The Tarantula Keepers Guide Revised Edition (Schultz, Marguerite J.Schultz, Stanley A) - 204-254

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some will bite on contact. But in all

Medically Significant Bite
cases, if you were bitten you instigated
Here we define a medically significant
it; you were clearly the aggressor, and
bite as one in which the symptoms
it’s all your fault!
are severe enough to warrant treat-
Having said that, in spite of the hun-
ment by a physician or at an emer-
dreds of thousands of individual tarantu-
gency medical clinic.
las and the few hundred species of
Note that this does not include
tarantulas kept by hobbyists, a bite is
precautionary visits or treatments
really quite rare. The overwhelming
merely because it seemed like a good
majority of enthusiasts have never been
idea at the time.
bitten and probably never will be.
Of those who have been bitten, to our
knowledge, no one has died or suffered
long-lasting disabilities. In most try to bite if any attempt is made to pick
instances, a bite is characterized by a them up. Old World tarantulas should
quick prick, usually less painful than a flu not be directly handled by the novice,
shot, and no further symptoms. If symp- and the aficionado attempts to do so at
toms do arise, they are usually charac- their peril. Use the “Spider Under Glass”
terized by only mild discomfort, technique (page 188), instead.
sometimes a little redness and little or no New World Tarantulas. Few, if any,
swelling. New World tarantulas will bite on con-
In a few cases of bites by kinds of tact. Typically, they attempt to conceal
tarantulas well known to have a potent themselves or escape first. Only a few
venom, intense pain, swelling, and red- will actually bite when picked up,
ness occur that may last only a few although it is not uncommon for newly
hours to a day or two, depending on the captured individuals to bare their fangs
kind of tarantula, the severity of the bite, in an attempt at intimidation or menace.
and the susceptibility of the victim. In a Although there are exceptions, for most
few, even rarer instances, bites by kinds kinds the venom is relatively mild to
of tarantulas that are notorious for the almost completely inconsequential to
fact were accompanied by pain and humans. Even then, until some experi-
swelling in the affected limb, headaches,
nausea, sweating, cramping, and tachy-
cardia. In rare instances these symp- Dry Bites vs. Wet Bites
toms would last for several days and in If a tarantula (or other venomous
at least one case the bitten individual organism) bites and fails to inject
experienced a temporary recurrence of venom the bite is frequently called a
symptoms several weeks after the initial dry bite.
bite. In all cases, everybody who is bit- If, on the other hand, venom is
ten recovers completely. No lasting injected and symptoms arise, it is
effects are reported either in the medical called a wet bite.
literature or by anecdotal report. The overwhelming majority of
Old World Tarantulas. Most Old tarantula bites are dry bites, but the
World tarantulas will attempt to hide or wet bites receive the most publicity
escape before biting. However, many because of the symptoms.
will bite on contact, and virtually all will
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Just How Dangerous? There are

many characteristics that confound our
ability to predict the seriousness of a
tarantula’s bite, the degree of reaction,
or the time required for recovery.
1. A Matter of Kind. The New World
species seldom will inject venom on
the first bite. Most bites are “dry
bites,” meaning no venom is injected.
Only when the tarantula is enraged or
fighting for its life will it inject venom.
A bite by Aphonopelma moderatum on Old World species, by contrast, are
the major knuckle of one of the author’s inclined to bite more quickly and
(SAS) hands. The result was a slight
“lameness” in the knuckle the next day. inject venom more readily. Hence,
their bites have a reputation for being
more severe.
ence is gained, the novice is probably 2. A Matter of Quantity. Tarantulas
best advised to manipulate them with have exquisite control over their
the Spider Under Glass technique. venom delivery system. They may
Many if not most of these can be easily deliver none, some, or all of their
handled with the bare hands if done venom as they wish.
properly. To some extent, the effect of a bite
De-venomized? One of the very first depends on how much venom was
questions asked about a pet tarantula is injected. Thus, the larger tarantulas
“Is it poisonous?” Poisonous is perhaps probably are capable of injecting
not the correct term; venomous would larger amounts of venom. But, with
be better. The fact is that, with few no venom, the classic dry bite, there
exceptions, most spiders on Earth pos- will be no reaction beyond the purely
sess a venom, including tarantulas. So, mechanical stab wounds.
yes, in that sense at least, they are ven- 3. A Matter of Concentration. Taran-
omous. tula venoms are almost certainly pro-
The next question usually asked is duced in varying concentrations,
“Have they been de-venomized?” From depending on the species, the indi-
the foregoing discussion it is obvious vidual, and perhaps the length of time
that there is little or no cause for concern since the last use of venom, among
about the bite of the common pet taran- other things. The reaction to a bite
tulas. So, it is even less reasonable to will depend in part on the concentra-
consider the removal or disarming of tion of the venom injected.
their venom apparatus. Worse yet, if it 4. A Matter of Composition. Tarantula
were attempted, it would almost surely venoms are very complex mixtures of
result in the death of the animal because many substances. What little evi-
such an operation would require perfora- dence we have suggests strongly that
tion of the chelicerae or removal of the these vary greatly from one species
fangs. Any breach in the tarantula’s to the next. This creates another level
exoskeleton is very difficult to seal, and of variability in the reaction to a taran-
the animal would surely bleed to death. tula’s bite. A large dose of a relatively
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concentrated venom may be without less disconcerting) as a bad case of

symptoms if the substances that it is hives where a tarantula’s urticating
composed of are relatively benign. bristles are involved, or as serious as
5. A Matter of Our Reaction. Our reac- anaphylactic shock caused by a reac-
tion to tarantula venoms also depends tion to a tarantula’s venom. One
on where we are bitten and our physi- might describe this reaction as being
ological sensitivity to the venom. Being an all-out war waged against the for-
bitten on the buttocks, for instance, eign substances, but on one’s home
may tend to diminish the effects of the turf with all the consequent dangers
venom, partly because of the lack of and damage.
blood circulation, partly because of the In forty years of studying tarantulas
relative paucity of pain sensors. Being and reading every available report,
bitten on a finger would evoke a more these authors have never heard of an
intense response. Our sensitivity to the allergic reaction to any tarantula’s
substances in a tarantula’s venom bite. Until evidence is presented to
may also vary widely depending on a the contrary, it would probably be
wide assortment of circumstances safe to proclaim that such does not
such as our general health, degree of exist and should not be of concern.
past exposure, and current emotional Another common myth holds that
state. because a person is seriously allergic
6. Simple Poisoning. Humans exhibit at to bee stings, they will be equally
least a two-tier reaction to most ven- allergic to a tarantula’s bite. Judging
oms. The first reaction is a direct from the fact that over a span of
effect of the venom itself, a poison decades some number of people
pure and simple. At the risk of trivial- who are allergic to bee venom have
izing the principle, one might com- been bitten by tarantulas and there
pare this reaction to “throwing a have been no reported reactions, this
monkey wrench” into one’s biochem- is apparently not the case. While the
ical machinery. The principal result is two types of venom do possess
that “things” begin to malfunction or some similar chemical substances,
fail to work completely. Thus, most they also possess many that are quite
people might react to a wet bite with dissimilar; and the same antigens
the classic symptoms of numbness responsible for a sensitivity to bee
or pain. One or more principles in the stings are apparently not found in
venom either anaesthetize the nerves tarantula venom.
or stimulate them. However, the fact that a person is
7. Allergic Reactions. The second type grievously allergic to bee stings may
of reaction is the result of an allergic indicate that they are prone to be
response and is much, much rarer in allergic to a wide number of sub-
humans than the first, although much stances, or prone to readily develop-
more spectacular and at least as dan- ing such sensitivities (atopy). In that
gerous. It is an extremely complex case, they may also develop an
physiological reaction to the foreign allergy to tarantula venom quite inde-
proteins or other components of the pendently of their allergy to bee
venom. This allergic reaction can be stings. Both stem from the same, root
as relatively trivial (though nonethe- property, but are not interrelated.
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8. Consequential Damages. The single

greatest health threat to a tarantula’s
Have you had a tetanus (lockjaw)
bite is the risk of infection. There are
vaccination within the last ten years?
a number of cases on record where
If not, you should discuss the wisdom
individuals bitten by tarantulas con-
of getting one as soon as possible
tracted tetanus (lockjaw), blood poi-
with your family physician. Tetanus is
soning (septicaemia or bacteremia),
a deadly disease, it’s ever present,
tularaemia (rabbit fever), or other
and it’s not a pretty way to die.
infections. These are not characteris-
tic of tarantula bites, but rather they
are characteristic of poorly managed
puncture wounds. Good hygiene and
medicine are of the essence! At the Many tarantulas, particularly the New
first sign of infection (e.g., fever, World species, become quite tame when
swelling, redness) you should seek handled or manipulated once in a while.
medical treatment. Once accustomed to such, these cap-
All these things multiplied together tives rarely bite, and with few excep-
produce a very muddled picture of tions, neither do the wild ones. If one
tarantula venom toxicity and our reac- does bite, venom is seldom injected (so-
tions to their bites. It also serves to called dry bites), and the wounds are lit-
explain the extreme variability of reac- tle more than needle pricks. They must
tions reported in the literature and anec- usually be treated only with a mild anti-
dotally by enthusiasts who are bitten. septic, and a little sympathy for the
tarantula as well as the patient.
Quite commonly, a comparison is
made between a tarantula bite and a bee
sting, but there is little resemblance. Bee
stings and tarantula bites display com-
pletely different symptoms.
These authors have been bitten sev-
eral dozens of times by a number of dif-
ferent species of tarantulas over the last
forty years. This arises from having
caught hundreds of wild tarantulas as
well as acquiring thousands through the
pet industry. And, not being satisfied with
“everybody knows that . . .” and urban
myths, these authors make a practice of
attempting to pick up and handle every
new kind of tarantula with the specific
goal of determining their personalities
and behavior. Thus, the probability of
being bitten is much, much higher than
most enthusiasts ever experience.
Pterinochilus murinus. Famous for its intense defensive Indeed, one of the authors (MJS) was
displays, this species is often called “OBT” for “orange
bitten on the index finger by an Usum-
bitey thing.”
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bura baboon tarantula, reportedly an 2. Run these tests. Blood (CBC and
orange color form of Pterinochilus muri- platelet count) and urine tests should
nus, and required Demerol to ease the be run. A specific request should be
pain. The bitten hand evidenced consid- made for hard copies of the results.
erable swelling but no discoloration sev- Photos should be taken of the site of
eral hours after the bite. All symptoms the bite at the time of its worst symp-
had disappeared within eighteen hours, toms. A brief description of the
however. patient’s reaction to the bite, concen-
The novice and the “normal” enthusi- trating on medically important data
ast can take heart in the concept that (e.g., heart rate, resting respiration
the true incidence of tarantula bites is so rate, body temperature, presence of
low as to be negligible. sweating, etc.), should also be made.
Though brief, Breene et al. (1996) give Copies of all of these should be sent
a particularly good overview and bibliog- to the American Tarantula Society for
raphy on this subject. forwarding to competent toxicologists
You’ve Been Bitten! Now What? Do for archiving and eventual publication.
you call 911? Write your will? What do 3. Treat the symptoms. If you begin to
you do if you’ve been bitten? show signs of a reaction to the bite
1. Treat the wound. It is important to such as swelling, pain, dizziness,
note again that the only deaths attrib- nausea, difficulty breathing, or ele-
utable to a tarantula’s bite for which vated or irregular heartbeat, go imme-
we have any data were not from the diately to an emergency clinic. Do not
venom but from invasion by some drive yourself—have someone else
other pathogenic organism, e.g., drive you, use a taxi, or call an ambu-
tetanus (lockjaw) or tularaemia (rabbit lance if necessary. The patient
fever). should not attempt to operate a
A tarantula bite produces one or motor vehicle!
two minute pinpricks in your skin. Generally “treat the symptoms”
These are breaches in your defense involves little more than the injection
against infection. Because tarantulas of steroids and antihistamines to con-
live in soil and eat insects that them- trol swelling and, in extreme cases,
selves may be befouled, it is com- the administration of Demerol
pletely predictable that their fangs (Meperidine, for those who can toler-
would carry any variety of potentially ate the drug) or some other potent
infectious organisms. Being bitten by analgesic to control pain. Aceto-
those fangs would inject those minophen and aspirin are all but
pathogens through your primary useless.
defense system (your skin) and into However, the prudent physician
your body. considers each case individually, and
Wash the site of the bite. Apply an the treatment may vary from case to
antiseptic. Cover with a light bandage case and individual to individual.
to prevent further contamination until Be forewarned that emergency
the wound heals, usually only a very clinic personnel will not give you a
few days. Seek medical attention at “fix” of Demerol on your word alone.
the first sign of infection around the Bring both the tarantula and this book
area of the bite. as supporting evidence.
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Anaphylactic (allergic) reactions

