Emcee Script

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Republic of the PhilippinesDepartment of Education

Office of the Curriculum Implementation Division



Ladies and gentlemen, our session will start in about a minute, so please find yourself a seat to
settle down.
 1. We have a few housekeeping notes to make before we begin. First, we would like to seek
to your cooperation in completing our workshop. To our dear participants, kindly switch your
mobile phones to silent and to our PSDSs and selected School Heads who are online, kindly turn
off your microphones and only switch it on when prompted to avoid interruption. You can Click
the “Raise Hand” button if you want to speak or use the chat box.
Thank you for your kind cooperation and attention.

Good morning, your excellencies. To our Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Maria Luisa D.
Servando, our OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Mabel F. Musa, our Division
Chiefs, SGOD Chief, Sir Hipolito Berano, our OIC-CID Chief, Dr. Melchor M. Famorcan, to our
Education Program Supervisors, EPS and SEPS and other SDO Personnel, To our participants
who are joining online, our dear Public Schools District Supervisors and Coordinating Principals
and selected School Heads, good morning. (we would also like to acknowledge the presence of
our principals chuchu)
My name is Marie Rodlene Mallen and on behalf of the CID Office, I would like to welcome all
of you to the Consultative Planning-Meeting of Curriculum Implementation Division. It is our
privilege to have you with us today.
Before anything else, may I ask everybody to please rise for the prayer to be led by Mrs. Lucin F.
Fruelda, our Education Program Supervisor for English, and remain so, for the singing of the
National Anthem to be conducted by our Division Librarian, Ms. Leona Lynn F. Famorcan.
Thank you, Mrs. Fruelda and Ms. Famorcan.
Office of the Curriculum Implementation Division
Ladies and gentlemen, a very good morning once again to everyone and welcome to the
Consultative Planning-Meeting of Curriculum Implementation Division. Our meeting for today
will surely give us insight on ensuring improvement in the management of curriculum
implementation. So, we hope that everyone is in a happy disposition today and that you will find
the presentations and the discussions we have lined-up for you to be fruitful and engaging.
To kick-off this morning’s program, we are pleased to have with us our very beautiful and very
noble Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Maria Luisa D. Servando, to deliver to us a very
inspirational message. Let us welcome her with a warm round of applause.
Thank you, Dr. Servando for the very wonderful message.
So, before we start the meeting proper, I would like to add an inspirational quote from Henry
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." "If
everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself."
And that’s the end of the first part of the program. Moving on to the Consultative Meeting, may I
request the very handsome and hardworking, OIC-Chief, Dr. Melchor M. Famorcan to take over
to preside the meeting.

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