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IP.U.C. ANNUAL EXAMINATION FEBRUARY-2018 oO SUBJECT : STATISTICS (31) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Note: 1) _ Statistical tables and Graph Sheets willbe supplied on request. ii) Scientific Calculators are allowed. ii) Allworking steps should be clearly shown. SECTION -A Answer any TEN of the following questions 10x 1=10 Write Boddington definition of Statistics. Whois an investigator ? Whatis a frequency distribution ? Define inclusive class. Whats a two dimensional diagram ? Which graphis used to locate median ? Whatis an average ? Define range. 9. Write a merit of scatter diagram method. 10. Whatis extrapolation ? 11. Define sample space 12. Express covariance in terms of expectation. SECTION - B I Answer any TEN of the following questions : 40 x 2= 20 13. Define attribute and give an example. 14. Mention methods of Sampling. 15. Write two objectives of classification. 16. Whatis an exclusive class ? Give an example. 17. Define one dimensional diagram and give an example 18. Mention types of graphs. 19. Find GM. of 1,4, 16. 20. Write the values of B, and y, fora Mesokurtic distribution 21. Ifr=0.8 and byx= 0.75 find by. 22. Mention two methods of studying association of attributes. 23. Write axiomatic definition of probability. 24, IFE(X) = 10 and SD(X) = 12 find E(x?) ery eee onar (PTO) 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 3 32. 33. 36. 36. -2- SECTION -C Answer any EIGHT of the following questions : 8x 5=40 Write any five functions of Statistics. Write five general principles used while drafting a questionnaire. Prepare a blank table showing strength of a college, according to (i) Faculty: Arts, Commerce, Science. (ji)Religion : Hindu, Muslim, Christian, others. (ii) Sex Male, Female Draw a multiple bar diagram for the following data regarding strength of a college Students [Strength Faculty 2015 2016 Arts 120 130 (Commerce 180 200 Science 150 170 OR (For visually challenged students only) Explain the procedure of construction of multiple bar diagram. Find H.M. for the following data Ci [5-15 15-25 | 25-35 | 35-45 fof2)e 3\ 1 Compute rank correlation’¢o-efficient, from Marksin Statistios | 26 | 43 | 27 | 95] 64 | 61] 37] 45 marks in Mathematics | 35 | 47 | 20 | 37 | 63 | 54| 28/40 ‘Obtain regression equation of X on ¥ and estimate X when ¥ = 10. x ¥ Mean | 30 | 40 s. 5 3 0.3 Find Yule's coefficient of association and comment, if, (AB) = 150, N = 1000, (A) = 200, (B) =300 Interpolate the value for the year 2014 from the given data Years | 2012 [2013 [2014] 2015 | 2016 Value [ 278 | 281 | - | 313 | 322 State and prove addition theorem of probability for two non-mutually exclusive event. Abag contains 6 red and 4 white balls. Two balls are drawn from the bag randomly. Whats the probability that they are of (i) same colour (ii) different colours. If'X'isar-v and/a'is a constant then prove that () E(@X)=a-E(X) (il) Var(ax) = a? var(X) (P.T.O) Vv 37. 38, 39 40. 42. > SECTION - D ‘Answer any TWO of the following questions : From the data given below find (i) Whois better scorer ? (i) Which batsman is more consistent ? 25 [8 18 [12 Find Bowley's coefficient of skewness 30-39 | 40-49 20 5 ‘Compute Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation. ‘Age of bride 18-20 [20-22 [22-24 [24-26 24-26 [7 1 4 3 + Josfes| alafali a) The probability that a boy will pass in an examis 3/5 and that ofa girl is 2/5. Find the probability that (i) both of them pass in an exam. (ji) at least one passes in the exam. b) A purse has 4 five rupee coins and 6 two rupee coins. A boy picks 2 coins at random fromthe bag/Whalisfnelexpected nigh SECTION - E Answer any TWO of the following questions : Construct a continuous frequency distribution with classes 0-10, 10-20, etc. forthe following data regarding number of news papers sold on different days 12[ 16 | 0] 6[17 35| 26 | 315 [20 Draw histogram and hence find mode. 20-30 [30-40 [40-50 w | 5 [8 Compute mediai AT.) TN ed students only) Explain the procedure of drawing histogram. 