CBSNewsPoll ForeignPolicy 111111

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CBS NEWS POLL For release: Friday, November 11, 2011 6:30 PM (ET)

Americans Views on Foreign Policy Issues and Assessments of Republican Candidates November 6-10, 2011 After long wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, this poll finds Americans are now reluctant to engage militarily with other countries. Most say the U.S. did not do the right thing becoming involved in Afghanistan, and a majority says the war in Iraq was not worth the costs. Majorities of Americans think threats from Iran and North Korea can be contained with diplomacy. Seven in 10 think the U.S. should not engage in changing dictatorships to democracies. Republicans hold similar views, but are more apt to view the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan positively. At the same time, most Americans (and most Republicans) approve of attacks against terrorists overseas, and want the prison at Guantanamo Bay kept open. 70% of Republicans (but just 45% of Americans overall) think the use of interrogation techniques such as waterboarding is sometimes justified. There is strong support from Americans for Israel and that support is even higher among Republicans. Nearly half of Republicans oppose awarding statehood to Palestine. And while Chinas economic growth is widely seen as bad for the U.S., most see that country as friendly to the U.S. or an ally. The Republican Field Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are the top picks when it comes to key foreign policy characteristics. Republican primary voters say Mitt Romney is the candidate most qualified to be commander-in-chief (26%), followed by Newt Gingrich (21%) and Herman Cain (11%). But Newt Gingrich is the candidate Republicans most trust to handle an international crisis (31%), followed by Romney (19%) and then Cain (8%). Neither Rick Perrys military service nor Jon Huntsmans experience as ambassador have given either candidate a boost on these measures. Which Candidate (Among Republican Primary Voters) Most Qualified to be Trust Most to Handle Commander-in-Chief International Crisis 26% 19% 21 31 11 8 9 9 5 3 4 3 2 3 2 4 15 15

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Herman Cain Rick Perry Michele Bachmann Ron Paul Rick Santorum Jon Huntsman Dont know

Afghanistan Assessing the situation. Its been 10 years since the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan; half of Americans say the U.S. should not be involved there now, while 36% think fighting in Afghanistan is the right thing to do. The last time a majority of Americans thought the U.S. was doing the right thing in Afghanistan was in 2009. U.S. Doing the Right Thing Fighting in Afghanistan? Now 9/2011 6/2011 9/2010 36% 34% 35% 38% 53 57 58 54

Right thing Not be involved

10/2009 51% 39

Among Republicans, nearly half say the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting in Afghanistan, compared to just 29% of Democrats and 33% of independents. U.S. Doing the Right Thing Fighting in Afghanistan? Total Reps Dems Inds Right thing 36% 48% 29% 33% Not be involved 53 43 62 52 Still, more Americans think the war in Afghanistan is going well (48%) than think it is going badly (42%). Republicans and Democrats agree on this measure. How Are Things Going for the U.S. in Afghanistan? 9/2011 6/2011 10/2010 11/2009 40% 53% 38% 23% 53 40 55 69

Well Badly

Now 48% 42

3/2009 33% 57

Should the U.S. draw down troops? Most Americans continue to want U.S. troops to start coming home from Afghanistan. 58% support decreasing the number of troops there. In 2009, as discussions to deploy additional troops to Afghanistan were underway, about a third supported increasing the number of U.S. troops there. Should U.S. Troops in Afghanistan be? Now 9/2011 6/2011 11/2009 4/2009 Increased 8% 7% 8% 32% 36% Kept the same 27 24 22 20 23 Decreased 58 62 64 39 29 Democrats are more likely than Republicans and independents to support decreasing troop levels in Afghanistan. Should U.S. Troops in Afghanistan be? Total Reps Dems Inds Increased 8% 10% 6% 7% Kept the same 27 36 19 27 Decreased 58 47 68 56

