The Cuba Street Project

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chilli net 7 soaks the gen. Remove the garlic and drain gg a over I heat garlic ina bowl and combine with the chiy <}- a e } bine caus! roves Pui This will keep im an aright contsing, an . a chill of ap to | month. peso sunowe oF refrigerat™ 7 oily 00026 «in a large pan, cover with the water, then a) . “ she lamb ri 0 Ley liced ginger: Bring the water to the boil, reduce the ia ; ; , tsp r Cl ee . d gently simmer for 45 minutes. Take off the heat = oes medium an " r i a in the liquid. Sromsrecl “Heri fully coo wetbsp ‘Jo make the Hunan sauce, put the brown sugar and Shaoxing: See ine into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring to the, 4s @ whole win ver mi nips ietase wt until the liquid is syrup-like in consistency, 4 and simmer to reduce, the soy sauce and black vinegar to the pan and simmer to reduce pece old water — 2s salt by about a quarter. Stir in the five-spice powder. 3 ombnob ginger, “ Drain the ribs and slice into cutlets. Heat the oil to 170°C and fy ts flower oi . : . ae ribs for 2 minutes, until evenly crisp and golden. radishes, finely sliced, toserve Use a slotted spoon to remove the ribs from the oil and drain well ‘coriander and on paper towels. Place the ribs in a large pan and pour over 2-4 cup mint ieaves, finely of Huy nan sauce. Place over a medium heat for a couple of minutes, shredded, to serve 5 . tossing the ribs well in the sauce to completely coat them. Serve with radish, coriander and mint piled on top of the ribs and the chill oilit HUNAN §, AUCE a separate bowl for dipping. 1 cup sott brown Sugar 125m Shaoxing ooking wing 80m oy sauce 125m bac vingay SD pond See ic to eat, with so many textures and flay AVours fantast ¢ is also fants ad that kick-start after the weekend Pe Me hat salad ¢ eople who ni We avery heath at Fidel’ for PE“ ees processor is the way we go, making shes Pen : Mond sopping, a f " ae . sc : ae a fair bit of chi ie) cranberries makes more than you need. It is Beat ie calls for picklea ws . for the f a hes 7 The rete “id even sandwiches cof salads, roasts Te make the pickled cranberries, put the cranerries in hes sees «45 4 MAIN bowl. tg on AS ASIDE dd the vinegar, s sp pumpkin seeds To a small saucepan, a ‘gar, sugar and 25m] voter ynflower bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and POUr straight », 3 tbsp Sut ~ seeds cranberries. Leave to cool completely. These are ready sn we semegium sized cooled, but the favour improves with time, Store any lek : S i the amie fridge for up to 3 months. 2 medium-si ), peeled / are ce Toast off the pumpkin and sunflower seeds in a dry frying pan - : i il —— (250g), they start to crackle and lightly colour, then transfer toa phate toe, broken into florets ‘small handful of mint Get your food processor out or sharpen that knife. Start by shre the red cabbage, as thin as you can, and place it in a large mixing small handful of fat- leat parsley bowl. Next, grate the carrots and chop the spring onions thinly ax 2 thsp pickled place in the bowl with the cabbage. If you have a food process == fit it with the standard chopping blade and process the caulllowe: until it begins to look like chunky rice — don’t go so far as to lose PICKLED its texture. If you don’t have a processor, use a potato peeler any CRANBERRIES over the top of the cauliflower to create the same effect. Add © “ innate, bowl. Tear the mint and parsley roughly and add to the bow! a cranberries add the cranberries along with 2 tablespoons of its liquid. Tos “ 100m red or white seeds and gently mix everything together well. Add a little a eee (@cheap the cranberry pickling juice if needed, but try not to add a x ihe 50g caster sy this will draw water out from the vegetables and make them gar fantastic crunch, Now eat and feel good! (continued Acaar ingredients) 20g tamarind paste 2 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp canola oil 1 tbsp chipotle paste 30m! white wine vinegar 25g brown sugar 40mi water 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds SAMBAL 4 shallots 2 cloves garlic 1 tbsp fresh turmeric 1 tbsp fresh ginger chillies 1 tbsp chipotle paste 60mI canola oil 1 stalk lemongrass 10ml tamarind paste 15ml palm sugar 15mi fish sauce salt, to taste BURGERS 