Activity 2 in Module 3

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A. Think of a teacher that you had before and connect his/her influence on
you through these quotes.

1. Students don’t care how much you know until they know how much
you care. — (Anonymous)

2. If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s we rob them of

tomorrow. — (John Dewey)

3. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior
teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. — (William A. Ward)

B. Write an OPEN LETTER to your teacher who has or had a great impact in
your life. Express freely your gratefulness for his/her teachings, and that
he/she was/is instrumental to your success in your studies. SEND the LETTER
through electronic mail or via messenger or any social media account.
SCREENSHOT the letter and attach it in the GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

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