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Azerbaijan State Pedagogical Universty

Individual Work
 FACULTY: Chemistry and biology
 SPECIALITY : Teaching Chemistry and biology
 SUBJECT : Buisinnes and academic communication in a foreing
language ( Engilish )
 GROUP : KBM2202b
 STUDENT : İdrisov Safa
 TOPIC :Karabakh is Azerbijan !
 TEACHER : Gulnara Taghiyeva

Led by President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham
Aliyev, the glorious victory of Azerbaijani army in the Patriotic War has finally
put the lid on the long-lasting conflict with Armenia, one of the most tragic in
the history of the last decades.

The 44-day war, which was raging in September-November 2020, resulted in

Azerbaijani Forces smashing Armenian occupants, sending them into disarray
and effectively destroying them.

Armenia's capitulation was a logical consequence of the aggressive policy it had

pursued for almost 30 years towards Azerbaijan by seizing 20 percent of its

His brilliant eloquence, exquisite debating skills, profound knowledge of history

and issue under discussion, confidence in every move, and subtle irony resulted
in a decisive checkmate that shattered the policy of lies Yerevan had built for
decades. Even Armenian communities recognized Aliyev's triumph and
Pashinyan's bitter defeat in those debates.We have returned to these lands. We
have returned as a heroic people, as a victorious state. We drove the enemy out
of our native lands. We will rebuild all the destroyed cities and villages, life will
return here, people will return here, and we will again show the world the
greatness of our people. New period begins in our lives – a period of creation,
development, and restoration of our lands", says Azerbaijani leader.

and thus, Karabakh, which is our foundation, our honor, our debt, our indelible
wound in our hearts, our place of honor, was liberated in these 44 days by the
power of the Azerbaijani people, its great leader and powerful army. Currently,
"Karabakh is Azerbaijan!" Our people, who have proven their slogan in the full
sense, have given the whole world media a dismay. Now, Karabakh is a clear
embodiment of the power of Azerbaijan's unity

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