Module 12 Assignment

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Kaylynne Hill

Module 12 Assignment

1. Compare and contrast the leadership characteristics of Stan and David.

Stan exhibits an authoritarian leadership style characterized by making unilateral decisions,

such as implementing automation without consulting others. He is also perceived as a risk-
taker, unafraid of bold moves despite potential resistance, and tends to prioritize short-term
gains without considering long-term consequences. In contrast, David adopts a collaborative
leadership style, seeking input from his team and relying on data and analysis for decision-
making. He demonstrates a genuine concern for employees, showing empathy for their job
security amidst automation and considering the impact on the local community. Additionally,
David is described as data-driven, relying on Jane's accounting analysis to inform his decisions.

2. Discuss whether David has any alternatives other than implementing Stan’s orders.

David could address Stan's unilateral approach by discussing concerns and presenting Jane's
analysis, proposing alternatives like retraining or gradual automation, or advocating for a
collaborative decision-making process. Each option aims to balance efficiency with employee
well-being and community impact, offering a more inclusive and sustainable approach to
automation within the organization.

3. Even if the automation is successful at increasing productivity, what might be some

other consequences of Stan’s decision that could negatively impact the firm?

Stan's decision to implement automation unilaterally could lead to job losses, resistance among
employees, low morale, and potential reputational damage for the firm. This approach risks
prioritizing short-term gains over long-term considerations, impacting both the workforce and
the community.

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