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6, JUNE 2020 561

Distributed-Element Reflectionless Bandstop Filter

With a Broadband Impedance Matching
Jongheun Lee and Juseop Lee , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract— In this letter, we present a systematic design method bandstop filter having no aforementioned drawbacks. For
for a reflectionless bandstop filter using distributed-element describing our approach, this letter presents a new lumped-
resonators. One unique feature of the presented filter structure is element filter topology equivalent to the one in [19]. One
that it is capable of producing a broadband impedance matching
at both ports with a flat passband. For verifying the design of the significant features of the presented design approach
approach, a second-order Butterworth reflectionless bandstop is that it allows a filter to have a wider impedance-matched
filter centered at 2 GHz with fractional bandwidth of 8% frequency range compared to the other design approaches on
has been designed, fabricated, and measured. The measurement reflectionless bandstop filters. For demonstrating our design
shows that the return losses (S11 and S22 ) are overall larger than method, this letter discusses the design of a second-order
10 dB from DC to 3 f0 .
Butterworth reflectionless bandstop filter centered at 2 GHz
Index Terms— Absorptive filter, reflectionless filter. with the fractional bandwidth of 8% as an example.

R EFLECTIONLESS filters contribute to improving the

electrical performance of a wireless system as they do
not produce reflected signals in the stopband. Hence, extensive
For developing the design method for a distributed-element
reflectionless bandstop filter, we have first derived the normal-
ized reflectionless lowpass filter topology shown in Fig. 1(a)
works on reflectionless filters have been widely carried out. from the one in [19]. The normalized element values for
Pioneer works on reflectionless bandstop filter topologies producing a second-order Butterworth lowpass response with
in [1]–[5] are intended for obtaining the infinite attenuation the cutoff frequency at  = 1 ( : normalized frequency) can
at the center frequency using low-Q resonators with perfect be derived, and they are
impedance matching at the center frequency. Useful design
approaches including higher order bandstop filter designs can g1 = 1.414
also be found in [6]–[11]. g2 = 0.707
Separately, various types of reflectionless lowpass filter pro- g3 = 2.000
totypes have also been investigated in [12]–[20]. Theoretically, g4 = 1.414
a reflectionless bandpass or bandstop response can be pro- g5 = 2.000. (1)
duced by applying lowpass-to-bandpass or -bandstop transfor- Fig. 1(b) shows the comparison of the frequency responses
mation to each element comprising the lowpass prototypes. of the lowpass filter prototype shown in Fig. 1(a) when having
However, the design approaches and topologies in the litera- the element values in (1) with the ones of conventional second-
ture have at least one of the following downsides. order reflective Butterworth lowpass filter prototype. It can be
1) One port is matched. observed that the presented filter can produce the transmission
2) Designs are limited to lumped-element filters. responses identical to ones of Butterworth filters, while having
3) Perfect impedance matching is not available from no reflections at all.
topologies. A bandstop filter topology can be obtained by applying
4) Finding the element values of the lowpass filter proto- the lowpass-to-bandstop transformation to the lowpass filter
types relies on using a numerical method, an empirical topology shown in Fig. 1(a). The process transforms the
approach and/or an optimization technique. inductors and capacitors into parallel and series LC resonators,
This letter is to expand the design approach in [19] and leaving the resistors, and the −1:1 transformer unchanged.
present a systematic design method for a distributed-element For designing a distributed-element filter circuit, the parallel
and series LC resonators are replaced by quarter-wavelength
Manuscript received February 3, 2020; revised April 11, 2020; accepted
April 23, 2020. Date of publication May 7, 2020; date of current version short- and open-circuited series stubs, respectively. As the
June 5, 2020. This work was supported by the National Research Founda- −1:1 transformer is to generate 180◦ phase shift, the trans-
tion of Korea (NRF) through the Korea Government (MSIT) under Grant former can be replaced by a half-wavelength transmission line
NRF-2018R1A2B6006095. (Corresponding author: Juseop Lee.)
The authors are with the Department of Computer and Communications as shown in Fig. 2(a). Although the line has a frequency-
Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Korea (e-mail: juseoplee@ variant feature, a wide range of its characteristic impedance, Z 4 , gives a good return loss larger than 10 dB. However,
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at in practice, the return loss performance and the fabrication
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2020.2990986 capability need to be considered in determining Z 4 , which
1531-1309 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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Fig. 1. Second-order Butterworth reflectionless lowpass filter prototype.

(a) Circuit schematic. (b) Frequency responses.

