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1.1. Background
The need for travel time studies arises from the growing challenges associated with urbanization,
population growth, and increasing demands on transportation infrastructure. These challenges
include traffic congestion, delays, environmental pollution, and inefficiencies in public
transportation systems. By analyzing travel times, planners and engineers can identify
bottlenecks and areas requiring improvements, leading to more effective and sustainable
transportation solutions. With the rapid growth of urban populations, understanding travel
patterns and times between key locations becomes crucial for urban planners and policymakers.
Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, is no exception to this trend. As Yangon undergoes
urbanization and economic development, the need for accurate data on travel times between
popular destinations becomes increasingly pertinent.

1.2. Problem Statement

Despite the importance of efficient transportation systems, there remains a lack of
comprehensive data on travel times between specific locations within Yangon. This knowledge
gap presents a challenge for transportation engineers seeking to improve the city's infrastructure
and reduce congestion. Without reliable data on travel times, it is difficult to implement targeted
interventions to alleviate traffic bottlenecks and enhance overall mobility in the city.

1.3. Aim & Objective

1.3.1. Aim
The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive travel time analysis between Shwe Kaung
Kywel Restaurant and Kaung Kaung Cafe along Insein Road in Yangon, Myanmar. By
employing an innovative methodology involving license plate tracking, our primary objective is
to gather real-time data on travel durations between these two locations.
1.3.2. Objective
In addition to this overarching objective, the study is designed to achieve the following specific
Analyze the distribution of travel times between Shwe Kaung Kywel Restaurant and Kaung
Kaung Cafe to identify average travel durations, and variability in commute times.
Understanding these patterns is essential for optimizing transportation planning and resource
Evaluate the level of traffic congestion along Insein Road during the study period by examining
fluctuations in travel times and identifying potential bottlenecks or areas of congestion. This
assessment will inform strategies to mitigate traffic congestion and improve the overall
efficiency of the transportation network.
Validate the effectiveness and reliability of the license plate tracking methodology for measuring
travel times in urban environments. By comparing the data collected through this method with
alternative approaches, we aim to assess the accuracy and feasibility of this novel technique for
future transportation studies.
1.4. Study Area
The study area encompasses the segment of Insein Road extending from Shwe Kaung Kywel
Restaurant to Kaung Kaung Cafe, located within the vibrant urban fabric of Yangon City. Insein
Road serves as a vital artery within the city's transportation network, linking residential
neighborhoods, commercial districts, and recreational areas. Shwe Kaung Kywel Restaurant and
Kaung Kaung Cafe were chosen as endpoints due to their strategic location and popularity
among residents and visitors alike. The red line in the below figure is the Insein Road.

Moreover, the study area encompasses not only the physical roadway but also the surrounding
urban environment, including intersections, pedestrian crossings, and other infrastructure
elements that influence travel times and traffic flow. By focusing on this specific stretch of
Insein Road, the study aims to capture the nuances of travel behavior and traffic dynamics within
a representative urban setting, thereby providing valuable insights for transportation planning
and management initiatives in Yangon.

1.5. Organization of the Structure

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Statement
1.3 Aim & Objective
1.4 Study Area
1.5 Organization of the Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Importance of Travel Time Study
2.3 Understanding Travel Time & Delay
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Using a Test Vehicle
3.2 Method not Requiring Test Vehicles
3.3 Using Intelligent Transportation System
3.4 Methodology Used
Chapter 4 Research Data, Analysis, and Discussion
4.1 Data Analysis
4.2 Discussion
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Recommendations
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Future Recommendations
2. Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
Travel Time Studies, also known as Travel Time & Delay Studies, are essential tools in
transportation research, providing insights into travel duration and the factors contributing to
delays along specific routes. This type of study examines not only the time spent driving but also
the causes of delays, making it valuable for assessing road functionality and identifying areas for
improvement in traffic flow.

