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Legendary Classes Legendary Player

Welcome to Legendary Classes! The next major update for Characters

Legendary Player Characters, a supplement for Dungeons
and Dragons 5th Edition that intends to give rules for buffing As mentioned to the left of this text, this is meant as a
up players so one on one games (1 DM and 1 Player) is much supplement for the Legendary Player Characters document.
more possible! You can find the links to the full 127 page document below!
Now of course, let me start by saying the obvious: This Google Drive
class breaks all typical 5e balancing conventions, it should Homebrewery
not be used in regular play, nor should it be compared to It is not mentioned in the class specifically, but this class
regular 5e classes. does still use Legendary Actions. Nothing has been changed
Legendary classes are meant to make a single player worth about the Legendary Action rules from the LPC document,
the equivalent of 3 players (Without just tripling damage and the legendary actions you can choose for this class can
output and HP) So it's going to be significantly more be found at the end of this document!
powerful than the regular version of the class.
Why? When calculating encounters for a player with this class,
Why would you use this? Why would you play D&D with two consider them to be equivalent to three characters of the
people when it's meant for a larger group? There's a myriad of same level.
reasons really, but below are a few good ones. I recommend using milestone leveling with this system,
however if you do not and want to use XP, then you should
It's easier to schedule and prepare for, instead of having to reward a third of the xp they would normally gain (So they
manage the schedules of six different people, you've don't level rapidly)
reduced that total to two, making it much easier to If the PC is using Auric Emotions or Signs of Labors in
arrange sessions for D&D. tandem with this class, treat them as three and a half
This helps with protagonist syndrome... In a normal characters. If they are using both in tandem with this class,
campaign, no one player should outshine the others, and treat them as four characters.
you'll often hear horror stories of players who try to take
the spotlight... In solo games with one player and one DM,
that is not a problem! The singular player can shine as
bright as they want without worry of making other players Legendary Classes are special, even aside from their
feel useless. increased power. Their maximum level has been increased
from 20 to 30, and not only that-but every legendary class will
It can simply be a lot of fun. I've played solo games a lot have rules for leveling beyond 30. To an infinite amount.
with my partner, and before I began making Legendary Again I strongly recommend using milestone leveling, as I
Player Characters, it was... Really difficult to actually run do not have a good experience total required for levels
encounters and make characters without things feeling beyond 20 (Especially once you begin going into 31+)
really bad, because D&D isn't made for solo play. You can find what features the Legendary class gains for
every level beyond 30 on the same page that their legendary
Of course as mentioned, there's far more reasons than just actions are listed.
those three. If you don't think you'd like this, then that's
perfectly fine! Solo play isn't for everyone. I personally prefer Multiclassing
it and that's just how I play the game, everyone plays in their
own way. Assume the following for multiclassing:
For anyone else who prefers solo style or is interested in You may multiclass as normal up to level 30.
giving it a try, then this class and the full Legendary Player
Characters document are right up your alley! Once you hit level 31, you begin receiving the Leveling
Beyond 30 features for your particular class. You do not
receive any features they would receive at an earlier level.
For example, a level 10 Legendary Rogue and level 20
Legendary Sorcerer wouldn't receive Legendary
Sorcerer's 21-30 features when they begin leveling beyond
30, nor would they receive Legendary Rogue's 11-30
Legendary Bard
Proficiency Words Cantrips
Level Bonus Features Known Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st +2 Entropy, Spellcasting, Semi Proficiencies — 2 2 — — — — — — — —
2nd +2 Bardic Performances, Words of Creation 2 2 3 — — — — — — — —
3rd +2 Bard College, Muse of an Artist (1) 2 2 4 2 — — — — — — —
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2 3 4 3 — — — — — — —
5th +3 Innovation (1d6) 2 3 4 3 2 — — — — — —
6th +3 College Feature, Magical Secrets 3 3 4 3 3 — — — — — —
7th +3 Legendary Ability Score Improvement 3 3 4 3 3 1 — — — — —
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 3 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9th +4 Muse of an Artist (2) 3 3 4 3 3 3 1 — — — —
10th +4 Entropic Recovery, Magical Secrets (2) 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 — — — —
11th +4 College Feature, Innovation (1d8) 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 — — —
13th +5 Creation Affinity 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
14th +5 Magical Secrets (3) 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 — —
15th +5 Muse of an Artist (3), Legendary Ability Score 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 —
17th +6 College Feature, Innovation (1d10) 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Entropic Recovery (2), Magical Secrets (4) 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
19th +6 Inspiring Resistance 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Creation Affinity (2) 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
21st +7 Epic Spell Slots (10th), Muse of an Artist (4) 6 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1
22nd +7 Signature Performance 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
23rd +7 Innovation (1d12), Legendary Ability Score 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
24th +7 Ability Score Improvement 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
25th +8 College Feature, Epic Spell Slots (11th) 7 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
26th +8 Entropic Recovery (3), Magical Secrets (5) 8 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
27th +8 Creation Affinity (3), Muse of an Artist (5) 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
28th +8 Ability Score Improvement 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
29th +9 Epic Spell Slots (12th), Innovation (2d6) 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
30th +9 Greatest Performer 9 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2

Bard Ability Score Bard Modifier

Upon gaining this class, you must select your Bard If something refers to your Bard Modifier, then that
Ability Score. This score can be either Intelligence means it is referring to the modifier of your Bard
or Charisma. Ability Score.
For example if your Bard Ability Score was
Charisma and your Charisma score was 17, your
Bard Modifier would be +3.
Class Features You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Your Class gains the following features equipment granted by your background:
Hit Points Any simple or martial melee weapon
Hit Dice: 2d8 Any musical instrument
Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + two times your Constitution Leather armor and a dagger
modifier (a) A diplomat's pack or (b) An entertainer's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (9) + two times your
Constitution modifier per Bard level after 1st.
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, 3 Martial Weapons of your
Tools: Three musical instruments of your choice
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence or Charisma (Choose
Skills: Choose any 3 skills Preparing and Casting Spells
The Bard table shows how many spell slots you have to cast
Spellcasting your Bard spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
Upon choosing this class at 1st level, you can alter the fabric Bard spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or
of reality to your whims and music. higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a
long rest.
Cantrips You prepare the list of Bard spells that are available for you
You know 2 cantrips of your choice from the Bard spell list. to cast, choosing from the Bard spell list. When you do so,
You learn additional bard cantrips of your choice at higher choose a number of Bard spells equal to your Bard modifier +
levels, as shown in the cantrips known column in the bard your Bard level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of
class table. a level for which you have spell slots.