(e.g., systemwide swelling, dizziness,
There is no such thing as an antivenin
difficulty breathing) to spider venom
for tarantula bites and, indeed, there
are all but unheard of, but if it occurs,
is no need for one. The symptoms of
the attention of a physician is crucial.
a tarantula’s bite are not severe
Do not try to treat yourself. Do not
enough to justify the expense of
hesitate. Go immediately to an emer-
developing and marketing such a
gency clinic. Do not drive yourself.
product and the risks involved in the
4. Lastly, at the earliest opportunity,
use of any such antivenin would far
apologize to the tarantula for being
outweigh any benefits.
such a contemptible dunce as to
Hollywood notwithstanding,
have deserved such chastisement in
nobody dies from a tarantula’s bite.
the first place!
Antivenins. (Because we’re asked so
many times.) As of this writing, no These all occurred in the eighteenth and
antivenin for theraphosid tarantulas is nineteenth centuries, when medical sci-
being produced anywhere in the world. ence could be called primitive at best.
There is simply no need for it. Again, for Three were children—one in India, one in
the sake of emphasis, tarantula bites sel- Haiti, and the other in Texas—and their
dom, if ever, are serious enough to war- actual cause of death is unreported. The
rant the use of any antivenin. other two were adults who did not die
One More Time, Just to Make the directly from the tarantula’s venom. One
Point. It is very important to note that, died of tularaemia (rabbit fever), the other
worldwide, there are no records of any- of tetanus (lockjaw), secondary infections
one dying of a tarantula’s bite within the resulting from bacterial contamination of
last century. No one is believed to have the puncture wounds.
ever suffered lasting incapacity or harm The Peculiar Case of the Mouse.
from such a bite. Rats and mice, however, have good rea-
The Fine Print. However, contrary to son for avoiding tarantulas. Rodents, it
the urban legend, there have been a few seems, are abnormally sensitive to
reported fatalities resulting from tarantula tarantula venom, and therefore, are
bites. These authors have heard anecdo- notoriously unreliable as predictors of
tal reports of only five in all of history. toxicity in humans. Or, stated the other
way, the venom of many tarantulas
seems to be intended specifically for
killing rodents (Baerg, 1922, 1925, 1929,
1938b and 1958).
This causes us to reflect on a peculiar
aspect of tarantula biology. Over evolu-
tionary time, what might have been one
of the tarantula’s most fearsome ene-
mies? The answer is “Any predator that
is quicker, fiercer, and smarter than a
tarantula, and that could easily enter the
One of the authors (MJS) after a bite by Pterinochilus tarantula’s lair and do battle with it in the
murinus on the right index finger. confines of its own burrow.” Small
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rodents fit that bill almost exactly. Per- and possess relatively mild venoms.
haps the tarantula’s venom is not terribly However, New World tarantulas possess
useful for subduing insects or other a secret weapon: patches of bristles,
small prey because the fangs alone are usually on the top rear of their opistho-
more than adequate. Perhaps their soma that possess sharp points and
venom evolved as a means of defending backward-pointing barbs reminiscent of
themselves against their real archene- harpoons. They come loose very easily.
mies, the rodents. This is all purely con- Many of these are also laced with one or
jecture of course, but very interesting more chemicals that produce intense
conjecture, indeed. allergic reactions if the bristles penetrate
The Human Experiment. The only our skin. The result is intense itching and
really good predictor of the toxicity of a red rash that persists for a few hours
tarantula venom in humans seems to be to several days. The arachnologist calls
humans. In the spirit of scientific investi- these “urticating” setae or bristles. (See
gation, Dr. William J. Baerg used himself page 29 for an additional discussion.)
as the guinea pig during the 1920s and Most humans are only mildly allergic
1930s. In several articles, Baerg (1922, to the urticating bristles. The associated
1925, and 1938b) recounts his experi- rash seldom lasts more than a day or
ments with a number of tarantulas from two, but it can be spectacular as well as
Central and South America, and the most uncomfortable for those who are
Caribbean. Among the species of taran- more sensitive. Most enthusiasts need
tulas tested were Avicularia avicularia, not worry unless the rash persists for sig-
Psalmopoeus pulcher, Mygalarachne nificantly longer than a day or progresses
commune (now called Sericopelma beyond the simple rash condition. A very
commune), Aphonopelma crinita, A. cali- few people suffer a more severe dermati-
fornicum (listed as “Nomina dubia” by tis, popularly known as hives, on expo-
Platnick, 2008, thus we have no idea sure to the bristles. In this case, a
what it really was), and Crypsidromus physician’s attention is strongly urged.
breyeri (now called Metriopelma breyeri). The intensity and duration of the
Not too surprisingly, Dr. Baerg did not effects of these bristles depends partly
die from any of them. In fact, the only on the kind of tarantula, the victim’s sen-
symptom that persisted for more than a sitivity, the location of the exposure on
few hours was caused by M. commune, the body, and possibly other variables.
and that was a “lameness” in the joints Thus, most people can touch and handle
of the bitten hand for two weeks. Grammostola rosea (the Chilean rose
Dr. Baerg also experimented on him- tarantula) with relative safety, but a few
self with scorpions, centipedes, and people will react violently to their bristles,
even widow spiders. One must admire developing a severe rash or hives. These
his intestinal fortitude! same people can often handle other
kinds with impunity.
Those @#$%&# Bristles! And, most people react hardly at all
A Curious Dichotomy. Those taran- to the bristles of the North American
tulas from the Old World typically have tarantulas, genus Aphonopelma, but dis-
short tempers and potent venoms. Most play remarkable reactions to those of the
New World tarantulas, on the other goliath birdeater tarantula, Theraphosa
hand, are comparatively mild tempered blondi.
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Furthermore, the place that is affected ing some of the cream or salve in the
is also important. Handling a Mexican medicine chest or “The Kit” (see page
redleg, Brachypelma emilia, may result 205) for instances when keepers or guests
only in itchy palms for a few hours, for develop symptoms is probably a good
instance. However, getting the bristles in idea for the enthusiast. Herbal and natural
one’s eye is a very serious condition medications, including calamine lotion, are
requiring extensive, long-term treatment all but useless in this application.
by an ophthalmologist. (See below.) Oral antihistamines are sometimes
Because these bristles are shed at used to allay the itching in severe cases.
random and in small numbers much like Their action is slow to onset but may be
a dog’s hair in your living room, the much longer lasting. A significant side
inside of a tarantula’s cage soon effect of most antihistamines is drowsi-
becomes lightly dusted with a layer of ness and slow reaction time. Do not
urticating bristles. Care should be taken, drive or operate machinery while taking
therefore, to waft as few as possible into antihistamines. If the irritation persists or
the air when working in the cage, with becomes inordinately severe, the victim
any of the cage’s furnishings or decora- should definitely seek professional med-
tions, or when handling or manipulating ical attention.
the tarantula itself. Those who are inordinately sensitive
Confirmed enthusiasts often wear to the bristles should return the tarantula
latex or vinyl gloves when working to its source or find another home for it.
around those kinds that they are most There are several New World species
sensitive to, and the only practical way that either do not possess urticating
of dealing with the two goliaths’ (Thera- bristles or whose bristles do not nor-
phosa blondi and T. apophysis) bristles mally affect humans. These and all of the
is to wear rubber, kitchen gloves. These Old World species may be kept by the
two kinds of tarantulas (at a minimum) hypersensitive enthusiast with little
have bristles that penetrate latex or vinyl worry. The following New World genera
surgeon’s gloves as though they weren’t lack urticating bristles. Note that this list
present at all. may not be complete.
As the first line of defense, the enthu-
siast must be very careful to thoroughly Catumiri (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
wash the hands after performing such Hemiercus (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
chores, and every effort must be made Holothele (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
to not touch the face or eyes until the Oligoxystre (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
hands are washed. Proshapalopus (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
Topical, hydrocortisone cremes or Psalmopoeus (subfamily Selenocosmi-
salves work very well for alleviating most inae)
of the symptoms almost immediately. Pseudoligoxystre (subfamily Ischnocoli-
These are commonly sold in low concen- nae)
trations over the counter in many coun- Sickius (subfamily Ischnocolinae)
tries without a doctor’s prescription but Tapenauchenius (subfamily Selenocos-
may be too weak to be fully effective. miinae)
More potent steroid preparations are
available with a doctor’s prescription and Similarly, there are at least two New
are generally much more effective. Keep- World genera that possess urticating
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bristles, but whose delivery system is suffer much worry and stress, not know-
such that they do not pose a hazard to ing if they will ever have full use of their
humans: Avicularia and Iridopelma, both eye again. The several weeks to months
of the subfamily Aviculariinae. At this of treatment is also expensive. Thus,
writing, Avicularia, Holothele, Iridopelma, every effort should be made to avoid
Psalmopoeus, and Tapenauchenius are getting the bristles in the eyes.
relatively common in the hobby. The Prevention is by far the best course
others are rare to nonexistent. However, to take, and is absurdly simple and easy.
new species are always being imported, • Don’t touch your face or eyes after
and there is hope that sooner or later we handling a tarantula or any of the
will be able to possess representatives appointments in its cage.
of all of these. Do not despair. There is • Wash your hands frequently while
hope. working around your tarantulas and
The Eyes Have It, Not! Absolutely immediately after working with your
the worst consequences are obtained if tarantulas.
the bristles make contact with a per-
son’s eyes. The resulting lesion can Tarantulas’ Medical Issues
cause damage to the cornea and other First and foremost, it must be noted
eye parts, and requires immediate atten- that, as far as is known, no tarantula dis-
tion from an ophthalmologist (Chang et eases or parasites are infectious to
al., 1991; Hered et al., 1988). First aid humans, or any other vertebrate species.
treatment is as follows: The most paranoid among us has
1. Restrain the patient to prevent rub- absolutely nothing to fear in this regard.
bing the eye. Do not touch or rub We know little about tarantula medi-
the eyes regardless of the intensity cine. These creatures are so different
of the irritation. from more familiar animals, it is difficult
2. Irrigate the eye with copious amounts to draw analogies or work from parallel
of clear water. cases. Few people are willing to spend
3. Go immediately to an emergency the money required to autopsy a dead
clinic for treatment, then arrange for tarantula, and even fewer are qualified to
an emergency visit to an ophthalmol- perform such an autopsy. And, sadly,
ogist. The clinic doctors should be that is the only way that we can deter-
able to facilitate this. mine the cause of death, and therefore,
4. Do not drive yourself. Either have a consider a course of action for next time.
friend or relative drive you, use a taxi, We can use only guesswork and a little
or call an ambulance. background knowledge to try to effect a
5. Do not attempt self-medication or cure. We know that they die, but few
use over-the-counter medications. people (and mostly enthusiasts at that)
You need professional help immedi- have tried to determine why. Fewer still
ately! have actually tried to cure an ailing
Although permanent damage to the tarantula.
eye is unusual, the condition is exceed- Below, we discuss what little is
ingly painful, and the possibility of per- known or suspected of their maladies.
manent eye damage or infection always The enthusiast should realize that this is
exists. The people afflicted with this con- folk medicine at best, and more proba-
dition lose time from work or school and bly little more than witch doctory. Any
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enthusiast who has any experience in from the manufacturer. Bandages,

diagnosing and treating any affliction, dressings, drugs, and medications
successful or not, is urged to report their should be purchased sterilized by the
findings to an enthusiast publication like manufacturer.
the American Tarantula Society’s Forum To prevent further infections and
Magazine or the British Tarantula Soci- spread of disease, after the procedure all
ety’s Journal. implements should be thoroughly
In 1997, the American Tarantula Soci- cleaned in hot, soapy bleach water and
ety published a booklet, the ATS Arthro- rinsed first in boiling water and then
pod Medical Manual: Diagnoses and alcohol. If possible, boil or steam sterilize
Treatment (Breene 1997). It is the first, and the implements instead, both before and
so far, only attempt at cataloguing medical after using them.
conditions and therapies of pet arachnids The animal’s cage should be
in general and tarantulas in particular. scrubbed with soap and bleach water,
Sadly, it is now out of print and there is and dried with a freshly laundered cloth.
little probability that it will ever be The area around the place of treatment
republished. Enthusiasts who possess (e.g., the table-top) should be treated
copies should make every effort to pre- likewise.
serve them. Further, the hobby badly Throughout this text, frequent refer-
needs more published references like this. ence is made to a chlorine laundry
bleach solution as a means of sanitizing
Basic Considerations utensils, equipment, and surfaces. In
Sterile Procedure. In the following reality this is merely a solution of two
discussion, frequent mention is made of parts, by volume, of plain, common,
sterile procedure. This may be a mis- household chlorine laundry bleach
nomer when used in this way, but it is mixed thoroughly with ninety-eight parts,
the best means of describing a set of by volume, of clean, room temperature,
conditions that must be obtained. tap water. Use a brand of unscented
Sterile procedure, when used here, chlorine bleach that contains no soap or
means that the hands, all implements, detergent.
bandages and dressings, and all drugs To make this solution, determine how
and medications are as clean and free much you will need. For one quart (one
as possible of infectious organisms. liter), measure approximately one pint
Hands must be scrubbed with soap (five hundred milliliters) of water into a
and the bleach solution described sturdy, one-quart (one-liter), glass
below, and if possible, washed with 70 or plastic container. Add about three-
percent isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol. If at quarters ounce (twenty milliliters) of chlo-
all possible, wear sterilized rubber or rine bleach, cap the container, and rinse
vinyl gloves (from a medical supply any residue of bleach off the outside.
store) and don clean clothes. Shake the container vigorously. Remove
Before the procedure, all tools and the cap and fill the container to the one-
implements must be washed with soap quart (one-liter) mark. Recap the con-
and bleach water, then rinsed with boil- tainer and rinse off any residue. Then,
ing water, then alcohol. If possible, use shake the container vigorously again.
implements sterilized in an autoclave or Often, some soap or detergent is added
pressure cooker, or purchased sterile to this solution as a surfactant to help in
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 203

wetting and cleaning. Be sure to label In any case, with either the concen-
the container for its contents. trated or the dilute solutions, first aid is
We stipulate a glass or plastic con- the same. Flush with copious amounts
tainer because chlorine bleach is highly of clear water. In the case of a chemical
reactive and might combine or react with burn or having bleach splashed into the
other materials to produce toxic by- eyes, prompt emergency medical treat-
products that could not be rinsed away ment is absolutely imperative.
effectively. We rinse off the outside of Both the concentrated and the dilute
the container at each step to avoid solutions will damage most varnished,
splattering bleach or its solution indis- stained, or painted surfaces. They may
criminately around the area, a very dan- also damage some fixtures and utensils.
gerous situation. Because the bleach Before using this solution, test a small
tends to adhere to any surfaces it con- hidden area.
tacts, thus interfering with its ability to Sanitizing. Sanitizing is sterilizing’s
mix well with the water, we add the little brother. Here, we are not so much
bleach to the water, rather than the other interested in avoiding all contamination
way around, avoiding contact of the as we are in merely ensuring cleanliness
concentrated bleach solution with the and a reduction in potential pathogens.
container’s walls. We mix it in two Thus, a bleach solution may be used,
stages because the bleach is slightly but usually merely washing well with
syrupy, and requires vigorous agitation soapy water and rinsing well with tap
to become thoroughly dissolved. Such water is enough.
mixing would be difficult in a full con- Order of Treatment. In a collection
tainer because there would be little extra of animals, in this case tarantulas, if one
room for the required agitation. becomes ill, the first impulse is to go to
Great care must be exercised in the the sick animal first, caring for the
handling and use of both the original, healthy ones second. This is exactly
concentrated bleach solution and the wrong!
dilute solution just made. Chlorine solu- A little forethought will establish that
tions are extremely toxic and must be the healthy animals should be cared for
kept out of the reach of children. The first. Then, and only then, care for the
concentrated solution is capable of pro- sick ones. Impulsively going to the sick
ducing severe chemical burns on unpro- animals first contaminates you, your
tected skin, and will cause grave,
irreversible damage if accidentally
splashed into the eyes. Both solutions TIP
will quickly remove the dyes from any By law in most places, containers of
cloth on which they are splashed (hence potent chemicals like chlorine bleach
the name bleach), and permanently must have warnings and instructions
damage the cloth. for appropriate use and procedures in
• Handle both the concentrated bleach case of accidents or spills. Before
and its dilute solution with great care. opening the bleach bottle you are
• Safety goggles and rubber gloves are strongly urged to review those
strongly advised. instructions.
• Do not allow contact with unprotected YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
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oven set at 250°F (120°C) for fifteen

minutes. Moisten the sterilized toweling
Tarantulas are very good at “playing
with cooled, boiled water and place it
possum,” and a sick tarantula may
in the plastic container. Let the container
look dead but merely only be
set until everything reaches room
extremely weak. Do not discard a
tarantula as dead until it actually
Place the ailing tarantula on the wet
begins to smell dead. Where there's
toweling and cover the container with
life, there’s hope!
the lid. Place the whole container in a
warm, relatively dark location. This might
clothing, and any associated equipment be atop the refrigerator in the kitchen,
with the pathogen. After that, every ani- but let common sense prevail. Check on
mal that is cared for is exposed to the the tarantula at least twice a day. Keep
disease. an extra container handy, and carefully
Caring for the healthy animals first switch the tarantula to a clean one every
tends to isolate them from the conta- other day. Immediately clean the used
gion. One presumes that the keeper will one and set it up in preparation for the
have washed at least once, probably next change. One would hope that the
several times, and changed clothes after tarantula would show signs of improve-
caring for the diseased animals, before ment by the third bout in the ICU, but if
tending to the healthy ones the next day. not it should be placed back in its cage
The ICU. When a tarantula gets into for one day to allow it to thoroughly dry
serious medical trouble, it should be off. This will retard fungus and bacterial
placed in a special container that we call growths. It may then be put back in the
the Intensive Care Unit, or “ICU.” This is ICU for several more bouts.
a scrupulously clean plastic container While the tarantula is in the ICU, its
with a lid and a moist paper towel. A original cage should be thoroughly
plastic cottage cheese carton is accept- cleaned and set up with new substrate.
able. Make two ventilation holes, each When the animal begins to show signs
about one-quarter inch (six millimeters) of recovery, it may be moved back to its
in diameter, high on the side walls but original cage. Be very cautious not to
not so high as to be blocked when the injure the tarantula during the moves.
cover is installed. What sort of reasons would indicate
Fold a standard paper towel twice using an ICU? Any set of circumstances
(into quarters) and push it into the bot- when quiet, warmth, and a humid
tom of the container. Pour in an excess atmosphere would seem beneficial. The
of room-temperature tap water, then philosophy behind this ICU is merely to
drain it out, leaving a soggy paper towel. relieve as much environmental stress as
If there is a possibility that the ailing possible from the tarantula.
tarantula can acquire an infection (as Thus, the wet paper towel will raise
in an open wound), wash the container the humidity, reducing the loss of water
in bleach water (see above) and rinse through the thin membranes of its book
thoroughly with boiled water. Sterilize lungs and appendage joints. And, the
a piece of clean, dry paper toweling in slightly elevated temperature will allow
a microwave oven following the instruc- its metabolic rate to function at a rate
tions on page 192, or in a conventional that will allow for a speedy recovery
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 205

