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IP.U.C. ANNUAL EXAMINATION FEBRUARY-2018 o SUBJECT : BIOLOGY (36) Time : 3 Hours 15 minutes Maximum Marks : 70 General Instructions : 4. This question paper consists of four parts, Section-l and Section-II. 2. Allthe parts are compulsory. 3. Draw diagrams wherever necessary, unlabeled diagrams carries no marks PART-A ‘and 'D’. Part'D' consists of two sections. | Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each : 40x 1= 10 12 Whatis herbarium ? 2. Give an example for palmately compound leaf. 3. Name the living mechanical tissue. 4, Whereis nucleolus found ? 5. Whatis Cytokinesis ? 6 What happens when fresh grapes are soaked in sugar solution ? 7. Define hydroponics. 8 Whatare alveoli? 9. Whatis cardiac cycle ? 10. Name the structural and functional unit of Kidneys. PART -B Il Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences each wherever applicable : 5x 2=10 114 Write any four characters of fungi. 12: Differentiate between Diploblastic and Triploblastic condition. 13+ Name the four types of tissues present in the animals. 14: Drawa neat labelled diagram of mitochondria 15. Whatare plant growth Inhibitors ? Give two examples. 16» Define : a) Tidal Volume b) Expiratory Capacity 17. What are Urecotelic animals ? Give an example. 18. What is Osteoporosis ? Mention the common cause that leads to Osteoporosis PART -C Il Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40 to 80 words each, wherever applicable : 5x 3515 192 Write the taxonomic hierarchy of man. 20.Whatis phyllotaxy ? Explain any two types. 21, List any three differences between tracheids and trachea (PT.0) 22 Name the five sub phases of prophase-l in meiosis. 23. List any three applications of auxins. 24 Mention the three major types of cells presentin gastric glands. Give their secretions. 25. Whatis systemic circulation ? Write the path way diagram of systemic circulation. 26. Write the names of bones of forelimb of man. PART -D SECTION -1 IV Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words each, wherever ap) : 4x 5=20 27. List out the general characters of Bryophytes. 28 Write any five differences between non-chordates and chordates. 29» Drawa neat labelled diagram of digestive system of cockroach. 30. Whats centromere ? Explain the types of chromosomes based on the position of the centromere. 31. Explain the classification of enzymes. 32. - Describe thistle funnel experiment to demonstrate osmosis with a labelled diagram, SECTION - I V_ Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200 to 250 words each : 3x 5515 33. Give the schematic representation of nitrogen cycle. 34.=Describe the structure of chloroplast with a neat labelled diagram. 35. Write a schematic representation of steps of glycolysis. 36.» Draw a neat labelled diagram of multipolar myelinated neuron. 37. Listthe hormones secreted by anterior lobe of pituitary with one function of them. 1 P.U.C. ANNUAL EXAMINATION JANUARY/FEBRUARY-2019 @ SUBJECT : BIOLOGY (36) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 70 General Instructions : i) This question paper consists of four parts ‘A’, 'B', ‘Cand ‘D’. Part'D' consists of two sections. Section-| and Section-ll. Part A contains 10 questions of one mark each. Part B is of 8 questions of two marks each. Part C is of 8 questions of three marks each. Part D, Section | is of 6 questions of five marks each and Part -D Section Il is of 5 questions of five marks each. All the parts are compulsory. Draw diagrams wherever necessary, unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any marks PART -A | Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each : 10x 1= 10 1. Whatis biodiversity ? 2. Where do you find pneumatophores ? 3. Write the scientific name of Mango. 4. Where do you find motor cells ? 5. Inwhich stage of cell cycle DNA replication occurs. 6. Define imbibition. 7. Whatis Nitrogen Fixation ? 8. Name any one muscle protein 9. Mention the type of movement that macrophage exhibit. 10. Define reflex action. PART -B Il Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences each wherever applicable : 5x 2=10 41. Whatis Binomial Nomenclature ? Who proposed it ? 12. Name the Fungal and algal components of Lichens 13: Mention two types of body forms exhibits by coelenterata 44. Earthworms are called "Farmer's friend”. Justify it, 15° Differentiate tendons from Ligaments. 16. Name the two types of Lymphooytes responsible for immunity. 17. Write a note on coronary artery diseases. 18. What is osteoporosis ? What is the cause for it. PART -C. Ill Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40 to 80 words each, wherever applicable : 5x3=15 19. Mention any three salient features of class mammalian. 