Whenever you receive the Ability Score Improvement or For example, if you are a 3rd-level Bard, you have four 1st-
Legendary Ability Score Improvement features, you may level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Charisma of 16
exchange one bard cantrip you know for another. (And Charisma being your Bard ability score) Your list of
prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in
any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell cure
wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot.
Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared
You can also change your list of prepared spells when you
finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of Bard spells requires
time spent practicing music or working on some other form
of art: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your
Spellcasting Ability
Your spellcasting ability score is the same as your Bard
modifier; which can be either Intelligence or Charisma.
Intelligence represents someone who studies music and
other artistic forms, while Charisma represents someone
who is a master of these artistic forms.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Bard modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Bard modifier
Ritual Casting
You can cast a bard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual
tag and you have the spell prepared.
Spellcasting Focus
You can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus for
your bard spells.
Entropy Words of Creation
Additionally at 1st level, your creativity and inspiration allows Additionally at 2nd level, you begin to learn the mystical
you to influence the world in spectacular ways. Exerting this words of creation. You start knowing two of these words and
influence however grants you a resource known as Entropy. learn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the
You have something known as your "Entropy Pool" which Words Known column of the bard class table. If a word has a
starts at 0 and is reset to 0 upon completing a long rest. level prerequisite, you must be at least that level in this class
Whenever you use an ability that generates entropy, it is to learn it.
added to your entropy pool. Unlike performances which are passive effects you can
You are capable of sustaining a certain amount of entropy initiate without requiring an action, words of creation are
without any consequences however, this is known as your active effects that require either an action, bonus action or
Entropy limit, and it is equal to ten times your level. reaction to use (As detailed in the words description)
For every 10 points of entropy you have beyond your When you use a word, it generates entropy, the amount it
Entropy Limit, you suffer a -1 penalty to all ability checks, generates is listed in the words description.
attack rolls and saving throws you make. This penalty is also Finally, many words use something known as your
applied to your spell save DC, and any damage or healing Creation Die. This die starts as 1d4, and it increases
rolls you make for spells you cast. whenever you gain the Innovation class feature.
Sudden Inspiration Bardic College
Upon gaining Entropy at 1st level, you are capable of using Upon reaching 3rd level, you have delved into the advanced
this feature. As a bonus action, you may regain an expended techniques of a bardic college, the options for which are
spell slot of a level equal to or lower than your proficiency listed later in the document. Your choice grants you features
bonus. If you do so, you gain entropy equal to ten times the now and again at levels 6, 11, 17 and 25.
spell slots level.
Semi Proficiencies Muse of an Artist
Finally at 1st level, you choose a number of skills equal to the Additionally at 3rd level, your artistic muse reveals itself in
amount you normally get upon choosing your starting class (3 peculiar ways. You may choose a Combat Trait from the
as a Bard) you gain semi proficiency in these skills. Meaning options listed later in this document. Some features have a
you add half of your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to level prerequisite, in order to choose that feature, you must
checks made with them. have at least that many levels in the Wizard class.
Additionally, choose one saving throw you lack proficiency Upon reaching the following levels in this class, you may
in. You gain the same bonus to rolls made for that particular select an additional Combat Trait that you meet the
saving throw. prerequisites for: 9th Level, 15th level, 21st level, 27th level.
If you ever gain proficiency in a skill or saving throw you
had semi-proficiency in, you may move your semi-proficiency Ability Score Improvement
to a new one of the same type. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th,
You only gain this feature if Bard is the first class you 24th and 28th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choose. You can not have two instances of this feature from choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your
separate classes. choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score
above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a
Bardic Performances feat.
Upon reaching 2nd level, you are capable of influencing the When you reach 7th level and again at levels 15 and 23, you
world around you with special performances. You start gain a Legendary Ability Score Improvement. You may either
knowing 2 performances from the options listed later in this gain the benefits of a regular ASI as per the rules up above,
document. or you may take a Legendary Feat, which are listed in the
At the start of your turn (No action required) you may Legendary Player Characters document.
choose to initiate a performance you know. Initiating a new
performance ends any performance you already had ongoing. Innovation
You may alternatively choose to end or continue an existing Upon reaching 5th level, you can improve on even the
performance you already had ongoing. fundamentals of creation. Now and again at levels 11, 17, 23
Initiating or continuing a performance generates entropy, and 29 in this class, you gain the following benefits:
which is known as the performances Entropy Cost. You may
choose to perform in or out of combat, if you are not in Your Creation Die increases by 1 stage (1d6 at 5th level,
combat, you only generate entropy when you initiate the 1d8 at 11th level, 1d10 at 17th level, 1d12 at 23rd level,
performance and for every minute that passes while you are 1d12 at 29th level)
performing. Choose two skills. If you lack proficiency in a chosen skill,
Every performance also has something known as their you gain proficiency in it. If you have proficiency in a
Presentation, and you cannot initiate or continue a chosen skill, you gain expertise in it.
performance if you don't have its presentation.
You learn a Bardic Performance of your choice.
Magical Secrets Epic Spell Slots
Beginning at 6th level, you have begin to discover secrets Upon reaching 21st level, the world of epic magic has been
other casters hide. Choose two spells from any spell list, you revealed to you. You gain a single 10th level spell slot, you
must have a high enough spell slot level to cast the chosen receive a second one at 23rd level.
spells however. These spells become your Secret Spells, At 25th level you gain a single 11th level spell slot, you
whenever you would cast a Secret Spell, you may gain receive a second one at 27th level.
entropy equal to ten times the spells level instead of Finally at 29th level, you gain a single 12th level spell slot.
expending a spell slot.
Your Secret Spells are considered Bard spells for you, and
are always prepared. They do not count against your spells Epic Magic and You
prepared. Despite gaining 10th level and beyond spell slots,
At levels 10, 14, 18 and 26, you may choose two more you do not learn these spells naturally. Epic magic
Secret Spells (4 total at 10, 6 total at 14, 8 total at 18, and 10 spells can only be learned through DM rewards and
total at 26) You cannot make any epic spells your Secret should be treated as if you are receiving a magic
Spells. item or gold.
The full rules for Epic Magic can be found in the
full Legendary Player Characters 3.0 Document.