25-29 | 30-34 | 35-39 14 | 10 6 Find var(X) from the foll lowing probability distribution. 4 0.1 aloo} Inthe gets. IP.U.C. ANNUAL EXAMINATION JANUARY/FEBRUARY-2019 @ SUBJECT : STATISTICS (31) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Note : 1) Graph sheets and Statistical tables will be supplied on request. ii) Scientific Calculators may be used. iil) Allworking steps should be clearly shown. SECTION -A Answer any TEN of the following questions : 10x 1= 10 Average runs scored by a batsman is 50. Is ita statistical statement ? Whatis Pilot survey ? Whatis classification of data ? Whatis two-way table ? Whats one dimensional diagram ? Name the graph used to locate mode. Write the relationship between A.M., GM. and H.M For the distribution of if P,, = 86, find Q, 9. Write the range of correlation co-efficent(r) 10. Whatis extrapolation ? 11. Define sample space. 12. Whatis the value of V(5) ? @NAPARON a SECTION - B Il Answer any TEN of the following questions : 10x 2= 20 13. Mention any two branches of Applied statistics. 14. Mention the two stages of a statistical enquiry (survey). 15. Mention any two objectives of classification. 16. Write the different types of table, 17. What are the needs (importance) for diagrammatic and graphical presentation of statistical data ? 18. Write a short note on Histogram. 19. Find the combined Arithmetic Mean for the following data. ny=10 n,=20 X%,=34 X,=37 20. Find the co-efficient of range for the following data X:23, 53, 81, 52, 47, 61,55. 21. Iftwo regression equations are 2x-y +3 =O and x- 3y +6 =0. Find X and 7 (P.O) 22, 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29, 30. 31 32. 2 Prepare a 2x2 contingency table from the following information. N=250, (AB) =70 (A)=100 (B)=50 1 HEP(A)= g and P(AnB) =}. find P(B/A) E(x) =5, and E(t) = 74, find V(x). SECTION -C Answer any EIGHT of the following questions : 8x5=40 Mention the characteristics of Statistics. Briefly explain any two methods of Sampling Draw a blank table showing strength of students according to Sex: Boys, Girls, College : Government, Private. Faculties : Arts, Commerce, Science. Draw less than cumulative frequency curve from the following frequency distribution. Marks 0-10 | 10-20] 20-30 | 30-40 | 40-50 No. ofStudents | 5 | 14 | 20 | 16 8 ‘OR (FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS) Write the procedure to construct frequency curve. Find the missing frequency from the following data given median = 7 Cl. | 0-2 2-4 | 4-6 | 6-8 | 8-10 | 10-12 f 12 21 : 37 46 20 Calculate the Spearman's Rank correlation co-efficient for the following data. x [35 | 37 | 38 | 42 | 44} 46 | 51 | 54 | 55] 56 y [40 | 32 | 39 | 42] 41} 31 | 50 | 52 | 46] 55 Estimate the value of xwhen y = 20 using the following data. x y Mean | 24 | 30 SD. 5 4 The Co-efficient of correlation r= 0.8. Calculate Yule's coefficient of association A a B 120 | 40 30 10 (PT.0) 33. 35, 36. Vv 37. 38. 39. 40. 2 Use Binomial Expansion method to estimate extrapolation for 2018, Year | 2014] 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 sales | 100 | 107 | 124 | 157 | — ‘State and prove addition theorem of probability for two non-mutually exclusive events. 