500g chuck steak 4x Zadia’s Bakery burger buns chopped fresh coriander SAMBAL Peel ane! roughly chop the shallots, garlic, turmeric and ginger. Deseed and roughly chop the chillies, Combine the shallots, garlic, turmeric, ginger, chillies, chipotle paste and canola oil in a food processor and blend to a paste- Cut the lemongrass stalk in half and bruise with the back of a knife. Fry the paste on a low heat with the lemongrass in a saucepan for approximately 10 minutes. ‘Add the tamarind paste to the pan, along with the palm sugar and fish sauce. Add salt to taste. Cook until the palm sugar is fully dissolved. BURGERS Slice the chuck steak into 125g portions. Put in a pressure cooker with the rendang spice paste, top up with water to cover, and cook for 45 minutes or until tender. Toast the cut sides of the buns for 1-2 minutes. Put the steaks on the buns and top with heated acaar. Dress with the sambal and chopped coriander. eS ager PETE senves 10 GUACAMOLE ‘ripe avorad0s pred onion. finely diced tomatoes, diced 1 tsp lime juice ye bunch coriander, chopped sea salt and freshly ‘ground black pepper MEAT PATTY 1g prime beef mince # white onion, finely slced 2 tbsp mixed herbs 1 tbsp grainy mustard eggs Ltspsatt 2tsp black pepper 1 cup breadcrumbs TO ASSEMBLE 10 seeded hamburger buns tomato relish lettuce tomatoes, slice "€d onion, sliceg streaky ba con Fashers, coo Yur liking Bhetkins scey ‘Merican, Mustarg, ale, halve the avocados and remove th © ste bowl and mash roughly. Add the remain es, her gently. Season to taste and chill, N the he guacam' flesh into @ d mix toget ,at patties, combine the beef mince, onion, herby it and pepper ina bowl. Gradually add the horoughly until well combined. Roll the To make the me: mustard, eggs: S41" 9° sumbs and mix t into 100g balls. Heat a griddle pan (or preheat the barbecue) over high heat. Onc. hot, flatten one of the meatballs to 4 cm thickness and cook for 3 minutes per side or to your liking. Remove from the heat and let Test ona plate while you cook the remaining meat patties. Prepare the remaining fillings. Halve the hamburger buns and toa. the cut sides. To assemble, start with the bottom bun and spread it with tomato relish. Layer on the lettuce, tomato, red onion, guacamole, beet pat bacon, gherkins and mustard. Finish with the top bun. Even better served with a side of hot chips! R gumaTRAN STEAK BURGE pane SPICE PASTE REN serves 4 Peel and roughly chop the shallots, ginger and garlic, tp, RENDANE food processor with the chipotle and blend to a Paste, eM add, spice PASTE : Wrap and tie the cinnamon, cardamom pods and star a shallots , aE anisy sg resh ere! square of cheesecloth. Fry the paste in a deep saucepan, Fi ing coves atic cheesecloth pouch, on low heat for approximately 10 min OME ya - Utes, sthsp chipotle paste ny cinnamon Cut the lemongrass stalks in half and bruise with the back > cardamom pods, Add to the pan. Of aking, chopped in halt 2 star anise Add the tamarind, coconut cream, water, shredded coconut, k 2 stalks lemongrass leaves and palm sugar to the pan and bring toa simmer. afr tsp tamarind paste ~ a ie neces Cook for 45 minutes on low heat and add salt and Pepper to taste | cup water 80g toasted fancy shredded coconut ACAAR 4 kaffir ime leaves 40g paim sugar Preheat the oven to 150°C. salt anc pepper, to ste Blanch th and refresh as for | minute in boiling water, then remove ACAAR cauliflower, es ater. Repeat the process with the carrot and » Dlanching for 2 minutes each before refreshing. Spree!’ 2 cups shredded a flat tray lined wi . wte cabbage with baking paper and place in the oven until ds ) Cup grated carrot Roughl 5 ly peel 3 i caateded Process with ne chop the ginger and turmeric and blend inate’ ee and chipotle the garlic, peanuts, tamarind, fish sauce, canola 2g ial Toughly 7 * Paste. Transfer to a saucepan and fry on low heat Mesh turmeric 'Y (minutes. Add the vi y ti 4 cloves garlic, toa simmer, ¢ vinegar, brown sugar and water Chopped . 308 roast Re 'ed peanut ‘Move fro) Ss : m the hi sal {continued on et age seeds. Cover 7 eat nay add the dehydrated veget ables and eave for 1 hou Ir. —— JANDS A hoot! Any nut or berry of your ch brews and glute™ free tO oe with that morning : Pert nd for the FOPPINE ete de bueter i. 2 saucePaN over medium heat, and stir in the — vest and vanilla extract sited butter | | : 150g unsaite Ina bowl, combine the dry ingredients well. Stir in the melted ci, Ts xtra to grease | combined. 