without undue stress from excessive 4. Scalpels or X-acto knives of various

warmth. styles.
Does this really work? The authors 5. Wooden examination sticks of differ-
use an ICU frequently when a tarantula ent sizes (Popsicle sticks, tongue
appears in dire straights for various rea- depressors, chopsticks, bamboo
sons. Many such tarantulas do get bet- shish kebob skewers).
ter. Some die. At this point, the 6. Magnifying lens (10X).
philosophy is that it doesn’t do any 7. Headband magnifier (expensive, but
harm, and probably does some good. a real godsend!).
We feel compelled to do something to 8. Several glass eyedroppers.
help an ailing pet, and this seems a 9. Cotton-tipped swabs.
viable route. 10. Small artist’s brushes of several dif-
The Kit. For the rank novice, this may ferent sizes.
be overkill, but for the enthusiast with 11. Rubber or vinyl surgeon’s gloves.
more than two or three tarantulas this is (Don’t buy the one-size-fits-all from
almost a necessity. Begin accumulating a a department store. Buy the size
toolbox or kit of oddments and tools ded- you need from a medical supply
icated for use with your tarantulas. Use a store.)
toolbox, a fishing tackle box, a spare 12. Several small, clear bowls, dishes, or
drawer, or some other container to hold saucers of different sizes (finger
them in a safe and handy location. Label bowls, old-fashioned glass furniture
it conspicuously. Once an item is allo- glides, some ashtrays).
cated to “The Kit,” that becomes its sole 13. An assortment of small vials or pill
goal in life. After each use it is cleaned or bottles with tight-fitting caps.
refilled and replaced in the kit. Some of 14. Hypodermic syringes (several differ-
these items may never be used. Consider ent sizes from five milliliters to sixty
them good insurance. Others will be used milliliters).
almost daily. Here is a list of items these 15. Hypodermic needles (Several sizes
authors have used plus those that were from twenty-two to fifteen gauge; try
suggested by other enthusiasts on one of to get two-inch [five-centimeter] long
the Internet forums. needles.)
1. Scissors (cuticle shears or others 16. Liquid bandage (e.g., Liquid Stitches,
with extremely fine tips). New-Skin).
2. Forceps: Several pairs including at 17. Glycerin (not nitroglycerin, not glyc-
least one with very fine tips and erin and rose water!).
another twelve inches (thirty cen- 18. Cyanoacrylate glue (e.g., Superglue
timeters) or fifteen inches (thirty-eight or Crazy Glue).
centimeters) long. 19. Pill bottle full of cornstarch.
3. Dissecting needles: A very large 20. Bottle of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol.
darning needle fixed into a piece of 21. Antibiotic salve (e.g., Mycitracin
hardwood doweling, one-quarter Antibiotic Ointment). Get two kinds,
inch (six millimeters) in diameter one of which should contain Nystatin
by five-inches (twelve- or thirteen- or a similar fungicidal antibiotic.
centimeters) long. Drill a small pilot 22. Transparent delicatessen cups. (At
hole in the end first. A loose needle least two of different sizes for
may be fixed with a little epoxy glue. inspections; see page 218.)
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23. An ICU, ready made and waiting (see next several days until it either shows
page 204.) improvement or expires. Once it appears
During the course of reading this to be able to fend for itself, it should be
book you may find other things that moved to its permanent, drier quarters
belong in your kit but that we’ve failed to and given the obligatory dish of water with
mention. Feel free to add them yourself. a rock (see page 161).
Many of these items can be found in One enthusiast reported the success-
local hardware stores. Some may be had ful recovery of a tarantula that was so
from a veterinarian or family doctor as near death that it couldn’t drink. The
“castoffs” from kits used during medical tarantula was picked up and held upside
examinations. Some can also be pro- down in the palm of the hand (see “Get-
cured in college and university book- ting Palmed” on page 190), and room-
stores. Many can also be purchased at temperature tap water was dripped onto
medical supply stores. Start building your its oral area with an eyedropper. Be fore-
kit today. You’ll never be sorry you did! warned that this procedure will take a
Paraphernalia. Lastly, many govern- long time, up to an hour or more. Clear
ments consider syringes and needles as your schedule, collect all the gear you
paraphernalia, that is, items used by think you might require in advance (see
drug addicts. The mere possession of “The Kit” on page 205), and make your-
such items without a prescription may self comfortable.
be punishable by law. If this is true in
your case, seek a doctor’s or veterinar- Extreme Starvation
ian’s prescription for syringes and nee- Tarantulas may go without food for
dles, perhaps even for help in acquiring truly amazingly long periods of time.
them. Keep several copies of the pre- However, extended fasts put great
scription safely filed away, with at least stress on them, and they may be near
one copy in the bottom of your kit. Keep death.
a copy of this book handy as well, as When extreme starvation is first rec-
added evidence in your behalf. ognized in a tarantula, it should be
offered one cricket as food in the
Dehydration evening. If it fails to eat by the next morn-
Occasionally, a tarantula is encoun- ing, remove the cricket. Every evening
tered that has suffered extreme dehydra- thereafter it should be offered one or two
tion and starvation, usually caused by crickets until it begins to eat. If the taran-
poor care or improper shipping. The very tula seems active and able to fend for
first strategy is to place it, prosoma down- itself, the crickets may be left in the cage
ward in a dish of water for at least forty for several days if they are not eaten
five minutes (or as long as it will tolerate it). immediately. In that case, it’s not a bad
It may be left there longer if it continues to idea to provide a small dish (e.g., a bottle
drink. The animal must be watched cap) of soft cereal (e.g., wheat bran or
closely during this time to keep the dry oatmeal) for the crickets to eat.
opisthosoma (abdomen) and book lungs Some enthusiasts have reported hav-
above the water level to prevent drowning. ing had good luck with getting sick or
After several hours, if the tarantula isn’t injured tarantulas to eat by killing and
faring any better, it should be moved to an partially gutting a cricket, then carefully
ICU. This should be repeated daily for the placing it in contact with the tarantula’s
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 207

pedipalps. Very often the tarantula will tarantulas remain upright with their legs
take it if left alone. folded underneath them, somewhat in
For a tarantula that is weakened from the manner of a clenched hand.
lack of food, an attempt at feeding To Do or to Die. Molting is the most
should be made only in the evening. The crucial act that a tarantula performs.
room should be only very dimly lit, or left Once it begins to molt, it must complete
in total darkness. Once the lights are the process or die. In many respects the
turned off, no one, not even the owner, whole operation reminds one of a mam-
should go into the room or otherwise malian birth, with many of the same haz-
disturb the tarantula until the next morn- ards. In mammals it happens only once
ing. Most certainly, once the animal has in a lifetime. For tarantulas, it happens
been placed in its cage, neither it nor the once a year. (“Ecdysis/Molting” is dis-
cage should be moved or handled until cussed on page 32.)
the tarantula begins to eat regularly. Dehydration Myth. A popular hypoth-
Occasionally, tarantulas are reported esis holds that tarantulas that are kept
to stop eating for extended periods of too dry will have trouble molting. This has
time. This is particularly true of Gram- yet to be unequivocally demonstrated,
mostola rosea (see page 336), that has and is still open to much controversy.
been reported to go as long as thirty That these creatures are more than
months without feeding and without 70 percent water by weight (Stewart and
apparent harm. As long as the tarantula Martin, 1970) suggests that there be
does not appear to be losing excessive ample water available for the molting
weight, and appears to be in otherwise process under all but the most severe
good health, the enthusiast should not circumstances. Because of this, these
become overly concerned. authors advance a different hypothesis.
The enthusiast who is faced with a Unless a tarantula is suffering from
tarantula that is on a long-term fast, sev- severe dehydration, it can marshal all the
eral months perhaps, might try raising the water required from internal sources for
tarantula’s temperature by several lubrication and to maintain the old
degrees, keeping in mind that a tempera- exoskeleton in a softened condition. For
ture of 104°F (40°C) is probably the the purposes of molting, the humidity of
absolute safe maximum, as a means of the surrounding cage is all but irrelevant.
breaking the fast. Another trick is to lightly This contention is supported by the
spray the cage with room-temperature observation that, as they emerge during
tap water from a plant sprayer. Be careful a molt, the inside of the exuvium fairly
not to use a sprayer that has been used glistens with moisture. There must be
with insecticides, and try not to spray the some other reason for molting problems
tarantula itself. (see below).
Having said this, these authors still
Molting Problems admit to the advice of others. The prac-
Death Versus Molting. Before pro- tice of keeping pet tarantulas in circum-
ceeding with this discussion, we must stances drier than recommended by
stress again that a tarantula that has other authors is a means of vermin and
turned upside down (i.e., is lying on its disease control. However, in nature, ter-
back) is definitely not dying! This is a restrial tarantulas spend most of their
normal prerequisite to molting. Dead time in their burrows, especially just
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 208

before molting. The burrows not only pull itself out, from old age or disease, it
afford protection from enemies and the will take too long to molt. If it takes too
elements, but also maintain a signifi- long to molt, the rings in the new
cantly higher humidity around the animal exoskeleton begin to harden. They will
than is normally encountered in captivity soon be unable to deform sufficiently to
(Hadley, 1970). This higher humidity allow their passage through the hard
might have a beneficial effect on the rings on the old exoskeleton.
tarantula’s molting by helping to sustain What does one do to help a tarantula
the lubricating fluid between the new and molt successfully? Pure conjecture
old exoskeletons, and by allowing the old (these authors have not had the oppor-
exoskeleton to remain more pliable as it tunity to try this) suggests that dabbing a
is cast off. Although these may not signif- little glycerine with an artist’s brush onto
icantly effect the hardened rings (see the joints of the legs of extremely aged
“Too Slow,” below), it could still ease the tarantulas during premolt might be help-
job of the tarantula extricating itself from ful. Glycerine might help to soften the
its old exoskeleton. Thus, the practice of constricting rings or lubricate them as
lightly misting a pet tarantula and its cage they slip through. The key joints seem to
once a day with room-temperature tap be the femur-patellar, and the patella-
water from a plant sprayer certainly will tibial joints.
do no harm during premolt, and may very Beyond these simple actions, we can
well help the struggling tarantula, as long only hope for the best as the molting
as the cage doesn’t remain sopping wet season approaches each year.
for the remainder of the year. Be certain Getting Stuck. Another potential
that the sprayer has never been used cause of an unsuccessful molt is injury.
with pesticides or fertilizers. If a leg is damaged badly enough to
Too Slow. The most common reason cause a growth of scar tissue that pene-
for a tarantula having trouble molting is trates the full thickness of the exoskele-
physical weakness from extreme old age ton, it is possible that the scar tissue
or disease. In this case, the trouble is would interfere with the separation of
caused by a breakdown in the animal’s the old and new exoskeletons during
physiological processes. premolt. In effect, the scar tissue would
The greatest peril is that the tarantula serve as a weld between the two
will not be able to pull its legs through exoskeletons. During molt, the new
the hardened rings around the joints in exoskeleton and its associated
the legs of the old exoskeleton. These appendage would not be free to slide
constricting rings are as hard and inflexi- out of the old exoskeleton, and the ani-
ble on a fresh exuvium from a young mal would remain trapped.
tarantula as they are from a very old In this case, however, there is hope.
tarantula. The same is true for tarantulas The tarantula may be able to cast off the
that have had no trouble shedding and caught leg and complete the molt in
those that have had to be surgically spite of the problem. Indeed, this has
removed. The state of hydration of the been reported many times by enthusi-
old exoskeleton is irrelevant; the rings asts. See the discussion of autotomy on
are hard regardless. page 42.
The physical condition of the taran- If the problem is recognized soon
tula is critical. If it hasn’t the strength to enough, the tarantula’s owner may be
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 209

able to amputate the leg. As gruesome

as this sounds, spiders have a distinct
advantage over humans in that they can
lose a leg with relatively little harm. Once
the offending leg has been identified by
the enthusiast, a quick tug on the femur
with a slight twist may be all that is nec-
essary to remove it. If bleeding starts or
is excessive, one of the remedies listed
under “Breach in the Hull” on page 213
should be used to stop it. However,
there is still some risk involved. It is
entirely possible that such treatment will
fatally injure the tarantula, and the enthu-
siast must bear the full responsibility for
this action.
Some Never Say Die. Among the
rarest reasons for an unsuccessful molt
involves mature males that attempt a An aged female Aphonopelma chalcodes that the authors
had to surgically remove from an unsuccessful molt.
postultimate molt. (Molting and postulti-
mate molts are also discussed on pages
32 and 106.) The reason why mature onto a piece of stiff cardboard. After it is
males that attempt to molt are unsuc- relocated, leave it on the cardboard.
cessful apparently is that their emboli Start by collecting the necessary
and bulbs become entrapped in the old equipment. (This is where The Kit, see
exoskeleton. If the enthusiast were alert page 205, comes in extremely handy!)
to the possibility, the pedipalp tips of a This should include a pair of good-
molting male could be moistened with quality, sturdy forceps or tweezers with
glycerine, and the whole tarantula kept small, but not sharply pointed tips, avail-
in a humid container in preparation for able from hobby shops, cosmetic coun-
the molt. With adequate care, it is just ters in department stores, school
possible that the male would survive his science labs, and scientific-supply
molt intact. houses. A large magnifying glass or a
Orthopedic Surgery as a Last low-power jeweler’s loupe is almost a
Resort. If a pet tarantula is discovered necessity. A low-power binocular dis-
to be having difficulty emerging from its secting microscope (about ten power)
old exoskeleton, it can be helped, if from a biology lab would be ideal. The
done very carefully. First, be absolutely authors use a three-power headband
certain that it is having difficulties, and magnifier, used by watchmakers and
not just resting. If it does not appear to other people who do very fine work. A
be making progress after six or eight good light is an absolute necessity.
hours, the worst may safely be First, dissolve one or two drops of
assumed, and an attempt to help begun. mild liquid dish soap in one cup (235 mil-
Don’t move the tarantula unless liliters) of room temperature tap water.
absolutely necessary! If it must be Thoroughly wet that part of the tarantula
moved, do so very gently by shifting it that appears to be trapped with this
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 210

solution. Gently drip the soap water removing the old exoskeleton from the
solution onto the tarantula with an eye- legs. Extreme care must be exercised.
dropper or pat it on with a cotton-tipped The heavily reinforced rings of exoskele-
applicator. Do not allow any of this ton that border the joints must be care-
solution to get into the book lungs. fully chipped and broken away with the
Doing so might drown the tarantula. forceps. For this chore, at the very least,
Within a half hour this solution will begin a jeweler’s loupe or strong magnifying
to soften the exoskeleton. Wait for an glass is obligatory, a binocular micro-
additional half hour to determine if the scope is much better. Then, the thinner
tarantula can extricate itself. If it still isn’t exoskeleton covering the remainder of
making progress, proceed. the leg section can be carefully removed.
Ordinarily, the tarantula will have Work methodically, doing one joint
already loosened the carapace and ster- and one leg at a time. Take frequent
num, but either may still have to be rests. The greatest danger is from a
removed. The individual plates are con- wrong move caused by fatigue, stress,
nected by relatively thin sheets of pleural or impatience. Be extremely cautious not
membrane. If the tarantula has had diffi- to puncture the exoskeleton. The new
culty loosening the plates, the pleural exoskeleton is still exceedingly fragile.
membranes on the cast exoskeleton Great care must be taken to not damage
must be torn or cut to allow for removal the underlying hinge membranes or
of each individual plate, and the thor- exoskeleton. After removing the old
ough soaking of these membranes is exoskeleton, carefully rinse the soap
crucial. water off the tarantula with a gentle
Once it has been confirmed that stream of room temperature tap water.
these plates are now off the tarantula, Congratulations. You are now an
try to determine if the exoskeleton orthopedic surgeon specializing in
has come off the opisthosoma. If you are arachnid exuviectomy. (Try that one on
unsure, assume that it has been your family physician!)
removed and proceed with the legs Postoperative Care. After a bad
instead. If it is clearly still attached, an molt, a tarantula may not eat for several
attempt should be made to remove it. weeks to several months. Do not
Do not be overly aggressive about peel- despair. The tarantula may be having
ing off this skin. Be especially careful trouble with the lining of its mouth, phar-
with the book lungs. No soap solution ynx, and pumping stomach. These are
should enter them, and the inside mem- normally shed with the old exoskeleton.
branes should be very carefully pulled If that is the case, the animal must work
out if they are readily obvious. out its own problem. Tarantulas can fast
The legs pose a special problem. an amazingly long time if they are given
There is no way to determine where the water and are in good physical condition
real joints with their delicate membranes in the first place.
are located in relation to the old joints After such a bad molt, and having to
because the tarantula has partially pulled be surgically removed from the exuvium,
its legs out of the old exoskeleton. the tarantula may be so crippled that it
Because these new membranes are still cannot eat, drink, or even move itself.
extremely fragile, there is great danger Such was the case with an extremely
that they will be injured in the course of aged female Aphonopelma chalcodes
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 211