Entropic Recovery
Starting at 10th level, you are better able to stave off the
entropy you gain. As an action, you may halve the current
amount of Entropy you have (Rounded up) Once you do so, Signature Performance
you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. At 22nd level, you have trained a performance to pure
At 18th level, you gain a second usage of this feature perfection. Choose a Bardic Performance you know, you may
between long rests. At 26th level, you gain a third usage of now continue that performance without gaining its entropy
this feature between long rests. cost (Although you are still required to spend its cost when
initiating the performance)
Creation Affinity
Once you reach 13th level, your affinity with creation evolves. Greatest Performer
Choose a Word of Creation you know that generates 5 or less Finally at 30th level, you are a truly legendary performer. You
entropy when you use it. That word no longer generates gain the following benefits:
entropy when you use it.
At 20th level, you may select a second word to gain this You may have as many performances active at a time as
benefit. At 27th level, you may select a third word to gain this you wish, provided each performance has a different
benefit. presentation.
When you use Inspiring Resistance, you only gain 50
Inspiring Resistance Entropy, instead of 75.
Once you reach 19th level, you are able to succumb to your Your proficiency bonus increases by 1, to a total of 10.
entropy to better persist. When you fail a saving throw, you
can choose to immediately gain 75 Entropy to succeed
instead. You cannot use this feature if you are currently past
your Entropy Limit.
College of Glamour Feywild Influence
Bards of this college admire beauty and its spectacles, by Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the
studying the feywild and emulating its mystifying nature, Performance skill. If you already have this proficiency, you
these bards achieve a level of beauty and grace impossible by instead gain expertise. Additionally, you have advantage on
mortal standards. saving throws against the Charmed condition and can't be
put to sleep by magical means. If you already have advantage
on saving throws against being Charmed, you are instead
Mantle of Inspiration immune to the Charmed condition.
When you choose this college at 3rd level, you are capable of
inspiring your allies. As a bonus action, you may choose a Majestic Decree
number of creatures within 60-feet of you that you can see up Beginning at 6th level, it's hard to resist your beauty. As a
to your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) bonus action, you may cast the Command spell without
Each target (Which may include yourself) gains temporary expending a spell slot. Using your bonus action to cast
hit points equal to three times your proficiency bonus and command in this way does not limit your ability to use your
may immediately use their reaction to move up to half their action to cast spells.
speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. You may cast command in this way a number of times
If you only target yourself with this feature, you do not need equal to your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all
to use your reaction to move, and you may move up to your expended uses upon completing a long rest.
full speed.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Bard modifier (Minimum of you) You regain all expended True Mantle
uses upon completing a long rest. If you have no uses At 11th level, you are able to wield your mantle more
remaining for this feature, you may gain 20 entropy to use it effectively. You may now use Mantle of Inspiration at the end
anyway. You cannot do this if you are at your Entropy Limit. of another creatures turn by expending a legendary action. If
you do so, the temporary hit points it grants are halved
(Rounded down) and it does not expend any of your usages.
You can only use this ability once per round.
Unbreakable Majesty
Once you reach 17th level, your form takes on an ethereal
and lovely visage. When a creature attempts to attack you,
you can force it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed
saving throw, they become unable to attack you, and must
choose a new target or waste their attack. That creature
cannot target you for attacks until the start of its next turn.
On a successful save, the creature can attack you as
normal, and they become immune to this effect until they
complete a long rest.
Unearthly Beauty
Finally at 25th level, your form can be lethal to behold. If a
creature starts its turn and can see you, you may inflict one of
the following effects on them:
The creature automatically fails any Perception check it
makes, unless it is being made to find you.
The creature has disadvantage on any Intelligence,
Wisdom and Charisma saving throws you force it to make.
If the creature has a CR or Level of 1 or less, they
instantly die.
A creature can avert their eyes to avoid this effect, if it does
so, it is considered blinded against you. If they look at you in
the meantime, they are immediately subjected to an effect of
your choice.
College of Lore Even More Magic
Bards of this college are lorekeepers, they know at least a At 6th level, you are even more magically adept than other
little bit about most things. They seek new knowledge and bards. Whenever you learn a spell from your Magical Secrets
they seek to make sure the truth is known, it is rare to find a feature (Levels 6, 10, 14, 18 and 26) you learn an additional
lore bard who willingly keeps knowledge from people. spell (For three total at each level, instead of two)

Bardic Mastery Jack of All Saves

Upon choosing this college at 3rd level, you have developed Once you reach 11th level, your 'skilled at all' persona grows.
your skills even further. Choose three skills. If you lack Your Jack of All Trades feature now applies to saving throws
proficiency in a chosen skill, you gain proficiency in it. If you as well.
have proficiency in a chosen skill, you gain expertise in it.
You also learn one language of your choice and gain Bardic Determination
proficiency in one tool of your choice. Beginning at 17th level, it's hard for you to fail when you put
your mind to it. When you make an ability check or saving
Jack of All Trades throw, you can add your Creation Die to the rolls result,
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain the Jack of All Trades potentially changing the outcome. You may do so after you
combat trait, and it does not count against your combat traits see the roll, but before you know whether you succeed or not.
known. For reference, this is what the combat trait does: You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
When you make an ability check that does not include your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses
proficiency bonus, you may add half your proficiency bonus upon completing a long rest.
(Rounded down) to the check.
Master of All
Finally at 25th level, you are a true master of skills. You may
now apply Jack of All Trades to an ability check or saving
throw even if that roll already includes your proficiency
College of Steel Extra Attack
Combat can be used for far more than just bloodshed... It can Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
be used for Art! Bards of this college recognize this. These whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You may
bards are skilled weapon wielders who put on dazzling substitute one of these attacks for casting a cantrip you know.
performances using their weapons, showcasing a level of Upon reaching 17th level, the number of attacks you can
mastery and grace that few other bards can compare to. make is increased to 3.

Martial Mastery Growing Mastery

Upon choosing this college at 3rd level, you have begun to Additionally at 6th level, your Mastery Die becomes 1d6. At
emulate the skills of fighters. You learn three maneuvers of 11th level, it becomes 1d8. At 17th level, it becomes 1d10.
your choice from the Fighter class and have three mastery Finally at 25th level, it becomes 1d12.
die that you can use to fuel these maneuvers. Your mastery
die are D4's Inspiring Mastery
You may apply a maneuver to any weapon attack you make, Once you reach 11th level, you are able to draw on your muse
however you can only apply one maneuver per attack. To use to regain combat expertise. As a bonus action, you may gain
a maneuver, you must expend a mastery die and roll it. You 15 entropy to regain an expended mastery die.
regain all expended mastery die upon completing a short or
long rest. Always Masterful
If a maneuver has a DC, the DC is equal to 8 + Your
Strength or Dexterity mod (Your Choice) + Your proficiency Finally at 25th level, your techniques are always present.
bonus. When you would use a maneuver as apart of a weapon attack
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you may exchange (Whether it be on hit or some other aspect of the attack)
one maneuver you know for another. All other rules can be Instead of expending a mastery die, you may use 1d4 and
found in the full Legendary Fighter class document. treat it as if it were your mastery die for that specific
Finally, whenever you gain a feature from this subclass maneuver.
