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The Journey and Portrayal of Women vi

Table of Contents
Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgment iii

Abstract v

Table of Contents vi

List of Boxes ix

List of Figures x

List of Diagrams xi

List of Tables xii


I Introduction

The Problem and its Setting 1Literature

Review 4

Theoretical Framework 70

Statement of the Problem 83

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 84

Significance of the Study 85

II Methodology

Research Design 87

Data Sources 89

Data Gathering Procedures 92

Data Analysis 96

Ethical Consideration 106

The Journey and Portrayal of Women vii

III Results

Textual Presentation of Key Findings 110

IV Discussion

Justification of Results 205

Implications ofFindings 227

References 233


A Interview Guide Questions 254

B Transcript of Interview with College Literature Teachers 256

C Literature Subjects in the Curricula of 274

Education and Non-Education Programs

D Consultation Forms of Students 276

E Film Summary 278

F Coding Guide for the Journey of Women 281

G Coding Guide for the Portrayal of Women 285

Analysis for the Journey of Women

H Captain Marvel 287

I Gravity 297

J Hunger Games 304

K Hunger Games: Catching Fire 318

L Hunger Games: Mockingjay 330

M Alita Battle Angel 347

The Journey and Portrayal of Women viii

N Star Wars: Episode VII- The Force Awakens 358

O Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 366

P Star Wars: Episode VIII- The Last Jedi 377

Q Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 387

Analysis for the Portrayal of Women

R Gravity 404

S Captain Marvel 408

T Hunger Games 411

U Hunger Games: Catching Fire 418

V Hunger Games: Mockingjay 424

W Alita Battle Angel 430

X Star Wars: Episode VII- The Force Awakens 435

Y Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 440

Z Star Wars: Episode VIII- The Last Jedi 446

AA Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker 449

AB Certificate of Intercoding 453

AC K-12Basic Education Curriculum Framework 454

AD Department of Education Observation Tool 455

AE NDMUObservation Tool 456

AF 21st Century Learning Framework 457

AG Excerpt of Curriculum Guide of Reading 458

and Writing Skills for Grades 11 and 12
AH Certificate of Dissertation Editing 459

AI Curriculum Vitae 460

The Journey and Portrayal of Women ix

List of Boxes

Box Page

1 Contributory Modes and their Coding Schemes 95

2 Acts and Stages in the Hero’s Journey Model 98

3 Archetypes and their Categories in the Neo-Archetype Theory 100

4 Frequency Levels of the Journey and Portrayal of Women 103

and their Descriptions

The Journey and Portrayal of Women x

List of Figures

Figure Page

1 Theoretical Framework 70
The Journey and Portrayal of Women xi

List of Diagrams

Diagram Page

1 Schematic Diagram of the Hero’s Journey 18

(Campbell, 1949 in The Hero’s Journey Stages
and Structure, 2021)

2 Schematic Diagram ofthe Heroine’s Journey 40

3 Schematic Diagram of the Hero’s Journey (Vogler, 2007) 76

4 Schematic Diagram of the Analysis of Women’s Journey 99

in Contemporary Hollywood Science-Fiction Films

5 Schematic Diagram of the Analysis of Women’s Portrayal 101

in Contemporary Hollywood Science-Fiction Films

6 Schematic Diagram of the Analysis of Recurring Stages 105

in the Hero’s Journey and Aberrant Representations in films
as Basis for Structuralist -Feminist
Approach on Women’s Journey

7 Schematic Diagram of the Analysis of Recurring Archetypes 105

in the Neo-Archetypes and Aberrant Representations in films

as Basis for Structuralist -Feminist
Approach on Women’s Portrayal

8 The Journey of the Femme of Future 200

9 The Portrayal of the Femme of Future 203

The Journey and Portrayal of Women xii

List of Tables

Table Page

1 Profile of Contemporary Hollywood Science-Fiction 109

Films Subjected to Content Analysis

2 Stages in the Hero’s Journey in Contemporary 191

Hollywood Science-Fiction Films

3 Archetypes in the Neo-Archetype Theory in 193

Contemporary Hollywood Science-Fiction Films

4 Aberrant Stages in the Journey of Women 195

5 Aberrant Archetypes in the Portrayal of Women 197

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