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Alliance Code

September 2023

Compiled by Forgeaxe of Midgard

Executive Summary

The Alliance Code (“the Code”, “Code”) sets out the expected behaviour from Members of the
Alliance (“Ally”, “Allies”) in various guild and/or server events.

The Code encompasses the extent of each Ally’s duties and responsibilities in War of Emperium and
Guild Expeditions. Other than these, further details concerning other events, information sharing &
disclosure, and extenuating circumstances can be found in the last page of this document.

Failure to comply with the Code will result in necessary actions taken by Officers of an Ally, or all of
the relevant Officers within the Alliance in worse cases.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

Table of Contents 3

1. War of Emperium (WoE) 4

2. Guild Expedition (GE) 5

3. Other Events 6

4. Information Sharing & Disclosure 6

5. Extenuating Circumstances 6

1. War of Emperium (WoE)

This section will provide an overview as to what is expected of the Alliance in the War of
Emperium event, alongside each Ally’s responsibility.

The main goal of the Alliance is to secure a Main Castle, whether in Prontera or Geffen
Region. This would mean that the Alliance will be a direct competitor to the NIRVANA
alliance or the Nusantara alliance.

Should the Alliance be incapable of securing a Main Castle, each Ally will secure their own
castle and prevent other Allies’ castle. The castle each Ally will secure will be discussed
during the event via Discord voice channel or in-game messaging. The definition of incapable
will be decided during the WoE and has to be agreed by all Guild Masters (or their
representatives) of each guild at minimum, should the process of trying to secure a Main
Castle is terminated.

Should the Alliance be left with fewer side castles than the number of allies (e.g. there is only
one side castle with no perfect defence, but 3 guilds in the Alliance) the Guild with the most
number players online at the time of Main Castle termination has the right to secure the
available side castle, receiving assistance from the other Allies. Evidence can be shown via
screen share on Discord. For simplicity purposes, it could be done via communication only -
integrity and honesty would be expected from each Ally. If a similar incident is to occur in the
near future, the Ally who secured a side castle in this circumstance will be deferred from
securing another side castle. This will go to the other Ally/Allies in the Alliance. This will be
accounted for in the Alliance’s Discord server.

Continuing 1.3, if the number of players are equal, then the fastest Ally to break the side
castle’s Emperium has the right to own that side castle. However, should a similar incident
occur in the future, the aforementioned Ally should then defer from securing a side castle in
the future WoE. Instead, it will be given to an Ally/Allies that have not yet secured a side
castle. This will be accounted for in the Alliance’s Discord server.

If breaking the Emperium is possible, the Ally who secures the Main Castle the fastest has the
right to own that castle. Ownership of the Main Castle will be rotated with each Ally every
week. Allies without the Main Castle should assist the Ally with Main Castle ownership until
either of the following scenarios: (1) perfect defence is attained, or (2) until an agreed time
before WoE ends in order for the other Ally/Allies to secure a side castle.

2. Guild Expedition (GE)

This section will contain the information of what is expected of each Ally during the Guild
Expedition event. In summary, this section covers the responsibilities to prevent one clash
between the Alliance during GE.

Minis or MVPs each Ally will choose to secure will be determined by representatives of each
Ally any time before GE, latest until the end of Guild Feast. Each Ally can only choose one
Mini or MVP to prevent clashes between members of the Alliance. The Ally/Allies who do
not state this before the event may have their Minis/MVPs attacked by the Alliance and have
no right to negotiate until the end of that GE.

Each Ally is responsible for making sure that their members do not participate in the GE map
of a neighbouring Ally/Allies’ Mini and/or MVP map.

Each Ally is responsible for securing the Mini and/or MVP pre-determined in 2.1. If the Mini
or MVP pre-determined has been secured, each Ally has the right to move to another map
without the other Ally’s/Allies’ consent to contest for higher points in GE. This is to
encourage healthy competition as well as collaboration within the Alliance.

Each ally may freely allocate their members to hunt down more than one Mini or MVP at the
start of the event. However, clashing with the predetermined Mini or MVP of the Alliance is
prohibited, as stated in 2.2.

3. Other Events

The Alliance Code will not apply to other guild and server events not mentioned in this
document, e.g. Guild League, Top Guild Event, etc.

Should there be more guild events in the future, the Alliance may open up a discussion as to
how Allies can collaborate. This will then be documented here in this Code, and the Code
shall be updated timely.

4. Information Sharing & Disclosure

Each Ally is expected to be sufficiently transparent in the aforementioned Events for the
benefit of the Alliance. Information sharing within the Alliance is highly encouraged. This
process will be done in the Alliance Discord server.

Members of the Alliance who share information to outside parties may be susceptible to being
kicked from the Discord server to prevent further leaks.

Each Ally is not expected to be fully transparent with their strategy and gameplay for other
events. This is to promote healthy competition within the Alliance and allow for the stronger
Ally to receive recognition and reward for their team effort.

5. Extenuating Circumstances

If an Ally decides to leave the Alliance, all information held by that Ally on the Alliance is
expected to be deleted and members of that Ally will be taken off the Alliance Discord server.
There is no form of possible information control, so honesty and integrity of the Ally and its
members are expected.

If a member of an Ally from the Alliance breaks the Code, then that Ally’s Officers should
reprimand that behaviour from repeating. Should this occur frequently to an extreme extent,
Officers from each Ally (not only the member’s Officer) may discuss what should be done to
that member.

Each Officer for each Ally is responsible for member movement inside and outside of their
guild. This means being prudent in decision-making, should a member in the Alliance move
to a competitor’s guild.

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