26. What is placentation ? Mention any two types. (PTO) 21. Write any three differences between procaryotes and eucaryotes. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Iv 27 28. 30. 3. 32. Mention the significance of Meiosis. Explain the carbohydrate digestion in small intestine. Define the following a) Tidal volume 1 b) Residual volume 1 ©) Vital capacity 1 Whatare uricotelic animals ? Give two examples. Whats meristem ? Mention the types based on position ? PART -D SECTION -1 Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words each, wherever applicable : fi 4x5=20 Write the salient features of Kingdom mycota with two examples. Give the functions of the following : a) Adipocytes b) Macro phages Fibro blasts d) Plasma cells ) Mast cells Describe fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane. Describe any five classes of enzymes and type of reaction they catalyse Draw a labelled diagram of stomata and describe the structure. Explain the process involved in root nodule formation SECTION - Il ‘Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable : 3x55 15 3%. Explain the steps involved in glycolysis. 34, 36. 36. 37. 2) Write any two differences between long day and short day plants. 2 6) Mention the role of Auxins in plants. 3 Draw a labelled diagram of sagittal section of the human brain: Write the schematic representation of hormonal action Explain any five factors affect the rate of photosynthesis. 1 P.U.C. ANNUAL EXAMINATION FEBRUARY-2020 ¢ SUBJECT : BIOLOGY (36) Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes Maximum Marks : 70 General Instruction: |) This question paper consists of four parts ‘A, Section-I and Section-II. All the parts are compulsory. Draw diagrams wherever necessary, unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract any Part 'D' consists of two sections. marks PART -A 1 Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each : 10x1=10 1. Define species. 2. Whatisa parthenocampic fruit ? 3. Name the living mechanical tissue in plants. 4, Name the Plastids which store proteins. 5. Whatare bio-macromolecules ? 6. Define plasmolysis. 7. Name the oxygen scavenger present inside the root nodules of Leguminous plants. 8. Define tidal volume. 9. Name the red coloured, iron continuing complex protein present in RBC's. 10. Mention the hormone secreted by pineal gland. PART -B Il Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3 to 5 sentences each wherever applicable : 5x 2=10 41. Write any two non-living characteristics of viruses. 12. Assign the following animals to their respective phyla a) Jelly fish b) Star fish 13. Distinguish between tendons and ligaments. 14, Write any two functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum 15. Mention any two physiological effects of Gibberellins. 16. Briefly explain the transportation of O, by blood during respiration. 17. Mention any two disorders of skeletal system. 18. Name the two contractile proteins of muscle. PART -C Ill Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 40 to 80 words each, wherever applicable : 5x3=15 19. Write any three universal rules of binomial nomenclature. 20. Whatis aestivation ? Explain any two types. 21. Differentiate between heart wood and sap wood. (PT.0) 22. 23. 24, 25. Vv 27. 28. 29. 31. 32, 33. 35. 36. 37. Name the chemical bonds present in a)Polysaccharides b) Proteins _—_c) Nucleic acids Mention the three phases of growth in plants. Explain the role of gastric uice in digestion Briefly explain the mechanism of blood clotting. Classify the animals on the basis of excretory material and give one example for each. PART -D SECTION -1 Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 200 to 250 words each, wherever applicable : 4x5=20 Mention any five general characters of Bryophytes. Write any four salient features of the class Aves. Mention on flightless bird Drawa neat labelled diagram of plant cell Draw a neat labelled diagram of digestive system of cockroach. List any five differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Explain Mass flow hypothesis of translocation of sugar in plants. SECTION - I Answer any THREE of the following questions in 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable : 3x 5215 Mention any one role of the following macronutrients. a)Nitrogen b)Phosphorus c) Potassium d) Calcium ) Magnesium. Write the schematic representation of Calvin cycle. a) List any three differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. 3 b) Define RQ. Write the RQ value of fats. 2 Draw a neat labelled diagram of multipolar neuron. Name any five hormones of pituitary gland and mention any one function of each.

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