First Lesson of Unit Grade 8 Ela March 17 2024

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First Lesson of Unit (Grade 8 ELA) March 17, 2024

Teacher Paige Shade Grade: Grade 8


Subject: ELA Unit: Media/ Advertising

Lesson 45 minutes Position of Lesson 1st Lesson of Unit

Duration: within Sequence:

Lesson Description & Rationale

Lesson The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to the arts of persuasive writing by
Description starting to examine techniques used within media/ advertising. Media/ advertising utilizes a
and/or variety of techniques that persuades its audience into purchasing products. We will begin by
Rationale: learning about semiotics/ symbols. Symbols are seen in everyday life and create influence
among people (Nike, McDonalds, etc.). In the lesson there will be a literacy activity, an
introduction to the unit, a Google slides presentation, a YouTube clip about symbols/
semiotics, and an introduction & start to the “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assessment. My
aim of this lesson is to have students examine, experiment, explore the variety of language
forms and identify the main message. Students will also appreciate and recognize the
effectiveness and use of the variety of language techniques via symbols.

General Learning Outcome 1 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore
thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences
General Learning Outcome 2 Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically.

Specific Learning Outcome Specific Learning Specific Learning Outcome

Students will 1.1.2 (b)- examine ways that Students will 2.2.1 (a)- Students will 2.2.2 (d)- identify the main
language and forms influence the development explore and experience a message, theme, point of view, argument
and communication of ideas, information and range of print and and lesson or moral within a text (R, L,
experiences in print and nonprint texts... nonprint texts from a V)
variety of cultural
traditions and genres;
e.g., journals, magazine
articles, nature programs,
diaries, drama, poetry,
mysteries, historical
fiction, drawings, prints,
Aboriginal oral stories,
artifacts, films, essays,
electronic and print
magazines and realistic
fiction (R, L, V)

Learning Objective(s):

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding about utilizing language forms from cultures that generate meaning
for the audience by completing the “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assessment

Pre-Lesson Preparations

Curriculum Resources Materials and Equipment

“Medicine Wheel” activity sheets SMART Board
Literacy activity sheets Computer
Google slides presentation
KWL charts (pre- assessment)
Literacy Activity sheets
“Medicine Wheel Artwork”

Teacher Tasks
Have the SMART Board on and ready
Have the computer on and ready
Have the YouTube clip ready and on standby
Have the Google slides up and ready
Have the KWL charts ready (pre- assessment)
Have the literacy activity sheets photocopied
Have the “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assignment sheets photocopied

“Medicine Wheel Artwork” assignment/ summative assessment

Introduction Time Allotment

Attention Grabber
For the introduction, I will wait till students get settled (drink of water/ bathroom break)
I will ask how students day been going as well as how their long weekend went
I will begin by going through the agenda
● Literacy Activity
● KWL chart 5:00
● Introduction to new unit "Media/ Advertising”
● Google slides presentation
● YouTube clip
● Introduce “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assignment
Activities Time Allotment
Learning Activity #1
For the first learning activity, we will begin with the literacy activity
The “Would you rather…” literacy activity will be completed in 5 minutes
This will help engage student’s creativity, promote self- reflections, and encourage critical
When students are finished, I will remind them to put their names on top and hand them in to
me up front
We will then move into the Google slides presentation
Google Slides Presentation
Slide one: Title Media/ Advertising
Slide Two: Introduction to the unit
● Introduce students to the unit
● It will take approximately 4 weeks (20 days)
● We will dive into media and advertising
● And how they influence people to buy product using technique
● We will explore these techniques, then you will learn these techniques by completing
learning activities/ assessments
Slide Three: Media/ Advertising KWL Chart 20:00
● Within this slide, I will ask students to complete the KWL chart
● This pre-assessment will allow me to see what students want to know, their questions, as
well as what they want to learn about media/ advertising
Slide Four: YouTube CLip
● Students will watch the YouTube clip and gain a better understanding about one of the
techniques utilized within media/ advertising- symbolism/ semiotics
Slide Five: Semiotics/ Symbolism definitions and examples
● Within this slides, I will have the definitions on the SMART Board and go over them
with the students
● Semiotics: The study of signs and the communication of meaning
● Signs are everywhere
● They exist within every aspect of our lives
● Symbols are powerful
● They hold meaning for everyone
Slide Sixth: Examples continued (Nike, McDonalds, etc.)
● Take a look at brand name labels/ symbols
● Ask students what the Nike symbol symbolizes- Just by looking at it, it’s a sportswear
● Take a look at Addidas symbol- Just by looking at it, it’s also a sportswear (but its not
● Take a look at the McDonalds symbol- Just by looking at it, it’s a food place
● Take a look at Tik Tok- Just by looking at it, it’s an app where videos take place
● Take a look at Starbuck- Just by looking at it, it’s also a food place
Slide Seven: “Medicine Wheel Artwork” activity
● After completing the identifying the symbols learning activity, students will be tasked
by completing the “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assessment
During the transition, I will hand out students the “Medicine Wheel Artwork” assignment/ 1:00
Learning Activity #2
For the second learning activity, students will be introduced to the “Medicine Wheel Artwork”
This assessment involves students brainstorming & writing (drawing) symbols that represent
them to their imaginative audience(s) 15:00
Students will explore, experiment, and examine symbols they want to utilize within the
“Medicine Wheel Artwork” activity/ assessment
The idea of this learning activity is to have students take their knowledge about the lessons
concepts of symbolism and include it within their assessment
Closure/Cliffhanger Time Allotment

At the end of the lesson, the students will be required to put their names on the top of their
“Medicine Wheel Artwork” sheets, which they will then place inside their ELA folders. As the
teacher, I will emphasize the importance of taking care of these sheets and making sure not to
lose them, as they will need to be handed in the very next day. To wrap up the lesson, I will 5:00
review the key concepts discussed in the class, which include semiotics/symbols and their
influence on people. Afterwards, I will introduce tomorrow's topic, which is the art of
persuasive writing, and encourage the students to come prepared to learn.

Differentiation Notes
8(1)- Read instructions to the students
8 (2)- Read instructions to the students and clarify
8(3)- Read instructions, brainstorm, help with sentence structure, help with spelling, clarify

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