(Levels 6, 11, 17 and 25) You gain an additional mastery die
and learn another maneuver of your choice. Fighter Class
For ease of access, below you can find the links to
Steel Dancer the Legendary Fighter class which contains all of
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium the maneuvers you may choose!
armor and all martial melee weapons. You may use melee Homebrewery
weapons you are proficient in as a spellcasting focus for your Google Drive
Bard spells.
Additionally, whenever you would learn a combat trait from
your Muse of an Artist feature, you may instead select a
combat trait from the options available to a fighter. If the trait
refers to your fighter level in any way, you instead use your
Bard level.
College of Valor
Bards of this college are archetypal skalds. They commit
themselves to furthering their martial prowess, but they don't
require fancy techniques with their weapons... All they need
is steel and music.
Song of War
Upon choosing this college at 3rd level, you learn the song of
war. Whenever you would initiate a performance, you can
instead initiate this. You are unable to initiate it if you are
incapable of speech, and it immediately ends if you cannot
While performing your song of war, you gain the following
You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing
and slashing damage.
You may add your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) to all
Strength and Dexterity ability checks you make.
You may add half your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1,
rounded down) to the damage rolls of your weapon
Your song of war does not generate entropy, and there is no
limit to the amount of time it can be active. Initiating a
performance other than your song of war immediately ends
your song of war.
Mighty Proficiencies
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in medium
armor, heavy armor, shields and martial weapons.
Extra Attack
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. You may
substitute one of these attacks for casting a cantrip you know.
Upon reaching 17th level, the number of attacks you can
make is increased to 3.
Intense Song
Beginning at 11th level, your thirst for war grows. The
damage resistance from your Song of War now also works
against magical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Additionally, while your Song of War is active, you now add
half your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1, rounded down) to
your weapon attack rolls.
Beat of War
Finally at 25th level, the beat of war thrums within you. You
are considered to always be under the effects of your Song of
War, even if you have another performance active.
Additionally, if you used your action to take the attack
action, you may immediately use your bonus action to make
an additional attack.
College of Whispers Everlasting Blades
Bards of this college are nefarious infiltrators, using the good Once you reach 17th level, your strikes no longer dampen
reputation of bards in order to slip into places they'd your creativity. You may now use Psychic Blades as many
otherwise by unable to. Often serving as assassins or spies, times as you wish between long rests, no longer requiring
these bards are incredibly dangerous to have around. usages nor generating entropy.

Psychic Blades Whispering Spell

When you join this college at 3rd level, you are capable of Finally at 25th level, your spells are difficult to perceive.
infusing your strikes with psychic energy. Once per round When you cast a spell, you may choose to make a Deception
when you hit a target with a weapon attack, you may deal 2d6 check as apart of that spells casting, all creatures who can
bonus psychic damage to them. see you compare their passive perception to your Deception
Every time you gain the Innovation feature, this deals an check.
additional 2d6 damage (4d6 at 5th level, 6d6 at 11th level, If your check is higher than their passive perception, they
8d6 at 17th level, 10d6 at 23rd level, 12d6 at 29th level) cannot perceive any components involved with casting the
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your spell, and they may not even believe you casted a spell to
Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses begin with. Creatures immune to being surprised or with
upon completing a long rest. If you have no uses remaining truesight are unaffected by this feature.
for this feature, you may gain 15 entropy to use it anyway. You
cannot do this if you are at your Entropy Limit.
Dark Proficiencies
Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Stealth
skill and Thieves' tools. If you already have either of these
proficiencies, you instead gain expertise.
Secret Strike
Once you reach 6th level, you are capable of lashing out
suddenly and unpredictably. When you use your action to cast
a bard spell you know or use a Word of Creation you know,
you may make one weapon attack as apart of the same
action, which is performed immediately after the spell or
word is used.
Mantle of Whispers
Beginning at 11th level, you are able to steal the shadows of
others. When a humanoid dies within 30 feet of you, you can
magically capture its shadow using your reaction. You retain
this shadow until you use it or you finish a long rest.
You can use the shadow as an action. When you do so, it
vanishes, magically transforming into a disguise that appears
on you. You now look like the dead person, but healthy and
alive. This disguise lasts for a number of hours equal to your
Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) or until you end it as a bonus
While you're in the disguise, you gain access to all
information that the humanoid would freely share with a
casual acquaintance. Such information includes general
details on its background and personal life, but doesn't
include secrets. The information is enough that you can pass
yourself off as the person by drawing on its memories.
Another creature can see through this disguise by
succeeding on an Insight check contested by your Deception
check. You gain a +5 bonus to your check.
Once you capture a shadow with this feature, you can't
capture another one with it until you finish a short or long
rest. You cannot capture a shadow if you already have one
captured or are currently transformed by one.
Bardic Performances Chilling Ballad
Below you will find the list of all available performances, their You begin singing an ice cold ballad that cools people right
entropy cost for initiating/continuing them, the requirements down to their very core.
for their presentation, and what benefits they grant while they Entropy Cost. 5
are being performed. Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if you
If you are not in combat, you only need to pay a are incapable of speech. The performance immediately ends
performances entropy cost for every minute it's active, rather if you cannot speak.
than at the start of each of your turns. You are capable of walking across water as if it were a
The benefits of a performance are listed in bullet point solid surface, the liquid beneath your feet freezing into ice
format beneath the presentation section. and then unfreezing as you walk across it.
Beat of Metal The area within 30-feet of you becomes significantly
colder, no creature can suffer the negative effects of
You begin to play a fast paced tune that causes sparks to fly extreme heat while within this area (However if you are in
and form into vicious bolts of electricity. an area of extreme cold, its detrimental effects are
Entropy Cost. 5 doubled)
Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if both
of your hands are not free, you must also be holding an Whenever you deal damage with a Bard spell or Word of
instrument that you can play with your hands (Such as a Creation, you may turn it into Cold damage. If you do so, it
Drum or Lute) This performance immediately ends if you are deals bonus cold damage equal to your Bard modifier
unable to play your instrument. (Minimum of 1)
Whenever you cast a Bard spell or use a Word of Creation,
you may deal 1d4 lightning damage to a creature within Dance of the Fire God
30-feet of you (No action required) You begin dancing along with the heat of the multiverse,
Creatures within 120-feet of you have disadvantage on generating flames around you and across your body.
