Module 6 Assignment

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Kaylynne Hill

March 4th, 2024

Module 6 Assignment

1. Describe the organizational culture at CrudeOil and explain how the culture
contributes to the current situation?

The organizational culture at CrudeOil has contributed to the situation by creating an

environment lacking respect and open communication. Hierarchy seems to predominate over
collaboration, preventing effective information flow. Lack of transparency might result from this
hierarchical structure, which discourages employees from expressing concerns or reporting

2. How is CrudeOil violating its core value of treating others with respect?

By creating an atmosphere where employees like Madison feel unable to report problems to their
immediate supervisors, CrudeOil is violating its core value of treating others with respect.

3. What are some ways it could reincorporate this core value into its organizational

CrudeOil could implement several measures to reintegrate this core value:

 Maintain an open communication environment in which employees feel comfortable

expressing concerns without fear of reprisal.
 Implement training programs that emphasize respectful communication and conflict
 Leadership Modeling: Leaders should show respect to others.
 Establish channels for employees to voice their concerns in a clear and confidential

4. If Madison cannot report her problems to her immediate supervisor, what are some
other ways she can handle the situation?

Madison can consider alternative approaches if she cannot report her problems to her immediate

 Contact Human Resources about the issues she is experiencing. Conflict mediation can
be provided by HR.
 It may be appropriate for Madison to use a whistleblower hotline if one is available to
report unethical practices. Whistleblower hotlines ensure anonymity for those reporting
 Seek professional counseling to assist in navigating workplace challenges.

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