belonging to the authors. The tarantula Tarantulas that have been severely
experienced a bad molt on May 17. One injured or have suffered a bad molt often
of the authors (SAS) spent several hours molt much sooner than expected, prob-
with a headband magnifier and a variety ably a strategy for accelerating damage
of forceps extricating her from her old repair. In the case of the individual dis-
exoskeleton. Thereafter, the other author cussed here, the tarantula may have
(MJS) adopted a regular program of vir- stopped eating in preparation for
tually hand-watering her on a twice- another molt, but was too old and weak
weekly basis. to survive the entire process.
The tarantula was allowed to drink
out of a shallow saucer. The saucer was Injuries and Hemorrhage
propped up on one side to allow for the Anesthesia. Little is known of the
formation of a small pool of water along dosages or effects of anesthetics such
the other margin, the tarantula was as ether, chloroform, and Halothane on
placed in the saucer with its chelicerae tarantulas. We know that they will work
and fangs immersed in that little puddle, because they have been used success-
and the remainder of its body uphill. It fully. We also know that they will kill if
was watched very closely so that it used improperly. Therefore, they should
would not slide into the water and be used with great caution. In most
drown. Great care was taken to prevent countries they are controlled sub-
water from getting into the openings to stances, and the enthusiast is highly
the book lungs. After forty-five minutes unlikely to have access to them. How-
to an hour, the tarantula was placed ever, small samples of these anesthet-
back in its cage. From time to time, aver- ics, or prescriptions that will allow their
aging once a week, a cricket was killed purchase, may sometimes be acquired
and placed under her chelicerae in the from medical doctors and veterinarians.
evening, and the room lights were turned Ether is extremely, almost explo-
off. Occasionally the cricket was con- sively, flammable, and Halothane and
sumed by the next morning. chloroform are believed to cause liver
By September, the tarantula had lost disease and cancer in humans. Thus,
considerable weight, but ate periodically. these all have their drawbacks and must
She had learned to drag herself around be used in well-ventilated rooms and
the cage by means of her fangs and was with great caution. Under any circum-
remarkably mobile. However, the follow- stances, the novice is strongly advised
ing January she appeared to be having to seek the help of a veterinarian when
trouble moving around her cage, and using any anesthetic.
she had stopped eating entirely. Sadly, Professional entomologists and
she died on February 16. arachnologists have known for decades
This tarantula was a very old individ- that carbon dioxide is a safe anesthetic
ual, having been acquired as a mature for insects and spiders. Amateur arach-
adult and having lived more than nine nologists are now also discovering that it
years in captivity. Doubtlessly, her death will work on their pets. Carbon dioxide is
was postponed some months by the readily available from a number of
heroic efforts made to save her. Sooner sources: carbonation in soft drinks, dry
or later, the Grim Reaper must always be ice, and adding mild acids (e.g., vinegar)
conceded his commission. to baking soda (sodium bicarbonate).
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The major problem with using it is find- quarters inch (two centimeters)
ing a way to apply it in sufficient concen- below the stopper.
trations to effect anesthesia, but not • A length of vinyl or rubber tubing
endanger the tarantula with its precur- approximately two feet (sixty cen-
sory chemicals (e.g., vinegar fumes or timeters) long of a diameter to
direct contact with dry ice). tightly fit the shorter glass tubing.
To manufacture a carbon dioxide 2. Anesthesia chamber. A transparent,
anesthesia device one needs the follow- one-cup (250-milliliter) delicatessen
ing parts. These may be available from cup of the sort that is used for chip
hardware stores and some of the larger dips and sour cream. Available from a
building suppliers, medical-supply delicatessen or restaurant-supply
stores, hobby shops, scientific-supply store, it must be transparent so you
stores, and school chemistry and biol- can easily monitor the state of the
ogy laboratories. In fact, the enthusiast enclosed tarantula.
is strongly urged to make friends with a You must insert the two glass tubes
local biology teacher for help with many into the rubber stopper without cutting
facets of caring for tarantulas. a neat core of flesh out of the palm of
1. Reaction Vessel your hand, and that requires some expe-
• One-pint (five-hundred-milliliter) rience with the technique. It is best if you
glass or plastic bottle. The mouth take your parts to a local school and
of the bottle should be at least one- seek help from a biology or chemistry
inch (two-and-a-half centimeters) in teacher for this. Once they show you
diameter. how it’s done, you will be able to easily
• Rubber stopper to fit the glass bot- replace the parts by yourself if you break
tle, two hole. them. Attach the rubber hose to the
• Two glass tubes to fit through the shorter piece of glass tubing.
rubber stopper. The ends of both You must now melt a hole in the side
must be fire polished to prevent of the delicatessen cup large enough to
cutting yourself. If you can find loosely accommodate the hose without
appropriately sized acrylic tubing, plugging the hole completely. The final
use it instead. It’s much safer and hole should be approximately one
easier to use. twenty-fifth inch (one millimeter) larger in
– One piece should be long diameter than the hose to allow for some
enough to extend from approxi- gas to escape. To do this, acquire a very
mately three-quarters inch (two large nail or a steel bolt of appropriate
centimeters) above the stopper size. Heat it, using a pair of pliers, in the
to within about three-eighths flame or against the heating element of a
inch (one centimeter) off the bot- kitchen range until it is quite hot. Then
tom of the bottle. If available, a apply it carefully, directly to the side wall
small laboratory funnel will work of the cup.
much better. In use, place about one-third cup of
– One piece should be long common household bicarbonate
enough to extend from approxi- of soda (baking soda) into the bottle.
mately three-quarters inch (two A common kitchen funnel works best
centimeters) above the stopper for this. Then, pour in approximately a
to extend approximately three- cup of room-temperature tap water.
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 213

Gently shake the bottle to dissolve that boils off the liquid is the anesthetic)
some of the bicarbonate. is available from many of the same com-
Insert the rubber stopper/glass tube panies (or they can recommend
assembly, being very careful not to break sources), but requires special tools,
the glass tubing. The end of the longer equipment, and safety precautions for
glass tube should extend well below the handling because of its extreme cold
water level in the bottle to prevent (–320.4°F, –195.8°C). Nitrogen gas can
escape of any gas; the shorter glass tube be produced in a laboratory from rather
should not approach the liquid at all. common chemicals (ammonium chloride
Attach one end of the rubber or vinyl and sodium nitrite), but this should not
hose to the top end of the shorter glass be attempted without the supervision of
tube. Gently insert the other end well an experienced chemist because these
into the hole in the sidewall of the deli- chemicals can cause a fire or explode if
catessen cup. not handled properly.
With an eyedropper or hypodermic Some books recommend cold as a
syringe and large bore needle, carefully means of anesthesia. However, many
drip distilled white vinegar (from a gro- researchers who routinely use poikilother-
cery) into the longer glass tube. You mic animals in their physiology experi-
should immediately see the production ments believe that cold does not affect
of carbon dioxide bubbles at the base of pain sensation until near fatal extremes
the longer glass tube. Continue to add are reached. Cold anesthesia only blunts
vinegar until you get a steady, moder- the motor neurons’ ability to activate the
ately rapid gas release without undue muscles, and the muscles’ ability to con-
foaming. You may need to periodically tract. Thus, until the tarantula is almost
swirl the contents of the bottle to keep dead from extreme cold, it may feel
the reaction going. everything but not be able to react. We
If you place a tarantula in the deli- should not use cold anesthesia.
catessen cup and tightly fit the cover on, A Breach in the Hull. If a tarantula’s
the cup will quickly fill with carbon diox- armor is ruptured, it will spring a leak, as
ide, effecting the anesthesia. it were. This is most common during
Professional entomologists and molting, or if the tarantula is manipulated
arachnologists also use nitrogen gas, or handled too roughly or dropped. If the
and report that it works much better injury is not too severe, the hemolymph
than carbon dioxide. Nitrogen gas has that seeps out coagulates and dries to
the distinct advantages that it is non- become a clear scab.
flammable and is relatively nontoxic If the injury is a minor one on the legs,
compared with the organic anaesthetics. merely put the tarantula back into its
However, it is relatively difficult for the cage and do not bother it for several
enthusiast to acquire nitrogen in concen- weeks, to allow time for it to heal. It must
trations that will work as an anesthetic. still be offered food and water. The scab
Cylinders of compressed nitrogen are will be removed by the tarantula at the
available from companies that sell appropriate time or will be cast off with
compressed gases for welding, but the the next molt.
associated hardware (e.g., cylinders, If the injury on a leg is severe enough,
pressure regulators, hoses, valves) can potentially resulting in much hemolymph
be expensive. Liquid nitrogen (the gas loss, two options are available. The
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injury can be treated, or the leg can the open wound. The escaping
merely be amputated. This last option hemolymph will moisten it. The paper
may seem, at first consideration, to be will serve as the foundation for a clot
very distressing and fraught with some that, it is hoped, will seal the wound.
danger. However, the reader is reminded If the opisthosoma is ruptured, taking
that tarantulas’ legs are constructed to the animal to a veterinarian on an emer-
allow removal as a last-resort survival gency basis may be a viable option, if
strategy. (See page 42 for a discussion one can be found who is broad minded
of autotomy.) Although it is traumatic, it enough, capable, and willing to try! The
is not as traumatic as bleeding to death. veterinarian might be able to suture the
Merely hold the tarantula securely in one rupture together, because the exoskele-
hand and grasp the damaged leg by the ton on the opisthosoma is very leathery.
femur and tug downward. Crushed or However, great care must be taken not
badly deformed legs should be removed to disturb or puncture the internal
as far in advance of the next molt as organs, just the exoskeleton. The sutur-
possible. ing material must be very fine and the
A rupture on the prosoma or opistho- stitches must be very small and precise.
soma is a crisis of the gravest propor- In addition, the suturing material must be
tions, and usually results in death. Our of a type that will spontaneously dissolve
philosophy is that it is better to try to and disappear because it will be impos-
save the animal and fail than not to try at sible to remove the nondissolving variety
all. Therefore, we offer these sugges- once the exoskeleton begins to knit. Any
tions as experiments only. The enthusi- remaining sutures will prevent subse-
ast must realize that the damage has quent molts, and the pet will die in spite
already been done and must accept the of all efforts.
consequences, whatever they are. Although this treatment may seem a
Of paramount importance is stopping bit unusual, at first thought, the human
the escape of hemolymph and prevent- race has been suturing wounds on its
ing the rupture from growing. Adhesive domestic animals and itself for millennia.
bandages won’t work on a tarantula There is no obvious reason why the prac-
because of the bristles. A bandage of tice wouldn’t work on a tarantula, too.
unscented toilet tissue or very soft paper Other methods of sealing wounds in
(kitchen) toweling might be improvised. tarantulas have been tried with some
The absorbent paper bandage is success. Among them are triple nail
intended to hold the rupture together hardener sold at cosmetics counters in
and to allow a firm matrix for scab for- department stores and drugstores.
mation. This same technique, using rice Another product used with good suc-
paper, is reportedly used by the Chinese cess is New-Skin spread over the
peasantry on their own injuries, and any wound. These authors have also heard
male humans living in our Western civi- of anecdotal reports of the use of a
lization who have ever used a straight or cyanoacrylate glue (Superglue or Crazy
safety razor have also used this principle Glue) used as a sealer.
with small bits of bathroom tissue. The Any of these products that may use
dry paper may be sanitized by heating it organic solvents must be used with
in a microwave oven following the great caution. Not only are they flamma-
instructions on page 192, then laid on ble, but the fumes could harm the taran-
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 215

tula. Use them in a well-ventilated powder may have on tarantulas. Thus, it

space, and away from all open flames. is best to avoid them unless there is no
Take special precautions to blow the other option.
fumes away from the tarantula until the One enthusiast, a friend of the authors,
product is completely cured and no had an Aphonopelma seemanni that had
longer smells of solvents. suffered a bad molt. One leg had become
Bear in mind that none of these prod- trapped in the old skin, and in the ensuing
ucts have been approved for use on ani- struggle, the leg was cast off to allow the
mals or in veterinary medicine. Their use tarantula to escape. (See the discussion
on a tarantula, or any other animal, must under “Loss of Limb” on page 42.) In the
be viewed as experimental, with the course of its struggles, the tarantula had
owner bearing the full responsibility. managed to split its carapace, a life-
The medical supplies industry has threatening condition.
developed several products that pro- The owner called and asked for
mote blood clotting when used during advice. He was told to sprinkle a little
surgery in humans and other mammals. cornstarch or wheat flour on the crack
They are not routinely available to the and the hemolymph that was leaking
laity, but can be had through the family out. On top of this, he was to place a
doctor or veterinarian by prescription. small piece of paper toweling or
The two that the authors are familiar with unscented toilet tissue that had been cut
are Gelfoam (Upjohn) and Surgicel very slightly larger than the length and
(Johnson & Johnson). Undoubtedly, sim- width of the wound without covering the
ilar products by other manufacturers are ocular tubercle or extending over the
also available. edge of the carapace.
In the case of a minor breach in the The improvised bandage worked. The
tarantula’s armor, or after a major breach tarantula eventually recovered and
has been surgically repaired, one of molted without incident the following
these products might be tried to reduce year.
or arrest further bleeding. Merely cut off An antibiotic ointment or salve, such
a small piece of the sheet with a razor as Mycitracin Antibiotic Ointment (baci-
blade or scalpel and apply it to the site tracin, polymyxin, neomycin, and lido-
of seepage. Thin slices work better than caine, Upjohn Company) or any similar
thick blocks. Use sterile procedure product, should be applied to any
throughout. If at all possible, take the wounds to forestall infection. For serious
tarantula to a veterinarian for treatment wounds, such an ointment should be
rather than doing it at home. applied every second day. These are
Another strategy used by the authors potent medications; not much is
and other enthusiasts with success has required on any application. These med-
been the use of cornstarch, flour, or pure ications are often available at pharma-
unscented talcum powder on the cies without a prescription, and are good
wound. The hypothesis is that it will additions for any medicine chest or first
absorb the escaping hemolymph and aid kit. Never use any of the strong disin-
become a foundation for a developing fectants such as iodine, Merthiolate,
clot, and later, a scab. We have no way Mercurochrome, alcohol, or peroxide.
of knowing what effect perfumes or The risk of poisoning your pet is too
other adulterations in cosmetic talcum great. Do not handle or manipulate the
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 216

mal success in treating it. Other enthusi-

asts who have these animals as pets are
Glycerine is sold in groceries in the
encouraged to experiment and report
baking supplies area and in pharma-
their successes or failures in the publica-
cies. It is a clear, syrupy, colorless liq-
tions of either the American Tarantula
uid with a biting, sweet taste, and is
Society (Forum Magazine) or the British
used as a skin softener and in the
Tarantula Society (Journal).
making of jelly candies.
In an effort to prevent the develop-
Do not confuse our use of glycer-
ment of this condition, it is recom-
ine with a related product, glycerine
mended that these tarantulas be kept on
and rosewater.
soft, nonabrasive substrates. Soft peat
or shredded coconut husk is recom-
tarantula until after the next molt! If mended. Those animals that are already
the tarantula appears weak, keep it in an suffering the condition should definitely
ICU, discussed on page 204. be moved to such a substrate. In addi-
One peculiar problem afflicts a very tion, the scab might be softened with
pretty species of tarantula from Central applications of some moisturizing salve,
America, Brachypelma albopilosum, the especially during the weeks preceding a
curlyhair tarantula. It seems that these molt. The enthusiast might also try an
large, docile tarantulas have a tendency application of pure glycerine with a cot-
to develop a scablike lesion on the lower ton-tipped swab. Application should be
surface of the opisthosoma. It may be in done two or three times per week before
response to abrasion from gravel or other a molt, and at least once a month other
coarse substrate, or may merely be a times. Be very cautious not to allow any
congenital deformity. Once formed, this glycerine into the book lungs.
lesion grows and eventually ruptures and
kills the animal. This rupturing usually Infectious Matters
occurs during molting, but the authors With one significant exception there
know of one instance when the tarantula are no reports of concerted, scientific
apparently burst from eating too much. attempts to diagnose or treat infectious
The authors have had some limited agents in tarantulas. That single excep-
experience with this problem, but mini- tion was the Research Institute for Exotic
Species Microbiology started by an
enthusiast, Larry Boyd in 2003. It ceased
operations in 2005. As with most taran-
tula related endeavors, the principal rea-
sons were lack of adequate funding and
too great a workload on the participants.
Tarantulas almost surely suffer infec-
tions, but with the exception of only two
or three, we haven’t the foggiest idea of
what they are, and almost the same level
of understanding of how to treat them.
Proper care beforehand is not only the
This adult female Brachypelma albopilosum died after the defense of choice, but virtually the only
scab on its opisthosoma (abdomen) tore during a molt. defense we have.
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Fungal Infections. When tarantulas