2.2. Importance of Travel Time Study

Travel time studies are crucial for several reasons, with their importance spanning across urban
planning, environmental management, economic efficiency, and the overall quality of life for
individuals. Here are some of the key reasons why travel time studies are important:
1. Improving Transportation Efficiency
Travel time studies provide essential data that helps in understanding how efficiently the
transportation network operates. By identifying areas of congestion and bottlenecks, these
studies enable planners and engineers to devise strategies to enhance the flow of traffic, reduce
delays, and improve the reliability of travel times, which is fundamental for both personal and
commercial transportation needs.
2. Supporting Infrastructure Development and Planning
The insights gained from travel time studies are vital for guiding the development and planning
of transportation infrastructure. They help determine where investments should be made to
expand road capacity, improve public transit options, or develop alternative routes. This ensures
that resources are allocated effectively to meet current and future transportation demands.
3. Enhancing Public Transit Systems
Analyzing travel times for different modes of transport, including public transit, allows for a
comparison of efficiency and competitiveness. This can highlight areas where public transit can
be improved or expanded, encouraging a shift from private vehicle use, which can reduce
congestion and environmental impact.
4. Environmental Sustainability
Travel time studies can contribute to environmental sustainability by identifying ways to reduce
travel times and vehicle idling, which in turn decreases fuel consumption and emissions of
greenhouse gases and pollutants. This is crucial for cities aiming to reduce their carbon footprint
and improve air quality.
5. Economic Benefits
Efficient transportation systems reduce travel times and associated costs, benefiting both
individuals and businesses. For individuals, it means less time spent commuting and more time
available for productive activities or leisure, enhancing the quality of life. For businesses,
particularly those reliant on logistics and delivery services, reduced travel times can lead to
operational efficiencies, lower transportation costs, and improved competitiveness.
6. Safety Improvements
Travel time studies often identify high-risk areas for accidents and delays. By addressing these
issues through targeted infrastructure improvements or traffic management solutions, it's possible
to enhance road safety for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike.
7. Data-Driven Decision Making
The data collected from travel time studies provides a solid foundation for informed decision-
making regarding transportation policies, initiatives, and investments. It enables policymakers
and stakeholders to make evidence-based decisions that reflect the actual needs and challenges of
the transportation network.
8. Future Planning and Scalability
Understanding current travel patterns and times is essential for planning future transportation
networks that can accommodate population growth and evolving urban landscapes. Travel time
studies help predict future travel demands and inform the planning of scalable and flexible
transportation solutions.
In summary, travel time studies are a pivotal component of transportation planning and
management, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the efficient movement of people and
goods, environmental protection, economic growth, and the improvement of overall quality of
2.3. Understanding Travel Time and Delay
Understanding travel time and delay is crucial in transportation planning, traffic management,
and the broader field of urban development. These concepts help in assessing the efficiency of
transportation networks, identifying bottlenecks, and developing strategies to enhance mobility
and accessibility. Here's a closer look at both concepts:
Travel Time
Travel time refers to the total time taken to move from one point to another. It is a critical
measure in evaluating the performance of transportation systems and the accessibility of various
destinations. Travel time is influenced by several factors, including:
 Distance: The length of the route between the starting point and destination.
 Mode of Transportation: Different modes (e.g., walking, cycling, driving, public
transit) have varying speeds and operational characteristics.
 Traffic Conditions: Congestion can significantly increase travel time.
 Route Characteristics: Road conditions, traffic control measures (e.g., stop signs, traffic
signals), and terrain can affect travel time.
 Weather Conditions: Adverse weather can slow down travel by reducing visibility and
road traction.
Delay refers to the additional time spent traveling beyond what is considered normal or expected
under ideal conditions. It is a key indicator of inefficiency within a transportation network.
Delays can be caused by:
 Traffic Congestion: High volumes of vehicles lead to slower speeds and longer trip
 Accidents and Roadworks: Incidents on the road can temporarily block routes and slow
down traffic, increasing travel time.
 Public Transit Wait Times: For public transportation, delays can be due to waiting for
the next service or transfers between services.
 Signal Timing: Inefficient traffic signal timing can lead to unnecessary stops and waiting
at intersections.
Importance in Transportation Planning and Management
Optimizing Travel Time and Minimizing Delays: Understanding these concepts helps in
devising strategies to optimize travel time and minimize delays. This includes improving road
infrastructure, enhancing public transit services, and implementing intelligent traffic
management systems.
Quality of Life and Economic Efficiency: Reduced travel times and delays are directly linked
to improved quality of life, as individuals have more time for personal activities and less stress
from commuting. For businesses, especially those relying on logistics and deliveries, minimizing
delays is crucial for operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Environmental Impact: Efficient transportation planning, aiming at reducing travel times and
delays, can contribute to environmental sustainability. Shorter travel times mean lower fuel
consumption and reduced emissions, contributing to cleaner air and lower greenhouse gas
Data-Driven Solutions: Collecting data on travel time and delays is essential for transportation
planning and policy-making. It enables a data-driven approach to designing and implementing
transportation projects and services, ensuring they meet the actual needs of commuters and
contribute to the overall efficiency of the transportation network.
In summary, understanding travel time and delay is fundamental for creating efficient, reliable,
and sustainable transportation systems that enhance urban mobility, support economic
development, and improve the overall quality of life.

