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Author: Madiakwana Gaeete
Student ID: 19000688
Course: Mining Engineering
Level of study: 500

Submitted on 08 April 2024

With reference to the Students Resource Center project at BIUST, answer the following

a) What are the potential benefits of this project? (5 marks)

● Enhanced student support services : The center could provide a centralized location for
various student support services, such as academic advising, career counseling, mental
health resources, and disability services. This could improve student access to support
and contribute to their academic success and well-being.
● Improved learning environment : The center could offer dedicated study spaces,
computer labs, and other resources that enhance the learning environment for students.
This could lead to improved academic performance and a more enriching learning
● Increased collaboration and networking : The center could provide spaces for student
clubs, organizations, and social events. This could foster a stronger sense of community,
encourage collaboration among students, and offer opportunities for networking.
● Centralized resource hub : The center could house a variety of resources, such as
reference materials, printing facilities, and audio-visual equipment. This would provide
students with a convenient one-stop shop for their academic needs.
● Job creation in construction and operational phase : The construction of the Students'
Resource Center necessitates the hiring of construction workers, laborers, and
technicians. Once operational, the Students resource center will likely require staff to
manage and operate the facilities. Both these phases could provide temporary and
permanent employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled workers in the local

b) Construct a checklist for this project, using any 5 VECs. (10 marks)

Nega Hig Med High

Posi h iu
Low Med m
Air Dust generation ✔ ✔ ✔
Quality during construction,
emissions from
vehicles, potential
changes in traffic
patterns impacting
local air quality.

Noise Noise generated by ✔ ✔ ✔

activities, potential
increase in
traffic noise during

Waste Construction waste ✔ ✔ ✔

Mana generation (concrete,
ge wood, metal),
ment operational waste
generation from the
resource center,
potential impact on
existing waste

Water Resourc es suppression, concrete operation.

mixing), potential impact on ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
local water

Socio-E conomic Employment

Water usage during opportunities generated
construction (dust during construction and

c) Construct a simple matrix identifying three project actions and three valued
environmental components (VECs) for the project. Use a scale of 0 to 5 to define the extent
of the impact, ranging from 0 = no impact to 5 = severe impact, with a ‘+’ sign indicating a
positive impact and a ‘–’ sign indicating a negative impact. Calculate the total impact score
on each VEC. (15 marks)

Impact Rating Scale (0-5):

● 0 = No Impact
● 1 = Negligible Impact
● 2 = Low Impact
● 3 = Moderate Impact
● 4 = Significant Impact
● 5 = Severe Impact
Project Action VEC Impact Rating

Construction Air Quality 3-

Construction Noise level 3-

Construction Waste Management 3-

Operation Air Quality 1-

Operation Noise level 1-

Operation Waste Management 1-

Landscaping Air Quality 1-

Landscaping Noise Level 1-

Landscaping Waste Management 1+

Air Quality :-3-1-1= -5

Noise level:-3-1-1= -5

Waste management:-3-1+1= -3

d) State and justify any 5 policies/laws/regulations that are relevant to the project. (10
1. Employment Act (2022): The project, particularly during the construction phase, will
need to comply with these regulations regarding worker safety, wages, and working
2. Waterworks Act (1992): This act governs water resource management in Botswana. The
project's water usage during construction (dust suppression, concrete mixing) and
operation (daily activities) will need to comply with this act. Strategies for water
conservation and efficient water usage should be explored in the EIA.
3. Waste Management Act (2000): This act regulates waste management practices in
Botswana. The project will need to adhere to these regulations regarding construction and
operational waste generation. This might involve developing a waste management plan
that outlines strategies for waste reduction, recycling, and proper disposal.
4. Environmental Assessment Act (2011) and Regulations (2012): This is the legislation
governing the EIA process in Botswana. The Students' Resource Center project will need
to comply with this act and its regulations to ensure a comprehensive environmental
5. Public Health Act (2013): Construction activities and the operational resource center
have the potential to impact public health. This act ensures measures are taken to
minimize any negative public health consequences.

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