are kept too moist, and especially with
The normal inclination is to tend to
poor ventilation, they are (not too sur-
the sick tarantula first.
prisingly) prone to die. On occasion, the
dead tarantula may be seen to sprout
Treating a sick tarantula first conta-
the cottony strands of a fungus. It is only
minates you and anything that you
natural, though erroneous, for the enthu-
subsequently touch with the pathogen.
siast to assume that the tarantula died of
This in turn imperils any healthy taran-
a fungus infection. Little thought is given
tulas you may contact thereafter.
to the fact that a piece of bread placed
Always treat a sick tarantula
in the same cage will also grow a fungal
absolutely last!
mycelium. Did the fungus also kill the
Making hasty, uninformed diagnoses of a fungal infection. Marshall (2001) also
such as these has two bad repercus- says that a gray area on the tarantula’s
sions. First, it lulls both the diagnoser exoskeleton that cannot be washed off
and their followers into a false sense of should also be considered a fungal
security that is deceptive and disarming. infection. These authors would further
Secondly, it confounds proper treat- require that the gray area show signs of
ment. What is treated as a fungus may in growth or increased infection.
fact be a bacterium that would easily Fungus infections are most easily
respond to treatment by a different treated by swabbing the infected area
agent. The result is an expensive, dead with a 1 percent gentian violet solution.
tarantula. Gentian violet is a relatively inexpensive,
It is possible that tarantulas kept too common remedy sold over the counter at
moist might contract fungus infections in most larger pharmacies. A solution of
the same manner as soldiers who must methylene blue might also work as well,
wage war in the tropics. So, the first line but is often more difficult to obtain. Both
of defense is almost surely to dry out the dyes are well known treatments for fungal
tarantula whenever possible, and infections, as well as staining clothing and
improve its care practices so that it skin. Both dyes are suspected or have
never becomes that wet again. been demonstrated to be carcinogenic to
For the most part, fungal infections some degree as well. Wear rubber gloves
appear as small, cottony tufts in the and old clothing when using them.
joints in the legs or between body plates Nystatin is an antibiotic frequently
or as more or less dry deformations on used to treat human fungal infections. It
the exoskeleton. If a patch of the taran- is available in several different forms
tula’s exoskeleton, usually on the ventral over the counter in some countries, only
surface, develops a dry, wrinkled, or by prescription in others. See your doc-
pebbled appearance reminiscent of an tor or a veterinarian if this is the case.
orange peel, especially associated with Reportedly, it will work on tarantulas as
severe bristle loss in the area that cannot well as humans. However, as with most
be explained by mere abrasion alone, tarantula medical problems, there is no
the diagnosis is a fungal infection. database to help form a treatment
Appearance of light-colored, cottony method or gauge its efficacy. You’re on
growths should also result in a diagnosis your own, here. Use the same methods
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organisms. If any preparation also con-

tains Nystatin, so much the better in
We recommend against directly han-
case a fungal component is present to
dling any of the Old World tarantulas
the infection.
(e.g., genus Hysterocrates). Most will
Candy Tub. Treating any fungal or
not allow themselves to be handled
bacterial infection almost always
without a fight and constant strug-
requires dabbing or swabbing the med-
gling with an attendant risk of injuring
ication on the infected areas with a cot-
them, and many of them have med-
ton-tipped swab. There are several
ically significant bites (discussed on
problems with this. First, the enthusiast
page 192). Thus, either you or the
must be able to pick up and control the
tarantula are likely to suffer injury.
tarantula well enough to not injure the
Use the described candy tub method,
spider and not be bitten in the process
(an important consideration with many
kinds). A second problem involves the
extremely irritating bristles of many New
for application as outlined for gentian World tarantulas (e.g., the goliaths—
violet. Although Nystatin may be more Theraphosa blondi and T. apophysis). A
difficult to obtain, it does have the last problem is that if gentian violet or
advantage of not staining everything methylene blue are used they irreversibly
purple and there is some indication that stain everything they contact a deep,
it works better than gentian violet. intense purple or blue including, but not
These authors have heard of anecdo- limited to, the floor, the walls, the table-
tal reports of common fungicidal med- top, the enthusiast’s clothing, the enthu-
ications used for athlete’s foot being siast . . . Well, you get the picture.
used successfully as well. The average-sized tarantulas may be
Bacterial Infections. Bacterial infec- manipulated and treated with the help of
tions are almost always moist and may a transparent, plastic delicatessen cup
be recognized as an oily or mucilaginous similar to the ubiquitous “chip dip” con-
slime on the tarantula’s surface or by tainer. These are rather flat and wide and
the loss of bristles with a decidedly tend to constrain the movements of the
moist appearance to the underlying tarantula. If you intend to keep one of
exoskeleton. Wetness signals a bacterial the “swamp dwellers” (see page 244), or
infection. if you choose to keep any tarantula’s
Gentian violet may work on these as substrate damp, you should seek out
well, but other medications are available such a container well in advance of actu-
over the counter that work much better. ally requiring it. There is a high probabil-
In a local pharmacy, look for topical ity that you will need it sooner or later.
salves that are intended for treating Choose a container in which both the
minor cuts and scrapes on humans. cup and the lid are clear and colorless
These should contain one or more of the so the enclosed tarantula can be clearly
antibiotics Neomycin, Bacitracin, and seen from all directions. Delicatessens
Polymyxin B, and others. Preparations are good sources for these.
containing more than one antibiotic may A number of strategically placed holes
be preferable because they are effective at least one-quarter inch (six millimeters)
against a broader spectrum of sensitive in diameter should be melted in the con-
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 219

tainer with a hot nail or other piece of

metal, or punched with a hole punch or
In contrast to skin infections among
similar device. These should perforate all
humans, those on tarantulas do not
sides, the bottom, and the cover to allow
get better and slowly disappear over
easy access to all surfaces of an
a period of several days to weeks as
enclosed tarantula regardless of its orien-
they heal. The disturbed parts of the
tation. The tarantula is captured by
exoskeleton remain until the tarantula
merely dropping the container over it
molts again. (See “Ecdysis/Molting”
from the top and the lid is slid under to
on page 32.) For particularly severe
trap the spider. All surfaces of the taran-
infections the distressed area may
tula can be inspected through the clear
not disappear for several molts. The
plastic, even with a low-power hand lens.
presence of a disturbed area on the
A cotton-tipped swab with any medica-
tarantula’s exoskeleton is not a signal
tions can be inserted through any conve-
of an active infection unless it is moist
nient hole and swabbed onto the
or grows with time.
tarantula in the appropriate places.
The two goliaths and other gargan-
tuan tarantulas may be treated in the lowing the guidelines under “Cleaning”
same fashion if an appropriately sized on page 179.
container can be found. Some plastic How do you know if the treatment is
candy tubs from a local convenience working? If the infected area continues
store or transparent, plastic food con- to grow or remains moist, you may
tainers from the kitchen might be useful. assume that the infectious organism is
Otherwise, the enthusiast must resort still active. If the area ceases to grow
to picking the tarantula up in hand and and moist infections dry up, you’ve
applying the solution directly. This is not probably solved the problem.
an easy maneuver unless both the han- In severe cases of fungal or bacterial
dler and the handled are accustomed to infections, particularly those that do not
the procedure. Now the enthusiast may respond to home treatment, the taran-
begin to appreciate a little better the tula and all the paraphernalia required to
section on handling on page 184. manipulate, control, and treat it should
If you are acquiring one of the really be taken to a local, broad-minded veteri-
huge tarantulas, we recommend that narian. Their major advantage is access
you handle or manipulate it often once it to medications that are more potent than
is large enough to span a coffee cup so those available over the counter, and
that both it and you will be comfortable their veterinary training will provide a
with the process when such an emer- much better background from which to
gency arises. (And, rest assured, these approach the problem. Even then,
emergencies will arise.) Among those because of the unfamiliar anatomy and
tarantulas living in steam baths, these physiology of the tarantula, they will
infections are common enough and the have little better idea of what they are
giants expensive enough to warrant the doing than you. With your background
extra trouble. experience and their medical armamen-
As a safety measure, as soon as tarium, there is greater hope of success-
treatment is started, the cage should be fully treating a valuable spider. In fact,
thoroughly cleaned and disinfected fol- because of the probability of the swamp
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dwellers developing serious infections screen covers, thus preventing their

we would urge the keeper to develop a exposure to parasitic wasps or flies.
working relationship with such a veteri- Being fed on cage-raised crickets
narian well in advance of actually requir- with only an occasional wild moth or
ing their services. beetle, cage bred tarantulas are effec-
Bacterial and fungal infections on a tively isolated from food-borne parasites.
tarantula cause injury to its exoskeleton. Because most cage-bred tarantulas will
If severe enough, that injury may result in never have the opportunity to come into
scar tissue that may interfere with the contact with other tarantulas, any infes-
tarantula’s next molt. The enthusiast tations caused by contact are effectively
should watch carefully during the next eliminated. We expect that this parasite-
molt for difficulty in casting off the old free status will improve the health of the
exoskeleton. If this occurs consult tarantula, increasing their ultimate size
with members of the major societies or and age over that of wild-caught individ-
Internet forums for instructions. (See uals. However, because tarantulas have
“Resources” on page 359.) only been bred under parasite-free con-
ditions for only a very few decades (less
Parasites than a complete lifetime for many
In the broadest sense, a parasite is species), there is no good data to con-
one organism that gains nutrition or sus- firm this supposition.
tenance from another without any com- Hymenoptera, The Wasps. Tarantu-
pensatory return. And, sad but true, las are subject to parasitism from a vari-
tarantulas are subject to some particu- ety of insects. Perhaps the most famous
larly gruesome parasites. are several giant wasps, often called
Wild-caught tarantulas may have tarantula hawk wasps by the news
parasites acquired through active para- media. Occasionally, enthusiasts who
sitism (e.g., the acrocerid flies) and pas- live in areas where tarantulas occur will
sive parasitism through their food (e.g., find a tarantula that has just been stung
roundworm infections). In fact, wild- by one of these wasps. If the tarantula is
caught tarantulas seldom display any rescued and kept in a protected environ-
obvious signs of parasitism. In the forty ment with adequate humidity, it will often
years of collecting, importing, and selling recover from the sting within two to six
pet tarantulas, these authors have had months (Breene et al., 1996). See page
only two develop a recognizable para- 108 for more information.
site, although a small percentage die Several other species of wasps in at
from unknown causes. least one other family may lay eggs on or
A distinct advantage of captive-bred in tarantulas.
tarantulas is that they are effectively free Diptera, The Flies. At least one fam-
of parasites. Most are produced in coun- ily of flies uses this strategy in parasitiz-
tries where tarantulas, and therefore their ing tarantulas. These are of the family
parasites, do not exist in the wild. Thus, Acroceridae (Baerg, 1958), and are char-
the tarantulas are not at risk from that acterized by two horn like protuberances
quarter. In countries where tarantulas do on their thorax. These authors have had
exist in the wild and may act as a source two occasions when wild-caught taran-
of parasites, the breeders are kept in tulas from the American Southwest have
cages with screen covers, or even micro- died as parasitic insect larvae erupted
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 221

from their opisthosoma. Both individuals

had been in captivity for approximately a
year before their death. These were
almost certainly acrocerids.
If the tarantula doesn’t die from the
stress of being parasitized, all of these
insect parasites kill their weakened hosts
as they emerge, much in the same fash-
ion as the alien in the movies of the same
name (Carroll et al., 1979 and 1986
Swerdlow, 1992). Gruesome is not a
strong enough term for the phenomenon.
Nematomorpha, The Horsehair
Worms. From time to time hobbyists
report the presence of horsehair worms
(also called gordian worms) in tarantulas’
water dishes. These appear to be long, The pupa of an acrocerid fly that had
wiry worms, reminiscent of horse hairs, parasitized a tarantula from Texas.
writhing slowly in the water. These
almost surely arise from feeder crickets and by the agriculture industry. These
or other insects. Although enthusiasts nematodes pose no threat to humans or
become very distraught upon finding a other vertebrates, but they are extremely
horsehair worm in a water dish, there is infectious among arthropods. Apparently
virtually no chance that they will pose a either these or something like these have
threat to a collection of tarantulas managed to infiltrate the tarantula-keep-
because of the characteristics of their ing hobby, and an increasing number of
reproductive cycle. Experienced enthusi- enthusiasts are reporting them in their
asts presume that these arise from the tarantulas.
crickets that were fed the tarantulas, but Tarantulas that are infected stop eat-
thus far this has not been demonstrated. ing, become lethargic, and eventually
Nematoda, The Roundworms. As suffer a slow death. One characteristic
this book goes to press, the tarantula- that nearly all display is a chalky or white
keeping hobby is trying to come to exudate around their mouths. This is a
terms with a “new, improved” infesta- mass of living nematodes and their eggs
tion: nematode worms. Nematodes are being regurgitated by an extremely sick
primitive nonsegmented worms that are tarantula.
as prevalent as mites on planet Earth. As of this writing tarantula enthusiasts
Nearly all are microscopic, and some are struggling to find a method for deal-
proportion of them are parasitic. They ing with nematode infections, and the
include such creatures as heartworms in entire problem and its remedies are far
dogs, pinworms in humans, and many from being solved or even well defined.
noxious plant pests. So far there are no reliable cures for
For several decades one or more nematode infections in tarantulas. The
species of these worms that are preda- novice is warned to examine a potential
cious or parasitic on insects have been pet tarantula carefully for the symptoms
used for pest control in greenhouses of a nematode infection before purchas-
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ing it. If a pet tarantula begins to exhibit this beginning to sound repetitive?), and
these symptoms, the enthusiast is urged there is no exhaustive catalogue of the
to contact one of the major tarantula species of tarantula parasites, much less
enthusiast societies or post a query on any knowledge of possible cures. For
one or more of the Internet forums, ask- the most part, if a tarantula has a para-
ing for the latest information and help. site, it has only two options. It must
See “Resources” page 359 for more either outlive it, or die with it.
information about such organizations
and forums. Vermin
Under any circumstances, if a taran- Acari: Mites. The mites are another
tula is suspected of carrying or being branch of the arachnids, the umbrella
infected with nematodes, the following group that also contains the scorpions
rules should be observed to prevent the and harvestmen among others, as well
cross contamination or spread of the as spiders and tarantulas. In many ways
infection to otherwise healthy tarantulas: they resemble the spiders, and some
• If a tarantula or a cage is handled that arachnologists even suspect they may be
is suspected of being infected with the next evolutionary step beyond them.
nematodes, do not touch any other There are literally thousands of different
tarantulas or their cages until after you kinds of mites. Some are parasites (e.g.,
can bathe and change clothes. chiggers on humans, sarcoptic mange
• Isolate the sick or suspect tarantula. on dogs, and spider mites on house-
Place it in a completely different part plants), and many are merely other crea-
of the building from any other tarantu- tures with which we share this planet.
las you may have. Do not use the Mites of many different kinds are
same utensils or equipment for your living right in our homes without our
other tarantulas that you use for the knowledge or consent. They also live
suspect one. on and in our pets, the vegetables that
• Always inspect and care for the sus- we eat, the grass and soil in our flower
pect tarantula last, after dealing with beds and yards, on the birds that visit
the healthy ones, never before. the bird feeder in the backyard, and
Always wash your hands, even bathe even on us. Any breeze can carry mites
and change clothes, after dealing with or mite eggs for several feet, miles, or
the sick or suspect tarantula. This is across continents.
generally most easily accomplished with Occasionally, enthusiasts report
a little forethought and scheduling. For infestations of tiny white or tan mites in
instance, a good strategy might be to their tarantulas’ cages (Browning, 1981;
care for the sick or suspect tarantula just Marshall, 2001). Their similarity to spi-
before an evening bath, or a morning
shower before going to work or school. Never Attempt to Eradicate
Doubtless, there are many other the Mites with a Pesticide!
species of animals that parasitize taran- Mites and spiders, including your
tulas. Potential candidates may include tarantula, are so closely related that
protozoa, roundworms (Nematoda), flat- there are no pesticides that will kill
worms (Platyhelminthes), and a host of one without killing the other.
less-well-known groups. The parasitol- YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
ogy of tarantulas is very poorly known (is
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ders causes enthusiasts many problems