Pakistan Osama bin Laden was found in Pakistan, and the U.S. has been conducting drone attacks there to root out terrorists. More than six in 10 Americans describe Pakistan as either unfriendly to the U.S. (39%) or an enemy (24%). Just 21% call Pakistan friendly to the U.S., and only 2% see it as an ally. Views are similar across party lines. Do you Consider Pakistan? Total Reps An ally 2% 2% Friendly but not an ally 21 21 Unfriendly 39 42 An enemy 24 26 Iran Most Americans support a diplomatic approach when it comes to dealing with Iran; 55% think Iran is a threat to the U.S. that can be contained with diplomacy. Only 15% say Iran is a threat that requires military action now, and another 17% do not consider Iran a threat. Americans across the political spectrum support diplomacy with Iran rather than military action, but Republicans are more than twice as likely as Democrats to say Iran is a threat that requires military action. How Great a Threat is Iran? Total Requires military action now 15% Can be contained with diplomacy 55 Not a threat at this time 17 Iraq Should U.S. troops come home? President Obama recently announced that U.S. troops will come home from Iraq by the end of the year. 77% of Americans approve of this action; just 17% disapprove. Majorities of all partisan stripes want U.S. troops to come by the end of the year, including 63% of Republicans. Remove U.S. Troops from Iraq by End of 2011 Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 77% 63% 94% 73% Disapprove 17 29 5 19 Was the Iraq war worth it? Looking back, 67% of Americans do not think the result of the Iraq war was worth the loss of American life and other costs of the war; just 24% say it was. Views have been similar for more than two years. Was Result of the Iraq War Worth the Costs? Total Reps Dems Inds Yes 24% 42% 14% 21% No 67 49 81 67

Dems 1% 21 36 26

Inds 2% 21 39 22

Reps 22% 52 17

Dems 10% 60 17

Inds 14% 53 16

Americans are more likely to think the specific act of removing Saddam Hussein from power was worthwhile. 41% say removing Saddam Hussein was worth the loss of American life and other costs of attacking Iraq, but half still say that was not worth it. Was Removing Saddam Hussein Worth the Costs? Total Reps Dems Inds Yes 41% 59% 32% 37% No 50 34 61 52 On both questions, Republicans are far more likely than Democrats and independents to say the war was a worthwhile effort. Terrorism and Counterterrorism The war on terrorism. Americans are divided as to whether the U.S. and its allies are winning the war against terrorism; 42% think they are, while another 42% say that neither side is winning. Less than one in 10 thinks the terrorists are winning. The public has been divided on this question for years. Who is Winning the War Against Terrorism? Total Reps Dems Inds U.S. and allies 42% 45% 47% 37% Neither side 42 41 41 44 Terrorists 9 8 7 11 Has the Obama administration made the country safer? The publics view on whether the Obama administration has made the country safer from terrorism has improved from a year ago. Now 36% of Americans give credit to the Obama administration for making the country safer up from 28% in May 2010 - while 34% think the administrations policies have had no effect, and another 19% think those policies have made the country less safe. There are partisan differences: less than one in five Republicans thinks the Obama administration has made the country safer, compared to a majority of Democrats. Has the Obama Administrations Policies Made the Country Safer from Terrorism? Total Reps Dems Inds 36% 18% 56% 33% 34 41 28 34 19 33 8 20

Safer No effect Less safe

5/2010 28% 39 25

Attacks against terrorists abroad. The Obama administration has stepped up drone attacks in countries where terrorists are hiding, such as Pakistan and Yemen. In general, more than six in 10 Americans approve of the U. S. taking military action in countries where it believes terrorists are hiding. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats, and independents agree.

Should U.S. Take Military Action in Countries where Terrorists are Hiding? Total Reps Dems Inds Approve 65% 75% 62% 62% Disapprove 22 18 25 23 In the wake of the targeted killing in Yemen of Anwar al-Awlaki - an American citizen of Yemeni descent who was a senior member of Al-Qaeda 53% of Americans think it is okay for the U.S. to authorize the killing of an American citizen in a foreign country who is known to be a terrorist. Republicans (63%) are the most supportive, though about half of Democrats (52%) and independents (48%) also approve. Is it Okay for the U.S. to Kill American Citizen Abroad Who is a Known Terrorist? Total Reps Dems Inds Okay 53% 63% 52% 48% Not Okay 35 26 39 38 The prison at Guantanamo Bay. Meanwhile, the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, remains open, holding enemy combatants who have been captured in the war against terrorism. 52% of Americans think the U.S. should continue to operate the prison at Guantanamo Bay, including three in four Republicans. What Should Happen to Guantanamo Bay? Total Reps Dems Inds Continue to operate 52% 76% 36% 50% Close it 33 16 44 35 Enhanced interrogation techniques. In January 2009, the Obama administration officially prohibited the use of waterboarding and several other forms of aggressive interrogation tactics, though Americans overall are divided as to whether or not it is sometimes justified to use such tactics in order to get information from a suspected terrorist. 45% of Americans think it is sometimes justified, while 40% think it is never justified. Seven in 10 Republicans think its sometimes justified, while Democrats and independents are inclined to think its not. Is Waterboarding Ever Justified? Total Reps Dems Inds Justified 45% 70% 35% 37% Not justified 40 20 48 46 Libya, Syria, and When to Intervene Should U.S. have been involved in Libya? Although Colonel Qaddafi was removed from power in Libya without the loss of American life, the American public is not convinced that the United States did the right thing by taking part in the military conflict in Libya. 37% think the U.S. did the right thing, while 49% think the U.S. should not have gotten involved in Libya. Republicans, Democrats, and independents are all more inclined to say the U.S. should have stayed out of Libya.