Perception checks based on hearing while they can hear Entropy Cost. 5
you perform this song. Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if your
speed is 0 (Such as via being grappled or restrained) The
All creatures (Including yourself) within 15-feet of you are performance immediately ends if your speed becomes 0.
incapable of concentrating on spells, immediately losing As an action, you may ignite a flammable object within 5-
their concentration if they attempt to do so in the area. feet of you that you can touch, such as a torch, piece of
tinder, or piece of cloth.
Blinding Sonnet The area within 30-feet of you becomes significantly
You begin singing a song that the very darkness itself fears, warmer, no creature can suffer the negative effects of the
driving itself away from you as you illuminate the world. extreme cold while within this area (However if you are in
Entropy Cost. 5 an area of extreme heat, its detrimental effects are
Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if you doubled)
are incapable of speech. The performance immediately ends
if you cannot speak. Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack while
within 5-feet of you or touches you, they suffer fire damage
The area within 60-feet of you is considered bright light, equal to your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1)
magical darkness within that area that was cast at a level
equal to or lower than your proficiency bonus is
immediately dispelled.
Creatures within 60-feet of you cannot benefit from being
Creatures within 60-feet of you (Including yourself) have
advantage on checks made to see through illusions within
this range.
Enthralling Show Hymn to the Forest
You put on a show that is absolutely mesmerizing to behold, You sing a song that evokes the power of nature, and
causing creatures to barely be able to keep their eyes off of encourages its growth.
you. Entropy Cost. 8
Entropy. 10 Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if you
Presentation. Choose the presentation of any are incapable of speech. The performance immediately ends
performance other than Song of Rest. if you cannot speak.
Creatures within 60-feet of you who can see you have The area within 30-feet of you is considered difficult
disadvantage on all Perception checks based on sight. terrain made of plantlife, as vines and roots grow around
you. You ignore this difficult terrain.
When you initiate this performance or when you continue
it (No action required) you may target a number of As a bonus action on your turn, you may make a ranged
creatures within 60-feet of you up to your Bard modifier spell attack against a creature within 30-feet of you,
(Minimum of 1) Those creatures must succeed on a dealing magical slashing damage equal to your creation
Wisdom saving throw or become Charmed by you until die on a hit, as a vine lashes out at them.
the start of your next turn. Plants that have a CR or level equal to or less than your
While out of combat, if a creature charmed by you would proficiency bonus are incapable of willingly attacking you
be free of their charm but they are within 60-feet of you, while you are performing this song. This effect is
the charm instead does not end until they are no longer suspended if you have damaged that plant since the start
within 60-feet of you. This does not apply to them making of your last turn.
a saving throw to escape the charm (Examples of effects
this would apply to is this performances own charm Lost Ones Requiem
You sing a somber melody, saying farwell to those who have
passed, and encouraging others to pass on as well.
Fauna Sway Entropy Cost. 10
You perform a dance that connects your spirit with that of the Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if you
beasts of the wild. are incapable of speech. The performance immediately ends
Entropy Cost. 8 if you cannot speak.
Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if your All creatures within 15-feet of you (Including yourself) are
speed is 0 (Such as via being grappled or restrained) The incapable of regaining hit points.
performance immediately ends if your speed becomes 0.
You can commune with beasts as if you shared a language. Corpses within 60-feet of you cannot be raised as undead.
This takes the form of you communicating what you want If a corpse has been exposed to this song for 1
to say through dance, and the beast responding with uninterrupted minute, it can never be raised as an undead.
dance of its own, which you can decipher. Undead that have a CR or level equal to or less than your
You ignore nonmagical difficult terrain. proficiency bonus are incapable of willingly attacking you
while you are performing this song. This effect is
Beasts that have a CR or level equal to or less than your suspended if you have damaged that undead since the
proficiency bonus are incapable of willingly attacking you start of your last turn.
while you are performing this song. This effect is
suspended if you have damaged that beast since the start
of your last turn.
Note of Darkness Tide Waltz
You begin playing a tune that resonates with dark energy, You dance with the flow of the waves and the smooth un-
creating your own bleak, lightless realm. predictableness of the ocean.
Entropy. 8 Entropy Cost. 8
Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if both Presentation. You cannot initiate this performance if your
of your hands are not free, you must also be holding an speed is 0 (Such as via being grappled or restrained) The
instrument that you can play with your hands (Such as a performance immediately ends if your speed becomes 0.
Drum or Lute) This performance immediately ends if you are
unable to play your instrument. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed,
and you can breathe both air and water.
The area within 60-feet of you is considered magical
darkness. You can see through this darkness as if it were Any critical hit made against you turns into a normal hit
bright light however, even able to discern color. for the purposes of calculating damage.
Creatures within 60-feet of you who end their turn in your At the end of each of your turns, you may move up to half
magical darkness while being unable to see through it your speed without provoking attacks of opportunity. If
suffer psychic damage equal to your creation die. you are in water, you may instead move up to your speed
without provoking attacks of opportunity.
You cannot be blinded by means short of removing your
eyes while this performance is active. Unnerving Show
You put on a show that is startling and unsettling to behold,
Song of Rest creatures watch on with morbid fascination though.
You play an uplifting song that soothes the body while resting. Entropy. 10
Entropy Cost. Varies (See Below) Presentation. Choose the presentation of any
Presentation. Varies (See Below) performance other than Song of Rest.
This is not a performance you can use in combat. Rather,
you use it over the course of a short rest. This song can take Creatures within 60-feet of you who can see you have
the form of a verbal song or one performed using disadvantage on all Perception checks based on sight.
instruments. When you initiate this performance or when you continue
At the end of the short rest, you may choose to gain any it (No action required) you may target a number of
amount of entropy (Minimum of 5, maximum of 5 times your creatures within 60-feet of you up to your Bard modifier
proficiency bonus) You and all other creatures within 30-feet (Minimum of 1) Those creatures must succeed on a
of you who also partook in the short rest regain hit points Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of you until
equal to your Creation Die for every 5 entropy gained. the start of your next turn.
(For example, if you were 5th level and you chose to gain
15 entropy, everyone would regain 3d6 hit points, since your While out of combat, if a creature frightened by you would
creation die is 1d6) be free of their charm but they are within 60-feet of you,
the frighten instead does not end until they are no longer
within 60-feet of you. This does not apply to them making
a saving throw to escape the frighten (Examples of effects
this would apply to is this performances own frighten
Words of Creation Manifest
Upon reaching 2nd level, you have gained access to the Prerequisite: None
almighty words of creation. You start knowing two of these Entropy. Varies (See Below)
words and learn more as you gain levels in this class, as As an action, you may create a nonmagical object that fits
shown in the Words Known column of the bard class table. If within a 5-foot cube in an unoccupied space within 30-feet of
a word has a level prerequisite, you must be at least that level you. The object cannot have a gold piece cost that exceeds
in this class to learn it. five times your Bard level.
