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ME ELECTIVE 1 Section 2

Quiz # 2
Questions (2 points each)
1. ____________ is the process or technique of using a lubricant to reduce friction and wear and
tear in a contact between two surfaces.
2. ____________ are compounds that allow lubricants to remain viscous at higher temperatures
3. _________ is a type of lubrication system where the motion of the contacting surfaces, as well as
the design of the bearing, pump lubricant around the bearing to maintain the lubricating film.

4. The ratio of absolute viscosity to density is ______________.

5. __________ reduce friction and wear, particularly in the boundary lubrication regime where
surfaces come into direct contact

6. _________ is a measure of an oil’s tendency to change in viscosity to changes in

7. Pour point depressants are compounds that prevent crystallization of waxes.
8. _________ is the fluid’s resistance to flow in shear.
9. _________ is the lowest temperature at which the oil will flow.
10. _________ is a system of lubrication where an external pressure is applied to the
lubricant in the bearing to maintain the fluid lubricant film where it would otherwise be
squeezed out.

Problems solving
1. A bearing with an inside diameter of 3.003 in. and a shaft diameter of 3 inches is used in an
engine. The load on the bearing is 500lbs having a coefficient of friction of 0,02 and rotating at
500rpm. Calculate the oil viscosity in centi-Poises (cP) required for this system.
b. Calculate the frictional torque produced.

2. An oil has a temperature of 40 0C with an absolute viscosity of 135.52 centi-Poises (cP), its density
is 838kg/m3, calculate its kinematic viscosity in centi-Stokes (cST).
3. A light construction bearing with only still air ventilation is used is used on an engine operating at
750 rpm and an ambient temperature of 750 F. The load on the bearing is 250lbs and the
coefficient of friction is .02. The bearing length is 4 inches and the shaft diameter is 3 inches.

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