U.S. Military Involvement in Libya Total Reps Dems Inds Right thing 37% 40% 39% 34% Should have stayed out 49 50 47 49 Intervention and the use of force As protests and crackdowns on protests continue throughout the Arab world, Americans are divided as to whether or not the U.S. should use military force to try to prevent violent attacks against civilians by foreign governments. 39% think the U.S. should get involved, while 39% think it should not. Republicans, Democrats, and independents are each divided over this. Should the U.S. Use Military Force to Stop Governments Attacking Their Own Citizens? Total Reps Dems Inds Should 39% 41% 40% 37% Should not 39 42 39 38 Depends (vol.) 14 14 11 16 In general, few Americans support U.S. interventionism in the name of democracy. Just 15% think the United States should try to change a dictatorship to a democracy in other countries, while 70% say the U.S. should say out of other countries affairs a view Americans have held for a number of years. Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all say the U.S. should not intervene to change dictatorships to democracies. Should The U.S. Try To Change Dictatorships To Democracies? Total Reps Dems Inds Yes 15% 16% 16% 14% No 70 72 72 68 Israel, the Palestinians, and Islam Support for Israel. Three in four Americans consider Israel either friendly towards the United States or an ally; just 12% view the country as either unfriendly or an enemy. Republicans are particularly strong supporters of Israel: 58% view that country as an ally, and another 26% think of it as friendly towards the U.S. Do You Consider Israel? Total Reps Dems Inds 41% 58% 29% 39% 34 26 40 34 7 4 8 9 5 3 9 4

An ally Friendly, but not an ally Unfriendly An enemy

38% of Americans think the U.S. gives the right amount of support to Israel, but another 31% think the U.S. gives too much, while 17% think it gives too little. Republicans are more likely than Democrats or independents to think the U.S. gives too little support to Israel.

Too much Right amount Too little A two-state solution.

Does the U.S. Support Israel? Total Reps Dems 31% 23% 33% 38 42 44 17 26 11

Inds 34% 31 16

42% of Americans are in favor of the establishment of a Palestinian state that is recognized by the United Nations, while 34% are opposed to it; though one in five doesnt know. More Republicans (48%) than Democrats (32%) and independents (28%) oppose this. A Palestinian State Recognized by the U.N. Total Reps Dems Inds Favor 42% 33% 45% 44% Oppose 34 48 32 28 Dont know 22 17 22 26 Views of Islam. 25% of Americans have a favorable impression of Islam, while more - 32% - view it unfavorably. 31% havent heard enough to say. Republicans (52%) view Islam more unfavorably than either Democrats (23%) or independents (28%). Impression of Islam Total Reps Favorable 25% 14% Not favorable 32 52 Havent heard enough 31 22

Dems 33% 23 35

Inds 27% 28% 33

Though 36% of Americans think Islam encourages more violence than other religions around the world, 42% think it encourages the same amount of violence, and 6% think it encourages less. Republicans (49%) are more likely than either Democrats (31%) or independents (31%) to think that Islam encourages more violence. Compared to Other Religions, Does Islam Encourage? Total Reps Dems Inds More violence 36% 49% 31% 31% Same amount of violence 42 33 46 45 Less violence 6 5 6 6 China Americans view China, the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, as either an ally (11%) of the U.S. or a friendly nation (48%), but a third describes China as unfriendly or an enemy. Do you consider China? Total Reps An ally 11% 11% Friendly but not an ally 48 46 Unfriendly 20 25 An enemy 12 12

Dems 14% 51 17 9

Inds 9% 48 20 14

Still, the public is concerned about Chinas economic and military expansion. 61% say Chinas economic growth has been generally bad for the U.S., while just 15% say its been a good thing. Views differ little across party lines. Impact of Chinas Economic Expansion on the U.S. Total Reps Dems Inds Generally good 15% 17% 15% 15% Generally bad 61 62 59 61 No effect 12 12 16 9 On the military front, two thirds of all Americans think Chinas military is a threat to the United States, including a quarter who say it is a major threat. Another quarter do not view Chinas military as a security threat to the U.S. Chinas Military a Threat to the Security of the U.S.? Total Reps Dems Inds Major threat 25% 30% 22% 25% Minor threat 42 41 44 40 Not a threat 26 25 28 25 North Korea Americans do not support military action against North Korea a country believed to have nuclear weapons. 65% say North Koreas development of weapons is a threat than can be contained, while significantly fewer - 16% - say it is threat that requires military action now. How Great a Threat is North Korea? Total Reps Dems Inds Requires military action now 16% 17% 16% 16% Can be contained 65 63 66 65 Not a threat at this time 12 15 12 10 ____________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted by telephone from November 6-10, 2011 among 1,182 adults nationwide. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The margin of error for the sample of registered voters could be plus or minus three points and six points for the sample of Republican primary voters. The error for subgroups may be higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

