Lesson Planning Secondary Level

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U.E.P. N° 71 Instituto de Educación Superior “Dardo Rocha”. Profesorado de Inglés. Semipresencial.


Subject: English



Class: Secondary level, 4th year.

Time: 40’


Age of Students: 16 and 17 years old.

N° of Students: 25

Background: public school.

Students Background: Students have English twice a week. Students are familiar with the present simple tense and the past simple tense as well as the most common regular and irregular verb
forms in the past (go-went; be- was/were; stay- stayed). Students are familiar with different types of sentences (affirmative, interrogative and negative) in the tenses mentioned above.

Level: Intermediate

Book: -

Teaching Points:

▪ Language Functions: Talking about past actions that to relate to the present time.

▪ Linguistic Exponent: present perfect tense: actions in the past that continue in the present.
▪ Lexical Items: have/has + past participle. Expressions used with the present perfect (since, for, always, so far).

Previous Knowledge: pronouns, present simple, past simple. Regular and irregular past verb forms.

Aim: By the end of the class the students will be able to talk and write about past actions that relate to the present time, to use expressions or adverbs that are used with the present perfect tense.

Anticipated Problems:

 Students get distracted of the activities.

 Students don’t understand the instructions.
 Students don’t want to participate.

Possible solutions:
 Make a transition activity that involve movement and get students attention.
 Make a demonstration, exemplify with students that understand easily the activity.
 Establish a competition between students dividing whole group into small ones and create an environment in which they feel the need and responsibility to


Warm up/ Asking questions. To set the context for As the students enter the classroom, they will
Lead in Asking students work in the lesson and prompted to sit down and the teacher will greet Teacher’s voice.
pairs. generate interest. them. 5’
To review present The teacher will ask students to put together to
past simple tense. work in pairs and talk about three things they did
yesterday, on the weekend, last month, etc.
Then, the teacher will ask students to share with
the rest of the classmates the action verbs that they
were working with.
The teacher ask the class to decide who had the
most interesting, fun, or boring time.
The teacher will ask students to identify if the
verbs they used in the activity were regular or
irregular past verb.
Global Reading a text. The teacher will give students a handout with a Teacher’s voice.
presentation To get students’ To present the present text and will tell them that they have to read it and Handout with text to 5’
answers. perfect tense and find the answer to this questions: read.
some of the adverbs Where is Amira living now? Does she like it?
used with this tense
through a text.
Students will have to read the text and find out the

Detailed To elicit the The teacher will ask students go back the text and Board.
presentation Asking concept function of the will guide them toward the new tense and its Board marker.
questions. present perfect from function through the following concept questions: Handout.
the students using Amira is living in the States now. But, did she live 5’
concept questions. in another country before?
Is she from Venezuela? When did she move to
Dallas? The teacher will guide students toward the
answer using simple past tense and the adverbs in
the past time.
The teacher will say:
She has lived in Dallas for 5 years. That means
that she moved to Dallas 5 years ago.
The teacher will emphasize the verb as well as the
The teacher will draw a time line on the board to
show when Amira was in Venezuela, and for how
long she has been in Dallas and then will ask the
question: Is she still living in Dallas? Expecting
the answer? ‘Yes’ from students.
The teacher will continue asking questions:
How many years? Did she learn English when she
was in Venezuela? Is she still learning English in
Dallas? Did she like learning English in the past?
Does she like learning English now?
The teacher will tell students that in the text,
Amira tells about some things she started in the
past and she is still doing in the present.
The teacher will explain students that to express
that Amira uses the present perfect tense, and
will write the name of the tense on the board.
The teacher will show the connection of the past
action in the present time in the time line and
write and ask a question :
Amira has lived in Dallas for 5 years. Does it
mean she is living in Dallas now?

The teacher will repeat: we use the present perfect

for actions that started in the past and still
continue in the present. Then the teacher will write
the function on the board.
Controlled Checking Students find the The teacher will ask students to look at the text
practice comprehension. verb phrases and again and to see if they can find the action verbs 5’
time by themselves. that show Amira is still living in Dallas, learning
English and having fun. The teacher will ask
students underline the verbs and the time
references working in pairs.
The teacher will take up students’ answers, will
write them down on the board and will guide them
if they will have not found all of the verbs and
time references. Then the teacher will categorize
the answers under the following headings writing
them on the board:

Action time reference

Have lived for five years

Have loved always
Have learned since I was in high school
Has been
Has been so far

The teacher will explain the use of present perfect

tense making reference to the time line to help
students grasp the concept.
Less Doing matching To identify the The teacher will provide students with colour- Cards with simple
controlled activity. verbs in the past coded cards: red cards for simple past and blue past verbs and cards
practice participle through a cards for past participle. Students in pairs will with past participle 5’
matching activity. have to match the cards. Students will have to form.
guess some of the past participle forms, especially
those of irregular verbs.
Once cards are matched, student A will has to say
the simple past out loud while student B will say
the corresponding past participle form.
Examples of verb cards:

Substitutional drill. Practicing fluency The teacher will ask students to choose one of the Cards with past 5’
Free with substitutional cards, and make a sentence. Teacher will give participle verbs.
practice drill. students an example:
I have lived in Dallas for five years.
The students will have to repeat: I have lived in
Dallas for five years.
Then, the teacher will change the time reference,
for example: two years.
Students will have to substitute the new phrase: I
have lived in Dallas for two years.
Then, teacher will change the verb. For example:
have danced salsa.
Students will have to substitute the new verb: I
have danced salsa for two years.
The teacher will give students different prompts
(verbs, or time references) alternatively.

Asking and answering Practicing asking Teacher will ask students to ask one another Notebooks and pen. 10’
questions. and answering questions to find out about what their classmates
Follow-up questions using started in the past and are still doing in the present.
activities present perfect Students will have to write down at their
tense and adverbs notebooks the questions and answers.
for their classmates. For example:
Student 1: Have you lived in this time for a long
Student 2: Yes. I lived here for ten years.

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