1 ‘Two persons Aand B climb a hill. The probability that'A’ climbs the hillis — and that 1 'B' climbs the hill is 7, whatis the probability that i) Both of them climb the hill. ii) None of them climb the hill. IfXis a random variable and ’‘a' is any constant then prove that iE@)=a ii) (@)=0 SECTION - D Answer any TWO of the following questions : 10 x 2=20 The following data refers to the dividend (%) paid by 2 companies Aand B over the lastfive years. [Companya|2]3 [5] 8] 4 lCompanyB | 6 |3 | 8 | 10] 7 Calculate the co-efficient of variation and comment Find a measures of skewness based on quartiles for the following data and comment. [Age (Years) Below | 20-25]25-30 | 30-35 | 35-40 | 40-45 ]45-50] 50 & 20 above| No. of Employees |_13 29 | 46 | 6o | 112 | 94 | 45 | 21 For the following data obtain two regression equations. x | 25 | 28] 30 | 32 [36 [36] 38] 30] 42] 45 ly 20 | 26 29 | 30 |25 18 | 26 35 35 | 46 a) Ina hostel 60% of residents drink tea, 50% of residents drink coffee and 20% of residents drink both tea and coffee. Find the probability that a randomly selected resident drinks either Tea or Coffee. b) Aperson, by paying & 5 enters into a game of shooting a target. With one shot, if he hits the target, he gets & 25. Otherwise, he gets nothing. If his probability of 1 hitting the targetis 7 then find his expected loss. (P.T.0) Pe SECTION - E V__ Answer any TWO of the following questions : 2x 5= 10 41. The following data regarding weights in Kgs of 50 college students. Construct a frequency distribution by taking the class interval 30-36, 35-40.... etc. 42 62 46 54 41 37 54 44 32 45 47 50 58 49 51 42 46 37 42 39 54 39 51 58 47 64 43 48 49 48 49 61 41 40 58 49 59 57 37 34 56 38 45 52 46 40 63 41 51 41 42. Represent the following data regarding import and export during 2014-18 by multiple Bar diagram. Year 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 Imports (Crores) | 25 | 20 | 28 | 30 | 40 Exports (Crores) | 30 [| 40 | 45 | 50 | 60 OR (FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS ONLY) Write the procedure for the construction of multiple Bar Diagram. 43. Find Mean Deviation from Mode for the following data. xno | tf] 2 | 3 [earls | 6 y [18 | 22] 35 | 25 | 20 [ 12 2: 44, Arandom variable x has the following probability distribution, xt] 1y2] 3 K [2k[3k 3) 313 PO Find the value of K, and calculate iE) ii) V(X) IP.U.C, ANNUAL EXAMINATION FEBRUARY-2020 oO SUBJECT : STATISTICS (31) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100 Note 1) Graph sheets and Statistical tables will be supplied on request. ji) Scientific Calculators are allowed. ii) All working steps should be clearly shown. SECTION -A | Answer any TEN of the following questions : 10x1=10 4-7 State A.L. Bowley's definition of Statistics. = Whatis Sampling ? -8.~ Define Classification 4. Whatis Stub in a table ? 5. Whatis one dimensional diagram ? 6. Mention the average that can be obtained from Ogives. 7. Whatare quartiles ? 8. Whatis Kurtosis ? 9. _Whatis the coefficient of correlation when the two variables are independent ? 10. Define Interpolation AT. IfP(A)=0.3. Find P(A’) 12. 1fV(X)=3, find V(5). SECTION - B Il Answer any TEN of the following questions : 10x 2=20 13. Mention two functions of statistics. What are the stages of statistical investigation ? Define Inclusive and Exclusive class Intervals. “Mention the two parts ofa table. Mention the two uses of diagrams and graphs. Mention two graphical presentation of data. x 0, find combined Arithmetic Mean The mean and mode of weekly wages of a group of workers are ¢ 45 and x 36 respectively. If S.D. is 18. Then find the co-efficient of skewness. 21. Mention two properties of regression coefficients. 22. Distinguish between association and correlation. 1 1 1 23. IFP(A)= 75, P(B)= = and P(ANB then find P(AUB) 20 24, IfE(x)=7, and E(<#) = 64. Then find V(x). (P.T.0) 2 SECTION -C Il__Answer any EIGHT of the following questions : 8x 5=40 _25-_ Mention the limitations of Statistics. 