3. Methodology
The methodology of travel time studies encompasses several steps and utilizes various data
collection and analysis techniques. These studies aim to measure and evaluate the duration taken
to travel between points within a transportation network under different conditions. Here’s a
generalized approach to conducting a travel time study:
1. Define Objectives and Scope
 Objective Definition: Clearly define the goals of the study, such as assessing the impact
of a new traffic signal on travel times, understanding peak hour congestion, or evaluating
the effectiveness of a new transit service.
 Study Area and Routes: Determine the geographic scope, specific routes, and segments
of interest for the study.
 Time Periods: Identify relevant time periods for data collection, including peak and off-
peak hours, weekdays, and weekends.
2. Select Data Collection Methods
Several methods can be used for collecting travel time data, each with its advantages and
 Manual Methods: Observers record travel times directly, using stopwatches or other
timing devices. This can be labor-intensive and may not be feasible for large-scale
 License Plate Matching: Observers or cameras record license plates at different points
along a route to calculate the travel time between those points. Privacy concerns and the
need for sufficient coverage are considerations.
 GPS and Mobile Devices: Vehicles equipped with GPS devices or mobile apps can
provide detailed travel time and speed data across routes. This method offers high
accuracy and comprehensive coverage.
 Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Tracking: Detecting Bluetooth or Wi-Fi signals from devices in
vehicles as they pass sensors along a route. This method respects privacy while providing
valuable travel time data.
 Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR): Cameras automatically capture and
recognize license plates at different points, enabling efficient travel time measurement
over extended periods and areas.
3. Data Collection
 Planning: Develop a detailed plan specifying the data collection schedule, locations of
measurement points, and resource allocation.
 Execution: Collect travel time data according to the plan, ensuring consistency and
accuracy in the measurements.
 Quality Control: Implement quality control measures to validate the data and identify
any anomalies or errors.
4. Data Analysis
 Data Processing: Clean and process the collected data, preparing it for analysis. This
may involve matching license plate records, filtering out outliers, or aggregating GPS
data points.
 Travel Time Calculation: Calculate travel times and average speeds for the identified
routes and time periods.
 Statistical Analysis: Perform statistical analyses to understand travel time variability,
identify patterns, and assess factors influencing travel times.
 Comparative Analysis: If applicable, compare the collected travel times with previous
data, theoretical models, or benchmarks to assess changes or impacts of interventions.
5. Report Findings and Recommendations
 Documentation: Document the methodology, data analysis, findings, and any limitations
of the study.
 Recommendations: Based on the findings, provide recommendations for improving
travel times, such as traffic signal adjustments, road improvements, or policy changes.
 Dissemination: Share the report with stakeholders, including transportation agencies,
local governments, and the public, as appropriate.
6. Implement and Monitor
 Implementation: Support the implementation of recommended measures.
 Monitoring: Conduct follow-up studies to monitor the impact of implemented measures
on travel times.
Effective travel time studies require careful planning, a robust methodology, and the integration
of various data sources and analytical tools. The choice of methods and the specific approach
will depend on the objectives of the study, the resources available, and the characteristics of the
study area.

