(Rank-1 tensor [1]) A rank-1 tensor is formed by the
outer product of vectors, as shown in Fig. 1.12. Its mathematical
formulation can be written as

where ∘ means the outer product. Therefore, the entries of can

be written as . Generalizing it to the N-th-order
tensor , we have


FIGURE 1.12 A rank-1 tensor .

Definition 1.2.19
(Diagonal tensor [1]) Tensor is a diagonal tensor if and only if all
its nonzero elements are on the superdiagonal line. Specifically, if
is a diagonal tensor, then we have if
and only if . A graphical illustration of a third-order
diagonal tensor is demonstrated in Fig. 1.13.
FIGURE 1.13 A third-order diagonal tensor .

Definition 1.2.20
(f-diagonal tensor [14]) An f-diagonal tensor is a tensor with
diagonal frontal slices. A third-order f-diagonal tensor is
visualized in Fig. 1.14.

FIGURE 1.14 An f-diagonal tensor .

1.2.6 Summary
In this section, we first briefly described some notations of tensor
representations. Then by giving basic operations of matrices, we
discussed several common tensor operations, including tensor
transformations and tensor products. Concepts of structural tensors
such as orthogonal tensor, diagonal tensor, and f-diagonal tensor are
also given. It is worth noting that we only focus on the most
commonly used definitions; for more information, please refer to [1],
[5], and [6].

1.3 Tensor decompositions

The idea of tensor decomposition was first put forward by Hitchcock
in 1927 and developed by a lot of scholars until these days.
Traditionally, it was implemented in psychometrics and
stoichiometry. With the growing prosperity of tensor decomposition
in [15–18], it began to draw attention in other fields, including signal
processing [19–21], numerical linear algebra [22,23], computer vision
[24], numerical analysis [25,26], and data mining [27–29].
Meanwhile, different decomposition approaches were developed to
meet various requirements.
In this section, we first discuss two cornerstones, Tucker
decomposition and CP decomposition, and go through some other
methods like block term decomposition (BTD), tensor singular value
decomposition (t-SVD), and tensor networks (TNs).

1.3.1 Tucker decomposition

In 1963, Tucker decomposition was firstly proposed in [30] by Tucker
and perfected by Levin and Tucker later on. In 2000, the name of
higher-order singular value decomposition (HOSVD) was put
forward by De Lathauwer [31]. Nowadays, the terms Tucker
decomposition and HOSVD are used alternatively to refer to Tucker
Taking advantage of the mode-n product, Tucker decomposition
can be defined as a multiplication of a core tensor and the matrix
along each mode.

Definition 1.3.1
(Tucker decomposition) Given a tensor , its Tucker
decomposition is
where are semi-orthogonal factor
matrices that satisfy and is the core
tensor. Even though the core tensor is usually dense, it is generally
much smaller than , i.e., .

We can also write Tucker decomposition in an element-wise style as


where .
Fig. 1.15 is an illustration of Tucker decomposition on a third-
order tensor, i.e., .

FIGURE 1.15 An illustration of Tucker decomposition on a

third-order tensor . The core tensor is and
factor matrices are .
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Tuntui surkealta ja häpeälliseltä seurata hänen elämänsä

tapauksia aivan samalla tavalla, kuin muut saattoivat sen tehdä, ja
kun käteeni rutistin sanomalehden, minä melkein halveksin häntä ja
tuntui hyvältä ja helpottavalta olla katkera ja kova.

En tahtonut häntä muistella; en hetkeäkään ajatella, että hän nyt

palkitsisi tuon alttiin sielun seitsemänvuotista uskollisuutta.

Kuumeen polttaessa suoniani ehdotin, että päivä kulutettaisiin

huvituksissa — iloissa.

Teimme ensin rekiretken; sitten tarjosi pormestari päivällistä

shampanjan kera — ei sovi keski-ikäisen naima-aikeissa olevan
ruotsalaisen tyytyä vähempään — ja sitten joimme kahvia ja
kuuntelimme musiikkia kullatussa kahvilassa ja tulimme kotiin
myöhään hämärissä.

Olisimme päättäneet päivän eräässä teatterissa, mutta täti Agneta

ei jaksanut enää ja uskoi, että me toisetkin voisimme paremmin, jos
joisimme teetä kotona rauhassa.

Tuli oli sammunut vieraskamarin pesässä; punainen hiillos henki

vielä lämpöä ja heikkoa valoa. Huoneessa tuntui hyasintin ja kielon
tuoksua ja kodin lämmin, hauska ilma lehahti meitä vastaan.

Istuuduin korkeaselkäiseen iso-isäntuoliin. Täti Agneta tipsutti

keittiöön ja pormestari käveli edestakaisin lattialla.
»Te olette ollut niin iloinen tänään, neiti», sanoi hän pysähtyen ja
laski kätensä tuolini selustalle. »Minulle on ollut mieluista nähdä teitä
sellaisena. — Ensi aikoina olitte niin kalpea ja hiljainen. Mutta
olittehan ollut sairas?»

»Niin, olin ollut sairas.» vastasin hajamielisesti. Ehkäpä hehkui

palanut roihu toisessakin kodissa illanhämyssä? Ehkä oli ilma
sielläkin hellä ja lämmin? Ei, ei ajatella, ei ajatella!

Pakotin itseni kuuntelemaan pormestaria, joka seisoi puhellen

hiukan pitemmältä ilostaan, nähdessään minut iloisena ja sitten
yksinäisestä kodistaan, ja kuinka hän tulisi meitä kaipaamaan. Ja
kuinka olikaan, kysyi hän minulta enkö voisi päättää tulla
sulostuttamaan tätä yksinäistä kotia.

