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18th Century:

No nation-states in Europe, under autocratic monarchies.

Common allegiance to the emperor as the only tie binding diverse groups.

Late 18th Century:

French Revolution sparks the idea of a NATION and unity.

Early 19th Century:

Jacobin Clubs spread across Europe.

Napoleon's rule brings vast reforms, including the Civil Code of 1804.

Abolishment of the feudal system in Switzerland, Italy, and Germany.

Freedom of peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.

Removal of guild restrictions, improved transport and communication,

standardized weights, measures, and a common national currency.

Napoleon's Reign:

French armies initially welcomed for their reforms.

Hostility grows due to censorship, increased taxation, and forced conscription.


Napoleon defeated at Waterloo.

Rise of conservatives.

Treaty of Vienna undoes many Napoleonic era changes.

Conservative regimes become autocratic with censorship and control over the

Early 19th Century:

Liberal nationalism emerges, emphasizing freedom, equality, and representative


Economic liberalism promotes market freedom and the abolition of state-

imposed restrictions.

Timeline 1
Formation of the Customs Union (Zollverein) in 1834 by Prussia and German

Secret Societies:

Giuseppe Mazzini forms Young Italy and Young Europe.

Liberal-nationalists driven underground due to fear of repression.

July 1830:

July Revolution in France leads to the overthrow of Bourbon kings and the
establishment of a constitutional monarchy.


Greek War of Independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Treaty of Constantinople in 1832 establishes an independent Greek nation.

19th Century:

Romanticism promotes national sentiment through art, poetry, music, and a

shared collective heritage.

Emphasis on vernacular language and local folklore.

Poland uses language as a weapon against Russian rule.


Economic hardship, population boom, and job scarcity lead to popular revolts.

Paris Uprising in 1830 results in the overthrow of Louis Philippe.

1845 Weaver's Revolt in Silesia.

1848: The Revolution of the Liberals:

Parallel revolutions led by the poor and unemployed, educated middle class, and
women's rights activists.

Universal suffrage for adult males and right to work guaranteed.

Middle-class demands for constitutionalism and national unification.

Creation of the German National Assembly and subsequent suppression.

Post-1848 changes include limited monarch concessions and abolition of


Unification of Germany and Italy:

Timeline 2
After 1848, nationalist sentiments rise.

Otto von Bismarck unifies Germany through wars with France, Austria, and

King Victor Emmanuel II and Count Cavour unify Italy with French support.

British Formation of Nation State:

England's formation as a nation-state.

Formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707.

Suppression of Scottish language and culture.

Late 19th Century:

Personification of nations through female allegorical figures like Marianne in

France and Germania in Germany.

After 1871:

Balkans under Ottoman Empire experience romantic nationalism and


European subject nationalities break away and declare independence.

Intense conflicts and rivalry among European powers over the Balkans.

Series of wars in the Balkans leading up to WW1 in 1914.

Timeline 3

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