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Welcome to the French IE program with Mrs. Villedrouin! This month of August marks the beginning
of my 29th year in the field of education.

I am a former student of « Sainte Rose de Lima, K-12 », Catholic school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti,
graduated from Florida International University and I have been a member of Miami Dade County
Public School Board since 2006.

This year I will make it a point to get to know you and your child in order to better comprehend his/her
personality, learning style and centers of interest. I believe everyone to be unique and I will do my best
to adapt my teaching methods to the individual needs of your child in order for him/her to strive to the
maximum of his/her capacities.

I believe in a healthy environment and a classroom atmosphere reassuring where your child feels
confident enough to express his/her individuality in a positive and constructive manner. The activities
of my course will be varied and will upon the different sensory aptitudes of my students.

Communication between parents and teacher is of the outmost importance to ensure the success of your
child both on the academic and character level. Please do not hesitate to contact me. It will always be a
pleasure and my duty to confer with you regarding your child’s well-being and academic performance
in my class.

I thank you for continuing to raise your child’s awareness on the importance of the French language
both on a national and international scale.

Let’s make the success your child our number one priority!

Mrs. Villedrouin (

“Tout homme reçoit deux sortes d’éducation: l’une qui lui est donnée par les autres, et l’autre,
beaucoup plus importante, qu’il se donne à lui-même.” Edward Gibbon

[Type text]Mme Villedrouin, G.W Carver Middle School:

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Course Description

This French course aims at developing the communicative capacities of the student as well as his or her skills in all aspects
of the French language: Listening – Speaking - Reading Comprehension – Vocabulary – Writing – Culture – Geography.
This course will also provide the student with the opportunity to reinforce his/her socio-linguistic competences through
activities related to the functional aspects of the language as well as the integration of Francophone culture.

Course Objectives

A.  Interpersonal Communication: Conversing, asking for and obtaining information, expressing

feelings or emotions, exchanging opinions with others, through pair or group work.
B.  Interpretative Communication: Understanding and interpreting oral and written documents on
different topics through listening exercises, conversations, music, etc….
C.  Presentational Communication: Presenting information, concepts and ideas to an audience on
different topics through the students’ participation in class discussions, songs, skits or other
presentations medium.
D.  Comprehension of Culture: Understanding the « francophone » culture in audio, visual or
written documents.

Textbooks, Syllabus, Classroom Materials and Procedures

Textbooks: T’es Branché (level 1 => French 1, Level 2 => French 2, Level 3 => French 3

Useful Ressources Websites:,,, RFI, Ortholud…

Textbook Unit Structure:

 Vocabulaire actif

 Rencontres culturelles

 Points de départ

 Structure de la langue
 A vous la parole
 Prononciation

Assignments Grading Scale Grade Point Value

90-100 = A 4
 Tests and Quizzes 80-89 = B 3
 Projects / Presentations (oral and written) 70-79 = C 2
60-69 = D 1
 Compositions 0-59 = F 0
 Classwork
 Homework

[Type text]Mme Villedrouin, G.W Carver Middle School:

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Classroom Materials and Procedures
Classroom Materials :
 Book : provided by school
 Notebooks or binder with ruled paper
 Loose leaves
 Folders
 Writing Materials : Pencils, Pens : blue, black for assignments, colored ink pens and colored pencils, markers,
eraser, scissors, sharpener, glue and any other materials for crafts purposes.

Classroom Attendance and Active Participation including taking notes are of the outmost importance for the development of
the linguistic capacities of a student.

 The School’s established rules remain valid at all times.

 In the case of absences, it is your responsibility to find out (by contacting me or another student about what was done in
class and to submit it upon your return. If the absence is excused by the School, you will be allowed to submit the
missed assignment without penalty.
 Upon your return from an absence, please ask for a readmit slip at the Main Office and present it to me. Otherwise, you
will be sent back to main Office to get one.
 Unexcused absences will result in a 0 for the assignment as per school’s rules.

Submission of assignments (class or home)

1. The student is responsible for submitting an assignment in blue or black ink only on a neat sheet of paper (no
edges. Failure to comply will result in the non-acceptance of the assignment which will be considered tardy.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to submit an assignment on the due date. If not, the student will lose 25% of the
points if submitted the next class day.
3. Cheating will result in the invalidation of the assignment and the student will receive a 0. Should another student be
involved, that student will also receive a 0.
4. Plagiarism cases will be treated as per the School’s procedures: 0 for the assignment and the referral of the case to
an Administrator.

Heading of Assignments

All assignments will be presented as follows :

Student’s Name
Teacher’s Name
Grade level, Period

Tests and quizzes will be administered throughout the year. Pop quizzes may be administered to check the level of
participation of the student during the previous class.

Procedures during tests/quizzes:

 Book bags and books will be placed in the area designated by the teacher.
 Only the test paper and writing materials will be on student’s desk.
 The student will keep his/her eyes on the evaluation copy.
 The student will remain quiet during the entire duration of the evaluation session.
 In case of a question, the student will raise one hand without talking.
 The student having completed his/her evaluation will quietly signal it to the teacher and wait in silence..
 The teacher will indicate the end of the test session and pick up remaining copies.

« Extra credit »: The purpose of granting extra points is geared at encouraging the efforts of diligent students or
acknowledging student’s response to a challenging question.
[Type text]Mme Villedrouin, G.W Carver Middle School:
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N.B: This extra-credit option is up to the discretion of the teacher and will not be used for replacing tardy, missed work or
lack of class participation.

Class Behavior and Participation:

 Respect the routine established to enter and exit the classroom.
 Respect our established Code of conduct (Respect of school rules, Be empathetic, punctual, prepared for class and on
task, Show interest, Ask questions related to the course content, Raise hand for questions, Remain in assigned seat ar all
times, Keep your hands to oneself, , Exhibit the proper posture in class(no leaning nor sleeping on the table), Wear the
uniform properly, Participate cordially and respectfully, etc…)
 Depict at all times our 8 class core values.
 Uphold the highest standards of integrity (including but not limited to academic)

Remember: You contribute to your class atmosphere and your participation will be the stepping stone of your successful

Intégrité Académique et Ethique

Il est du devoir de l’étudiant de bien appréhender et d’appliquer les règlements de l’école (G.W Carver Middle
School Discipline Statement), ceux-ci, fondés sur des valeurs primordiales comme l’honnêteté et l’intégrité. Les étudiants
sont aussi tenus de démontrer leur niveau de connaissance par les notes qu’ils obtiennent. Le professeur se tient à la
disposition de tout élève pour tout éclaircissement quant aux règlements de l’école.

Please fill out, sign, cut and return only the portion below to Mrs. Villedrouin:


I have read and understood the content of my syllabus, the expectations of my teacher, and my responsibilities as a
student together with the consequences resulting from any infraction to the rules.
Nom de l’étudiant (majuscules)

Signature de l’étudiant

Nom du parent (majuscules)

Signature du parent :

[Type text]Mme Villedrouin, G.W Carver Middle School:

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