1 tso finely erated putter until well inaclean bowl until loose peaks are formed grange or emon zest atsp vanilla extract Whip the eg whites racup desiccated don't want stiff peaks — the whites should collapse onto themselves -_— ‘shen a spoon is lifted from the mix. . cup rice flour en Fold hal of the egg whites into the batter until well combined, and zpoup icing suBat then repeat with remaining ¢g8 whites. You should have a light and egg whites (size 7) smooth batter. ‘The mix can be used straight away, but we find TOPPINGS ght away, but we fin the friands are best it C the batter has chilled for a few hours or overnight. “ 6 blackberries, fresh froze orfrozen When ready to bake, preheat the oven to 150°C fan/160°C regular 2 tbsp flaked alm jonds and grease a 6-hole friand tin or muffin tray with butter. ‘cing sugar, to dust ae are of the batter to the moulds, and press a blackberry ightly into the top. Sprinkle with a few flaked almonds. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. Allow the e cake i es to cool in the moulds for 10 minutes. Turn ov onto’ wire rack and " allow to . friends over coffee. cool further. Dust with icing sugar and ett i tightly fase nea ounces bulb fennel (any brown Sars moved and discarded), sliced 70micream 1 medium-sized potato, cooked in its skin, cooled and peeled 1 tightly packed CUP watercress Omi apple juice sea salt and freshly ground white pepper RAVIOLI 250g shelled fresh pava 1 tbsp freshly chopped coriander leaves 1-2 tbsp sweet chill sauce 4 tbsp garlic, finely chopped 1-2 tbsp lemon juice Yoxpacket store- bought circular wonton wrappers sea salt and freshly Bround black pepper penneL MOUSSE pring a pan of Wate spinach, Blanch for syth fresh water and add a generous pinch of sly wand add the sliced fennel. Cook over medium eat «to the boil and add the parsley leaves ang 10 seconds, drain and refresh in iced ware : Ref he am Bring co «he O°" il ender. Drain. for 10 minutes, Heat the eream in a saucepan until warmed through. Remove fry, the heat. parsley and spinach and place in a blender or food Processop Drain the with the fennel, warmed cream, potato, watercress and apple fttice til very smooth and strain (if necessary). : Blend together unt When ready to plate, warm in a pan over a very low heat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. PAUA RAVIOLI (MAKES 15) Blend the paua in a food processor to a fine mince. Transfer to a bowl and add the coriander, chilli sauce, garlic and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper, then mix together well. Cook off a small amount of this filling to check the level of seasoning; adjust to taste. kk = 2 a the ravioli, place 1 tablespoon of the filling in the centte of wrapper. Wet the edges of the wrapper with water and place another wrapper on top, sealing the edges. «malt ni tsk celery, diced ears, diced redechill finely diced cloves tli fney chopped 1yethsp ground coriander ¥tosp ground cumin yetsp ground cinnamon ¥etsp ground cloves 1 tsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp tomato paste 1425 can four bean mix, rinsed and drained 300ml vegetable stock 2 thsp white wine vinegar 25g vegan dark chocolate, grated hot sauce, totaste flaky sea salt and cracked black Pepper 10 SERVE Steamed tice Sated con cpg Buacamole "ata paley he oil in @ eavy-based pan and sauté the onion, a Hest ae gatlic for 10-15 minutes, until slightly softened a, chill an ‘cook for 2 minutes, until fragrant. Stir in the = dy le Pej cook for a further 2 minutes. AO Daye ‘add the beans and stit well. Pour in the stock and place the tg aaa an. Bring tothe oil EF high heat, reduce the heat to |.” the Paar 5-6 minutes or unl the carrots are al dent, want gor and remove from the heat. Add the chocolate the ‘Add the vines | it melts into the chilli. pan and stir unt season with hot sauce and salt and pepper. Serve on top of rice gamish with salted corn chips, guacamole and parsley. " sepvEs 5-6 FALAFEL PATTY 1 red onion, rouehly chopped 1 tsp cumin seeds A cloves gatlic Ltspsalt 1 tsp black pepper 1] tsp cayenne pepper 500g cooked chickpeas (or canned), drained tsp baking soda 100m! olive ol, plus