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LOG Grade and Subject 4-SCIENCE
Teaching Dates March 06, 2024

A. Content How the major internal organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys,
Standards bones, and muscles keep the body healthy
B. Performance
Identify the causes and treatment of diseases of the major organs; [S4LTIIa-b-3]
C. Learning
Competenci Practice habits to
es/ maintain a healthy body; [S4LT
Objectives IIa-b-4]
Write the LC
code for

Lesson 18: Brain

II. CONTENT - Identify the different functions of the brain
- Identify the common causes of illnesses of the brain and their treatment.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Unit 3- Module 3, Page 233-234
2. Learner’s Quarter 3- Module 6, Page 5-7
Materials pages
3. Textbook
pages Unit 3- Module 3, Page 316-319
4. Additional
Materials from
(LR) portal
B. Other
Learning Video Presentation, Tarpapel, Worksheets.
Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Can we all take a moment to stand up for the (The pupils will pray.)
prayer? Any volunteer to lead the prayer?
2. Greetings Good afternoon, Teacher!
Good morning class.
3. Attendance None, Teacher.
Who is absent today?
4. Recalling of Classroom Standards Pay attention to the discussion.
What will you do if the teacher is in front? Sit properly.
What if the teacher will ask you a question? Raise a hand if we want to answer.
What will you do?
Can I expect you all to follow all that rules? Yes Teacher.


ELICIT What are those evidences?

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Activity 1: Fill MeI
Can you stick the missing organs back into the
correct place?
(The teacher will going to ask the pupils about
their favorite organ in the body and why they
think it is important.)

(The teacher will introduce the objectives, and

the lesson through an activity.)

What will you do if an angry dog barks at you?

ENGAGE - Why do you immediately remove your hand if
B. Establishing a purpose you touched a hot obiect?
for the lesson
- What could be your possible reaction when
C. Presenting you hear rock music?
examples/instances of the
new lesson - What makes you cry?

(the teacher will write the responses of the

pupils on the board.

EXPLORE Now we will do a group activity (The students will do the activity)
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills #2 (The teacher will divide the class into three (3)
(The teacher will provide an activity cards
containing guide questions.)
(The output of students will be graded using a
specific scoring rubric.)

Criteria Very Good Good Needs

Content (15) -all the (12) -few of the (9) -all the guide
guide guide questions questions were
questions were answered answered incorrectly.
were correctly.
Coopera (8) -if 75- (6) - if 50% of the (4) -if 25% of the group
tion 100% of the group members members participated
group participated in the in the group activity.
members activity.
in the
Delivery (8) -if the (6) - if the (4) -if the reporters
reporters reporters delivered delivered their output
delivered their output with with no enthusiasm.
their output less enthusiasm.
Time (4) -if the (3) - if the group (2) -if the group had no
Manage group did not finished output within the given
ment finished their output on time.
their output time.
on time.

Activity I-A. Reflexify!

What you need:
ruler, pencil, stone, or any object that can be
easily grasps

What to do:
1. Look for a partner.
2. Ask your partner to drop an object while you
will catch it immediately before it reaches the
floor. (take turns for 3 times
3. Notice your observations.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the reaction of your partner after you
dropped an object? What were your
2. How fast did your partner catch the object?
3. What made your partner respond to the
action of dropping the object?
4. What is the function of the brain?.

Activity I-B. Memorify!

1. Your teacher will ask you to read ten words
written on flash cards.
2. List down as many words as you can
3. Answer:

Guide Questions:
1. How many words did you remember?
2. What is the function of the brain?

Activity I-C. Sensify!

What you need:

• calamansi, guava leaves, perfume/cologne, or
any object that has a smell, cotton, rubber
bond, marble, pencil
What to do:
1. Do this by group.
2. Ask one member from the group to be
3. Bring the object /s near to her nose?
4. Let him/ her guess what the objects are.
5. Bring out the magic box which contains
different objects.
6. Have another member from the group be
7. Let him/her touch the objects and guess
what they are.

Guide Questions:
1. What gives her the idea on the objects?
2. What is the function of the brain?

EXPLAIN (The pupils will present their answers)

F. Developing mastery (The leaders of each group will present their
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) answers to the guide questions to the class.)

Guide Questions:
 What did you observe during the activity
that stood out to you the most?
 Were there any challenges you faced
while participating in the activity? How did
you overcome them?
 How do you think the activity relates to the
function of the brain?
 Were there aspects of the activities that
made you think about the challenges
people may face when dealing with
conditions that affect the brain?
Brain Diseases: It's Causes and Treatments

Your brain processes the information it

receives and send instructions to the different
parts of your body. It serves as the control
center of all our body movements

What if your brain won't function properly? Do

you know some illnesses/ diseases related to
the brain?
In this lesson, you will learn about the diseases
of the brain, it's causes and treatments.

Diseases Related to Brain

Migraine - It is an intense pain in the head

caused by stress, fatigue and
sometimes hunger
 Causes: The exact cause is not fully
understood, but it involves abnormal
brain activity and genetics.
 Treatment: include oral medications,
lifestyle changes, and sometimes
prescription drugs specifically designed
for migraines.
 Symptoms: may also include visual
disturbances and sensitivity to certain
triggers, such as certain foods or stress.

