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Cairo University

Faculty of Economics and Political Science

Digital Economy (EE318)

Sheet (5)
Question (1): Choose the correct answer
1. …………… is the process of analyzing data to answer questions, extract insights, and
identify trends. This is achieved through the use of different tools, techniques, and
frameworks, which vary depending on the type of analysis being performed.

A. Data Usage
B. Data Analytics
C. Descriptive Analysis
D. Data Interpretation

2. Which of the following is not one of the types of data analytics?

A. Descriptive Analytics
B. Diagnostic Analytics
C. Predictive Analytics
D. None of the above

3. Which of the following refers to a quantifiable measure used to evaluate the success of an
organization, employee, etc. in meeting objectives for performance?

A. Key Performance Indicators

B. Key Process Indicators
C. Key Results Indicators
D. Key Risk Indicators

4. Which of the following is not considered an advantage that cloud computing offers to

A. Overcoming barriers related to fixed costs of ICT investment

B. Allowing SMEs to rapidly scale up and grow
C. Providing SMEs with Limited Storage Capacity
D. Offering high-power computing resources flexibly
5. …………… are any type of harmful activity or attack that could potentially cause damage
to an organization, its data or its personnel.

A. Digital Attacks
B. Data Breaches
C. Cyber Security Threats
D. Computer System Disruptions

Question (2): State whether the following statements are true or false with justification in
both cases
1. By harnessing data, SMEs can develop innovative business models that are driven by
insights and data, tailored to meet market demands.

2. Data regulatory frameworks are often clear and simplified supporting SMEs in emerging

3. Incumbent companies are mostly affected by the absence of drafted frameworks and
policies in a country, relative to newly established firms.

4. Various policy actions by governments in developing nations have become essential to

boost the growth prospects of start-ups and SMEs.

5. Data talent gap is a significant issue that governments should prioritize and address

6. Open government data initiatives should only focus on transparency and accountability
without paying attention to their economic value.

7. Data, as an infrastructure asset, is on par with more traditional infrastructure like

transport and public utilities in the digital economy.

8. Innovative SMEs are the main drivers of digital industries, particularly in newly emerging

9. Data analytics plays a vital role in helping firms derive valuable insights and make
informed decisions to enhance performance and competitiveness.
Question (3): Answer the following questions

1. The adoption of data-driven practices is vital for enhancing both labor and company
productivity. Explain using statistical evidence.

2. List some of the challenges that SMEs encounter regarding the utilization of data and
data analytics in emerging countries.

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