because many common mites flourish in
Cricket farms are engaged in endless
the same conditions required by tarantu-
combat against mites. Fully half their
las. Furthermore, because they are so
payroll is spent in the name of mite
much like spiders, there are few differ-
suppression. But, the mites exist in
ences that can be exploited to control
the billions, reproduce in the trillions,
their propensity for geometric reproduc-
and are perpetually on the march. For
tion. And therein lies the rub, for we
every adult mite that is destroyed
must feed our tarantulas and they must
there are literally hundreds hatching
have other interactions with the rest of
to take its place. Eradicate them from
the world, and all of those interactions
a cage or even an entire building and
expose them to mite infestations. There
within hours, certainly days, they will
is no escaping it: It’s part of life on Earth.
have reinfested.
Three things are certain about the
Most important to this discussion,
mites that infest tarantula cages. They
each of the crickets that we feed our
are an unsightly nuisance, they irritate
tarantulas arrives with a small but
our pets, and they will eventually cause
definite complement of mites or mite
their deaths.
eggs on its body. Every time we feed
Exactly how they kill tarantulas has not
our pets we reintroduce another seed
been established, only that they do and
colony of mites.
that everyone who keeps tarantulas must
Our problem isn’t the mere pres-
do whatever is necessary to keep the
ence of mites—it’s a mite population
mites from enjoying the reproductive
explosion that distresses us. We
frenzy in which they excel. Possible
can’t eliminate them. All we can do is
modes for killing tarantulas include fouling
control their numbers by proper hus-
and plugging the tarantula’s book lungs
bandry and care practices.
and mouth with their cast exuvia and fae-
Once we understand these basic
ces, and irritating the soft membranes of
facts we can deal with mites effec-
the book lungs and the leg’s joints.
Most of these mites are normal com-
mensals with the crickets that we feed to
our pets (West, 1995), and we reseed
the tarantulas’ cages every time we feed fact is that nearly microscopic bits of
them. When conditions are correct in the food are almost as large as the mites
tarantula’s cage, the mites multiply themselves, and only a few such micro-
uncontrollably. They can be suppressed, scopic food particles are capable of sup-
though seldom eliminated, with a thor- plying a bonanza of food for a host of
ough cage cleaning, stricter sanitation, mites. As appendages fall off injured or
and better husbandry practices. dead crickets, as minute particles fall off
A common misconception by enthu- the tarantula’s food boluses, a nearly
siasts is that if the cage is kept clean, invisible pantry is stocked for the mites.
mites will have little or no food on which Most mites are very tiny, as men-
to live, and the tarantula keeper need tioned above, and difficult to see in the
never fear an infestation. This is blatantly tarantula’s cage. We do have a good
wrong, and will only serve to lull the method for detecting them however.
keeper into a sense of false security. The Merely make regular inspections once a
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diately precipitate at least a midnight

inspection if not an immediate cleaning.
Mites and springtails are easily con-
(But see first “Collembola, The Spring-
fused by the enthusiast. They are
tails” on page 233.)
about the same size, both may appear
How does one exterminate the mites
as tiny white specks in the beam of a
without harming the tarantula? If you see
flashlight, and both may fall into the
mites you must make an effort to clean
water dish to form a raft of faintly col-
the cage as soon as possible. Although
ored or colorless, clear granules.
it normally isn’t necessary to do so at
Springtails seems to jump and dis-
3:00 in the morning, the cage should be
appear in the beam of a flashlight.
cleaned at the earliest available opportu-
Mites merely crawl. Springtails also
nity, no later than the very next week-
possess a distinct “tail” when viewed
end. Read the section “This Means War”
under a magnifying lens; mites do
on page 181 for specific instructions.
The swamp dwellers (see page 244)
Mites are a much greater threat
pose a special problem because they
than springtails.
cannot survive for extended periods of
time in a lower humidity without acclima-
month. If we are keeping members of tization. For these, a spare cage should
the “swamp dwelling” tarantulas (e.g., be set up and kept dry until it is needed.
Theraphosa blondi, the goliath birdeater When mites are found with the tarantula,
tarantula), we should perform the test the spare cage is dampened, the taran-
much more frequently, perhaps once a tula switched to it, and the contaminated
week. cage thoroughly cleaned for next time.
In the middle of the night, after the There are other ways of sanitizing
lights have been out for several hours, cages and decorations, but most of them
get up without turning on the room lights are either inconvenient, ineffective, or
(which would interfere with your night even dangerous. For instance, these
vision) and shine a common flashlight authors have heard of people who baked
through the sides of the cage while you their cages and substrate in conventional
look carefully through the front. Can ovens. This can pose a serious fire haz-
microscopic points of light be seen ard, and damage plastic and glass cages.
slowly moving over the substrate, deco- It can also raise a powerful stench, an
rations, or across the cage walls? If so, issue about which your spouse or house-
you’ve just spotted your first mites. If mate might have a differing opinion.
not, look closely around the water dish Others have used some truly exotic
or any food remains. Be patient and look chemicals in trying to quell mite infesta-
quite closely for any signs of movement. tions. One such case involved a hospital
If you see nothing, smile blissfully and go employee who sterilized her pet’s cage
back to bed. and decorations with ethylene oxide
Another strong indicator of a mite when her supervisor wasn’t looking!
infestation is a small raft of what appears Besides endangering her job, this was
to be transparent granular dust floating largely an exercise in futility because she
in the water dish. These are mites that reseeded another population of mites
were seeking the water and fell in. The the very next time she fed the tarantula.
appearance of such a raft should imme- A good cleaning and a change in care
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practices would have accomplished the tarantula into this secondary cage
more. while cleaning the original cage. Do
Another strategy involves using a cot- nothing to retard ventilation or retard the
ton-tipped swab and either rubbing (iso- drying of the substrate.
propyl) alcohol or petroleum jelly. Thoroughly clean the original cage
Besides being dangerous to the tarantula with bleach water (following the instruc-
(the alcohol, for instance, could kill the tions on page 181), then set it up with
tarantula if you accidentally get it into its only a thin layer of substrate and a water
book lungs), it’s also largely ineffective. dish (exactly as in the secondary cage,
The few mites that might be removed above). Don’t forget to clean the cover,
from the tarantula’s exterior are only a which will also likely be infested. Again,
minuscule percentage of those that are do nothing to retard ventilation or retard
either too small to be seen or hiding deep the drying of the substrate. After two
in the book lungs or crevices in the taran- days move the tarantula from the sec-
tula’s exoskeleton. Don’t waste your time ondary cage back to the cleaned, original
and jeopardize your tarantula. cage. Repeat this process as many times
Some enthusiasts have reported some as necessary to eliminate the mites.
success in giving their tarantulas a The working principle here is that the
shower! They hold the tarantula under a mites will move around somewhat every
gentle stream of room temperature tap night, and that in their travels a large
water, sometimes rubbing recalcitrant percentage of them will leave the taran-
mites off with their fingers or a soft artist’s tula and become lost in the substrate.
brush. This will work only with the most When you remove the tarantula and
gentle, easily handled hand pets (perhaps clean the cage, you also remove and
neither with your goliath birdeater taran- discard those mites. After a string of
tula, Theraphosa blondi, nor Usumbura such changes the mite population in
baboon tarantula, Pterinochilus murinus!). both cages and on the tarantula will
And, the stress of being subjected to eventually drop to nearly nothing. This
such abuse can kill the tarantula, espe- should happen especially quickly
cially if it is already near death. Most because you are doing nothing to retard
important, it will remove only the few ventilation or to increase the humidity in
mites that can be seen on the tarantula’s the tarantula’s cage. The mites will des-
exterior, leaving the majority of the hordes iccate and die in even larger numbers.
to reproduce in the substrate and hidden
in the crevices of their host. We do not
recommend this treatment except under
Like in-laws and the neighbor’s cat,
extreme circumstances.
you can never really get rid of all
If you let things progress to the point mites permanently. You should make
where the tarantula is literally crawling a practice of performing a middle-of-
with mites, you must work very fast to the-night mite inspection once a
save your pet. Here, tackling the prob- month. If you are keeping members
lem at 3:00 in the morning is clearly justi- of the “swamp dwelling” tarantulas
fied. Read that to mean “Do it now!” (see page 244), you should perform
Set up a small cage with only a layer the test much more frequently, per-
of fresh substrate, escape-proof cover, haps once a week.
and the water dish, nothing else. Move
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To verify this, you should make a more effective merely to clean up your
practice of checking for mites every sec- tarantula-keeping act in the first place.
ond evening that the tarantula is in one The species that has the best reputa-
cage or the other. As soon as no mites tion for controlling mites in a tarantula’s
are evident, you may consider it time to cage is Hypoaspis miles. This mite preys
set up the original cage as permanent on a wide range of mites as well as fun-
quarters again. Even then you should gus gnats and other small arthropods
make a practice of checking for mites in living in the tarantula’s cage (Elliott,
the original cage about once a week for 1996, West, 1995). Under optimal condi-
the next several months, just to be sure tions they will destroy all infesting mites
that their breeding frenzy has been within a very few days. They will live for
quelled. some time thereafter by preying on
Occasionally enthusiasts will try to whatever other small creatures they can
trap the infesting mites in droplets of oil. find, even eating algae, plant debris, and
One such method involves placing a each other. Although they have been
drop of mineral oil on the tarantula. The observed crawling on tarantulas, they
hypothesis is that, as the mites move apparently do not harm them (West,
around the tarantula’s body, they will 1995).
eventually contact the oil droplet and be These mites or their close relatives
drowned. There are at least two prob- probably exist in the wild over much of
lems with this treatment. First, we have North America, perhaps the entire
no idea what effect the mineral oil will planet. Thus, it is possible that some
have on the tarantula as it cleans itself, hobbyists, especially those with larger
smearing the oil around, or if it ingests collections, may already have a few of
the oil. Second, the oil droplet will these mites resident. This poses the
destroy only those mites that get onto question “How would the enthusiast be
the tarantula and come into direct con- able to distinguish the predatory mites
tact with the oil. That will leave a poten- from the nuisance species?”
tial population of thousands of mites There is probably no certain way of
untouched in the cage and on the taran- distinguishing them without sending pre-
tula to continue the breeding frenzy. served specimens to a professional
Within the last several decades acarologist for an identification. These
another method of dealing with mite may be found at major universities, gov-
infestations in arachnid cages has ernment-operated agricultural research
emerged as an offshoot of the agricul- facilities, and local, governmental agri-
tural industry: predatory mites. The good culture offices. Look in the government
news is that these actually work. The pages of your local telephone book.
bad news is that they commonly cost no Contact these institutions and facilities
small amount of money, especially when for names and locations of researchers
the courier fees are factored in, and with this expertise.
although they work, they are usually not Next, note if the mites that are found
a permanent solution to the problem. in the cage are slow-moving, white or
Their expense and bother might be justi- cream-colored, round creatures that
fied for some of the “swamp dweller” tend to congregate around food
tarantulas like Theraphosa blondi, but it sources, or if they’re teardrop shaped
is almost always cheaper, easier, and with the pointed end being the front end,
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rust or orange colored, and very fast epidemic, predatory mites might be the
moving. The former are the “bad” mites treatment of choice.
that enthusiasts soon learn to hate. The Where does one get predatory mites?
latter could be the predatory ones that The pioneering company is Applied Bio-
are desirable. nomics in Sidney, British Columbia,
If round, slow-moving mites are Canada. As of this writing, they still mar-
found, samples may be sent to an ket H. miles as well as other species
acarologist for identification, but the intended for the agricultural industry.
cage should be cleaned and sanitized Predatory mites are now also sold by
immediately (see above). If the other other companies, and enthusiasts who
mites are seen, do not clean the cage. are interested in using them should con-
Send samples to an expert with a note tact local or international enthusiast
of urgency and clean the cage only if the organizations (listed on page 360) for
mites appear to be irritating the taran- local sources that do not require time-
tula. If in doubt, temporarily move the consuming, expensive permits.
tarantula into another cage, leaving the But how does one avoid getting mites
original cage alone until a response is in the first place? The most obvious dif-
received from the acarologist. If the ference between mites and tarantulas,
response indicates that the mites are a from the enthusiast’s perspective at
predatory kind, there is a strong argu- least, is that mites are minute and (by
ment in favor of introducing them to comparison) tarantulas are enormous!
other cages as a preventive measure, And, it turns out that this provides
especially if they seem not to bother the almost the only means of controlling the
tarantula. mites’ numbers.
Before ordering commercially pro- Tarantulas are massive creatures with
duced predatory mites from out of state, thick exoskeletons that are nearly imper-
province, or country, contact local and vious to water loss, and the tarantulas
national agriculture authorities about the contain comparatively large amounts of
necessity of permits. Such permits often water in their tissues. Thus, not only do
require many weeks to be issued. If your they not lose a lot of precious water
tarantulas are at high risk of developing through their exoskeletons, but they
a mite infestation (e.g., you are keeping have large reserves to help carry them
Theraphosa blondi or Hysterocrates through relatively long, dry periods.
gigas in a very moist cage), you should Most mites, on the other hand, are
consider applying for a permit that is minute. In many cases the size of the
valid for a year or more, well in advance. entire mite is comparable to the thick-
In a crisis this will allow you to order a ness of a tarantula’s exoskeleton alone.
culture of the predatory mites without a Therefore, a mite’s exoskeleton is
lengthy delay. extremely thin and loses water with reck-
For an enthusiast with one or two less abandon, and because they are so
tarantulas and several hundred infesting small they have very little reserve water
mites, predatory mites may not be an stored in their bodies. They can mum-
economical solution. For the aficionado mify in minutes if exposed to dry air, and
with several hundred tarantulas, or sev- a mummified mite doesn’t reproduce.
eral tarantulas that are each worth sev- This should immediately suggest a
eral hundred dollars, and a rampant mite way to promote the survival of your
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All year long a fresh supply of these

varmints have been introduced every
Several enthusiasts have reported
time crickets were fed to our tarantulas.
that moist terrariums used for the
And, although almost all die quickly in a
swamp dwellers (see page 244) sel-
dry cage, a very few manage to survive
dom, if ever, suffer mite infestations if
either on the tarantula or in some pro-
isopods (see page 182) are allowed
tected micro-habitat in the cage (another
to cohabit with the tarantula.
good reason not to use live plants).
Thus, they’re already present, just lying
tarantula and suppress the reproduction in wait. Because many of us aren’t as
of mites, and it is the foundation for our conscientious about keeping our pet’s
basic technique for caring for tarantulas: cages as spotless as we might be,
Keep the cage as dry as possible to there’s usually lots of food ready for
retard mite population explosions. But, them as well.
because tarantulas must have some During late winter or very early spring
source of water to drink sooner or later it’s time to consider cleaning out your
or they’ll die, too, supply the tarantula pets’ cages. As spring approaches,
with a water dish. Virtually all tarantulas most tarantulas enter the molting sea-
will soon learn where the water dish is son. Cleaning the cages then will provide
and what it’s good for. Being orders of a much more desirable place in which to
magnitude smaller and much more liable molt, with fewer vermin to reinfest a
to dessication, mites aren’t anywhere tarantula right after the molt. That’s also
near so lucky. The overwhelming major- our best chance to head off a mere nui-
ity of mites will dry and die long before sance before it develops into a whole-
they can find the water dish. sale plague. If you have any question
The fact that your tarantula cage about whether or not you should clean
developed a mite infestation strongly the cage, you’ve probably already
suggests that you’re doing something reached the point where you should. Do
wrong. In the vast majority of instances it now and avoid the rush.
that would be keeping the substrate Diptera: Phoridae, Humpbacked
damp. Stop doing whatever it is that Flies (also called Scuttle Flies). There
keeps the substrate damp, stop misting, are one or more species of small fly,
open the cage top a little to allow more belonging to the family Phoridae, that
ventilation, get rid of the live plants. occasionally infest tarantulas and their
Whatever it takes! cages.
Lastly, be forewarned! As spring On one occasion, these authors had
approaches, the daylight hours get three broods of tarantulas, totaling
longer each day. After a long, cold winter almost a thousand, in plastic vials. In
there is an indication that temperatures keeping with the practice of the day, the
outside will begin to moderate soon. Be vials were loosely filled with sphagnum
forewarned that this is the time of the moss, and were kept very moist.
year when we are at greatest peril of mite Coincidentally, a shipment of adult
plagues. The lengthening daylight hours tarantulas was received from a dealer.
and rising temperatures can trigger a When they arrived, a number of small
case of rampant mite reproductivity that brown flies, resembling pomace flies
puts rabbits and houseflies to shame. (Drosophila melanogaster, colloquially
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 229

