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For Those who don’t have the money, time, or just value their bodies too much to indulge in
magic, there are always alternatives, though to get as much milage out of alternating routes,
you risk the symptoms you are trying to avoid

Harnessing the knowledge of magic with the craft of herbalism and potioncraft allows those who
are not mages to harness a taste of magic. Lower end potions and pills act more like
medications then pure magic, with common potions being cures for illnesses and healing
effects, though skilled alchemists are able to create miracles and other important potions and

Common potions to be produced are de-stressers, these alchemical mixtures are dried and
ground up to be pressed into pills to be taken by mages to increase how much they can do at a
time, and with healing potions flooding the market, the long term affects of high potion use have
become more and more obvious

Common side effects of potion use is dependencies and a notable lack of adaptation, the
human body grows back stronger from injuries or harm, this does not occur when a potion is
used, on a long enough time scale, it can do the opposite, a bone mended by potions might be
very slightly weaker than it was before, still requiring time to heal back to its normal strength

A subset of potioncrafting is the mimicry of magic, from concoctions that explode like a fireball
when thrown, to a hot mixture to produce steam or a cold mixture to summon water from the air.
These are riskier to make, Alchemists that make these things tend to be as affected by the
negative effects of magic as a full on mage, with the difference being that the one throwing the
bottle is freed from the negative effects of magic.

Watching this reality from above are a species of incomprehensible power, and by observing
they release a large amount of magical energy into the lands below, Mages are those who can
channel this energy to cause effects that though they are not natural, are still consistent

Due to magics predictability, it is handled like a science. With mages studying the interactions of
this force and using this knowledge to unleash power through their brains and into the material
world. This channeling of eldritch threads causes great mental strain, and without intense
training you are likely to blow a blood vessel or experience a brain hemorrhage. Longterm use
of magic can cause deformities and changes, height cnan grow, extra eyes can appear, or
maybe your change is more subtle, at least to an external viewer, extra bones can appepar and
organs grow into existence as magical usage brings you along the path to be more like those
whose power you are channeling

These physical deformities are worn as a sign of pride by experienced mages, though retired or
failed mages tend to hide them, as while they might not be publicly frowned upon, distaste in
oneself is a common symptom of overindulgence in magic
Firearms of the Plains

For those who wish to avoid delving into the realm of magic, the advent of gunpowder by the
alchemists of Ravenhold, nicknamed “Blast Mages” these workers utilise the understanding of
magic to craft these complex tools of destruction, utilised for their efficiency against mages, the
blackpowder weaponry of the Hunters is used to great effect across the Goldenglow Empire and
within the Lamplight Federation

The Most Common firearm in use across the plains is the Lock, From Goldenglows Wheelocks,
more expensive but more reliable than the Flintlocks of the Federation. Whereas the dwarves
rely on Hand-Cannons, bulky pieces of kit that kick heavily, but hit with a lot of force. The
merchants mix and match between whatever they can get their hands on, though they usually
rely on rare and expensive percussion Firearms, to limit the amount of fire below the robes.

Goldenglow relys on their bulk musketmen and their well trained Hunters, requisitioned from the
church. The dark makes fighting at range more difficult, with musketmen armed with Wheelock
Arquebus to settle into the dark and aim for sources of light lit by roaming soldiers, though
remaining out in the dark for too long is a risky endevor. The Federation cannot spare the
manpower that Goldenglow can, guerilla tactics and tunnelboring allows the Lamplight
Federation to use their inferior flintlocks to out maneouver the Wheelock forces of Goldenglow.

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