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1254187 WUT M - 2022 Register Number : | Subject Code : 09 (NS) SANSKRIT Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes] _[Total No. of questions : 64] __[Max. Marks : 100 | Grae depeerea sat fered! (era) (10 x 1 = 10) 1). wenfi ar: ga sa geora? 2) mm wea: Bf Sead? 3) faamnfee: wei tera Peta? 4) aga sreragfian: wal? 5) USga: Hosgen: ara: & Pferafa? 6) sarees Hae SST: SATA? G 7) nite ara faq? 8) Corsa YS HATA: &:? 9) TonsaTaes seas aH Pa? 10) waacheeh: a: =? 11) Fenda & wf eaguied seta? P.T.O. Veipesr 09 (NS) = NA 12) Sem: Tey: aT a? 13) “ar aia: ga aed waiter? 14). % aaftreoted? 15) afer f wera? 3: aed: depo sao ETT aT Set feral (GAAP) «= (5 x 2= 10) 16) uncay sf ane sera? 17) fafera: ware: Ramtec fi yeaa? 19) fasmnfeea: wera: faq safeafa? 19) sen fava var aftr: gant fe aafar? 20) omar afta 1? ms 21) wera: ag alar wet 4d HAL 22) anfea: Panel ceui gen srt? 23) Bevery FH? Ursa igre AHA SYA FASTA STP A FRAT (FATA) «= (3 x 3 = 9) 24) seq aanRast Avera: | TisAMi Fee gases afer 25) faeaer arecerat: wateaa weTweTI: | PO Ae; SATHIM: MAM ACA: || HATA LA a 09 (NS) 26) wafe afaraiag reer aise afrrarg eh as aera Patera fe sfiea 11 27) ways at aaa wets rear Bel cea falar a area | 28) Ye: Srete a aahaiate ae ‘arent werarel weattersitiger: | 29) grated fasrafa aarcrsta setae eT aaa ear wea TATA | TISAI Shaper &: aft saa ate sep fore (aquiita) (4x2=8) 30) alga: geft gd fae get afal 31) ser ctergrer pareft area: | 32) stand, ae eeargqara wate 33) wa eed yd er feral 34) garfi mean ad dafeentiy| 35) fa sea rereal 36) ‘quedtes eft ara a3") eae) = AU EOE V. aera: Geena saSHTIT HrTMTNAT aT Set feral (TATA) (8x 5=25) 37) garty sre ei afta? 36) faster were aaa! 39) ‘fafarart fe thea:’ sfe sfiftiet aaeiaa 40) dtatare sem: 41) gaterae feary | 42) HERON WA AYN FETE 43) atten sugared feral 44) arenas! Vi. Weare: ah ve Farrar Reece TA) (4x1=4) 45) feared ama: ————| 46) wad: seseryarg ——_——aefiq 47) fiera_—___—__1 48) yarrafy ——____a wa! (way, Fe, waa, TERA) UN EO TT = 09 (NS) VII. 49) dase (4x1=4) a aT y aha: a) mt ii) fagr: b) Oy iii) ea: ©) ater iv) Peery d) 3ae: Vill. tankeenht var sofia meataain: geal (Tera) (3x1=3) 50) fragt qa 4 Fan 51) Sr sgurai ware! 52) waar aftitg: Bett gor 53) saafte: vari wan area | 54) saa: Gai wera . aan ei geal (aguita) (4x3=12) 55) aR fase / afta (sara) aries, zeta, fant, acer + sna, wea + ore 56) Poreared fora / anced foraa (warorita) Ta, Fawr, with, arta wi gen: a, aaa aa 09 (NS) fs TF 57) fem - fates - aan feral (gait) maf, t204, Tse, qh: 58) oo ce (wat) fated, andi, saa, afar 59) yeaitad geal (aaroTHa) AG, SAM, AM, TARA, MASH 60) ahi aftadaa a) sean er ete a seat srrat om) fata eri: wera 61) siren aera Paféera a) fren yard geet aT om) srara@adede 84 wafer heer oe 09 (NS) 62) SASH STATA a SAA (UA) (1x5=5) &) are rage - arabe geal: we: ga: Aer wad: Bras syTET HAT A Bra Sher ATH |G: TSA Wa Aa BAT, Bas HTT Aig: Sra Tard Tea Wh: A Me seca! aA TT ay faq nd dears aarereniea nity sraciad |B va off ee: | azar on) cracinreera: ferrt aad areeia ata aad geet: at aaafal smart cet yon saeifa afaake fe arretion faepr srargae: aft: en, afer saat adel sat seen: Tag Wea weg Fe ada dary aren: farsa 63) GePAATT ayaa! (THA) (1x5=5) H) ROmmAdsm, Aowoad warkeoba sas sOob adr. AB, AmodsMG Mesesa &Ood adi. HOBSA CHASoVd weeds sds Az, anmsand marsoin mad. Rnd Dirge. wis meta sod. odd. Aero Tada Aedss, goss winowssh, sSeodgde BOSH Hweidoda, Rms. 2oss AHABawe A] Kartikeya, the destroyer of demon Taraka, is the younger son of Lord Shiva. Ganesha, the remover of obstacles is his elder son. Kubera, the lord of wealth is his friend. Parvathi, the mother of universe, is his wife. Parvatharaja, the king of mountains is his father-in-law. Nandi is his vehicle. Virabhadra is his chief of army. In spite of all this Lord Shiva begs. What a destiny! aaa \ S 09 (NS) ms UNA 31) BScimom Modra ObsAS DNB) sy, DBA. 64) 3) Sm SwsHsari EBs moods, seed, eds, MOS Td Bmasembsd. wc saad sobs, Hod tamed forse AG masses aamgt. Tsoley sndas SIME GYDA. Heda neAens sows ade vAd. QSOS O88 VGH, BYVsoWGa agd wsrajsond. Self Confidence is the success behind all the works. It shows the aim and paves the way to attain it. It makes a stream of energy to flow within us which makes possible even the difficult mission. Which seems impossible. It is the best friend of each and every human being. This is the real wealth to be acquired. It is the duty of all of us to increase this day by day. Serres eae cara SAF: | (5x1=5) dnfea: ear, aed) ag selene Page wees aah Sao otter. aréta| at faqs vere agester fiir us oneiqn aa: agastet TUIRRR SAAT Wa Ud STAT! SAGs: Watsha a sien cag Kiger Tek aad) we Tal exon Tefawd saree: areiq) aT aTTS ard aquerd aia feral weg aren cen: ifs aay TraTA: | ve: i) Sere rere a: SI eT? ii) San wea facta: ust aretia? iii) a Usafasa sree arta? iv) Sa Hae area? v) Sanna fara? waar aT) Geran wie Gere toons sidered feral

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