3.4. Methodology Used

Our team employed the License Plate Method as a practical and efficient approach to gather
travel time and delay data for our study. This method, which does not require a test vehicle,
involves strategically positioning observers at the beginning and end of the designated test
section, allowing for the systematic recording of passing vehicles' license plate numbers and
corresponding times.
Observer Placement – Six team members were stationed at Kaung Kaung Café and five team
members were located at Shwe Kaung Kywel Restaurant along Insein Road. These locations
were strategically chosen to ensure comprehensive coverage of the traffic flow.
Data Collection - Observers diligently recorded the last three of passing vehicles' license plates,
along with the precise time of passage. This data collection process was conducted from 1:30 pm
to 3:30 pm, capturing a representative sample of vehicles traversing the study route.
Data Reduction and Analysis - Upon completion of data collection, the recorded license plate
numbers and passage times were cross-referenced to identify vehicles that passed through both
observation points. By matching the arrival times at the entry and exit points for each recorded
license plate, the travel time for each vehicle was calculated.
Quality Assurance - Rigorous quality assurance measures were implemented throughout the
data collection process to ensure accuracy and reliability. This included double-checking of
recorded data and consistency checks to minimize errors and discrepancies.

Advantages of License Plate Method

he license plate recognition (LPR) method, often used in travel time and delay studies, involves
tracking vehicles by recognizing their license plates at different points along a route. This
technique offers several advantages for collecting accurate and reliable data on travel times and
traffic conditions. Here are some of the key benefits:
1. Accuracy
 LPR systems can provide highly accurate data on the travel times of individual vehicles
as they move through a network. This precision is invaluable for analyzing traffic flow
and congestion levels.
2. Non-Intrusive Data Collection
 Unlike some other methods that require physical interaction with the vehicle or the road,
LPR systems are non-intrusive. They do not interfere with traffic flow or require any
action from drivers, leading to more natural behavior and reliable data.
3. Real-Time Monitoring
 LPR technology can be used for real-time monitoring of traffic conditions. This allows
for immediate responses to traffic incidents, real-time traffic management, and timely
information to road users.
4. Versatility
 The data collected can be used for various purposes beyond just measuring travel times
and delays. This includes vehicle counts, assessing the effectiveness of traffic
management strategies, and identifying patterns of road usage.
5. Automation
 Once set up, LPR systems can operate automatically 24/7, reducing the need for manual
data collection and thereby minimizing human error and resource requirements.
6. Historical Data Analysis
 LPR systems can store vast amounts of data, enabling detailed historical analyses of
travel time trends, seasonal variations, and the impact of specific interventions over time.
7. Enhanced Privacy
 While privacy concerns exist with any technology that collects individual data, LPR
methods can be designed to respect privacy by anonymizing data or implementing strict
data protection measures. This is crucial for maintaining public trust.
8. Multi-Modal Applications
 Beyond just tracking private vehicles, LPR can be adapted for use in monitoring travel
times for different modes of transportation, such as buses in dedicated lanes, by
identifying license plates or similar identifiers.
9. Cost-Effectiveness
 Although the initial setup cost for LPR systems can be significant, their automated nature
and the breadth of data they provide can make them a cost-effective solution in the long
term, especially when compared to labor-intensive manual data collection methods.
10. Improved Traffic Management and Planning
 The detailed and accurate data provided by LPR systems support more informed
decision-making in traffic management and infrastructure planning, leading to more
efficient use of resources and better outcomes for road users.
In summary, the license plate recognition method offers a sophisticated, efficient, and versatile
approach to measuring travel times and analyzing traffic conditions. When implemented with
consideration for privacy and data protection, it can significantly enhance our understanding and
management of transportation networks. By leveraging this methodology, our team was able to
gather comprehensive data to inform transportation planning and management decisions,
ultimately contributing to efforts aimed at optimizing traffic flow and enhancing mobility of
Insein Road.