Epilepsy - This is a disorder due to irregular

electrical signals in the
brain. This results to unsteady or trembling of
the body (seizures) and loss of consciousness.

 Causes: can include genetic factors, brain

injury, or unknown origins.
 Seizure symptoms; vary and may include
convulsions, altered consciousness,
repetitive movements, or staring spells.
Early diagnosis and appropriate
management are crucial for individuals
with epilepsy to lead fulfilling lives.
 Treatment: typically involves antiepileptic
medications, lifestyle modifications, and,
in some cases, surgery.

Parkinson's Diseases- It is characterized by

shaking, trembles and
rigidity of the muscles in the face.

 Causes: gradual loss of dopamine-

producing cells in the brain. While the
exact cause remains unclear, both genetic
and environmental factors are thought to
 Symptoms: include tremors, stiffness,
bradykinesia (slowness of movement),
and postural instability.
 Treatment: involves medications to
manage symptoms, physical therapy, and,
in some cases, deep brain stimulation.

Hydrocephalus -is the abnormal increase in

the cerebrospinal fiuid inside the brain.

 Causes: congenital or inborn disease, due

to infections during mother's pregnancy
 Symptoms: soft spot in the surface of the
skull. loss of coordination and bladder
control, impaired mental functions
 Treatment: bring back a normal flow of
cerebrospinal fluid through surgery

Brain tumor - is a brain disease caused by the

formation of a lump of cells in the brain.
 Causes: multiple, rapid production of
abnormal cells in the brain
 Symptoms: headache, nausea, vomiting,
seizures, difficulty with balance and
 Treatment: oral medications, steroids,
Stroke - happens when there is a sudden
interruption on the supply of oxygen and
blood in the brain.
 Causes: high blood pressure, sudden
strenuous physical activity, unhealthy
 Symptoms: speech problems, paralysis
 Treatment: oral medications, blood clot
removal, blood vessel repair,
rehabilitation therapy

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts Now, I want each of you to take out a small 1.MIGRAINE
and skills in daily living
piece of paper and a pencil. We're going to 2. STROKE
H. Making generalizations 3. EPILEPSY
and abstractions about the arrage the letters to answer the Brain Buster! 4. PARKINSON

Yes, Teacher!

Are you done kids?

Fantastic! It seems like your brains had a good
workout today!
Did you know class, that
doing this kind of activity helps the brain
perform its function well. It can enhance your
ability to remember information.
Now, here are the other ways we can take care
of our brains beyond these fun activities. Any
ideas on how to keep our minds healthy?

Care for the Brain

1. Eat a balanced diet.
2. Exercise daily.
3. Avoid harmful substances like alcohol,
cigarettes and drugs.
4. Get enough rest.
5. Have a positive outlook in life
6. Talk with others.
7. Get vitamin D daily.
8. Play small brain games often.
9. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily

Mind twisting!
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Answer Key

Write your answers in your answer 1. FALSE

_____1. Harmful substance like alcohol, 5. TRUE
cigarettes and drugs can make your brain
EVALUATE healthy.
I .Evaluating learning
_____2. A stroke happens when there is blood
clot in the brain.
_____3. Epilepsy involves shaking, trembling
and hardening of muscles in the face.
_____4. Migraine is caused by stress.
_____5. Eating a balanced diet is one way to
prevent brain ailment.

Additional Activity: Be a genius!

Directions: Read the situation below and

answer the questions.
Write your answers in your answer sheet
Science Activity notebook.
One of your family members collapsed after a
What can I Do
usual day of work.
1. stroke
EXTEND He was suddenly rushed to the nearest
2. Eat a balanced diet, exercise daily,
J. Additional activities for hospital. In the hospital, the doctors observed
enough rest, avoid harmful substances like
applications or remediation that the patient cannot move his right arm.
Questions: alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, drink 8 to 10
1. What possible ailment does he suffer? glasses of water daily... etc

2. Give at least three ways of how this

condition be prevented.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners
who have catch up with the
D. No. of learners who require to
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked well?
___Direct Teaching
Why did these work?
___Inquiry Approach
___Demonstration by teacher, demonstration by students
___Cooperative Learning
___Lecture and student recitation
___Hands-on/individual or group practice
Why did this work?
___Cooperation among students in group activities
___Availability of instructional devices
___Availability of instructional materials
___Well-prepared instructional materials
___Availability of downloadable IMs online
F. What difficulties did I ___Lack of preparation on the part of the teacher
encounter which my Principal or
___Students lack attention during the lecture/discussion
Supervisor can help?
___Inability of students to express themselves
___Failure to do homework
___Learning difficulty among some of students
___Students behavior/attitude
___Unavailability of instructional devices/audio-visual materials
___Used of poorly prepared instructional materials
___Used of inappropriate teaching strategy
___Uncooperative students in group activities
___Others: (State it below)
G. What innovation or localized ___Contextualization (Indigenization) of some contents
materials did I used which I wish
___Utilization of own LCD and laptop in teaching
to share with the other teacher.
___Download learning materials from the internet
___Utilization of multimedia in teaching
___ Others: (State it below)

Prepared by: Checked by:


Pre-service Teacher Cooperating Teacher


ELLEN JOY M. FARALA ENERIA A. PASCUAL, MT-I _______________________

Department Head Cooperating Teacher

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