also called fruit flies), arrived in the ship- gots. Furthermore, it has been reported
ping containers with them. The adult that virtually every wild-caught Thera-
tarantulas were unpacked and placed in phosa blondi is infested with phorid flies
their respective cages. No particular and must be picked over very carefully to
attention was given the flies. remove the maggots. Clearly, this is a
A week later, in the course of feeding problem of gravity, especially when the
the spiderlings, an abundance of fly lar- tarantulas in question are as expensive
vae were noticed in the vials, and an as T. blondi.
inordinate number of spiderlings had Because dealers often trade stock
disappeared. Within another two days, and sometimes order cooperatively to
before clean empty vials could be set up gain a price advantage, the probability is
and the spiderlings moved, all but about high that they will, sooner or later, also
one hundred spiderlings had been killed inadvertently trade starter cultures of
by the fly larvae. Those spiderlings that these flies. Thus, phorid flies represent a
were kept in drier vials survived. The distinct, continuing threat to the taran-
more moist vials allowed the fly larvae to tula-breeding hobby and business.
thrive and kill the spiderlings. Unpack all newly acquired tarantulas
The flies and their larvae were also in a building that is separate from your
seen to infest dead and dying crickets, main collection of tarantulas. If the con-
both in the crickets’ holding cage and in tainers are transparent, inspect the con-
the tarantulas’ cages. tainers, any included substrate or cotton
Now we are much wiser. Spiderlings balls, and the tarantulas themselves
are kept on moist peat or shredded before opening them. Look for small flies
coconut husk, not wet moss. Although or signs of eggs or maggots among the
not absolutely dry, their bottles are kept bristles near the pedicel, median fovea,
only slightly moist, and checked often, or leg bases. Only after the tarantulas
both for moisture and fly larvae. For the are certified free of them should they be
last several years no such flies have brought into the same building as the
been seen in the authors’ collection. main collection.
Subsequently, these flies were identi- If at any time small brown flies resem-
fied as belonging to the family Phoridae, bling fruit flies are noticed around the
the humpbacked flies, and have been collection, and especially if small fly
reported by other enthusiasts as well maggots are seen in the vials or bottles
(Marshall, 2001). These flies are some- with the spiderlings, or on dead or dying
times confused with other flies that also crickets, immediate action is required.
infest tarantulas’ cages from time to Clean each cage, bottle, and vial to
time. remove all traces of dead crickets and
It may be argued that this was a other detritus. Immediately move all
peculiar, even unique event, hardly worth tarantulas, especially the spiderlings,
mentioning. However, these authors into cleaner, drier quarters.
have received several additional ship- Thereafter, daily inspect all tarantulas
ments of tarantulas from different dealers in the collection for eggs or maggots.
over the years that were infested with the Remove them carefully with a fine-tipped
same flies. In fact, in some dealers’ ware- artist’s brush dipped in mild soapy
houses, adult tarantulas were found that water, or gently scrape them off with the
were being eaten alive by the flies’ mag- blade of a small knife. (Need we say “Be
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careful not to cut the tarantula”?) The libraries where the principal food is
tarantula will not appreciate such abuse, bookbinder’s paste and the odd crumb
and may lose patience with your minis- left by the library’s patrons. Psocids do
trations. Do not be alarmed by this. The not require liquid water. They will thrive
family dog will bite if teased too much, quite nicely on minuscule amounts of
as well. Phorid flies are discussed again water contained in their food, and the
on page 355. water that their bodies produce as they
Diptera: Sciaridae, Fungus Gnats. metabolize the carbohydrates in the
These are frequent pests in tarantula book’s paste. They also require a rela-
cages in which the substrate is kept tively high humidity.
damp. They are commonly only about In the tarantulas’ cages, these little
one-eighth inch (three millimeters) long. varmints find a nearly infinite cornucopia
Compared with the other two types of of incredibly rich food. The psocids
flies commonly found in tarantula cages thrive by eating the remains of dead
these are rather thin and dainty. Their crickets, the discarded food boluses left
maggots normally eat decaying vegeta- over after the tarantula’s meal, and per-
tion, but in our cages they are suspected haps even the tarantula’s feces. In even
of also eating spent food boluses and a spotlessly clean cage there is a ban-
the occasional dead cricket that doesn’t quet, compared with some dry tome on
dry immediately. Their principal breeding a library shelf.
ground is the soil in household potted They became evident when many
plants. They are generally considered tarantulas stood up on the tips of their
harmless to the tarantulas and merely an toes, so to speak, with their opistho-
aesthetic pest by humans. soma held high in the air. It was an odd
Diptera: Drosophilidae, Pomace stance for a tarantula at rest in its cage.
Flies, (also called Fruit Flies, Vinegar Close inspection revealed the psocids
Gnats). These are an exceedingly numer- hiding in the substrate and even crawling
ous group of flies. The species that arach- on the tarantulas.
noculturists normally find in their cages is Fortunately, the psocids were easy to
Drosophila melanogaster, the pomace eradicate because they have lost all tol-
fly or common fruit fly. It is attracted to erance for liquid water. They drown
overripe fruit primarily, and to overripe, extremely easily. Merely washing every-
dead crickets and spent food boluses thing in the cage exterminated them.
secondarily. Although having these flying Formicidae, Ants. The interaction
around one’s cages is a bit disconcerting, between tarantulas and ants has always
they pose no threat to tarantulas. been a turbulent one at best. In nature,
Psocoptera, The Booklice. On sev- tarantulas almost never have anything to
eral occasions, the authors’ tarantulas do with ants, generally avoiding contact
experienced a plague of booklice. with them. On only a very few instances
“Books get lice?” you ask incredu- have tarantulas been reported to eat
lously. Yes, booklice. Technically these ants, and tarantula burrows are seldom
are called psocids (pronounced soak- found near ant colonies.
ids) and belong to the insect order Pso- Some ants are strictly vegetarians,
coptera. They are minute, cream- or seldom posing a significant threat to
tan-colored insects that are most captive tarantulas. Those ants that are
famous for living in very old books in omnivorous or carnivorous pose a dan-
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An anti-ant shelf. A serviceable solution

to an ant infestation: A secondary shelf
suspended away from all other objects
and standing in bottle caps of oil.

gerous menace, however, forming

marauding armies bent on dismantling
anything edible, including a pet tarantula,
and carrying it back to their colony piece-
meal. Although marauding ants are more
often a problem in the tropics than in
more temperate areas, it is possible for
them to be serious pests as far north as
southern Canada during warm weather.
The problem is that tarantulas have
no defense against marauding ants
except to abandon the burrow to escape fine filtering or sifting medium in a variety
them. In the confines of a cage, there is of manufacturing processes. Some
no escape, and once the tarantula is larger hardware stores and farm-supply
found by ants, neither is there any relief stores stock it.
but death. Warning: Although microscreen
All is not lost, however, if the ant inva- might be a barrier for ants there is no
sion is recognized soon enough. Many guarantee that it will be a barrier for
ants cannot pass through common win- tarantulas.
dow screening. If this is true of your par- It turns out that microscreen is only
ticular infestation, you must merely one name for this product, and not well
enclose the tarantula cages in ant-proof known at that. As a result, when inquir-
screen enclosures or fit the cages with ing about it, a lengthy description should
ant proof lids. Unfortunately, this is also be given to make certain that the
much easier said than done. All cracks listener will understand what is wanted.
and holes must be closed or sealed. In Such a description might include such
the home, there can be no gaps around phrases as “extra fine window screen,”
windows, doors, side walls, or vents. “filter screening,” and “number 60 or 80
If window screening is no barrier, a mesh.” Additionally, the fact that it is
similar product often called microscreen made of brass or stainless steel might
in the hobby may be the answer. Micro- also be included.
screen is simply screen with mesh sizes Major problems with sealing tarantu-
much smaller than common window las in ant-proof cages are that they are
screen, and usually made of brass or then much more difficult to clean, feed,
stainless steel, occasionally of nylon, and maintain; and the general appear-
polypropylene, and similar fibers. Unfor- ance of the collection is degraded by the
tunately, microscreen is not easily appearance of the ant proofing.
acquired and when found can be quite There are other recourses as well.
expensive. Small pieces of it are used in Very few ants actually live in our homes.
funnels intended for decanting gasoline, Most live out of doors in the vicinity. If
and it is used by industry as a relatively the location of the home colony of the
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marauding ants can be located, it can be Setting the tarantula cage on a shelf
destroyed, thus cutting off the invasion that stands on long screws partly
at the source. screwed into the shelf, and standing in
Ants seldom wander about haphaz- large bottle caps of oil, works well for iso-
ardly. Only the first scout wanders freely. lating tarantula cages from an ant inva-
All succeeding ants follow the scout’s sion. Use either mineral oil or vegetable
and each other’s scent trails. Therefore, oil rather than kerosene or soapy water,
if every effort is made to wash away the because these latter liquids either smell
trails, the invasion can be halted. Hot, bad or dry up quickly. Of course no part
soapy water with a touch of ammonia of the cages and associated parapherna-
added often works as a deterrent when lia can come within an ant’s reach of any
used liberally on the exterior surfaces of neighboring appurtenances. Such would
buildings, on interior walls and floors, create a bridge and foil the purpose of
and especially on the surfaces of the fur- the entire project. The major problem
niture supporting the tarantula cages with this plan is the potential for acciden-
and on the exteriors of the cages them- tally creating a really distressing mess in
selves. In cases of really persistent or the instance of a spill.
severe infestations, some enthusiasts One hobbyist who was plagued by
have resorted to moving the tarantula ants used a common brand of insect
cages to another building. repellent on the vermin. The product
There are stories of eighteenth- and contains a chemical called DEET (di-
nineteenth-century explorers who were ethyl toluamide). Spraying it on the ants
so fearful of army and driver ants (e.g., themselves produced instantaneous
genera Eciton and Dorylus) that they convulsions. Spraying it on their trails
slept in beds whose legs were set in immediately halted the invasion. It
buckets of kerosene. The buckets of should be sprayed generously wherever
kerosene served as moats around the the ants are known to have active path-
bed frame’s legs to protect the sleeper. ways, or on areas that they are sus-
The veracity of this story has yet to be pected of having used in the past. Pay
confirmed, but the principle is the impor- particular attention to spraying the exte-
tant point. rior of buildings from ground level to a
height of eighteen inches (forty-five cen-
timeters) or more.
Two important shortcomings are that
these preparations evaporate quickly,
having useful lifetimes measured in
hours, and they are quickly rinsed away
by rain. They must therefore be applied
frequently to be effective.
It is also important to stress that
DEET is probably as repellent to tarantu-
las as it is to insects. Do not use any
insect repellents near your pet tarantu-
A detail of one of the feet of the anti-ant las. Be very careful to thoroughly wash
shelf. The suspended shelf stands on or bathe after using insect repellents and
long screws in caps nearly filled with oil. before working near your pet tarantulas.
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It also turns out that most ants where tarantulas living in cages with
despise cinnamon. At least one enthusi- springtails have adopted the peculiar
ast acquired a giant, economy-sized jar stance of standing on their “tiptoes” with
of cinnamon from a wholesale grocery their opisthosoma held high in the air as
and powdered down the areas around though to protect their book lungs or
the home that were suspected of being lower body surface from something.
the ants’ port of entry. It worked at least Again, there is no proof, just a peculiar
until the next rain. The same has been correlation in only one or two instances.
reported of borax and powdered laundry Until much more experience is gained
detergent. with springtails in tarantula cages we
As a last-ditch stand, calling a profes- recommend dealing with them as though
sional exterminator might also be neces- they were mites. But, it is entirely possi-
sary. However, in this case the tarantulas ble that the next edition of this Guide will
must be entirely removed from the build- reverse this recommendation.
ing for at least a week after the ant infes- Entourage of Your Favorite Night-
tation has been terminated to avoid being mares. In a humid cage used for a rain
poisoned, too. There have been anecdo- or moist forest tarantula all manner of
tal reports of tarantulas dying from the organisms are likely to materialize. When
exterminator’s insecticides as long as two these are noticed, they may be taken to
months after his visit. To be forewarned is a biology teacher at a local school or
to be forearmed. college for identification, or the enthusi-
Collembola, The Springtails. These ast could invest in several good, college-
are strange little insectlike creatures that level, invertebrate zoology textbooks
are found worldwide in moist places. (e.g., Rupert et al., 2003 or Meglitsch,
Occasionally enthusiasts find them in 1972). A ten-power hand lens or a binoc-
their tarantulas’ cages if these are kept ular microscope would also be a good
damp. Most of the springtails in tarantula investment. Most of these organisms are
cages are much less than one-sixteenth harmless to pet tarantulas. A few are
inch (one-and-a-half millimeter) long and harmful. All are exceedingly bizarre.
are either tan, white, or transparent. When in doubt clean the cage. Under
Although they resemble mites, and any circumstances, report your findings
indeed have been seen to be floating in in an enthusiast publication like the
water dishes like mites, springtails have American Tarantula Society’s Forum
a peculiar appendage arising from their Magazine or the British Tarantula Soci-
rear ends that folds under their opistho- ety’s Journal.
soma. When this is extended forcefully, Welcome to the wild, weird, wonder-
it launches the insect into the air, hence ful world of creepy crawlies!
their common name.
The hypothesis has been presented Pesticides
that if springtails are present, mites will Tarantulas are reputed to be more
not be found because they compete for sensitive to pesticides than the pests the
food and living space. This has yet to be pesticides are intended to kill. However,
demonstrated, however, and we note these authors are unaware of any defini-
that springtails and mites routinely tive studies that reported the LD50s of
inhabit the same habitats in nature. the common pesticides for tarantulas.
There have been several cases reported (See the sidebar on page 234 for a defin-
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ition of LD50.) Regardless, the basic Cameron County, Texas, the largest
principle still is valid, and the following aggregations of Aphonopelma anax, the
warnings are offered in an effort to help Texas tan tarantula, are found in golf
save a valuable pet’s life. courses and residential yards where they
• Do not powder or spray the dog or cat are presumably exposed to frequent,
for fleas in the same building as the high doses of the pesticides used for
tarantula. maintaining such lawns. We may
• Shower or bathe thoroughly after hypothesize that either these animals did
using any pesticides, especially dog not get a fatal dose, or they had an
and cat flea powders. inherent resistance to the pesticides
• DO NOT use any of the common, used, but we have no way of knowing if
plastic insecticide strips in the same we are correct. If they did receive a sub-
building as your tarantulas! lethal dose, we are unsure what the
• Remove the tarantula before spraying long-term effects would be. In any case,
or fumigating for household pests, don’t take chances with a valuable pet. It
and keep it out of the building for at is far better to be safe than sorry.
least a full week. Many enthusiasts In a crisis, a tarantula can be sealed,
would say a full month! cage and all, in a double thickness of
• Identify all government agencies that plastic trash bags to protect it from poi-
are likely to spray the neighborhood soning. Tarantulas easily can survive a
for mosquitoes, flies, or other insect day or two sealed like this because of
pests. Ask them for their spraying their low oxygen demands. Do not blow
schedule and evacuate the tarantula into the bags to inflate them. Exhaled
at least one day in advance and keep human breath contains 4 to 5 percent
it away for at least two days there- carbon dioxide, a powerful poison. The
after. In an emergency, seal it in its goal is not to kill the pet!
cage as described below.
• Don’t feed a tarantula any animals that Making a Break for It
may have been exposed to pesticides. What can be done if a pet tarantula
There have been instances where escapes? The very first thing is to usher
tarantulas have been exposed to pre- both the cat and the dog out of doors.
sumably lethal doses of insecticides in Both are likely to try to eat the tarantula if
homes and survived. For instance, they find it, and that crisis is best
Breene et al. (1996) reports that in avoided.
Next, tarantula psychology must be
examined carefully. The terrestrial
DEFINITION species of tarantulas seldom climb, and if
LD50: That quantity of a toxic sub- they perceive themselves to be “up,”
stance that will kill 50 percent of a they almost invariably try to get “down.”
collection of laboratory mice. (Seldom The key word here is perceive. Tarantulas
are other animals used.) Usually have such limited powers of long-range
reported as milligrams or micrograms perception that they instinctively assume
per kilogram. Also, the method of that any horizontal surface under them is
exposure is usually given (e.g., sub- down, even if it is the top shelf of a book-
cutaneous, intramuscular, oral). case in the attic. An exception is the tree-
dwelling rain-forest species. These will
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almost invariably attempt to climb to the chairs and sleeper sofas until their mech-
highest level attainable, and must be anisms have been thoroughly inspected.
dealt with accordingly. Be very careful to look into every nook
Next, tarantulas are the archetypal and cranny into which a tarantula may
recluses. Even wandering males will hide squeeze. Keep in mind that tarantulas are
during the light of day, and females and amazingly adept at concealing them-
immatures will hide in a dark place selves. Check inside the cheesecloth
almost indefinitely, moving to a new loca- bottoms of sofas and easy chairs.
tion only when they become thirsty or Remember the spaces inside the arms of
hungry, and then only after dark. these as well. Check behind all drawers in
Because of their limited long-range bureaus, dressers, and cabinets. Look
senses, they are not attracted by what into any hot- or cold-air vents or any other
they may see, smell, or taste. Therefore, spaces into which something the size of a
they cannot be baited. Neither will they finger might be squeezed. Thoroughly
return to their cage, for they simply have search all boots and shoes. Inspect the
no way of finding it except by blind full length of floor-length drapes, as the
chance. tarantula might have assumed it was in an
To find a lost tarantula, a good flash- extra-long burrow when it found a fold.
light and a mechanic’s mirror will be Don’t miss the false bottoms that many
required. A mechanic’s mirror is a small items of furniture conceal.
mirror attached to a long handle with a Look into stereo cabinets and speaker
swivel, and is used by mechanics for housings, and into the insides of radios
seeing into difficult places. Other tools and televisions, if they are near the floor
may be necessary, depending on cir- or on the same surface as the cage. Be
cumstances. (Are you taking notes of very certain to unplug these from the
things to include in your kit? See page electric mains before opening their
205.) cases. Be very cautious about touching
The chances are excellent that the any of the circuitry. Electronic appliances
tarantula is within twelve inches (thirty possess capacitors that are capable of
centimeters) of the floor, hiding in some storing a dangerous electric charge for
dark recess, in the same room where it long periods of time. They may still be
escaped. Choose some convenient land- dangerous for hours after the unit was
mark, a doorway, for instance, and sys- unplugged.
tematically search the room, always If the tarantula can’t be found the first
going in the same direction (e.g., to the time, take a break, then search the same
right). The key to finding a lost pet is the room again, even more thoroughly,
thoroughness of the search. extending the search limits to waist level
Be extremely cautious about shifting or higher. If the second search doesn’t
furniture and other appointments until reveal the errant pet, move to the next
spaces behind or next to them have room and do it all again, twice. Tarantu-
been investigated to ensure that the las will go down stairs, but seldom up. If
tarantula won’t be innocently crushed. it can’t be found on the floor where it was
Don’t slide books into a shelf without lost, search on the next lower level.
searching behind them first. (In fact, first Search once a day until it is found. After
remove all books from the shelves, then retrieving your pet, don’t put it back into
replace them.) Don’t open reclining its old cage!
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It has already amply demonstrated its span as the tarantula rests in its normal
ability to escape from it. Either recon- posture? The two values are likely to be
struct the old cage to prevent further quite different and the resting posture leg
escapes or get a new, escape proof one. span will be highly variable, depending
Having to crawl all through the house on on the varying posture of the tarantula.
your belly to find a pet tarantula is This would invalidate any comparisons
uproariously funny but forgivable the first between different individuals or even with
time. Having to do it twice is inexcusable the same individual over time.
stupidity. The absolute maximum measurement
also is fraught with difficulties. First,
The Size of the Matter because it requires handling or manipu-
One recurring topic of discussion con- lating the tarantula, something many of
cerning tarantulas is the matter of size. us are hesitant to do, especially with a
How big is the world’s largest tarantula? tarantula that’s the size of our face and
It turns out that this is an unexpectedly with a severe attitude problem! Secondly,
difficult question to answer. (But then to get the maximum leg span one must
most aspects of spiders in general and at least flatten out the tarantula. This is
tarantulas in particular are unexpected bound to require two handlers (or more!)
and often difficult.) Complicating factors if for no other reason than that the taran-
include such things as differences in tula will not suffer this abuse gladly.
obesity and hydration, sexual dimor- Thirdly, one must decide how much ten-
phism, and interspecific differences in sion to put on the legs while measuring.
body habitus (relative stature and propor- The leg span of a really big tarantula may
tions). Although an extensive discussion be increased by as much as a quarter of
of the topic is inappropriate here, we will an inch (half-centimeter) or more with just
cover a few of the high points. mild tension. Great care must be exer-
Probably the most commonly used cised not to pull the leg off, however! Is
measure of a tarantula’s size is its leg stretching the tarantula’s leg fair and
span, which is generally defined as the honest?
distance from the tip of leg I on one side Occasionally enthusiasts will report
to the tip of leg IV on the other side. the leg spans of dead tarantulas. This
There are some major problems with may also be unfair because with death,
using leg span, however. The most obvi- the tarantula loses muscle tone, allowing
ous is that the males of most kinds have the leg to stretch an amount not possible
longer legs than their corresponding in life.
females. Is the male goliath with a Another common measure is weight,
twelve-inch (thirty-centimeter) leg span but this is also fraught with difficulties. In
really larger than the female with only a a given kind, the female almost always
ten-inch (twenty-five centimeter) leg span outweighs the mature male, even though
in spite of the fact that she may outweigh he may have a longer leg span. Is the
him two to one? male or the female the larger?
The other problem with leg span is the Also, a tarantula’s weight, strongly
very practical problem of actually mea- dependent on feeding and hydration,
suring it. What exactly do you mean by may vary widely. It is possible for a newly
“leg span?” Does one measure the imported tarantula to be only half the
absolute maximum leg span or the leg weight of a well-fed, arguably obese one
7_3885_Tarantulas_07 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 237