4. Research Data Analysis and Discussion

4.1. Data Analysis
From matching, we got travel time of 133 vehicles.
Sampl Count Licens Cummulativ Travel
e No. No. e Plate e Time Time
128 B 0 0:34:35
1 0:02:01
132 A 0 0:32:34
173 B 1 0:28:55
2 0:02:03
111 A 1 0:26:52
139 B 4 0:21:26
3 0:01:19
74 A 4 0:20:07
260 B 7 0:44:52
4 0:02:19
177 A 7 0:42:34
31 B 15 0:08:38
5 0:02:55
22 A 15 0:05:42
88 B 17 0:22:35
6 0:02:12
80 A 17 0:20:23
95 A 24 0:27:41
7 0:02:45
114 B 24 0:30:26
72 B 28 0:11:28
8 0:02:41
32 A 28 0:08:46
147 B 29 0:40:43
9 0:02:26
159 A 29 0:38:17
58 B 32 0:09:27
10 0:02:02
31 A 32 0:07:25
125 B 44 0:17:42
11 0:04:37
50 A 44 0:13:05
34 A 47 0:08:25
12 0:02:31
48 B 47 0:10:56
82 A 52 0:24:01
13 0:02:37
101 B 52 0:26:38
14 205 B 77 0:36:00 0:02:18
139 A 77 0:33:42
72 B 80 0:18:31
15 0:02:16
59 A 80 0:16:16
61 B 86 0:09:48
16 0:02:45
29 A 86 0:07:03
233 B 96 0:40:47
17 0:02:11
163 A 96 0:38:36
263 B 110 0:45:08
18 0:02:47
128 A 110 0:42:21
91 A 120 0:26:18
19 0:02:52
108 B 120 0:29:10
161 B 122 0:25:52
20 0:02:30
98 A 122 0:23:22
240 B 123 0:42:05
21 0:02:22
169 A 123 0:39:42
56 B 133 0:14:17
22 0:05:58
30 A 133 0:08:19
84 B 138 0:21:18
23 0:02:52
71 A 138 0:18:26
35 B 148 0:05:45
24 0:02:17
17 A 148 0:03:28
112 B 155 0:30:07
25 0:02:21
113 A 155 0:27:45
28 B 166 0:04:41
26 0:03:27
4 A 166 0:01:14
99 A 175 0:29:11
27 0:10:22
223 B 175 0:39:33
246 B 178 0:42:44
28 0:03:10
168 A 178 0:39:34
127 B 179 0:34:20
29 0:02:49
126 A 179 0:31:31
58 B 188 0:15:19
30 0:09:52
21 A 188 0:05:27
91 B 202 0:14:04
31 0:02:19
45 A 202 0:11:45
60 A 212 0:16:20
32 0:02:20
73 B 212 0:18:40
160 B 214 0:25:42
33 0:02:17
99 A 214 0:23:25
154 B 218 0:24:14
34 0:02:24
77 A 218 0:21:50
209 B 246 0:37:33
35 0:08:33
98 A 246 0:29:00
36 197 B 260 0:34:36 0:08:00
93 A 260 0:26:36
67 B 271 0:10:52
37 0:02:30
31 A 271 0:08:22
16 B 290 0:04:15
38 0:02:00
8 A 290 0:02:15
273 B 293 0:46:46
39 0:02:24
191 A 293 0:44:22
274 B 298 0:46:59
40 0:02:40
190 A 298 0:44:19
158 B 322 0:25:13
41 0:05:37
73 A 322 0:19:36
61 B 324 0:16:01
42 0:02:37
51 A 324 0:13:24
193 B 335 0:34:24
43 0:02:30
127 A 335 0:31:54