extra tor frying 2 tbsp lemon juice JALAPENO RELISH 1 tsp canola ol 1 white onion, finely sliced 500g canned tomatillos, drained 500gjalaperios, drained 100ml apple cider vinegar 50g caster sugar 50mllemon juice 500g roasted red Peppers, chopped 25g coriander fj nel Chopped l an BURGER) To make the falafel patties, put the onion, cumin seeds fo vrand cayenne pepper in a food processor of Blende a a paste. Transfer t0 a bowl and set aside. ran ri ‘Add the chickpeas to the food processor and blend, Add th previously blended ingredients along with the olive oil, len, and baking soda. Blend to form a fine paste. Roll into loon ion flatten slightly. 7 To make the jalapefto relish, heat the oil in a saucepan, Addy, swion and cook gently over medium-low heat for 10-15, until starting to brown. Add the tomatillos and cook until u breaking up. Add the jalapetos, vinegar, sugar and lemon usc up the heat to medium and simmer to reduce for 7 minutes Take the pan off the heat and fold in the roasted peppers an coriander. Fry the falafel. Heat a frying pan with a dash of oil, add the patties and cook over medium heat until golden. Flip and rei Cut the buns in half and toast the cut sides. Starting with the baw» bun, spread with hummus then add mushrooms, lettuce, reds! jalapeio relish, gherkins, falafel, romato relish and the musts! with the top bun. TO ASSEMBLE 5a a seeded red onions, j imburger buns finely sliced r n immus Bherkins, sliced lushrooms, sliced tomato relish lettuce American mustard cor | eerie green chilies, sliced 300g iced onions 150g sioed tomatoes ve tosp ground turmeric tosp Kashmir chil powder 2thsp ground ceviender tsp meat masala oc Kerala spice mix (cen be found at most Indian spice stores) see sat to taste Zoups water the oil ina frying pan over medinyn Heat "igh heap cardamom, cloves and st Z A anise. f, cinnamon. De me en add the curTy leaves, ginger, alic, chat tay ae tostirfry over a medium hea % onions have browned. F005 min ‘Add the tomatoes and sauté until softened a the turmeric, chilli powder, ground Coriande, the heat to low and cook for a further 39 secs cooked Tand ‘onds, Meat my, Season with salt and pour in water, tun UP the he il and allow to cook f; At tO meg bring to the boil ai 0k for a few Minutes, ~ Add the meat and simmer, covered, over medium he ; at is tender, between 50 and 60 minutes, nt Once the meat is tender, add the coconut tum the heat to high. Allow to cook, cov. more water as needed — you should have cTeam and Saran ny, ered, for 4.5, Minute a thick gravy Serve the goat curry with rice or roti and garnish with freshly coriander leaves, PLATING 12x 50g blue warenou fillets melted butter, for the fish mixed edible weeds and flowers such as rasturtiums PREPARATION AND PLATING Preheat the oven ot over "( fo 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking parchment Colour the grati Sratin portions oven and set aside. ina frying pan over high heat, warm in the Heat a heavy- 7 a pam aoa until very hot. Lightly brush the warehou Eonar ter and place in the hot pan. Leave to colour ee ip and repeat on the other side. Once coloured, rom the pan and place on prepared baking tray. Season with salt and a little pepper, and drizzle with a little more butter. Place in the oven to finish off cooking for no longer than 1 minute, as the fish will become dry if over-cooked. Loosely cover with foil and set aside. Cook the ravioli in a pan of lightly salted water that is at a rolling boil for approximately 3 minutes. Remove the ravioli from the water using a slotted spoon and drain. well, then place in a bowl with the finished beurre blanc. Toss well. = Divide the warmed gratin among plates, followed by the fish. Arrange the paua ravioli on top. Gamish with weeds and flowers. Finally, place a small amount of the warmed fennel mousse on the plate. SERVES 6 GRATIN 750g celeriac, peeled and cut into 2mm slices 750g potatoes. peeled and cut into 2mm slices 2 firm pears, peeled and cut into 2mm slices 500m! cream handful of tarragon sprigs sea salt and freshly ground white pepper BEURRE BLANC 150ml white wine 150ml white wine vinegar ¥e shallot, finely chopped 1 bay leaf 5 black peppercorns 80mi cream 150g unsalted butter, diced juice of ¥ lemon a RAVIOLI, CELERIAC GRATIN AND PEAR GRATIN pro 170°C and Line a 20em