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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Bataan
City of Balanga
Barangay Central
Email add :
Telephone number: (047) 240-4199

Office of the Punong Barangay

Barangay Ordinance No. [Ordinance Number] Series of [Year]



WHEREAS, teenage pregnancies have social, economic, and health

implications that can affect the overall well-being of the community;

WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Barangay Council to promote

the welfare of its constituents, particularly the youth;

WHEREAS, there is a need to implement proactive measures to

prevent teenage pregnancies and address the root causes thereof;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Sangguniang Barangay

of Barangay Central in session assembled, that the following policies
and measures be established to prevent teenage pregnancies:

SECTION 1: Comprehensive Sex Education

1.1 The Barangay shall implement a comprehensive and age-
appropriate sex education program in collaboration with schools,
health centers, and community organizations.
1.2 The program shall cover topics such as reproductive health,
responsible parenthood, family planning, and the consequences of
early pregnancies.

SECTION 2: Information and Awareness Campaign

2.1 The Barangay shall conduct regular information and awareness
campaigns targeting teenagers and their parents or guardians.
2.2 The campaigns shall focus on the risks and consequences of
teenage pregnancies, as well as the importance of education and
future goals.

SECTION 3: Access to Reproductive Health Services

Republic of the Philippines
Province of Bataan
City of Balanga
Barangay Central
Email add :
Telephone number: (047) 240-4199

Office of the Punong Barangay

3.1 The Barangay shall ensure that reproductive health services,
including access to contraceptives, are available and accessible to
teenagers in a confidential and non-judgmental manner.
3.2 Health centers and relevant facilities shall provide counseling
services on reproductive health to teenagers.

SECTION 4: Community Engagement

4.1 The Barangay shall engage with community leaders, schools,
parents, and youth organizations to foster a supportive environment
for teenagers.
4.2 Community-based initiatives, such as mentorship programs and
peer support groups, shall be encouraged to address the unique
needs of teenagers.

SECTION 5: Penalties for Violation

5.1 Any person found violating the provisions of this ordinance,
particularly those involved in facilitating teenage pregnancies, shall
be subject to penalties as provided by existing laws.

SECTION 6: Funding and Implementation

6.1 The Barangay Council shall allocate necessary funds for the
implementation of this ordinance.
6.2 The Barangay Captain is hereby authorized to create a task force
or committee responsible for overseeing the implementation of the
policies and measures outlined in this ordinance.

SECTION 7: Effectivity
7.1 This ordinance shall take effect upon approval.

APPROVED this [Day] day of [Month], [Year] during the regular

session of the Sangguniang Barangay.

[Barangay Captain's Full Name] Barangay Captain

Attested by:
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Bataan
City of Balanga
Barangay Central
Email add :
Telephone number: (047) 240-4199

Office of the Punong Barangay

[Secretary's Full Name] Barangay Secretary

Concurred by:

[Punong Barangay's Full Name] Punong Barangay

Date Approved: [Date] Date Attested: [Date] Date Concurred: [Date]

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