CBS NEWS POLL Americans Views on Foreign Policy NOVEMBER 6-10, 2011 q1-q12 RELEASED SEPARATELY q13 What is your impression of the religion called Islam? As of today, is it very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, very unfavorable, or haven't you heard enough about that to say? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 7 4 9 7 18 10 24 20 15 26 11 12 17 26 12 16 31 22 35 33 12 12 9 12

Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Haven't heard enough DK/NA

Mar11b % 10 20 19 16 26 9

q14 Generally speaking, do you think the Islamic religion encourages violence more than other religions around the world, about the same amount, or less than other religions around the world? Oct07a 45 36 6 13

More Same amount Less DK/NA q15-q17 RELEASED SEPARATELY

36 42 6 16

49 33 5 13

31 46 6 17

31 45 6 18

q18 Do you think the policies of the Obama administration have made the United States safer from terrorism, less safe from terrorism, or have the policies of the Obama administration not affected the US's safety from terrorism? May10c 28 25 39 8

Safer Less safe No effect Don't know/No answer q18-q38 RELEASED SEPARATELY

36 19 34 11

18 33 41 9

56 8 28 8

33 20 34 13

q39 Which one of these candidates do you trust most to handle an international crisis? Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? ** REPUBLICAN PRIMARY VOTERS ** 31 19 9 8 4 3 3 3 0 5 15

Newt Gingrich Mitt Romney Rick Perry Herman Cain Jon Huntsman Michele Bachmann Ron Paul Rick Santorum All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA

q40 Which one of these candidates do you think is most qualified to be Commander-inChief? Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, or Rick Santorum? ** REPUBLICAN PRIMARY VOTERS ** % 26 21 11 9 5 4 2 2 1 4 15

Mitt Romney Newt Gingrich Herman Cain Rick Perry Michele Bachmann Ron Paul Jon Huntsman Rick Santorum All of them (vol.) None of them (vol.) DK/NA

q46 Should the United States try to change a dictatorship to a democracy where it can, or should the United States stay out of other countries' affairs? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 15 16 16 14 70 72 72 68 9 9 7 12 6 3 5 6

Change to democracy Stay out Depends (Vol.) Don't know/No answer

Sep08c % 15 65 9 11

q47 Generally speaking, in countries where civilians are under violent attack by their own government, should the U.S. use military force to try and stop that, or not? Should Should not Depends (vol.) DK/NA q48-49 blank 39 39 14 8 41 42 14 3 40 39 11 10 37 38 16 9


q50 Do you approve or disapprove of the United States taking military action in countries where it believes terrorists are hiding? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 65 75 62 62 22 18 25 23 7 5 7 9 6 2 6 6

Approve Disapprove Approve of some (vol.) Don't know/no answer q51-52 blank

q53 Is it ever okay for the U.S. to authorize the killing of an American citizen in a foreign country if that person is known to be a terrorist, or is that never okay? Okay Never okay DK/NA 53 35 12 63 26 11 52 39 9 48 38 14

q54 Who do you think is currently winning the war against terrorism--the U.S. and its allies, neither side, or the terrorists? Aug11d 38 47 9 6

U.S. and allies Neither side Terrorists Don't know/No answer

42 42 9 7

45 41 8 6

47 41 7 5

37 44 11 8

q55 Do you think it is sometimes justified to use water boarding and other aggressive interrogation tactics to get information from a suspected terrorist, or are these tactics never justified? Apr09b 37 46 7 10

Justified Not justified Depends (Vol.) Don't know/No answer

45 40 6 9

70 20 5 5

35 48 6 11

37 46 8 9

q56 As you may know, for the past several years the United States has been holding a number of suspected terrorists at a U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Based on what you have heard or read, do you think the U.S. should continue to operate the prison at Guantanamo Bay, or do you think the U.S. should close the prison and transfer the prisoners somewhere else? Jan11a 47 44 9

