Proposal For Concept Paper Michaella Cruz

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The: Building Bridges through Skills and Creativity on

Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades*

I. Introduction:
The Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades (PSAT) stands as a way of craftsmanship and
creativity . This aims to further enhance our educational offerings and outreach programs.

II. Need for this Concept:

There is an increasing demand for creative professionals. However, many individuals lack
access to quality education and training in arts and trades, limiting their opportunities for
personal growth and economic advancement. PSAT recognizes this need and is committed
to bridging the gap by providing comprehensive and innovative educational programs.

III. Background:
Established with a vision to empower individuals through skillful craftsmanship and artistic
expression, PSAT has been a foundation of vocational education in Pangasinan for
decades. With a rich history of nurturing talent and fostering creativity, the school has
continually adapted to meet the changing needs of society while staying true to its core
values of excellence

IV. Project Description:

The proposed project aims to expand and enhance the educational offerings and outreach
initiatives of PSAT through the following key components:

1. Curriculum Enhancement: Develop and implement updated curriculum modules that align
with industry standards and emerging trends in arts and trades.

2. Community Engagement: Strengthen partnerships with local industries, government

agencies, and community organizations to create opportunities for experiential learning,
apprenticeships, and job placements.
3. Outreach Programs: Launch outreach programs targeting underserved communities to
provide access to arts and trades education and promote lifelong learning and skills

V. Support or Budget:
The success of this project relies on the support of various stakeholders, including
government agencies, private donors, and community partners. A detailed budget
breakdown is available upon request and will be provided to interested parties.

VI. Contact Information:

For further inquiries or to express interest in supporting this initiative, please contact:

Michaella Jane A. Cruz



VII. References and Attachments:*

- Department of Education (DepEd) reports on vocational education initiatives and policies.

- Letters of support or endorsement from DepEd officials for the proposed project.

- Budget allocations from DepEd for vocational education and skills development programs.

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