173 B 337 0:46:53
44 0:02:12
192 A 337 0:44:42
30 A 346 0:07:12
45 0:02:36
42 B 346 0:09:48
267 B 348 0:45:54
46 0:02:35
186 A 348 0:43:19
161 B 352 0:44:43
47 0:02:08
178 A 352 0:42:36
120 A 356 0:37:33
48 0:03:13
148 B 356 0:40:46
281 B 383 0:48:39
49 0:04:04
134 A 383 0:44:35
226 B 386 0:39:42
50 0:02:15
119 A 386 0:37:27
184 B 404 0:32:52
51 0:01:50
123 A 404 0:31:02
59 A 421 0:16:12
52 0:04:40
80 B 421 0:20:52
159 B 435 0:25:40
53 0:02:06
101 A 435 0:23:34
97 A 443 0:28:54
54 0:03:41
124 B 443 0:32:35
242 B 445 0:42:20
55 0:03:34
123 A 445 0:38:46
123 B 447 0:32:28
56 0:02:52
120 A 447 0:29:36
198 B 451 0:34:45
57 0:07:12
94 A 451 0:27:33
58 90 B 452 0:14:02 0:03:05
42 A 452 0:10:57
8 A 454 0:01:46
59 0:12:00
54 B 454 0:13:46
156 B 465 0:24:39
60 0:06:51
66 A 465 0:17:48
14 B 483 0:04:07
61 0:02:31
5 A 483 0:01:36
36 B 488 0:05:49
62 0:02:39
13 A 488 0:03:09
250 B 490 0:43:27
63 0:02:20
174 A 490 0:41:07
145 A 490 0:35:26
64 0:02:55
213 B 490 0:38:20
195 B 496 0:34:30
65 0:02:26
104 A 496 0:32:04
55 A 500 0:13:46
66 0:11:36
95 B 500 0:25:22
82 B 503 0:21:11
67 0:02:01
77 A 503 0:19:11
83 B 506 0:13:03
68 0:02:32
41 A 506 0:10:31
81 A 507 0:23:45
69 0:02:48
100 B 507 0:26:33
227 B 534 0:39:53
70 0:03:45
118 A 534 0:36:08
53 A 537 0:13:33
71 0:00:41
55 B 537 0:14:14
74 B 553 0:19:46
72 0:02:38
62 A 553 0:17:08
120 B 571 0:32:10
73 0:02:06
121 A 571 0:30:04
111 A 581 0:33:36
74 0:03:12
137 B 581 0:36:48
91 B 616 0:23:37
75 0:02:24
84 A 616 0:21:13
57 B 619 0:09:18
76 0:07:00
114 B 619 0:16:18
49 A 619 0:13:17
77 0:00:44
89 B 625 0:14:00
109 B 626 0:15:36
78 0:02:32
47 A 626 0:13:04
26 A 645 0:06:11
79 0:03:54
44 B 645 0:10:05
80 76 B 649 0:12:03 0:02:21
36 A 649 0:09:42
108 A 653 0:32:33
81 0:02:41
130 B 653 0:35:14
28 A 665 0:06:53
82 0:02:45
40 B 665 0:09:38
248 B 674 0:43:02
83 0:02:51
124 A 674 0:40:11
141 B 685 0:22:35
84 0:03:50
69 A 685 0:18:45
224 B 687 0:39:35
85 0:02:14
152 A 687 0:37:21
26 B 688 0:06:51
86 0:02:04
17 A 688 0:04:47
261 B 691 0:44:54
87 0:02:22
129 A 691 0:42:32
236 B 693 0:40:56
88 0:02:43
157 A 693 0:38:13
244 B 708 0:42:37
89 0:03:12