will be further discussed in detail. Other design parameters

of the circuit in Fig. 2(a) can be expressed in terms of the
lowpass prototype values in (1), and they are
π Z 0 g1 
Z1 =
4Z 0
Z2 =
π Z 0 g4 
Z3 =
4 Fig. 2. Second-order Butterworth reflectionless bandstop filter. (a) Circuit
R1 = Z 0 g 3 diagram with series stubs. (b) Circuit diagram with coupled lines. (c) Fre-
R2 = Z 0 g 5 (2) quency responses of the circuits in (a) and (b) with Z 0 = 50 , Z 1 = 4.44 ,
Z 2 = 1125.22 , Z 3 = 4.44 , Z 4 = 1200 , Z 5 = 50 , R1 = 100 ,
where Z 0 and  denote the port impedance and the 3-dB R2 = 100 , Z 1e = 69.99 , Z 1o = 38.89 , Z 2e = 60.31 , Z 2o = 39.68 ,
Z 3e = 54.35 , Z 3o = 48.13 , N = 4.84, and R2 = 1153.2 .
fractional bandwidth, respectively.
It is widely known that implementing series stubs
in Fig. 2(a) is challenging in practice. For implementing the √
Z3 + Z4 + Z 3 (Z 3 + Z 4 )
filter using distributed elements, this letter presents a practical Z 3e =
methodology to transform the circuit in Fig. 2(a) into the one
Z 3 + Z 4 − Z 3 (Z 3 + Z 4 )
without series stubs. As a one-wavelength line gives zero phase Z 3o =
at the center frequency, this letter proposes to add a half- N2
R (Z + Z )
R2 =
2 3 4
wavelength line with the impedance of Z 5 to each side of the
N 2 Z3
series stub with the impedance of Z 1 . Using the fact that each 
series stub accompanied by an adjoining line is equivalent to Z2
N = +1 (3)
coupled lines, we can derive a bandstop filter structure shown Z5
in Fig. 2(b) whose design parameters are
 where N is the ratio of the impedance transformer that appears
Z 1e = Z 1 + Z 5 + Z 1 (Z 1 + Z 5 )
 in transforming each open-circuit stub. For removing the
Z 1o = Z 1 + Z 5 − Z 1 (Z 1 + Z 5 ) impedance transformers, we have scaled down the element
Z 5 (N + 1) values of the lower half part of the circuit by N 2 as can be
Z 2e =
N seen in Figs. 2(b) and (3).
Z 5 (N − 1) As discussed before, a wide range of Z 4 gives a good
Z 2o =
N impedance matching performance. However, according to (3),

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Fig. 3. (a) Top-view of the designed filter along with the dimensions
(w0 = 1.54, w1 = 1.8, w2 = 1.46, w3 = 1.65, w4 = 1.8, l0 = 5, l1 =
26.8, l2 = 27.2, l3 = 25.2, l4 = 28, l5 = 19, s1 = 0.2, s2 = 0.11, s3 = 0.54).
All dimensions are in mm. (b) Top-view of the fabricated filter.

N is larger than 1 when designing a narrowband filter, and

this in turn implies that it is preferred to have a large value
of Z 4 from the perspective of circuit fabrication. Our analysis
on the circuit structure in Fig. 2(a) indicates that Z 4 can be as Fig. 4. Measured frequency responses of the reflectionless bandstop filter
high as 1200  for having the return loss larger than 10 dB with simulated results. (a) Power transmission ratio. (b) Power reflection ratio.
at both ports in our filter design. The dashed lines in Fig. 2(c)
shows the responses of the circuit shown in Fig. 2(a) when the in Fig. 3(a), and the measurement of the fabricated circuit is
center frequency, fractional bandwidth, and Z 4 are 2 GHz, 8%, shown in Fig. 3(b). Overall, the full-wave simulation and the
and 1200 , respectively, and the other design parameters are measurement agree well with the circuit simulation over the
found by using (2). entire frequency range of interest except around 4 GHz (2 f 0 ).
The circuit shown in Fig. 2(b) is equivalent to the one This discrepancy can be attributed to the unequal even- and
in Fig. 2(a) with a half-wavelength line added to each side odd-mode phase velocities of the microstrip coupled lines in
of the stub with an impedance of Z 1 . It has been found an inhomogeneous medium. It can be removed, for example,
that adding two half-wavelength lines with the impedance by designing a filter circuit using striplines in a homogeneous
close to Z 0 rarely changes the transmission response since the medium, but it is not in the scope of this letter. Despite
return losses are maintained to be larger than 10 dB over the the discrepancies, the measured reflections are smaller than
entire frequency range. The solid lines in Fig. 2(c) shows −10 dB with a flat passband up to 6 GHz, except at 4 GHz.
the responses of the circuit in Fig. 2(b) when the parameters
are found by using (3) with Z 5 = Z 0 = 50 . The transmission IV. C ONCLUSION
responses are rarely distinguishable from each other. Both In this letter, we have presented an analytic design method
circuits do not have the perfect impedance matching over the for reflectionless distributed-element bandstop filters. Closed-
entire frequency domain due to the frequency-variant features form equations expressed in terms of the filter parameters
of the aforementioned lines. Nevertheless, the circuits have have been derived so that a filter can be readily designed.
good return losses larger than 10 dB over the entire frequency As our design approach is based on transforming the lumped
range. elements to distributed elements with using transmission lines
that inherently have frequency-variant feature, it is more
suited for narrowband filter designs. For practical filter imple-
mentation, we have described an approach to transform the
In order to verify the distributed-element filter circuit lumped-element lowpass filter topology into a coupled-line
in Fig. 2(b) and the design equations in (1)–(3), a bandstop bandstop filter circuit. Overall, the filter design example has
filter centered at 2 GHz with the fractional bandwidth of 8% the return loss larger than 10 dB over the frequency range
has been designed, fabricated, and measured. The filter has from DC to 3 f 0 .
been fabricated on a 0.508-mm-thick-Rogers 5880 substrate
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