that has been in captivity for years, even always state whether leg span, body
if both have identical leg spans. weight, or some other measure is being
Dr. Samuel D. Marshall (Marshall, used. And, when another enthusiast
2001) has suggested using the length of states a size without making that distinc-
the femur of the front legs as a good tion, it should not be considered bad
measure by which to compare tarantulas’ manners to ask for a clarification.
sizes. This is probably a much better So now you know that caring for a
measure for scientific purposes than any tarantula is not a very complicated task.
other because this dimension would not Their requirements are simple; they’re
vary appreciably depending on the taran- quite resilient, adaptable, and unde-
tula’s state of obesity or hydration. How- manding. After the initial briefing and
ever, it still carries major problems when setup, their care merely becomes a mat-
comparing animals of different sex or ter of not doing anything that might harm
species. Also, from the enthusiast’s point them. The danger is that, because they
of view, stating that one’s tarantula has a are so different, it is sometimes hard to
two-inch (five-centimeter) femur length perceive their Achilles’ heels, and we
just doesn’t have the same impact as may do something imprudent and lose a
saying that it has a twelve-inch (thirty- valuable pet out of benign ignorance.
centimeter) leg span! If, after reading this, you decide to
Ultimately there is no perfect ruler to keep a pet tarantula, you will be most
use and the enthusiast is warned to welcome to the club!

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Chapter Eight
Five Paths to Nirvana

tarantula from the Rio San Antonio cave

T arantulas are native to a truly wide
range of living conditions, and each
species has adapted to fit its native
system of southern Mexico.
A further possibility involves breeding
habitat. This implies that each species tarantulas. Some of the tarantulas that
will have its own minimal, basic require- have been bred in captivity are relatively
ments at least slightly different from all undemanding and will breed using one
other species. And that would imply that or more of our five regimens. Others
each species must be cared for differ- have more stringent requirements and
ently from all the others. Experience has demand special circumstances or care
shown, however, that with virtually no to bring them into breeding condition.
exceptions, this is not the case. Tarantu- Lastly, these five strategies are not
las have proven to be extremely resilient, intended for caring for tarantulas being
adaptable organisms, capable of surviv- used for any of the specialty purposes
ing and even thriving in a wide range of outlined on page 126.
conditions. This forms the basis for the
following discussion.
In our current state of understanding
The Arid Species
there seem to be only a very few basic Representative Species
lifestyles that tarantulas lead, and there- Aphonopelma spp., the “brown” tarantu-
fore only five generic caging and care las from Central and North America
regimens are required to keep virtu- Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens,
ally all of them happily for years. This Venezuelan greenbottle blue tarantula
precept forms the core of our philosophy Grammostola rosea, Chilean rose taran-
for caring for tarantulas in captivity. We tula
itemize and discuss them below. Pterinochilus spp., some of the “baboon”
There are several possible exceptions tarantulas of southern Africa
where this dictum doesn’t hold. For
instance, it is always possible that a Caging and Substrate
tarantula new to the hobby will be found Cage Type. Follow the generic
that follows another completely different instructions in “Caging” on page 127.
lifestyle and requires a completely differ- Substrate. Follow the generic instruc-
ent set of care conditions. One that we tions in “Substrates” on page 135. Use
already know about but that is not yet enough peat or shredded coconut husk
kept by enthusiasts is Hemirrhagus to produce a layer at least one inch (three
redelli (Gertsch, 1973), the blind cave centimeters) thick when well compacted.
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the arboreal tarantulas. An escape-proof

cover is an absolute necessity, as these
show no hesitation about climbing. Be
sure to include a water dish with the
obligatory escape rock for the crickets.
Burrowing, Retreats, and Decora-
tions. Most of this group do not require
burrows and the discussion in “Interior
Decor” on page 148 is applicable.
If you think your tarantula might be
one of the few that requires a burrow, or if
you really want to allow your tarantula to
burrow, you should refer to “The Obligate
Burrowers” on page 241.
Decorations and a retreat are
optional. See “Interior Decor,” also on
page 148, for more information.
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, adult female.
Light. All of the instructions and sug-
Setup. These are almost universally gestions discussed under “A Ray Of
terrestrial tarantulas. They should be Light” (page 158) are appropriate.
given horizontally oriented cages, as Temperature. All of the instructions
opposed to the vertical ones used for and suggestions discussed under “Tem-
perature, By Degrees” (page 151) are
Water/Humidity. All of the instruc-
tions and suggestions discussed under
“H 2 O: The Importance of Wetness”
(page 159) are appropriate. Virtually all
members of this group are more or less
sensitive to excessive humidity or wet-
ness in their cages. For none of these
should the substrate be kept damp, and
misting or spraying is definitely to be
avoided. The only two sources of water
that these tarantulas require are their
food and the water dish.

Care Regimen
Food and Feeding. All of the instruc-
tions and suggestions discussed under
“Food And Feeding” (page 166) are
A baby Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens.
Contrast this photo with that of the adult.
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Citharischius crawshayi, arguably the

largest tarantula from Africa.

Cleaning. All of the instructions and

suggestions discussed under “Cleaning”
(page 179) are appropriate.

Additional Considerations
This group is among the easiest to
keep in captivity and, strangely, many
are also the most difficult to breed.
From both the novice’s and the afi-
cionado’s perspectives these are the
stereotypical tarantulas. The recom-
The Obligate Burrowers
mended care for nearly all tarantulas is Representative Species
modeled after this group with only more Citharischius crawshayi, king baboon
or less specific exceptions being item- tarantula
ized where appropriate. Thus, for this Haplopelma lividum, cobalt blue taran-
group there are few departures from the tula
general instructions given in “And So We
Begin” on page 127. At the time of this writing the authors
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, know of no other kinds that require bur-
the greenbottle blue tarantula, was once rows, and some enthusiasts question
thought to be an extremely difficult whether there are any tarantulas that
tarantula to keep. Because these come truly require this care regimen. Having
from Venezuela, enthusiasts automati- said that, the majority of enthusiasts who
cally assumed that they were native to a are successful at keeping these two
rain forest, and they were kept like the species allow them to burrow; and in the
swamp dwellers (page 244). However, a future it is entirely likely that other kinds
few aficionados were quite successful of tarantulas requiring the ability to bur-
with them and when care regimens were row, will find their way into enthusiasts’
compared, it was found that the suc- hands. In addition, these two species are
cessful enthusiasts were keeping them so remarkable of themselves as to fairly
as arid tarantulas. When collection data beg attention.
finally became available, it was found
that these arise from a small area of Caging and Substrate
Venezuela in the rain shadow of the Cage Types. Follow the generic
Andes Mountains that is semi-desert to instructions in “Caging” on page 127.
desert, thus explaining the mystery. Because these require a thicker-than-
Another species of this group also normal layer of substrate for their bur-
deserves special treatment, the Chilean rows, you may want to use a taller cage.
rose tarantula (Grammostola rosea). The Also read “Burrowing” on page 143.
enthusiast is referred to the section Even though these seldom climb, care
“Grammostola rosea, the Chilean Rose should still be taken to follow the recom-
Tarantula” on page 336 for a specific mended height rule. See “Sizing It Up”
discussion. on page 130 for a discussion of this.
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ate burrowers a retreat that allows the

tarantula to hide completely, but without
deep substrate, and have met with some
success. Be forewarned, however, that
such an arrangement merely affords
psychological relief (assuming the term
is applicable to a tarantula) from expo-
sure but does not necessarily supply the
increased humidity that some say may
be the underlying reason for requiring a
burrow. If in doubt, supply a secure
retreat, then research what is known by
other enthusiasts about your particular
kind of tarantula. See “Resources” on
page 359 for suggestions.
Decorations in these tarantula’s cages
are largely useless because they will
Haplopelma lividum in the classic threatening posture. almost surely soon be completely buried.
One enthusiast buried short pieces of
Substrates. To allow for a burrow one plastic plumbing in a king baboon’s
cannot merely add more substrate to the cage. The pieces of plumbing were sec-
cage. Vermiculite burrows will collapse tions of straight pipe approximately four
with only the disturbance of the tarantula inches by one-and-a-half inches (ten
moving in them, and even peat and centimeters long and three-and-three-
shredded coconut husk are generally too quarters centimeters) in diameter. The
loose and friable to support a stable bur- tarantula quickly found them and made
row. To permit a burrow, something with good use of them, producing stable,
significant “staying power” must be long-lasting burrows.
used. A full discussion of this topic
appears under “Burrowing” on page 143. Environment
Setup. These are universally terres- Light. All of the instructions and sug-
trial tarantulas and should be given hori- gestions discussed under “A Ray of
zontally oriented cages, as opposed to Light” (page 158) are appropriate.
the vertical ones used for the arboreal Temperature. All of the instructions
tarantulas. Even though these tarantulas and suggestions discussed under “Tem-
characteristically spend 99 percent of perature, By Degrees” (page 151) are
their time in their burrows, that other 1 appropriate.
percent demands that an escape-proof Water/Humidity. These tarantulas
cover be an absolute necessity. pose a special problem with supplying
Burrowing, Retreats, and Decora- water because many of them seem to
tions. Functionally, there may be no real take great delight in burying their water
difference between a formal burrow in dishes. Thus, drinking water is almost
substrate and a secure retreat. (Refer to always unavailable.
“Retreats” on page 150.) Following that Neither of the two tarantulas men-
line of logic, some enthusiasts have tioned here seems to require excessive
experimented with supplying their oblig- humidity or a damp cage because quite
7_3885_Tarantulas_08 12/17/08 12:42 PM Page 243

a number of enthusiasts have kept them Cleaning. These tarantula’s cages

successfully in effectively arid setups. As should not be cleaned unless absolutely
a result these authors have resorted to necessary. Many enthusiasts will not
merely dumping one-fourth to one-third clean theirs for years unless a mite infes-
cup of room temperature tap water into tation is discovered. When cleaning is
their burrows every two weeks (less deemed necessary, be sure to do a
often, perhaps in particularly humid cli- complete and thorough job, replacing
mates). For a few minutes, until the everything possible with new. The basic
water is absorbed by the substrate, they philosophy is to do the best job possi-
have an opportunity to drink. For a few ble, once, with the idea of not having to
days thereafter the damp substrate do it again for a long time. As a prophy-
maintains a higher-than-ambient humid- lactic measure, this might be one of the
ity in the burrow, serving to retard water rare times when a thorough cleaning
loss from the tarantula. Using this with a bleach water solution would be
method, great care must be taken to justified even without the presence of
watch for mite infestations, however. mites. See “Cleaning” on page 179 and
See “Acari: Mites” on page 222 for a dis- “Acari: Mites” on page 222 for additional
cussion of this problem. Information.

Care Regimen Additional Considerations

Food and Feeding. All of the instruc- On the one hand, one could make the
tions and suggestions discussed under argument that it’s largely futile to keep
“Food And Feeding” (page 166) are this group because they’re so seldom
appropriate with the following additional seen, and then usually for such fleeting
comments. glimpses. One might as easily keep an
Citharischius crawshayi seems to rel- empty cage and merely tell one’s friends
ish pinky mice. However, these must that there was a tarantula in the burrow!
usually be dropped into the burrow There are those enthusiasts, however,
before the tarantula will eat them. This who delight in keeping these animals
immediately presents the problem of even if they don’t see them often. The
how to get them back out again if the spiders are generally so remarkable that
tarantula refuses them. One method is to they are a treat well worth the wait.
use extra-long forceps, available from One word of warning: Citharischius
some auto parts suppliers, to fish them crawshayi can be a very fast-moving
out. Another hobbyist adopted the prac- species when it wishes, and a wet bite is
tice of tying a cotton string to the pinky’s a medically significant bite that one
rear foot so that it could be retrieved
without destroying the burrow. If the
tarantula ate the pinky, the string was TIP
discarded by the tarantula along with the We do not recommend the “Swamp
spent food bolus. Dwellers” to novices because of the
By comparison, Haplopelma lividum difficulty in maintaining them and the
is generally too small to eat pinky mice high potential for complications and
and must be fed crickets as a mainstay. failure.
In fact, both kinds of tarantulas will thrive YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
on a diet of crickets alone.

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