x 15em ovenproof di he ent. Place the sliced celeriac, potatoes and me aS in x together. CELERIAC Preheat the ove! with baking pare wrange bow! and mi aucepan. Place over medium nd tarragon into a large sé heat and simmer gently for 2-3 minutes, until reduced to approximatel, re! d and the tarragon flavour is infused, ly half or until the cream is thickene: m the cream, then pour the strained cream o) ver d pears. Season with salt and pepper to tast re, Put the cream a Strain the tarragon fro" the celeriac, potatoes an’ and combine gently but well. o the prepared dish. Bake in the oven, ly 45 minutes, or until a skewer can easily Layer the mixture int cool before cutting into portions. uncovered, for approximatel pierce through the vegetables. Fully BEURRE BLANC Put the wine, vinegar, shallot, bay leaf and peppercorns into a small as over high heat. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to medium simmer to reduce until left with two-thirds of the mixture. Pour in the cre i i am and simmer for 3-4 minutes, until thickened. Red Reduce the beat to low and quickly add the butter, whisking all the round 3-4 minutes until the butter is emulsified. Adj . ijust the seasoning with lemon juice and salt. Serve i ; erve immediately with the ravioli. cINNAMO MAKES 6 ss whole eggs size 7 } « Tasachet dried vyeast (or #2150) 30g sugar 60mi water 425g standard flour, plus extra to dust ) 4a tsp salt 250g cold butter, diced, plus a knob of softened butter for greasing 100g soft brown sugar 1 tbsp ground cinnamon 250g icing sugar, sifted 2 thsp milk 1 tbsp glucose syrup (optional) N BRIOCHE Place the eggs: yeasts Sugar and water in the bowl of a stand mig r with a dough hook attachment. Mix on low speed. Add the fur! to mix on low for 2 minutes, or until well compe >Mbirg and continue red, ddd the butter over the next 5 minutes. Once the , has been incorporated, continue mixing for 10 minutes until the a starts to come away from the mixer bowl. Remove and cover the h.2” se ingflm, and leave at room temperature until doubled in a This can take between 30 minutes and 1/4 hours. Meanwhile, mix the sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl salt Start to, slowly a ‘Tip the dough onto a floured surface and roll out a rectangle ron pe hick. Sprinkle over the cinnamon sugar, holding back acoure tablespoons for later Roll up the dough as though you were roling ix carpet and slice into 6 pieces. You can make these smaller ot larger to your taste, but we find this works well in a jumbo muffin tin Grease your muffin moulds (use either a 6-hole jumbo or 12-hole regular) with butter. Place a cinnamon roll, with the spial facing up ineach of the muffin moulds. We sometimes like to leave an empty mould next to every full one, as this way the brioche has room to spill over and won't stick to its neighbour too much. or Cover loosely with clingfilm and leave to rise for 10-20 minutes until the rolls are looking puffed up and full. oven fot Preheat the oven to 165°C fan/175°C regular. Bake in the 25 minutes, or until golden. Meanwhile, make a glaze by beating together the icing sua milk ans glucose syrup (if using) in a small bowl using a wooden spoon: cool When the brioches are ready, remove from the oven and allow (0° in the tin for 5 minutes, Remove to a wire rack, sprinkle with the reserved cinnamon sugar and then drizzle randomly with the #=* Eat as soon as possible. 8 | ony ilies. deseeded 150g onions, sliced turmeric Dereenct palved anc 2 tsp ground 7 tosp chill powder 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp sugar seq salt. to taste Heat the oil in a large pan, add the fen fey over medium heat until fragrant. CPUC and Dilies and onions, and fry for 10 ries the pine golden brown. Reduce the heat to low eso until and coriander. Season with the nd add the ¢, her 30 seconds. sugar and gf and it oy fie powder cook for a furt! ‘Add the tomato paste and tamarind pulp a over enough water to cover the ingre eae Coo the fish and simmer covered for 5 minute ts and ind adjust the seasoning to your liking. S, until oe for 2 mi, ring toe cooked ipa! Stir through the coconut cream and allow minute. © c00k for a fun er Serve with rice and garnish with some chopped co: riander and ay of lemon.

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