If a word refers to your Creation Die, that die is 1d4. This The object remains for a number of hours equal to your
die increases as you reach certain levels in this class (1d6 at Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) after which it harmlessly
5th level. 1d8 at 11th level. 1d10 at 17th level. 1d12 at 23rd disappears. The object is obviously magical and cannot be
level. 2d6 at 29th level) sold.
You gain entropy equal to the objects gold piece cost, and
you cannot use this word if you are at your entropy limit.
Prerequisite: None Move
Entropy. 7 Prerequisite: None
As a reaction to a creature you can see within 60-feet of Entropy. 5
you making an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you As a bonus action, you may roll your creation die. You may
can roll your creation die and subtract the result from their then teleport to an unoccupied space within a number of feet
roll, potentially turning their roll into a failure. equal to the result rolled times 5. You cannot use this word to
The creature is immune to this effect if it cannot hear you teleport to a space you would've been unable to walk to.
or cannot be charmed.
Ignite Truth
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
Entropy: 5 Entropy. 5
As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet
of you and ignite them in flame. The creature becomes of you who can hear you and force them to succeed on a
enveloped in fire, suffering fire damage equal to your creation Wisdom saving throw.
die at the start of each of their turns. On a failed saving throw, you may ask the target one
They remain on fire until they or another creature within 5- question that does not exceed 15 words, and the target must
feet of them uses their action to put them out, or until they answer truthfully. The target can attempt to twist the truth as
are doused in water. much as they wish, however they cannot tell an outright lie.
You may also target flammable objects that aren't being
worn or carried with this word. Unsettle
Prerequisite: None
Inspire Entropy. 5
Prerequisite: None As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet
Entropy. 5 of you who can hear you, and mark them with a feeling of
As a bonus action you may target a creature within 60-feet unease.
of you who can hear you (Which can be yourself) That At any point before they complete their next long rest when
creature gains a Bardic Inspiration die. they make a saving throw, you may choose to trigger their
This die is the same size as your Creation Die, and at any feeling of unease. You roll your Creation Die and subtract the
point before they complete a long rest, they may expend this result from their saving throw, potentially turning it into a
die, adding it to an ability check, attack roll or saving throw failure.
they make. Alternatively, if they cast a spell they may add it to A creature can only be affected by this feature once at a
one damage or healing roll of the spell. time. If you would use this feature on a creature who you
A creature may only have one bardic inspiration die at a have already activated the uneasy feeling on in the past hour,
time. If you would give one of these die to a creature who has the entropy cost is doubled.
already expended a bardic inspiration die in the past hour,
the entropy cost is doubled. Vitality
Prerequisite: None
Entropy. Varies (See Below)
As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet
of you (Which can be yourself) and mend their wounds. That
creature can immediately expend one of their hit die, rolling
it and regaining hit points equal to the amount rolled (They
add their Constitution modifier as normal)
You gain entropy equal to the amount of hit points they
War Chaos
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: 10th Level
Entropy. 5 Entropy. Varies (See Below)
As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet As an action, you may breathe a spark of life into the world
of you (Which can be yourself) and strengthen their around you, creating a demon or fey in any unoccupied space
weaponry. Whenever that creature makes a weapon attack, it within 30-feet of you. You choose the creatures statblock,
may add your Bard modifier (Minimum of 1) to the attacks however its CR cannot exceed your proficiency bonus.
damage roll. It retains this benefit until the start of your next The creature acts as your ally, and it acts immediately after
turn. you end your turn. It obeys your commands and defends you
to the best of its abilities if given no commands. The creature
Nature remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
Prerequisite: 6th Level When you use this word, you gain entropy equal to 15
Entropy. Varies (See Below) times the creatures CR (Minimum of 10) At the start of each
As an action, you may breathe a spark of life into the world of your turns, you must gain this entropy again if you wish to
keep it summoned, if you don't, the creature vanishes.
around you, creating a beast or plant in any unoccupied space If you are at your Entropy Limit, the summoned creature
within 30-feet of you. You choose the creatures statblock, automatically disappears at the start of your next turn.
however its CR cannot exceed your proficiency bonus.
The creature acts as your ally, and it acts immediately after
you end your turn. It obeys your commands and defends you Order
to the best of its abilities if given no commands. The creature Prerequisite: 10th Level
remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points. Entropy. Varies (See Below)
When you use this word, you gain entropy equal to 10 As an action, you may breathe a spark of life into the world
times the creatures CR (Minimum of 10) At the start of each around you, creating a construct or devil in any unoccupied
of your turns, you must gain this entropy again if you wish to space within 30-feet of you. You choose the creatures
keep it summoned, if you don't, the creature vanishes. statblock, however its CR cannot exceed your proficiency
If you are at your Entropy Limit, the summoned creature bonus.
automatically disappears at the start of your next turn. The creature acts as your ally, and it acts immediately after
you end your turn. It obeys your commands and defends you
Ruin to the best of its abilities if given no commands. The creature
Prerequisite: 6th Level remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
Entropy. Any amount up to your Entropy Limit. When you use this word, you gain entropy equal to 15
As an action, you speak the word of ruin. All creatures times the creatures CR (Minimum of 10) At the start of each
within 15-feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving of your turns, you must gain this entropy again if you wish to
keep it summoned, if you don't, the creature vanishes.
throw, suffering necrotic damage equal to the amount of If you are at your Entropy Limit, the summoned creature
entropy you gained using this word. On a successful saving automatically disappears at the start of your next turn.
throw, a creature suffers necrotic damage equal to half the
amount of entropy you gained from this word.
You cannot use this word if you are at your entropy limit. Suffering
Prerequisite: 10th Level
Shield Entropy. 25
Prerequisite: 6th Level As an action, you may target a creature within 60-feet of
Entropy. 10 you and force them to make a Charisma saving throw. On a
failed saving throw, you may cause them to suffer an amount
As a bonus action, you may target a creature within 60-feet of necrotic damage up to half your hit point maximum.
of you (Which can be yourself) and veil them in a protective You suffer an amount of necrotic damage equal to the
barrier. That creature has its AC increased by your Bard damage they suffered from this word, and you cannot reduce
modifier (Minimum of 1) until the start of your next turn. this damage in any way.
