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NAME: Priya Ramnauth

COURSE: Social and Environmental Issues

PROGRAMME: Year 2 Academic

Deforestation is the removal of trees from forests or other land on a large scale to facilitate
human activities. The article highlights Guyana's unique forest landscape and describes the
factors that contribute to its conservation, as well as the challenges that it faces, particularly
concerning gold mining. The article emphasizes that Guyana has low deforestation rates, and a
commitment to forest management, and highlights the importance of international support, in
particular through REDD+.
One of the most valuable assets of Guyana is undoubtedly its forest landscape. The article has
highlighted that eighty-five percent of the country is covered in forest, Guyana has the largest
carbon store in the world, making it crucial to combat climate change. According to a blog by
Guyana Rainforest Foundation US, “Guyana’s rainforests are instrumental in regulating rainfall
throughout the Amazon basin, significantly impacting global climate regulation. Protecting this
vital ecosystem is critical for the health of the region and in mitigating climate change”. In
addition, these forests are rich in biodiversity and contain important resources such as timber and
minerals. The fact that almost ninety percent of the population lives in coastal areas outside
forests has contributed to their preservation and limited human impact.
In comparison to other tropical countries, Sutherland stated in his article that. deforestation rates
in Guyana have remained remarkably low over the last two decades between 0.02 percent and
0.079 percent. While gold mining has become a primary threat, as pointed out in the article, it is
important to recognize that gold mining is necessary for economic development, as it is one of
the country’s main natural resources. The focus MUST be on ensuring environmentally sound
mining practices and effective rehabilitation of mining sites, which unfortunately do not always
happen due to non-compliance by companies. According to the Guyana Forest Commission in an
article in November 2020, “this rationale was not lost on Guyana’s President Dr. Irfaan Ali who
pointed out that indeed, Guyana has been displaying immense environmental stewardship.”
Moreover, according to Sutherland in his article, the presence of strict laws and guidelines for
natural resource management in Guyana is commendable. An encouraging sign is the
government's commitment to protecting forests, which is reflected in its forest management
systems and the expansion of protected areas. In order to promote sustainability, increase
awareness, and improve mining policies and services, support from International Partners such as
Norway and Conservation International is important. The financial incentives associated with
conservation are valuable, but Guyana's commitment to protecting its forests goes beyond that. It
stems from a genuine aspiration towards a low-carbon, green economy that prioritizes
conservation. According to the Guyana Forest Commission, “Guyana’s tropical rainforest is
acknowledged as one of the few intact forests remaining globally that can help the world fight
the climate crisis and has now attracted new support from the European Union (EU)”
In conclusion, Guyana's forests deserve recognition and support for their significant
contributions to carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development.
The low deforestation rates are a testament to the country's commitment to responsible forest
management. To ensure the long-term preservation of Guyana's forests, effective regulation of
industries, particularly gold mining, is necessary. Furthermore, continued international support,
both financial and technical, is vital in achieving the country's goals of expanding the protected
areas system and further enhancing its forest management practices. By working together,
Guyana and its international partners can set an example for other countries in the fight against
deforestation and climate change.

Guyana’s forest key to saving the earth with the provision of multi-billion services.
(2022, November 8). Guyana Forestry Commission.

Guyana. (n.d.). Rainforest Foundation US. Retrieved February 22, 2024, from

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