»Ymmärrän kyllä hyvin, ettette te koskaan voi tuntea minua

kohtaan sitä kuin minä teitä», jatkoi hän lämpimämmällä äänellä, »ja
mielessäni välkähti, että tekisin viisaasti, jos vastaanottaisin hänen
rehellisen kätensä, sillä minä — minä rakastan teitä.»

Tuo sana koski minuun, en saattanut sitä kuulla, ja minä ojensin

käteni estääkseni sen toistamista.

Mutta tämän käsitti kosijani kehoitukseksi, hän kumartui

lähemmäksi minua ja hänen silmiinsä syttyi äkkiä tuli, joka samalla
sammui, mutta joka kertoi minulle, että minua hän pyysi ja tahtoi
omistaa eikä vaimoa noin vain ylimalkaan.

Tätä en ennen tullut ajatelleeksi: taikka olin ajatellut, niinkuin sitä

koneellisesti ja kylmästi ajattelee kaikenlaisia kohtauksia — en ollut
tuntenut sitä. — Mutta samalla kuin tunsin sen, tiesin myöskin, ettei
hän koskaan voisi saada sitä, mitä pyysi.
Huuliani, joita yhden ainoan lemmensuutelot olivat pyhittäneet, ei
saanut toinen koskettaa.

Kauvas häipyivät arkionnen unelmat ja kotoiset hauskuudet hänen

rinnallaan. Minua tympäisi tuo kunnon mies ja hänen lempivä
katseensa. — Mitäpä voisi hän minulle tarjota? Ei hän voinut saada
verenpisaraakaan minussa liikkeelle.

Siirsin tuolini kauvemmaksi ja aloin, hämilläni ja änkyttäen, outoa

työtä, rukkasten antamista.

Ja tein sen niin huonosti, että pormestari katsoi vastaajan syyt

mitättömiksi ja täydensi omaa puhettaan.

Hän kävi kaunopuheiseksi ja innokkaaksi ja puhui itsensä

lämpimäksi, mutta lämpöä minä vähimmin halusin.

Viimein täytyi minun sanoa hänelle, että aivan hiljattain olin

rakastanut, toista niin, kuin minulle oli mahdollista ja etten vielä
voinut kuvitellakaan voivani antaa toiselle hituistakaan siitä
mieltymyksestä, jota vaimon tulisi tuntea miestänsä kohtaan.

Sanan »vielä» pistin lauseeseen kohteliaisuudesta häntä kohtaan,

mutta hän tarttui siihen, kuin olisi se ollut pääasia puheessani.

»Emme puhu siitä nyt sen pitemmältä.» sanoi hän, »minä voin
odottaa. Te olette minulle niin rakas. — Kesän puoleen tulen
uudelleen, teen kysymykseni vielä kerran ja toivon ajan auttavan

Luulen, että hän piti aikaa korkeampana oikeuspaikkana, jossa

jutut hitaasti päätettiin. Herra pormestari »kävi kuninkaissa»
kosimisensa kanssa. Kuningas Aika parantavalla voimallaan
varmaan päättäisi asian hänen edukseen.

Seuraavana päivänä matkusti hän hallitsemaan kaupunkiansa ja

koska täti Agneta näytti vähemmän pettyneeltä, kuin mitä luulin,
otaksun minä, että hän oli tehnyt toivehikkaan aikateoriiansa
tädillekin selväksi.

Keskusteluamme emme uusineet. Vähää ennenkuin hän matkusti,

Agnetan hyväntahtoisesti kadottua, sanoi hän vainen:

»Luvatkaa minulle, armas, kalpea lapsi, että toisinaan muistelette

minua, joka tästä päivästä alkaen, siihen asti, kunnes kesä-aurinko
paistaa, joka päivä tahdon ajatella sitä hetkeä, jolloin taasen saan
pyytää onneani.»

Hän suuteli kättäni monta kertaa ja painoi sitä rintaansa vasten

nöyrällä hellyydellä, joka ei mitään pyytänyt, vaan ainoasi antoi. —
Ja siilon houkutteli hänen hellyytensä minua eikä tympäissyt.

Mutta ei, en tahdo antaa pelkurimaisen suojaa, turvaa ja kotia

kaipaavan tunteen houkutella itseäni. Se ei kumminkaan koskaan
voisi korvata sitä, mitä vainen yksi voipi antaa.


Ajatukset liikkuvat vyöryävässä sekasorrossa nyt, kun teen

tilinpäätökseni vuoden viimeisenä päivänä.

Kirkas ja kylmä on talviyö, kalpeita ovat kuvat niistä ihmisistä, joita

olen kohdannut — nyt kun ne kulkevat sisäisen katseeni sivu.
Hänelläkin, jota rakastan, on harso silmillä, mutta lempeni elää.
Vieläkin saatan tuntea autuaan väreilevän tunteen hänen
syleilyssään; vieläkin saatan kuulla sydämellisen sävyn hänen
äänessään. »Rakastaa sinua enemmän kuin kaikkia muita — se ei
olisi paljon!» sanoi hän kerran.

Kun kesäinen onni oli täysinäinen, hallitsin minä ihanaa

nykyisyyttä. Nyt hallitsee ajatukseni ihanaa menneisyyttä, jota ei
mikään maailmassa voi riistää minulta pois. Koskaan ei muistojeni
onni saata kuolla, rakkauteni ei koskaan muuttua tavaksi.

Ja minä olen elänyt, sillä olen tuntenut, tuntenut niin, että sydän on
ollut haljeta ilosta ja surusta.

Maljani on täysi muistojen primuloita, jotka eivät koskaan kuihdu.


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