26, What are the essentials of a good questionnaire ? /AT. Prepare a blank table showing the particulars relating to the residents of a certain locality according to: (i) Occupation —_: Businessmen, Teacher, Bank Employees. (ii) Sex : Men, Women (iii) Marital Status : Married, Single _28=The following data relates to the expenditure of two families /month. Drawa sub divided bar diagram. Items of Expenditure | FamilyA | Family B Food 40 60 Rent 20 40 |Clothing 20 30 Education 10 40 Fuel 5 10 [Miscellaneous 5 20 OR ‘ (FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS) Explain the construction of subdivided bar diagram 29. Find the geometric mean for the following data Marks | 12] 13 [14] 15 INo. of Students zl el] sl2 80. Calculate the Spearman's co-efficient of rank correlation between the scores of the two teaching methods Aand B [Teaching Method A | Teaching Method B 24 37 29 35 18 7 14 26 31 23 19 2) 27 27 19 30 20 20 16 28 1 14 21 (P.T.0) 31. 34. State and prove addition theorem of pri Given the following data x Y AM. 36 | 85 $0. 1 8 T,, = 0.66 Estimate X when Y = 75. 82. Calculate Yule's coefficient of association from the following data and comment (A] = 450, [B] = 600, [Ap] = 100, N = 1000. _33--USing Binomial Expansion method, estimate the sales (in lakhs) for 2009, from the following data. Year 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 Sales(Lakhs):| 150 | 235 | 365 | ? | 525 | 780 ability for two mutually exclusive events. 35. A, Band C hita target with probability 0.6, 0.5 and 0.4 respectively. If they hit at target independently, find the probability that (i)All of them hitthe target. (ii) None of them hit the target. 36. IfX is a random variable and 'a' being a constant. Show that i) E(ax) = aE(X) ii) Wa) =0 SECTION - D IV Answer any TWO of the following questions : _37--Following are the runs scored by two cricketers in 10 innings. Find who is better ‘scorer and who is more consistent ? 39. PlayerA | 42 ]17 [83 [59] 72] 76 | 64] 45 [40 [32 PlayerB | 28 | 70/31 | 0 |59 |108] 82| 14 | 3 | 95 . Calculate Bowley's coefficient of skewness and comment. 2x10=20 Wages (2): [10-20 | 20-30]30-40 [40-50 | 50-60 | 60-70 70-80 | 80-90 No. of Workers:| 5 9 | 14 [ 20 [ 25 | 15 8 4 ‘Age of 120-25, a | 25-30 |30-35 | 35-40 18-22 3 22-26 26-30 : wo fal 30-34 : js Joo | a Calculate Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation between ages of husbands and wives from the following bivariate table (PT.0) she 40. a) Aboxcontains 8 red and 7 blue marbles. Two marbles are drawn at random. Find the probability that they are of (i) Same Colour (ii) Different colours. b) Two fair coins are tossed once. A person receives 2 10 if both head appears and 5if both tail appears, otherwise he loses 8, find the expectation of the person. SECTION - E V__ Answer any TWO of the following questions : 2x 5= 10 41. The following are the marks obtained by a class of 60 boys in an examination. Construct a frequency table with C.l.'s 0-9, 10- 19, 20-29, ... andsoon. 3454 | 10 | 21/51 [52] 42/43 | 48 [36 48 | 22 | 39 | 26/34] 19] 40 | 17 | 47 | 38 13 | 30 | 30 | 60|59}15|7 | 18 | 40 | 40 49 | 40 |51 | 55/32} 41|22| 4 |35 | 53 25] 14 | 18 | 19] 40 | 43| 17 | 45 | 25 | 43, 16 | 22 | 27 | 38 | 61 | 19| 23 | 50 | 35 | 28 42. Drawa histogram for the following data and hence obtain mode graphically. lAge : 16-18 |18-20 | 20-22 | 22-24 | 24-26 | 26-28 INo. of Students: | 12 20 45 26 16 5 (FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS ONLY) Explain the construction of histogram. 43. Find the missing frequency for the following distribution given A.M. = 129. Daily Wages (2) | 80 - 100 | 100 - 120 | 120 - 140 | 140 - 160 | 160 - 180 No. of Workers 8 22 Ey 14 10 44. Find the value of k and find variance for the following distribution. x 18] 27] 3 frat] 5 | *6 Po [0.1 [ots] k [025] 0.18] 0.12

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