Prerequisite: 14th Level
Entropy. Varies (See Below)
As an action, you may breathe a spark of life into the world
around you, creating an aberration or celestial in any
unoccupied space within 30-feet of you. You choose the
creatures statblock, however its CR cannot exceed your
proficiency bonus.
The creature acts as your ally, and it acts immediately after
you end your turn. It obeys your commands and defends you
to the best of its abilities if given no commands. The creature
remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
When you use this word, you gain entropy equal to 20
times the creatures CR (Minimum of 10) At the start of each
of your turns, you must gain this entropy again if you wish to
keep it summoned, if you don't, the creature vanishes.
If you are at your Entropy Limit, the summoned creature
automatically disappears at the start of your next turn.
Prerequisite: 14th Level
Entropy. 30
As an action, you may target a creature within 30-feet of
you who can hear you. That creature must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw, it automatically succeeds if it doesn't
share a language with you. On a successful saving throw, this
word has no effect.
On a failed saving throw, the creature is charmed by you for
a number of hours equal to your Bard modifier (Minimum of
1) this ends early if you or one of your allies attack it, damage
it, or force it to make a saving throw.
When you use this word, the target hears you whisper its
most mortifying secret, you gain no knowledge of this secret,
but the target is convinced you know it.
The charmed creature obeys your commands for fear that
you will reveal its secret. It won't risk its life for you or fight
for you, unless it was already inclined to do so. It grants you
favors and gifts it would offer to a close friend.
When the effect ends, the creature has no understanding of
why it held you in such fear.
Prerequisite: 22nd Level
Entropy. Gain entropy equal to your entropy limit.
As an action, you may target a creature you can see within Life
30-feet of you and speak the word of death to them. If that Prerequisite: 22nd Level
creatures CR or Level is lower than your Bard level, they Entropy. Gain entropy equal to your entropy limit.
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or instantly die. As an action, you may target a dead creature you can see
Creatures with legendary actions or resistances within 5-feet of you and speak the word of life to them. If that
automatically succeed on this saving throw. If you use this creature has been dead for no more than 24 hours, they
word and fail to kill a creature, you only gain entropy equal to didn't die of old age and aren't undead, provided their soul is
half your entropy limit. willing, they return to life.
You cannot use this word if you are at your entropy limit. They are brought back with 1 hit point, they are cured of
any poisons or nonmagical diseases that were affecting them,
all mortal wounds they possessed are closed and they
regenerate any missing body parts.
You cannot use this word if you are at your entropy limit.
Jack of All Trades
Combat Traits When you make an ability check that does not include your
Below you will find the features you are able to select from proficiency bonus, you may add half your proficiency bonus
your Muse of an Artist feature at levels 3, 9, 15, 21 and 27. (Rounded down) to the check.
You may select this feature again if you are at least 15th
Arcane Dabbling level in this class, if you do so, this applies to saving throws as
Choose a spell from any spell list, the spell must be a level of well.
which you have spell slots for. This spell becomes a Secret
Spell as per your Magical Secrets feature, which means the Many Tricks
following: You learn a Bardic Performance of your choice, which does
not count against your performances known.
Whenever you would cast this spell, you may instead gain You may select this trait multiple times.
entropy equal to ten times the spells level instead of
expending a spell slot. Movement of the Mage
The spell is always prepared for you, is considered a Bard When you would be caught in the area of a spell or effect
spell, and does not count against your spells prepared. (Such as a dragons breath weapon or a spellcasters Fireball
spell) you may use your reaction to cast a spell or use an
You may select this trait multiple times, choosing a new ability from your active performance that moves or teleports
spell each time. you, potentially moving you out of the way of the effects area.
Musical Recovery
Bardic Skills During a short rest, you may choose to recover spell slots
Choose two skills. If you lack proficiency in a chosen skill, you whose collective level is no greater than half your Bard level
gain proficiency in it. If you have proficiency in a chosen skill, (Rounded down) For example, if you are a 12th level Bard,
you gain expertise in it. you could recover four 1st level spell slots and one 2nd level
You may select this trait multple times. spell slot, or one 6th level spell slot. Once you use this
feature, you may not do so again until you complete a long
Creation Surge rest.
After using a Word of Creation you know that requires an If you are level 15 or greater in this class, you may select
action or bonus action to use, you may immediately use a this trait a second time, which allows you to use this feature
different Word of Creation you know that requires the same two times between long rests. If you are 27th level in this
type of action to use. You generate twice as much entropy class, you may select this trait a third time, which allows you
from this second action. to use this feature three times between long rests.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you You may choose to use this feature multiple times during a
complete a long rest. single short rest if you have multiple usages of it.
If you are level 15 or greater in this class, you may select
this trait a second time, which allows you to use this feature Reactive Mage
two times between long rests. You gain an additional reaction, this reaction can only be
If you are 27th level in this class, you may select this trait a used to cast spells as a reaction, or use Channel Divinities
third time, which allows you to use this feature three times that require a reaction to use.
between long rests. You may select this feature as many times as you wish,
gaining an additional one of these special reactions each
Do No Evil subsequent selection.
Prerequisite: You do not have "Speak No Evil"
Bard spells you cast no longer require somatic Resilient Body
components, however spells that do not have verbal Your HP maximum increases by an amount equal to three
components gain verbal components. times your level in this class. Everytime you gain a Bard level,
your maximum HP increases by an additional 3 HP.
Growing Creativity You may select this trait multiple times.
Your Entropy Limit is increased by an amount equal to five
times your level in this class. Everytime you gain a Bard level, Power of Music
your Entropy Limit increased by an additional 5 points. You are capable of using instruments you are proficient in as
You may select this trait multiple times. weapons. All instruments are considered range weapons for
you, have a range of 120-feet, and a damage die of 1d8.
You use your Bard modifier for the attack and damage rolls
of attacks using instruments, and instruments deal thunder
If your Creation Die is larger than 1d8, you use your
Creation Die for the damage die instead.
When an attack misses you, you may move up to half of your
speed as a reaction. This movement does not provoke attacks
of opportunity.
Speak No Evil
Prerequisite: You do not have "Do No Evil"
Bard spells you cast no longer require verbal components,
however spells that do not have somatic components gain
somatic components.
Verbal Reservoir
You learn two Words of Creation of your choice. These do not
count against your words known.
You may select this trait multiple times.
Well Versed
You gain proficiency in any combination of 3 languages, tools,
or instruments.
