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1(a)(i) idea of greater values for volume 1

than mass lost / in Method 2
mass of flask decreases only
slightly / in Method 2 idea of
small decreases in mass
involved / in Method 2 mass loss
too small (to measure)

1(a)(ii) carbon dioxide goes out of the 1

flask / carbon dioxide escapes /
gas escapes

1(b)(i) decreases (as time increases) 1

1(b)(ii) 60 s 1

1(b)(iii) line starts at 0, 0 and steeper 2

gradient (1)
line levels out at 48 cm carbon
dioxide and before the line
already on the grid (1)

1(b)(iv) temperature: increases / gets 2

faster (1)
concentration: decreases / gets
slower (1)

2 increases rate of reaction / 1

speeds up a reaction
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3(a) 70 cm 1

3(b) the reaction has finished / all the 1

zinc has been used up

3(c) line starts at 0, 0 and steeper 2

gradient (1)
line levels out at 96 cm
hydrogen and before the line
already on the gird (1)

3(d) concentration: (rate) decreases 2

/ gets slower (1)
particle size: (rate) decreases /
gets slower (1)

4(a) increase in concentration 1

increases rate ORA

4(b) larger pieces: decreases 2

increasing temperature:
increases (rate)

5(a) zinc blende 1

5(b)(i) reaction is reversible 2

rate of forward reaction = rate of
reverse reaction
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5(b)(ii) vanadium(V) oxide 1

5(b)(iii) increases the rate of reaction 1

5(b)(iv) particles have more energy 3

rate of collisions increases
a higher proportion of particles
have energy greater than
activation energy (E > EA)

5(b)(v) exothermic 1

5(b)(vi) of SO3 = 80 2

100 × = 40%

6(a) substitution 1

6(b) ultraviolet light / ultraviolet 1


7 substance that speeds up a 2

reaction / increases rate (1)
unchanged (chemically) at the
end OR not used up OR lowers
activation energy OR provides
alternative pathway (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8(a) rate decreases (1) 4

particles further apart / less
particles per unit volume (1)
fewer collisions per unit time /
lower collision frequency (1)
reaction stops because all
hydrogen peroxide is used up

8(b) steeper gradient (1) 2

reaches same volume of oxygen

8(c) particles gain kinetic energy / 3

particles move faster (1)
greater number of collisions with
activation energy (or more) /
greater number of particles with
activation energy (or more) /
greater number of particles with
energy required for reaction (1)
more collisions are successful /
more collisions are fruitful / more
collisions lead to reaction (1)

9(a) large pieces: (rate) decreases / 1

gets slower / slows down (1)

9(b) increasing temperature: (rate) 1

increases / gets faster (1)
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10 measure volume of gas / 3

measure volume of hydrogen /
idea of measuring mass of the
reaction mixture (1)
reference to (measurement at
certain) time(s) (1)
suitable collection apparatus
related to method suggested,
e.g. gas syringe / upturned
measuring cylinder (over water)
/ balance (1)

11(a) constant concentration (1) 2

rate of forward reaction = rate of
reverse reaction (1)

11(b) increased temperature: 4

(equilibrium) shifts to LHS (1)
(forward) reaction is exothermic
increased pressure:
(equilibrium) shifts to RHS (1)
fewer moles (of gas) on RHS (1)
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11(c) rate increases and particles 3

have more energy (1)
more collisions (between
particles) occur per second / per
unit time
more (of the) particles /
collisions have energy greater
than activation energy
more (of the) particles /
collisions have sufficient energy
to react
a greater percentage /
proportion / fraction of collisions
(of particles) are successful

12(a) 22 s 1

12(b) P (1) 2
the gradient / slope of the graph
is steep(est) (1)

12(c) 0.9 (g) 1

12(d)(i) (increasing temperature) 1

increases / faster (1)

12(d)(ii) (larger pieces of carbonate) 1

decreases / slower (1)
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13(a) speeds up rate of reaction / 1

makes reaction faster

13(b) any suitable source, e.g. from 1

car engines / lightning / high
temperature furnaces

13(c) irritates eyes / nose / mouth / 1

skin / airways / lungs

14(a) 179.3 (g) 1

14(b) A (1) 2
the gradient / slope is the
steep(est) (1)

14(c) 360 (cm ) 1

14(d)(i) decreases rate / reaction slower 1


14(d)(ii) increases rate / reaction faster 1

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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

15(a) measuring volume of 3

carbon dioxide (1)
use of gas measuring apparatus
e.g. syringe / inverted measuring
cylinder full of water (1)
(measure gas volume) at time
intervals (1)

15(b) 31.25 (g) 1

15(c)(i) decreases (rate) / slower (rate) 1


15(c)(ii) increases (rate) / faster (rate) 1


16 speeds up a (chemical) reaction 2

not used up or unchanged (at
end) (1)

17(a) moves right (1) 2

fewer moles / molecules (of gas)
on right (1)
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17(b) (reaction is faster) because 2

more collisions per second (1)
particles / molecules closer
together or more
particles / molecules per unit
volume (1)