167 A 708 0:39:26
48 A 715 0:12:45
90 0:02:11
57 B 715 0:14:56
200 B 725 0:35:00
91 0:03:04
102 A 725 0:31:56
43 B 756 0:10:00
92 0:02:07
29 A 756 0:07:53
77 B 757 0:20:17
93 0:02:29
68 A 757 0:17:48
93 B 757 0:24:11
94 0:02:33
86 A 757 0:21:39
235 B 763 0:40:51
95 0:02:27
122 A 763 0:38:24
239 B 766 0:42:03
96 0:02:40
166 A 766 0:39:23
201 B 767 0:35:31
97 0:03:29
103 A 767 0:32:02
151 B 773 0:24:04
98 0:02:23
87 A 773 0:21:41
72 A 780 0:19:15
99 0:02:11
86 B 780 0:21:26
45 B 800 0:07:23
100 0:02:52
16 A 800 0:04:30
64 A 803 0:17:32
101 0:02:25
75 B 803 0:19:57
102 51 A 805 0:13:21 0:03:32
64 B 805 0:16:53
137 B 809 0:21:02
103 0:02:00
75 A 809 0:19:03
153 B 817 0:24:11
104 0:02:52
76 A 817 0:21:19
96 A 818 0:27:52
105 0:02:40
115 B 818 0:30:32
139 B 824 0:37:11
106 0:02:32
142 A 824 0:34:39
18 A 833 0:03:32
107 0:02:40
23 B 833 0:06:12
180 B 838 0:31:27
108 0:05:59
89 A 838 0:25:28
117 A 841 0:35:46
109 0:02:46
142 B 841 0:38:32
220 B 849 0:39:20
110 0:02:44
151 A 849 0:36:36
106 B 855 0:15:27
111 0:02:21
48 A 855 0:13:06
81 B 863 0:12:27
112 0:02:47
34 A 863 0:09:40
178 B 877 0:30:18
113 0:02:31
114 A 877 0:27:48
276 B 886 0:48:14
114 0:04:41
132 A 886 0:43:33
62 B 890 0:09:51
115 0:02:31
26 A 890 0:07:19
38 B 891 0:05:59
116 0:02:40
14 A 891 0:03:19
186 B 891 0:33:13
117 0:01:57
101 A 891 0:31:16
27 B 893 0:04:30
118 0:01:57
11 A 893 0:02:33
27 A 894 0:06:19
119 0:02:45
35 B 894 0:09:04
109 B 906 0:29:18
120 0:02:43
110 A 906 0:26:34
46 B 910 0:07:27
121 0:02:28
19 A 910 0:05:00
127 B 914 0:17:49
122 0:02:21
55 A 914 0:15:28
204 B 923 0:35:43
123 0:02:49
110 A 923 0:32:54
124 71 B 933 0:11:04 0:01:56
33 A 933 0:09:08
40 B 938 0:06:11
125 0:02:21
14 A 938 0:03:50
70 B 940 0:11:02
126 0:02:23
37 A 940 0:08:39
154 B 944 0:42:20
127 0:02:05
173 A 944 0:40:14
135 B 957 0:20:00
128 0:02:47
64 A 957 0:17:14
208 B 959 0:36:59
129 0:02:30
141 A 959 0:34:29
115 B 980 0:16:24
130 0:02:21
53 A 980 0:14:03
92 B 988 0:24:08
131 0:03:02
83 A 988 0:21:06
131 A 991 0:42:37
132 0:02:15
163 B 991 0:44:52
268 B 992 0:46:18
133 0:03:33
180 A 992 0:42:44
Average Travel Time 0:03:07