If you were not already, you gain the chosen proficiency, or
learn to speak, read, and write that language. If you choose a
skill or tool you are already proficient in, you instead gain
You may select this trait multiple times.
Prerequisite: 9th Level
You may now have as many creatures summoned via your
Words of Creation at a time as you wish (This is referring to
the Nature, Chaos, Order and Beyond words)
Each word still generate entropy as per normal, and they
all disappear if you can no longer sustain their entropy.
Prerequisite: 9th Level
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you
instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw,
and only half damage if you fail.
If you have at least 23 levels in this class, you may select
this feature again. If you do so, it applies to all saving throws,
not just Dexterity ones.
Inspiring Success
Prerequisite: 15th Level
When you make an ability check, you can choose to gain 30
entropy to reroll the check. You must do so before you know
whether the check succeeds or fails. You may use this feature
as many times as you wish on a single roll.
You cannot use this feature if you are currently past your
Entropy Limit.
Cleric Spell List
Cantrips Animal Messenger Major Image 6th Level
Blade Ward Blindness/Deafness Nondetection Eyebite
Dancing Lights Borrowed Knowledge Plant Growth Find the Path
Friends Calm Emotions Sending Guards and Wards
Light Cloud of Daggers Slow Heroes' Feast
Mage Hand Crown of Madness Speaking with Dead Mass Suggestion
Mending Detect Thoughts Speak with Plants Otto's Irresistible Dance
Message Enhance Ability Stinking Cloud Programmed Illusion
Minor Illusion Enlarge/Reduce Tongues True Seeing
Prestidigitation Enthrall
Thunderclap Heat Metal 4th Level 7th Level
True Strike Hold Person Charm Monster Dream of the Blue Veil
Vicious Mockery Invisibility Compulsion Etherealness
Kinetic Jaunt Confusion Forcecage
1st Level Knock Dimension Door Mirage Arcane
Animal Friendship Lesser Restoration Freedom of Movement Mordenkainen's Magnificent
Bane Locate Animals or Plants Greater Invisibility Mansion
Charm Person Locate Object Hallucinatory Terrain Mordenkainen's Sword
Color Spray Magic Mouth Locate Creature Prismatic Spray
Command Mirror Image Phantasmal Killer Project Image
Comprehend Languages Nathair's Mischief Polymorph Regenerate
Cure Wounds Phantasmal Force Raulothim's Psychic Lance Resurrection
Detect Magic Pyrotechnics Symbol
Disguise Self See Invisibility 5th Level Teleport
Dissonant Whispers Shatter Animate Objects
Earth Tremor Silence Awaken 8th Level
Faerie Fire Skywrite Dominate Person Antipathy/Sympathy
Feather Fall Suggestion Dream Dominate Monster
Healing Word Warding Wind Geas Feeblemind
Heroism Zone of Truth Greater Restoration Glibness
Identify Hold Monster Mind Blank
Illusory Script 3rd Level Legend Lore Power Word Stun
Longstrider Bestow Curse Mass Cure Wounds
Silent Image Catnap Mislead 9th Level
Silvery Barbs Clairvoyance Modify Memory Foresight
Speak with Animals Dispel Magic Planar Binding Mass Polymorph
Tasha's Hideous Laughter Enemies Abound Raise Dead Power Word Heal
Thunderwave Fear Rary's Telepathic Bond Power Word Kill
Unseen Servant Feign Death Scrying Prismatic Wall
Glyph of Warding Seeming Psychic Scream
2nd Level Hypnotic Pattern Skill Empowerment True Polymorph
Aid Intellect Fortress Synaptic Static
Leomund's Tiny Hut Teleportation Circle
Legendary Actions
Here you will find the Legendary actions that only a Bard of Leveling Beyond 30
the appropriate level can learn (If a Bard specific Legendary Here you can find what the Legendary Bard gains
action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Bard to for every level beyond 30 they are! It is intentional
know it for example) that their proficiency bonus stops increasing.
Every 4 levels beyond 30 (34, 38, ect) a
Swift Words legendary bard gains a regular ASI.
Cost: 1 Legendary Action Every third ASI a legendary bard would gain
You use a Word of Creation you know that requires a bonus after level 30 (42, 54, 66 ect) is instead a
action to use. legendary ASI.
Every level you gain 2 Musical Essence.
True Speech Whenever you would expend a Bard spell slot of
Cost: 3 Legendary Actions 9th level or lower, you may instead expend an
You use a Word of Creation you know that requires an equal amount of Musical Essence. You recover
action to use. all Musical Essence upon completing a long
Unpredictable Show Every even level (32, 34, 36, 38 ect) you gain a
Cost: 2 Legendary Actions +1 to one ability score of your choice.
You initiate a performance you know. If you are already
doing a performance, that one ends. You gain the entropy as Your HP increases as per normal.
appropriate when entering this performance. Your new ability score maximums for Dexterity,
If you continue this performance at the start of your next Intelligence and Charisma is equal to your Bard
turn, you do not gain any additional entropy however. level if they were not already higher.
Version 1.0 (May 30th 2023)
The thirteenth overall legendary class and the first release of
Released with 5 Subclasses: Glamour, Lore, Steel, Valor
and Whispers.
Released with 12 Bardic Performances
Released with 19 Words of Creation
Released with 19 Combat Traits
Released with 3 Legendary Actions
Credits and Thanks!
Artist Credit Stain Credit
I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by
a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and
document is credited below, please show respects to the PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so
artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his
properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be website,
used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon
as possible.
Other Homebrew
Cover Art by Shilin on Deviantart! You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the
Art on Spellcasting page by Billy Christian on Artstation! Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends
champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as
Art on Magical Secrets/Ace page by April Borchelt on all of those are publically available, join the discord!
Art on College of Glamour page by @Depingo on Twitter!
Art on College of Lore page by Tatiana Kirgetova on Patron Thanks!
Artstation! This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on
Art on College of Swords page by Bo Chen on Artstation! If you wish to support me
or encourage me to make more things like this or update this
Art on College of Valor page by Kevin Glint on Artstation! in the future, that's the best way to do it!
A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their
Art on College of Whispers page by Nanfe on Artstation! names are listed below as a show of my immense
Art on 3rd Bardic Performances page by Bruno Cesar on appreciation towards them.
Artstation! Living Legend: Kiphea
Art on 3rd Words of Creation page by Lee989y on Living Legend: O-5
Living Legend: Trains
Art on 2nd Combat Traits page by @Krowleigh on Twitter!
Savior: Xabbu
Renowned Hero: Cynical Sorcerer
Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity
Mercenary: Deathknight
Folk Hero: Nate Meyer


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