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Philosophers Philosophical Related personal Effects on your

views of self experiences selfhood

In my personal Recognizing that our
experience, this can be ability to think is what
RENE DESCARTES I THINK understood as the confirms our existence,
THEREFORE I AM realization that our we become more aware
ability to think, reason, of our own thoughts
and reflect validates our and mental processes.
own existence. For This heightened self-
example, when you awareness can lead to a
contemplate your own deeper understanding
thoughts, doubts, or of ourselves and our
perceptions, you place in the world.
become aware of your
own consciousness and
In my personal Understanding that we
experience, this can be actively shape our sense
IMMANUEL KANT WE CONSTRUCT understood as the of self empowers us
THE SELF realization that our with a sense of agency.
identity and We realize that we have
understanding of the ability to define
ourselves are not fixed who we are through our
entities but are choices, actions, and
continually influenced interpretations.
by our thoughts,
emotions, relationships,
and experiences.
In my personal Understanding that our
experience, this can be soul defines our
ARISTOTLE \THE SOUL IOS understood as the essence prompts
THE ESSENCE OF recognition that our introspection and self-
THE SELF deepest desires, values, reflection. We become
and characteristics more attuned to our
shape our identity and deepest desires, values,
guide our actions. and motivations,
leading to a deeper
understanding of
In my personal Recognizing the multi-
experience, this can be layered nature of the
SIGMUND FREUD THE SELF IS understood as self allows us to explore
MULTI-LAYERED recognizing that our underlying motivations
thoughts, feelings, and and influences that
behaviors are shape our behavior.
influenced by both This insight can lead to
conscious awareness a deeper understanding
and deeper, often of ourselves and our
hidden, layers of the actions.
In my personal Accepting that the self
experience, this can be is a product of brain
PAUL THE SELF IS THE seen as recognizing that processes may lead to a
CHURCHLAND BRAIN our thoughts, emotions, more materialistic
memories, and understanding of
perceptions are all personal identity. This
products of neural could shift focus away
activity in the brain. Our from spiritual or
experiences, behaviors, metaphysical
and even our sense of explanations of the self.
identity can be
explained by
understanding the
functioning of the brain.



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