17(c) moves left (1) 2

(forward) reaction is exothermic
or backward reaction is
endothermic (1)

18(a) any value between and including 1

92–102 s

18(b) 34 (cm ) 1

18(c) line steeper than original and 2

starting from 0 (1)
line ends up at same final
volume AND levels off at or
before 90 s (1)

18(d) increases rate / goes faster 1

18(e) decreases rate / goes slower 1

19(a) water / H2O 1

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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

19(b) speeds up reaction / increases 1

the rate of reaction

19(c) 1

20(a) gas released / gas escapes / gas 1


20(b) 0.7 (g) 1

20(c) line steeper than original and 2

starting from 0 and 200.0 g (1)
line ends up at same final mass
AND levels off at or before 104 s

20(d) 0.22 (g) 1

20(e) large pieces → 0.005 1

small pieces → 0.030
powder → 0.100

21(a) burning fossil 1

fuels / volcanoes / heating
(sulfide) ores
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

21(b) substance which speeds up a 1

reaction / substance which
increases the rate of reaction

21(c) pH 4 1

21(d) erodes buildings (made of 1

carbonate rocks) / wears away
buildings (made of carbonate
rocks) / reacts with
mortar / corrodes iron
work / corrodes metal

22(a) any two from: 2

• faster rate of fizzing
• solid dissolves
quicker / disappears
quicker / gets smaller quicker
• fizzing stops quicker
• dissolving stops quicker

22(b) any three from: 3

• temperature
• volume (of acid)
• concentration (of acid)
• mass / amount (of CaCO3)
• particle size / surface area (of
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

23 M1 (a substance which) 2
increases the rate of a
M2 without being used up (at the
end) OR unchanged
(chemically) at the end OR
without changing mass

24 M1 particles / molecules in 4
M2 (particles) move faster / more
M3 more collisions per second
OR greater collision rate
M4 more of the (colliding)
molecules / particles have
sufficient energy (activation
energy) to react / more of the
collisions have sufficient energy
(activation energy) to react

25 M1 (lumps have) smaller surface 2

area OR powder has larger
surface area
M2 (lumps have) fewer collisions
per unit time / less collision
frequency OR powder has more
collisions per unit time / more
collision frequency
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

26(a) water / natural 1

gas / hydrocarbons

26(b) 4
effect on the effect on the
rate equilibrium
of the reverse yield of
reaction CH3OH(g)

M1 increases

M3 decreases

M2 decreases M4 decreases

27(a) 54 (cm ) 1

27(b) S on any portion of the graph 1

above 2.0 min and below 3.8

27(c) steeper gradient starting at 0,0 1

ends up at same volume (70
cm ) (1)

27(d) decreases rate / goes slower 1

27(e) increases rate / goes faster 1

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28 4
M1 increases

M2 increases M3 decreases

M4 decreases

29(a) decreases (rate) 1

29(b) increases (rate) 1

30 line in shape of upward curve 2

line below the curve for all
temperatures (1)

31(a) carbon dioxide released / gas 1


31(b) 2.2 (g) 1

31(c) initial gradient of line steeper 2

and starts at 250–0 (1)
levels out at 247.8g (1)

31(d) 20 °C → 0.16 1
40 °C → 0.64
30 °C → 0.32
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32(a)(i) any value between 5.0 and 1

5.5 min (inclusive)

32(a)(ii) 96 cm 1

32(b) initial gradient of line less steep 2

and starting at 0–0 (1)
levelling off at a lower volume

33 gas syringe drawn / measuring 3

vessel dipping into trough of
water drawn (1)
gas syringe or measuring
cylinder correctly labelled (1)
workable apparatus e.g. airtight

34 11.5 (cm / min) 1

35(a) gradient gets less 1

35(b) concentration of HCl is 1


35(c) 120 (s) 1

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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

36 time taken is less (1) 5

(particles) have more energy
(particles) move faster (1)
more collisions (of particles)
occur per second / per unit time
more (of the) particles /
collisions have energy greater
than activation energy (1)
more (of the) particles /
collisions have sufficient energy
to react
a greater percentage /
proportion / fraction of collisions
(of particles) are successful

37(a) at the start / beginning 1

37(b) new line is steeper than printed 2

line and starts at origin (1)
new line reaches same final
volume as printed line (1)

38 new line steeper than printed 2

line and starts at origin (1)
new line reaches same final
volume as printed line (1)
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39(a) faster 2
more particles per unit
3 3
volume / dm / cm (1)
more collisions per second / unit
greater collision rate (1)

39(b) reaction faster and (particles) 3

have more energy
(particles) move faster (1)
more collisions per second
greater collision rate (1)
more (of the) particles / collisions
have energy greater than the
activation energy
more particles / collisions have
sufficient energy to react
percentage / proportion / fraction
of collisions are successful (1)

40 volume of gas (1) 2

time (1)

[Total: 168]

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