Continue to operate Close it Don't know/No answer

52 33 15

76 16 8

36 44 20

50 35 15


q57 Do you think removing Saddam Hussein from power was worth the loss of American life and other costs of attacking Iraq, or not? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 41 59 32 37 50 34 61 52 9 7 7 11

Worth it Not worth it DK/NA

Sep07a1 % 35 59 6

q58 Do you think the result of the war with Iraq was worth the loss of American lives and other costs of attacking Iraq, or not? Sep10b 23 71 6

Worth it Not worth it Don't know/No answer

24 67 9

42 49 9

14 81 5

21 67 12

q59 Do you approve or disapprove of removing nearly all U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of 2011? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 77 17 6 63 29 8 94 5 1 73 19 8

q60 What is your impression of how the war in Afghanistan is going for the United States right now--very well, somewhat well, somewhat badly, or very badly? Sep11b 3 37 38 15 7

Very well Somewhat well Somewhat badly Very badly Don't know/No answer

4 44 31 11 10

4 49 32 8 7

4 49 26 12 9

5 37 34 12 12

q61 Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting the war in Afghanistan now, or should the US not be involved in Afghanistan now? Right thing Not involved Don't know/No answer q62 blank q63 From what you have seen or heard about the situation in Afghanistan, what should the United States do now--should the U.S. increase the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan, keep the number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan as there are now, or decrease the numbers of troops in Afghanistan? Increase Keep the same Decrease Don't know/No answer 8 27 58 7 10 36 47 7 6 19 68 7 7 27 56 10 7 24 62 7 36 53 11 48 43 9 29 62 9 33 52 15 34 57 9


q64 Do you think the U.S. did the right thing by taking part in the military conflict in Libya, or should the US have not gotten involved in Libya? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 37 40 39 34 49 50 47 49 14 10 14 17

Right thing Not gotten involved DK/NA

q65 Do you consider Israel an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States? Ally Friendly but not an ally Unfriendly Enemy Don't know/No answer 41 34 7 5 13 58 26 4 3 9 29 40 8 9 14 39 34 9 4 14

q66 Do you consider China an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States? Jul08b 7 60 15 8 10

Ally Friendly but not an ally Unfriendly Enemy Don't know/No answer

11 48 20 12 9

11 46 25 12 6

14 51 17 9 9

9 48 20 14 9

q67 Do you consider Pakistan an ally of the United States, friendly but not an ally, unfriendly, or an enemy of the United States? Ally Friendly but not an ally Unfriendly Enemy Don't know/No answer q68-70 blank q71 Thinking about Iran, which comes closer to your opinion--Iran is a threat to the United States that requires military action now, Iran is a threat that can be contained with diplomacy now, or Iran is not a threat to the United States at this time? Oct09a % 19 57 13 11 2 21 39 24 14 2 21 42 26 9 1 21 36 26 16 2 21 39 22 16

Requires action now Can be contained Not a threat now Don't know/No answer

15 55 17 13

22 52 17 9

10 60 17 13

14 53 16 17


q72 Do you think the United States gives too much support to Israel, too little support to Israel, or does the U.S. give the right amount of support to Israel? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** *** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 31 23 33 34 17 26 11 16 38 42 44 31 14 9 12 19

Too much Too little Right amount Don't know/No answer

q73 In general, do you favor or oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state that is recognized by the United Nations? Favor Oppose Depends (Vol.) DK/NA q74 blank q75 Do you think the recent economic expansion of China has been generally good for the U.S. economy, or bad for the U.S .economy, or had no effect on the U.S. economy? Generally good Generally bad No effect Don't know/No answer 15 61 12 12 17 62 12 9 15 59 16 10 15 61 9 15 42 34 2 22 33 48 2 17 45 32 1 22 44 28 2 26

q76 Do you think China's military is a major threat to the security of the United States, a minor threat, or not a threat? Major Minor Not a Don't threat threat threat know/No answer 25 42 26 7 30 41 25 4 22 44 28 6 25 40 25 10

q77 Which of these comes closest to your opinion? 1. North Korea's development of weapons is a threat to the United States that requires military action right now. 2. North Korea's development of weapons is a threat that can be contained for now. or 3. North Korea's development of weapons is not a threat to the United States at all. Jul09a % 23 63 10 4

Requires action now Can be contained Not a threat Don't know/No answer

16 65 12 7

17 63 15 5

16 66 12 6

16 65 10 9 Weighted

Total Respondents Total Republicans Total Democrats Total Independents Republican primary voters

Unweighted 1182 341 368 473 382

306 (26%) 374 (32%) 502 (42%) 341


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