The State of Vrinn

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The Speech of vrinn

“Today we gather to celebrate the greatest achievement in Korinth history, More prominent
than the sapience of our species. Today we turn the page of history of which will be talked
about by every Korinth Child for generations, we have invented the FTL drive

As we speak, the first science craft made by our glorious state prepares to engage its
thrusters and enter the depths. Today we celebrate our progress as a species, today we
expand our horizons.

Though the galaxy may try to stop us, there is no Xeno filth that cannot be wiped away with
the boots of progress, no vile creature that can halt the path of our piercing quest. Today we
take the galaxy, and we make it our own.

And I shall say this, should the galaxy attempt to stop us, if their technology is beyond even
our wildest dreams, we will stand our ground, even if we die, we shall make the Filth pay for
every inch they take with the lives of Millions, every system requiring thousands of ships,
each crewed by hundred. Even if our planets are bombed like the cities of old, until there is
nothing left, we shall not surrender to the monsters of the night sky.

Today we make space ours, today we take the next step, today we ascend!”
- Chairman Kethlon Holdisnad, moments before the first science craft exploded
in its docking bay, killing Kethlon and the engineers and injuring a large number of citizens

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