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Maternal QUIZ 2 few days, Mild uterine cramping, Passage of

Quiz 1: 9. Manifested by Profuse vaginal bleeding,
Severe uterine cramping, The cervix is open
1. Bacterial invasion of the lungs that is upon internal examination, There is the
usually caused by Haemophilus influenzae. passage of tissue in the vagina, Other
2.-4. What are the 3 medications for products of conception are retained.
Tuberculosis 10. referred to as early pregnancy failure or
5. How many years does a woman who is retention of all products of conception after
TB free need to wait to become pregnant the death of the fetus in the uterus
give me the range? 11. large quantities of fl uid to be excreted
6. What is the main cause of COPD ? with urine
7. INH, a TB medication can cause what
side effect?
8. What is the medical management for the
answer on number 7.
9- 10. What is the side effect of salicylate to
a pregnant woman.
11.What is the mode of transmission for
Hepatitis A?

Quiz 2

1. This is the term used for glucose in the

2. A state that usually rises because of
insulin resistance combined with a relative
deficiency in production of insulin.
3. , a measure of the amount of glucose
attached to hemoglobin; is used to detect
the degree of hyperglycemia present.
4. Technique used to prevent trauma on the
stomach when injecting Insulin.
5. is nausea and vomiting of pregnancy that
is prolonged past week 12 of pregnancy.
6. Term that is used when a miscarriage
happens before 16 weeks.
7. Manifested by slight bleeding, mild
uterine cramping, but no cervical dilatation
on vaginal examination and No passage of
tissue .
8. Manifested by Moderate bleeding usually
slows within two hours and ceases within a

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