4.2. Discussion
The provided data offers valuable insights into the travel time and delays experienced along the
designated route during the study period. By analyzing the recorded travel times and cumulative
delays, we can draw meaningful conclusions regarding the efficiency of the route and potential
areas for improvement in traffic management.

4.2.1. Average Travel Time

The average travel time, calculated across all recorded instances, provides a comprehensive
overview of the typical duration required to traverse the study section. From calculated data, the
average travel time is approximately 3 minutes and 7 seconds. This metric serves as a baseline
for evaluating the effectiveness of traffic operations and identifying deviations from expected
travel patterns.

4.2.2. Variability in Travel Time

Examining individual travel time observations reveals considerable variability in the duration
required for vehicles to complete the study section. Some vehicles exhibit relatively short travel
times, while others experience prolonged delays. This variance underscores the influence of
factors such as traffic volume, road conditions, and external disruptions on travel efficiency.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion
In conclusion, the travel time study conducted along Insein Road yielded valuable insights into
the dynamics of traffic flow and operational efficiency within the study area. The analysis of
recorded data revealed variability in travel times and underscored the importance of data-driven
approaches in informing traffic management strategies. By comprehensively assessing travel
patterns, this study contributes to the ongoing efforts aimed at enhancing transportation systems
and optimizing travel experiences for road users.
5.2. Future Recommendations
5.2.1. Improvement for Future Studies
. 1. Enhanced Data Collection:
 Integration of Multiple Data Sources: Combine data from various sources such as GPS
devices, mobile applications, traffic cameras, and connected vehicle systems to capture
comprehensive travel time information.
 Crowdsourcing Data: Utilize crowdsourcing platforms and mobile apps to collect real-
time travel time data from a diverse range of users, enabling broader coverage and more
frequent updates.
 IoT and Smart Infrastructure: Implement Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and
smart infrastructure sensors to collect data on traffic flow, road conditions, and
congestion patterns in real-time.
2. Advanced Analytical Methods:
 Big Data Analytics: Utilize advanced analytics techniques, including machine learning
and data mining, to analyze large datasets and identify complex patterns and trends in
travel time variability.
 Predictive Modeling: Develop predictive models that forecast future travel times based
on historical data, weather conditions, special events, and other relevant factors, enabling
proactive management of traffic congestion.
 Dynamic Network Modeling: Use dynamic network modeling approaches to simulate
traffic flow and evaluate the impact of infrastructure improvements, traffic management
strategies, and land use changes on travel times.
5.2.2. Improve Travel Time on Insein Road
Improving travel time on specific roads like Insein Road, which may be vital arteries in urban or
suburban settings, involves a multifaceted approach focusing on traffic management,
infrastructure upgrades, and encouraging alternative transportation modes. Here are some
strategies that could be applied to enhance travel times on roads like Insein Road:
1. Traffic Flow Optimization
 Intelligent Traffic Signal Systems: Implement adaptive traffic signal systems that adjust
signal timings in real-time based on traffic conditions, reducing waiting times at
intersections and improving overall traffic flow.
 Dedicated Turn Lanes: Create dedicated turn lanes at intersections to reduce delays
caused by turning vehicles, especially during peak traffic hours.
 Traffic Incident Management: Establish rapid response teams to quickly address
accidents and breakdowns, minimizing their impact on traffic flow.
2. Infrastructure Improvements
 Road Widening: Consider widening the road where feasible to increase capacity and
reduce congestion, particularly in bottleneck areas.
 Improved Road Surface: Regular maintenance and improvements to the road surface
can reduce wear and tear on vehicles and allow for smoother traffic flow.
 Pedestrian and Cyclist Infrastructure: Develop dedicated pathways for pedestrians and
cyclists to enhance safety and encourage non-motorized transportation options,
potentially reducing vehicle traffic.
3. Public Transportation Enhancements
 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lanes: Implement BRT systems with dedicated lanes for
buses to provide a fast, reliable alternative to private vehicle use, potentially easing
 Improved Public Transportation Services: Enhance the frequency, reliability, and
coverage of public transportation services to encourage more people to use them instead
of personal vehicles.
 Park and Ride Facilities: Establish park and ride facilities at key points along or near
Insein Road to encourage commuters to switch from cars to public transit for the main
part of their journey.
4. Traffic Demand Management
 Flexible Work Hours: Encourage businesses to adopt flexible working hours or remote
work policies to reduce peak hour traffic volumes.
 Congestion Pricing: Consider implementing congestion pricing to discourage driving
during peak hours in highly congested areas.
 Public Awareness Campaigns: Conduct campaigns to promote carpooling, public
transit, and alternative modes of transport, emphasizing their benefits in reducing
congestion and improving travel times.
5. Technology and Innovation
 Real-Time Traffic Information: Provide real-time traffic information to commuters
through mobile apps or digital signage, enabling them to make informed decisions about
their travel routes and modes.
 Smart Mobility Solutions: Explore the use of smart mobility solutions, such as ride-
sharing platforms and e-bikes, to provide flexible and efficient transportation options.
6. Environmental and Urban Planning
 Green Corridors: Create green corridors along the road to improve the urban
microclimate and encourage walking and cycling.
 Integrated Urban Planning: Ensure that future urban development is integrated with
transportation planning, focusing on creating mixed-use areas that reduce the need for
long commutes.
Implementing these strategies requires a coordinated effort among local government authorities,
transportation agencies, businesses, and the community. It's essential to assess the specific
conditions and needs of Insein Road and its surroundings to prioritize interventions that will
effectively improve travel times and enhance overall mobility for all road users.

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