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Title: Enhancing Reading Skills at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades

I. Introduction

Reading is a fundamental skill that forms the basis of all learning. Yet, many learners struggle with
reading comprehension and fluency. To address this issue, we propose an initiative to enhance the
reading skills of learners at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades.

II. The Need

The struggles of learners and the urgent call to equip them with essential reading skills. Without
targeted support, the gap in reading proficiency may widen, exacerbating inequalities and hindering
learners' overall development. By addressing this need, Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades can
empower its students to thrive academically and succeed in their future endeavors.

III. Background:

To craft a proposal for enhancing reading skills at Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades, consider
starting with an overview of the current reading proficiency levels among students. Then, outline
specific strategies and resources you propose to implement, such as dedicated reading programs,
teacher training, or access to diverse reading materials. Additionally, emphasize the importance of
improved reading skills for overall academic success and lifelong learning. Finally, include a plan for
evaluation and measurement of the program's effectiveness to ensure continuous improvement.

IV. Project Description

- Clearly define the objectives of the project, such as:

- Improving reading comprehension levels.

- Enhancing vocabulary acquisition.

- Fostering a love for reading among students.

V. Support or Budget
The Reading Pantry was supported by the school community, with students, teachers, and non-
teaching staff contributing books. The school also allocated a space for the pantry, ensuring it was
accessible to all students.


Contact Information:

Name: Rica Marie M. Castillo

Position: Student

Mobile number:09515759304


VII. References and Attachments

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